Short & Long Essay on Farmer Suicide in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Farmer Suicide in India for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Farmer suicides in India have seen considerable growth over the past few time periods. The main reasons for this are the increasing inequality in weather conditions, high debt, health issues, personal problems, government policies, etc. Here we have provided you a variety of essays on the unfortunate incident of farmer suicides in India.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Farmer Suicide in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Many farmers in India commit suicide every year. According to the records released by the National Crime Records Bureau of India, there are more cases of farmer suicides in the country than any other occupation. Suicide cases are relatively high in Maharashtra, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka states. Many factors are responsible for this. Some of the major causes of farmer suicides in India are:

  • Inability to pay debts
  • Damage to crops due to irregular weather conditions like drought and floods.
  • Unpleasant Government Policies
  • Inability to meet family demands
  • Personal issues

The government has taken several initiatives to curb this problem. Some of these include Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme 2008, Maharashtra Dhan Debt (Regulation) Act 2008, Relief Package 2006 and Diversity Income Tax Source Package 2013. Some states have also formed groups to help farmers in crisis. However most of these initiatives are focused on providing or repaying loans to the farmers rather than increasing productivity and income and thus achieving the desired results.

The government needs to look into the matter seriously and to overcome this problem, effective steps need to be taken to eradicate the causes of farmer suicides.


300 Words – Essay on Farmer Suicide in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Like other countries, farmer suicides in India are much higher than other occupations. Statistics show that farmers account for 11.2% of the total suicides in the country. Many factors contribute to the suicide of farmers in India. Here these details are given in detail and also the measures taken by the government to help the farmers in crisis.

Why are farmers taking this extreme step?

There are many reasons why farmers are committing suicide in India. One of the main reasons is the irregular weather conditions in the country. Global warming has caused extreme weather conditions like droughts and floods in most parts of the country. Such extreme conditions cause damage to crops and farmers have nothing to eat. When the crop yield is not sufficient, the farmers are forced to take loans to meet their financial needs. Unable to repay the debt, many farmers usually take the unfortunate step of committing suicide.

Most farmers are the only earning person in the family. They have to face constant pressure to meet the demands and responsibilities of the family, and failing to fulfill them often leads to a tense farmer committing suicide. Other factors responsible for the increasing number of farmer suicides in India include low production prices, changes in government policies, poor irrigation facilities and alcohol addiction.

Measures to control farmer suicides

Some of the steps taken by the Government of India to control cases of farmer suicides in the country are as follows:

  • Relief package 2006
  • Maharashtra Money Landing (Regulation) Act 2008
  • Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme 2008
  • Maharashtra Relief Package 2010
  • Debt Relief Commission of Kerala Farmers (Amendment) Bill 2012
  • Income source package package diversity 2013
  • Monsanto’s royalty cut by 70%
  • Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme (Crop Insurance for Farmers)
  • Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme
  • Soil Health Card

The conclusion

It is sad that farmers commit suicide because they are unable to cope with the financial and emotional turmoil in their lives. The government should take effective steps to control these matters.


400 Words – Essay on Farmer Suicide in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

It is very unfortunate that in a country like India, where about 70% of the total population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture, cases of farmer suicides are increasing day by day. Farmers who commit suicide constitute 11.2% of the total suicides in the country. There are many reasons for farmer suicides in India. However, the government has taken many measures to control this problem. Some of the solutions given here can help reduce cases of farmer suicides in India.

Problems related to agriculture in India

The government is taking initiatives to support farmers financially by lowering interest rates on loans and closing agricultural loans. However the government did not get much help from them. It is time for the government to identify the root cause of the problem and work to control cases of farmer suicides. Here are some issues that need immediate attention:

  • Agricultural activities should be organized in the country. Proper planning should be done for cultivation, irrigation and harvesting of crops.
  • The government will have to see that farmers get a fixed purchase price.
  • Exploitation of farmers by middlemen should be stopped. The government should make provisions for farmers to sell the products directly in the market.
  • The government should ensure that the subsidies and schemes introduced reach the farmers.
  • Selling fertile land to real estate owners should be stopped.

