Short & Long Essay on Martin Luther King Jr. in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Martin Luther King Jr. for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

After going through these Martin Luther King Jr. essays, you get to know who he was; How he struggled in childhood; His extraordinary achievements as a student and later as a social worker, his views on apartheid and equal civil law etc.

We are providing here Essay on Martin Luther King Jr, which are classified as small and big essays. You can choose any essay in the Martin Luther King Jr according to your need and requirement. All the essays written on Martin Luther King Jr have been written using simple and simple sentences. So you can choose any of these essays:

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Martin Luther King Jr for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American pastor, activist and prominent leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is also called Gandhi of America. His efforts progressed in the field of civil rights in America; That is why they are also seen as a symbol of human rights.

Martin Luther King was born on 15 January 1929 in Atlanta, America, into an aristocratic Negro family. His father was an iron merchant. Martin, the eldest of seven brothers, gave good religious rites by his parents. After completing elementary education at the local level, he went on to study religion and life at a school in Medal Berg, where he studied the Bible deeply. At the age of 15, he received a bachelor’s degree in sociology.

Martin Luther King Jr. was duly ordained pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama in 1954. The year 1955 was the turning point of his life. This year, a woman, Mrs. Rose Parkes, was arrested in Montgomery’s public buses against discrimination between blacks and whites.

After this incident, he started the famous bus movement. After this 381-day Satyagraha movement, the provision of separate seats for black and white passengers in American buses was abolished. Later, with the help of religious leaders, the Uniform Civil Law Movement spread to the northern part of America. He was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize for World Peace.


300 Words – Essay on Martin Luther King Jr for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Martin Luther King was a hero of the American Civil Rights Movement. Born on 15 January 1929, he was the first recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 at a very young age (35 years). His racist movement had so upset the white Americans that he was shot and killed in April 1968. He was also known as Gandhi of America.


Martin Luther King Jr. launched a non-violent movement against discrimination against the Negro community. The year 1955 was the turning point of his life. The same year she married Coretta Scott, and preached at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in the city of Montgomery, State of Alabama, South America.

In March 1963, a Great March in Washington DC, led by Martin Luther King Jr., was deliberately against civil rights legislation and demanded a ban on racial discrimination.


Martin Luther King did his PhD on ‘Various Conceptions of God’, and is called Gandhi of America. He called for equality in the country, opposing non-violence. He gave a speech titled ‘Beyond Vietnam’. His 1963 speech titled ‘I Have a Dream’ is still often read and remembered in the world.

By the age of 35, he was imprisoned 17 times in protest against revolutionary nonviolent movements. Many financial penalties were imposed on him. Even his wife Corita Scott King and children suffered a lot. At the birth of four children, someone threw a bomb at their house; Sometimes a negro woman was instigated and stabbed Martin with a knife. In 1961, he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment, but was released three days later for fear of unrest.

The conclusion

Martin announced hours before his death that the Negro would gain an honorable place in the coming years, not only in America, but around the world on the strength of his work and ability.


400 Words – Essay on Martin Luther King Jr for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Martin Luther King Jr. is considered the greatest leader in the struggle for equal civil rights in America. They are primarily known for giving their fundamental rights to Negro citizens of America and ending discrimination against blacks and whites.

Works and success

Martin Luther King Jr. began working for equal civil rights after 1950. His first major movement in this regard was the boycott of public buses in 1955 in the city of Montgomery, USA.

Famous bus accident

Actually in America at that time, there were separate seats for black and white people in public buses. In 1955, in protest of this discrimination, Rosa Parks, a Negro woman, refused to rise from a seat reserved for whites in a bus. For this he had to spend one night in jail.

In protest against this injustice and discrimination, Martin Luther King Jr. called on people of all African descent to boycott public buses, which was highly successful. Many white people also supported this movement. After this 381-day movement, the provision of separate seats for black and white passengers in American buses was abolished.

Uniform Civil Law Movement

After this successful movement, he started the movement for equal civil law. He resorted to Gandhi’s ideal because he was greatly influenced by Gandhi’s non-violent movement and during his movement people were forbidden to initiate any form of violence.

In 1963, he moved to Washington for equal civil law with two and a half million people. There he delivered his famous speech “I have a dream”. This movement was also successful and the following year in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed which ended any form of discrimination between government and non-governmental organizations in America.

Awards and Awards

Martin Luther King Jr. continued his social reform work even after this. In1963, Time magazine voted him ‘Man of the Year’. In 1964, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the youngest person to receive this award. Many American universities awarded him honorary titles. Religious and social institutions gave him medals.

Two books written by Martin Luther King, Stride for Freedom (1958) and Why We Can’t Wait (1964) were best sellers of their time.

The conclusion

Some people were not happy with Martin’s reform work. On April 4, 1968, Martin was shot dead by a white man named James Earl Ray while standing in the balcony of his hotel.


