Short & Long Essay on Organ Donation in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Organ Donation for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

The process of organ donation is encouraged worldwide. The government of different countries has set up different systems to encourage organ donation. However, the demand for organs is still much higher than their supply. Effective steps must be taken to meet this growing demand. Essays of various lengths have been provided here to help you with the topic of organ donation in your examination.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Organ Donation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Organ donation is done by both living and deceased donors. The living donor can donate two kidneys, both lungs or one of both lungs, one part of his liver, one part of intestines or one part of pancreas. While a deceased donor can donate liver, kidney, lungs, intestines, pancreas, cornea tissue, skin tissue, tendon and heart valve.

The process of organ donation is done differently in every country. This process is broadly classified into two categories – opt in and opt out. An opt-in system requires a person to be registered for the donation of his organs while in the opt-out system each person can donate organs after his death if he chooses such a procedure.

In today’s time, there is a great demand for organs. It is sad that many people in different parts of the world are waiting for an organ transplant. Government of various countries are taking steps to increase the supply of organs and in some parts the number of donors has increased. However the need for organs demands has increased at a very fast pace.

Each one of us should come forward to register to donate organs after death. “Organizer is worth nothing more than mutual love”.


300 Words – Essay on Organ Donation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Organ donation occurs when a person’s body part is removed with his or her consent. If he is alive, by his orders and if he has died, with the permission of his own family members for the purpose of research or transplant. The kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, bones, bone marrow, cornea, intestines and skin are implanted to give new life to the organ recipient.

Organ donation process

    Living organ donor

Thorough medical tests are required before donating organs to living donors. It also includes the psychological evaluation of the donor to ensure that he or she understands the consequences of the donation and really wants to consent to it.

    Dead donor

In the case of deceased donors it is first verified whether the donor is dead or not. Death is usually verified several times by neurologists when it is determined that any part of it can be donated.

After death the body is placed on a mechanical ventilator to ensure that the organs remain in good condition. Most organs work outside the body for a few hours and thus ensure that they reach the recipient immediately after removal from the body.

Difference between demand and supply

The demand for physical organs is much higher than the number of donors around the world. Every year many patients die while waiting for donors. Statistics show that the average annual kidney demand in India is 2 lakhs while only 6 thousand kidneys are received. Similarly, the average annual demand of heart is 50 thousand whereas only 15 are available.

To increase the number of donors, there is a need to create sensitivity among the public for donating organs. Towards this end, the government has also taken some steps like spreading awareness through TV and Internet, though we still have a long way to go to bridge the gap between demand and supply.

The conclusion

Organ donation can save a person’s life. Its importance should not be ignored. A proper system should be encouraged for organ donation.


400 Words – Essay on Organ Donation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Organ donation is the process of allowing organs or tissue to be surgically removed from one person to another or to use it for research purposes. If he is alive, the donor’s consent is taken to donate the organ and if he died, the consent of his family members is taken. Organ donation is encouraged worldwide.

The kidney, liver, lungs, heart, bones, bone marrow, skin, pancreas, cornea, intestines and skin are commonly used for transplantation to provide new life to the recipient. Organ donation is mostly done after the death of the organ donor. However, some organs and tissues such as the kidney, part of the lungs, liver, intestine or part of the pancreas can be donated while the donor is alive.

Organ donation consent process

There are two types of consent, which are called explicit consent and presumed consent, when donating organs.

  • Explicit Consent: Under this the donor provides a direct consent through registration on the basis of country and fulfills other necessary formalities.
  • Presumptive consent: This does not include direct consent from organ donors or relatives. As the name suggests it is assumed that if a donation is allowed then the donation will be allowed by the potential donor.

About twenty-five percent of the potential donors’ families refuse to donate the organs of their loved ones.

Organ donation in India

    Legal by law

Organ donation is legal according to Indian law. Transplantation according to the Human Organs Act (THOA) 1994 enacted by the Government of India allows organ donation and validates the concept of brain death.

    Documentation and Formalities

The organ donor is required to complete a prescribed form. It can be taken from a hospital or other medical facility approached for organ donation or downloaded from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India website.

In the case of the deceased donor, a written consent from the legal guardian is required in the prescribed application form.

    The figures

As is the case with the rest of the world, the demand for organs in India is much higher than their supply. There is a huge shortage of organ donors in the country. Many patients are on the waiting list to receive organs and many of them have died while waiting for organ transplant.

The conclusion

The Government of India is making efforts to spread awareness about organ transplantation so that it can be encouraged. However, effective steps need to be taken to increase the number of organ donors.


500 Words – Essay on Organ Donation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Organ donation refers to the process of delivering an organ or tissue to a living recipient who needs a transplant. Organ donation is mostly done after death. However some organs can also be donated by the living person.

