Short & Long Essay On How To Save And Reduce House Hold Water Usage In English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article On How To Save And Reduce House Hold Water Usage for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

How to save and reduce house-hold water usage will provide readers with knowledge on the importance of water and the consequences of its wastage.

(1) 200 Words – Essay On How To Save And Reduce House Hold Water Usage for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Our Earth is the only planet in the Solar System that contains water. 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water in the form of seas and oceans. But this water is not fit for human use due to its salinity. The remaining 27% is in ponds, lakes and rivers and is contaminated due to human activities, and cannot be used for drinking. Of the remaining 3%, 2.4% is in the form of ice in the poles and glaciers. Only 0.6% of the water is potable below the surface of the earth which is called ground water.

The need for a growing population has led to a rapid depletion of this groundwater, creating an alarm for humans. If scarcity will be such a type, in which there will be no day left, when everyone should feel the water crisis, which is necessary for all living beings. Evidence of its deficiency is currently being seen. People have to buy packaged water for drinking because the water resources on the surface get polluted and their water is not drinkable.

Therefore it is the need of the hour that everyone try to save it as much as possible. Attempts to prevent and refill use solve the problem. It has been rightly said that drops can fill a pitcher and drops make oceans.


300 Words – Essay On How To Save And Reduce House Hold Water Usage for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

As we know that humans and other living beings cannot survive without water. There is a lot of water on the Earth. But a large amount of it is in the oceans and many minerals and salts are added to it. This water is not fit for human use. Human activities have polluted the remaining water in ponds, lakes and rivers. If this process is going on and people and governments are not conscious, there will be a crisis of potable water on the earth and it will become impossible to live on the planet.

In this context, a few lines from the poem “The Rims of the Encyst Mariner” written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge are given below to describe the situation-

“Water, water, everywhere, and all the boards shrank;

Water, water, everywhere and no drops to drink. “

This situation will happen in a few days when no action is taken then the people living here will have to face it.

Now this precious gift of nature needs to be saved. It is commonly observed that pipelines waste water through leakage, and public water tanks and a lot of water. It does not end in homes, hotels, agriculture, factories etc. Too much water is wasted due to negligence.

In ancient times, ponds, reservoirs and wells were the medium to refill the water table. Rainwater is collected in these to maintain the water level throughout the year. Nowadays wells are scarce in use, ponds and low-lying areas are filled for the establishment of industries and colonies, so the underground ground floor is reduced.

So people should be aware of this problem and try to save it for future use. They must develop a sense of minimal use of water and finding other methods of cleaning and washing. Finally everyone should learn from Bharat Ratna / Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar who uses only a bucket of water for bathing.


400 Words – Essay On How To Save And Reduce House Hold Water Usage for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Water conservation should be one of the world’s top priorities today. We should conserve water outside the house, gardens, fields, barns everywhere.

Water is wasted due to carelessness and carelessness in homes. Gallons of water are used daily for many purposes and are blown through drains. People use water unjustly and do not think that it is low in quantity. They only know that 70% of the Earth is covered by water.

But here the question arises as to how safe it is for human use. Only three percent of the total water on the Earth’s surface is potable and of this 2.4% is in the form of ice on mountain peaks and in glaciers and icebergs. Only 0.6% of water is available on the Earth’s surface and below the surface. Small water bodies have been polluted, so their water is not fit for drinking. Groundwater is also running out.

Therefore, there is a need to conserve water on a wide and small scale. As we know that drops form oceans, so it is necessary to start an expedition from our homes.

How to save water at home

  • While shaving, brushing, washing dishes, open the faucet only when water is really needed.
  • Use bucket and mug instead of pipe when washing the car, this saves a lot of water.
  • Use a bucket and mug instead of a shower while bathing, will save a lot of water. For this work, you can take inspiration from Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar, who takes only 1 bucket of water for his bath.
  • Instead of washing some clothes daily in the washing machine, wash only when the clothes are assembled.
  • Change high flow flush tank to low flow flush tank. If possible, buy a two-button flush tank. It gives some water after urination and more water after defecation.
  • Wherever leaks or pipes leak, get them fixed immediately. A lot of water in it can be prevented from being wasted.
  • When washing the dishes, a lot of water can be saved if enough water is worked into the bucket, instead of keeping the tap constantly open.

The conclusion

Lack of water in many places warns us to take appropriate initiative to save water otherwise human existence will be endangered. We must save this precious gift of nature. For this work, you can take inspiration from Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar, who takes only 1 bucket of water for his bath.