500 Words – Essay on Martin Luther King Jr for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Martin Luther King Jr. is a name that was known to every citizen of America at one time, as well as his fame reached every corner of the world. The way Martin fought against apartheid is still alive in people’s minds. He credited the right of equality to Afro-Americans in America.

There was a time when whites everywhere in America used to run arbitrary. Black people were considered their slaves. At that time, Martin had become a voice for all of them. The special thing is that Martin made his mission successful without any violence.

Saw the face of apartheid in childhood

Black people were in a very bad condition during that time. Although with changing times, they were rated as slaves, but they were still considered separate in society. Everything was divided into blacks and whites. This discrimination was also seen in the church.

These pictures from childhood were in Martin Luther King’s eyes. Martin was born into an economically prosperous family. Despite this, the society reminded him on every path that he is separate from the society. Martin’s friends were white children. One day he all came to Martin and said that he would not play with him from tomorrow. When they wanted to know the reason, they told them that they had enrolled in another school which was accessible only to the whites. This shook Martin from inside.

An incident changed his mind

He was returning from the bus when he was 14, winning the first prize in a speech competition and was very happy; A white man boarded the bus and used physical strength to remove him from his seat, which he strongly opposed, affecting the blacks in the bus. Martin later realized that the problem had deep roots. It is said that this was the turning point from where he decided that he would raise his voice against that social evil.

Became the voice of the people

Martin was beginning to stand against the whites. He had now become the voice of all those who could not speak for themselves. He soon started a movement after the imprisonment of a woman who was traveling in a bus and refused to leave her seat for a white one and kept her demand for equal rights for all.

He took responsibility for carrying out the movements without resorting to violence. He voiced several movements one after the other and took them to the government. The government had to accept Martin’s demands.

Effects of non-violence of Mahatma Gandhi in his life

Martin did not resort to violence in his fight, as he was greatly influenced by the non-violent thinking of Mahatma Gandhi. Martin never met Gandhi, but he came to India to get to know him more closely. He had read about Gandhi that Gandhi had used the brain power of the people for social change and not his physical strength which Martin had chosen in his movements.

The conclusion

That day of 1968 came to America as a black night. Martin stayed in a hotel. Martin went there to settle the staff strike issue. While he was standing in the balcony of the hotel, suddenly a bullet pierced him and Martin died instantly. After that, there was despair throughout America and April 4 is considered one of the most disappointing days in US history.


600 Words – Essay on Martin Luther King Jr for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered for his fight for equal civil rights for the Negro people in America. The medium of his struggle was non-violence and for this he was popular as American Gandhi.

Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929 in Atlanta, USA. He studied theology from Boston University. He joined the church service and became a Baptist minister in the United States.

While working as a minister, he saw that there was a lot of difference between blacks and whites in America at that time. Black people were discriminated against and insulted by whites. Racial discrimination prevailed in American society. As the leader of the blacks, Martin Luther King Jr. decided to fight against the civil rights campaign.

Church men protest

Living a liberal life, he kept his conduct in line with esoteric principles of religion. At that time the high positions of religious priests were reserved for princes and the rich. He was considered worthy of this position even after being luxurious, indolent and corrupt.

Whoever opposed such corrupt religious people lost their lives. Corrupt clergy were selling tickets to heaven by fooling the general public. He told the people that God would be pleased and that together they would get freedom from sin. For this, by collecting money, they gave certificates to the people.

Martin Luther King Jr. challenged the justification for the decision to sell God’s grace. In this way, they printed copies of papers in religious centers, churches, universities, and at the Pope’s residence, protesting against the evil of religious leaders. Luther’s ideas and propaganda caused a furious reaction among the Christian denomination.

Atrocities suffered in life

In Montgomery, whites did not let blacks sit in the car. In Montgomery, evil whites did not even allow negroes to sit on the dining benches in the refreshment hall. Even they were considered so inferior and untouchable that their neighborhoods were separated.

Martin himself also endured all these atrocities. His father once went to a store to buy shoes; The shopkeeper asked him to sit on the back bench instead of being a negro; Because the whites got angry when they sat on the front bench. Saddened by this abusive behavior of the shopkeeper, Martin’s father did not buy the shoes.

Blacks did not even have the right to study in schools. They had to stand up, leaving room for whites in the rail and motor bus. The religious school in which Martin went to attend, there were only 6 Negroes out of 100. White people used to spit on Negro people. Used to slap him and tease him by calling him a ‘nigger’.

Civil Rights Movement

The oppression of the whites on the poor negroes was at the peak, seeing that the fire of rebellion kept burning in Martin’s heart that Martin was carrying out from time to time.

In 1955, he opposed the oppressive policy of segregation of blacks and fought until the success of ending the seat dispute in public buses. He led a march to Washington DC in 1963 with more than 2.5 million supporters for equal civil law.

This was his second victory just after the incident, when the US government passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, and all discriminatory laws were repealed.

The conclusion

Martin Luther King not only exposed the game of immorality, hypocrisy and corruption by the clergy and the pope under the guise of religion. For this he faced many difficulties throughout his life, but this priest of humanity did not leave his way.

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