Most organs that are used for the purpose of transplant include kidneys, liver, heart, pancreas, intestines, lungs, bones, and bone marrow. Each country follows its own procedure for organ donation. Here is a detailed description of the process how different countries encouraged organ donation and followed the procedure.

Organ donation process – opt in and opt out

While some countries opt for the opt-in organ donation process, the opt-out process takes place elsewhere. Here is a look at the difference between these two processes of organ donation:

Opt-in system: Opt-in systems require people to sign after their death while alive for the donation of their organs.

Opt Out System: Organ donation under this system occurs automatically unless a person specifically requests to opt out before death.

Organ donation in various countries


When it comes to organ donation in India, the opt-in system is followed here. Whenever someone wishes to donate an organ, he has to fill a prescribed form available on the website of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

The Government of India enacted the Transplantation of Human Organs Act in the year 1994 to control the purchase and sale of organs and to encourage organ donation after brain death. This brought a lot of change in terms of organ donation in the country.


Organ donation is the highest in the world. Spain follows an opt-out system for organ donation.

    United States of america

The need for organs is increasing rapidly in the United States. Although the number of organ donors has increased, the number of patients waiting for organs has also increased at a much higher rate. Organ donation in the United States is done only with the consent of the donor or their family, but here many organizations are pushing for opt-out organ donation.

    United Kingdom

Organ donation is voluntary in the United Kingdom. The person who wants to donate his organs after death is required to register.


Iran is a country capable of recovering from a shortage of transplant organs. Iran has a legal payment system for organ donation and is the only country to have legalized organ trade.


Organ donation is significantly lower in Japan than in other Western countries. This is mainly due to cultural reasons, mistrust of Western medicine and a controversial organ transplant in 1968.


The ‘Law 1805’, passed in August 2016 in Columbia, introduced an opt-out policy for organ donation.


Chile enacted ‘Law 20,413’ for an opt-out policy for organ donation in which all citizens over the age of 18 would donate organs if they did not specifically reject it before death.

The conclusion

Most countries around the world suffer from low organ donor rates. This issue should be taken more seriously. The law should be encouraged in the same way to increase the rate of organ donation.


600 Words – Essay on Organ Donation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Organ donation refers to the removal of a living or dead donor’s organs by surgically removing them into the recipient’s body and giving them a new life. Organ donation has been encouraged worldwide. However, the demand for human organs still exceeds the supply so far. Various reasons can be attributed to the low rate of organ donation worldwide. These reasons are discussed further in detail.

Teleological issues

The ethical status of the black market of organ donation is controversial. While some speak in favor of it, others are completely against this thinking. It is seen that those who donate their organs are usually from weaker section of the society. Their financial condition is very poor and people who can buy organs have good assets. Thus an imbalance is seen in this trade.

It has been observed that those who can buy organs are taking advantage of those who want to sell their organs. This is one of the reasons for the increasing inequality of status between rich and poor. On the other hand it is argued that those who want to sell their organs should be allowed to do so so that they can sell it because it can strengthen their economic condition. Those who are in favor of organ trade also argue that exploitation is better than death and therefore organ trade should be legalized. However, according to a survey, donors who donated organs in life later regretted the decision to donate their organs.

Many cases of organ theft have also come to the fore, while those supporting the legalization of the organ market say that this is due to the nature of the black market of the business, but others believe that legalizing organ donation is just such a crime. Will be encouraged because criminals can easily say that the organ being sold is not theft.

Deontological issues

A person has a moral duty. Almost all societies in the world believe that voluntarily donating organs is morally acceptable. Many scholars believe that everyone should donate their organs after death.

From the point of view of deontological ethics the main issue is the debate over the definitions of life, death, body and human. It has been argued that organ donation is a function of causing self-harm. The use of organ cloning similar to the genotype of the organ recipient is another controversial topic.

Xenotransplantation, which is the transfer of animal organs into the human body, has also caused a stir. Although the supply of organs has increased as a result of this, it has received much criticism. Some animal rights groups have opposed animal sacrifices for organ donation. Campaigns have been launched to ban this new area of ​​transplant.

Religious issues

Different religious groups have different views regarding organ donation. Hinduism does not prohibit people from donating organs. Proponents of Hinduism say that organ donation is a personal choice. People who follow Buddhism also follow this idea.

Catholics consider it as an act of love and charity. According to him this is morally acceptable. The Christian Church, Islam, United Methodists and Judaism encouraged organ donation. However Gypsies oppose it because they believe in life. Shinto is also against it because he believes that removing organs from dead bodies is a heinous crime.

Apart from this, the political system of a country can also change the problem of organ donation if the government provides proper support. This may increase the rate of organ donation. There should be strong political will to ensure an increase in the transplant rate. Special training, care, facilities and adequate funding should be provided to ensure growth.

The conclusion

Due to the various issues discussed above, the demand for organs is always much higher than their supply. To increase the number of organ donors, there is a need to focus on and work on these issues.

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