500 Words – Essay On How To Save And Reduce House Hold Water Usage for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Water is a precious gift of nature. It is used in drinking, washing, cleaning and watering plants. It is used in thermal power plants for power and cooling in other industries. But a lot of water is wasted in these processes. An overlapping drain or water pit can be seen on roads in homes and surrounding areas. Neither multinational companies nor any social groups are concerned with this.

Waste water

People waste water in many ways. Some of them are described below:

  • They leave the faucet open for a long time, which is in use or not.
  • They do not follow the leak in their pipe if it is a small leak.
  • Leave the water overflow from the water tanks for a long time and the running water is wasted in the drains.
  • Wash your vehicles and cattle using water running through pipes.
  • No one notices open taps and leaks in public places.
  • It has also been seen that water is flowing from the leaks in the underground water supply pipes on the roads, causing problems to the people.
  • Agricultural work requires a lot of water for irrigation and at the same time farmers are not aware of the issue of using more water to get higher yields.

Ways to prevent and save water

Water can be saved for future use by humans with a few small steps and conscious effort. Here are some tips on saving water that seem ineffective (as everyone thinks of what can be done alone), but there is a lot of value:

  • Proper use of water can become a solution. Everyone should learn the essential and minimum use of water.
  • Instant repair of leakage can prevent leakage of dripping water.
  • Water must be reused. The water used in rinsing cloth can be used for watering plants or for other works that do not require fresh water.
  • Drip irrigation saves a lot of water; Therefore farmers should be encouraged to install drip irrigation system in their fields.
  • The tap should not be left open when not in use.
  • Close the running tap while brushing teeth and while shaving.
  • Mugs and buckets save a lot of water instead of bathing.
  • Wipers should be used in floor cleaning.
  • Rainwater harvesting should be adopted by every household to refill the water table.
  • Children should be monitored because they are ignorant and waste a lot of water for their fun.
  • Ponds and wells should be kept clean as they not only give water but are also helpful for water table.

The conclusion

In the end it can be said that everyone had to realize his / her duty to stop the waste of water. Just a simple effort will change the situation and this precious liquid will remain with us for a long time. This can only be done by awareness and intelligence. This is a common issue and requires common effort to protect it.


600 Words – Essay On How To Save And Reduce House Hold Water Usage for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

It is difficult to imagine life without water. Water is required to perform all the functions of life. 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, but only 3% of it is clean and suitable for human use. A typical four-member family uses 450 liters of water per day, which is 164,000 liters a year. This water is extracted from underground water resources by digging bore holes and by pumps. Most of this water is wasted due to the serious problem of water crisis in future. If we are not aware of this problem; It is difficult for our future generations to survive.

How is water wasted in homes?

It is generally seen that water is released from the drains from the houses. Nobody is worried about this. People feel that there will be no shortage of water by their use. They wonder what is going wrong if they use water in their daily activities. Everyone is using water for their need and they have the right to use it.

Use of water is necessary for every organism. But we have to be conscious while using it. Unjustified use of water is called wastage and can be reduced by taking some precautions. People use water in their daily use. They spent large amounts of water in works that require small amounts of water. They use this precious gift of nature unjustly.

Water dissipation occurs in many ways. Water is wasted in ignorance at home. People quit running drains, overflowing overhead tanks, pipelines leak and long dripping taps and water flows through them drains. Children are more responsible for this waste. As they are not conscious of its importance they misuse it.

How to prevent water wastage in homes:

  • A dripping tap can waste up to 90 liters of water a week. Therefore it should be rectified immediately.
  • 9 liters per minute of water is wasted by brushing and shaving while water can be saved using mugs.
  • Water can be saved by using trigger nozzles, only open it at the time of use, it can save 225 liters of water in a week.
  • While shaving, brushing, washing dishes, open the faucet only when water is really needed.
  • Use bucket and mug instead of pipe when washing the car, this saves a lot of water.
  • Use a bucket and mug instead of a shower while bathing, will save a lot of water. Instead of washing some clothes daily in the washing machine, wash only when the clothes are assembled.
  • Change high flow flush tank to low flow flush tank. If possible, buy a two-button flush tank. It gives some water after urination and more water after defecation.
  • Wherever leaks or pipes leak, get them fixed immediately. A lot of water in it can be prevented from being wasted.
  • When washing dishes, a lot of water can be saved if enough water accumulates in the first bucket, instead of keeping the tap constantly open. Water used in washing dishes can be used to water plants.

The conclusion

Keeping in mind the importance of water in national development, now we need to carry out effective public awareness campaign across the country keeping in mind the ‘Conservation Water Conservation’ among our top priorities. Some traditional measures of water conservation have been very simple and effective, which we have forgotten in the blind race of fashion and development. Everyone must keep close with the issue and try to use the minimum amount of water wherever necessary.

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