Measures to control farmer suicides in India

Here are some measures, with the help of which the government should take steps to control the issue of farmer suicides in India:

  • The government must establish special agricultural areas where only agricultural activities should be permitted.
  • Initiatives should be taken to teach modern agricultural techniques to help farmers increase agricultural productivity.
  • Irrigation facilities should be improved.
  • The National Weather Risk Management System should be introduced to warn farmers about bad weather conditions.
  • The right type of crop insurance policy should be introduced.
  • Farmers should be encouraged to alternate sources of income. The government should help them acquire new skills.

The conclusion

This is the right time when the Indian government should start taking the issue of farmer suicides seriously. The proceedings so far have not been able to resolve these cases. This means that the strategies being followed need to be re-evaluated and implemented.


500 Words – Essay on Farmer Suicide in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

There are many cases of farmer suicides in India every year. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, the number of farmer suicides recorded in the year 2004 was 18,241 – the highest number recorded in a year till date. Statistics show that 11.2% of the total suicides in the country are farmer suicides. Various causes such as drought and floods, high debt, adverse government policies, public mental health problems and poor irrigation facilities etc. are attributed to the increasing number of farmer suicides in India. This matter is serious and the government is working to control this problem.

Government initiative to prevent farmer suicides

Here are some steps taken by the Government of India to help farmers in crisis and prevent suicides:

    Relief package 2006

In 2006, the Government of India identified 31 districts in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh and introduced a unique rehabilitation package to reduce farmers’ distress. Farmer suicides are high in these states.

    Maharashtra Bill 2008

The Maharashtra government passed the Money Lending (Regulation) Act, 2008 to regulate private money lending to farmers. It sets the maximum interest rate on loans given by private lenders to farmers as the money lending rate set by the Reserve Bank of India is slightly higher than that.

    Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme

The Government of India started the Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme in the year 2008, which benefited more than 3 crore 60 lakh farmers. A total of Rs 653 billion was spent by the farmers to close the portion of the loan principal and interest outstanding under the scheme.

    Maharashtra Relief Package 2010

The Maharashtra government made it illegal in 2010 for debt repayment of unlicensed creditors. The farmers were entitled to many other benefits under this package.

    Debt Relief Commission of Kerala Farmers (Amendment) Bill 2012

In 2012, Kerala amended the Kerala Farmers Debt Relief Commission Act 2006 to provide loans to distressed farmers through 2011.

    Income Source Package Diversity 2013

The government has introduced this package for farmer-suicide prone areas like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.

    States initiative

Many state governments in India have made special efforts to prevent farmer suicides. Groups have been dedicated to assist farmers in crisis and have also raised funds to provide monetary assistance.

Recently the Modi government has taken steps to tackle the issue of farmer suicides in India. The government has cut Monsanto’s royalty by 70%. Relieved the input subsidy to the farmers and launched the Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme (Crop Insurance for Farmers) and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana. The government is also issuing Soil Health Card which contains crop-wise recommendations of nutrients and fertilizers to help farmers increase agricultural productivity.

The conclusion

Farmer suicide is a serious issue, although the government has introduced several packages to help farmers in crisis, but farmers have not been able to completely eradicate suicide cases. This is the right time for the Indian government to recognize the sensitivity of the issue and work towards it so that the problem ends soon.


600 Words – Essay on Farmer Suicide in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Every year many cases of farmer suicides are reported in India. There are many factors that compel farmers to take this drastic step. Some common factors contributing to farmer suicides in India include recurring drought, floods, economic crisis, debt, health issues, family responsibilities, changes in government policies, alcohol addiction, low production prices and poor irrigation. Facilities. Here is a detailed look at farmers’ suicide statistical data and a discussion of the reasons that aggravated the issue.

Farmer Suicide: Statistical Data

According to the data, farmer suicides constitute 11.2% of the total suicides in India. Farmer suicide rates in the country ranged between 1.4 and 1.8 / 100,000 population from 2005 to 2015 over a 10-year period. The year 2004 saw the highest number of farmer suicides in India. So far, 18,241 farmers have committed suicide during this year.

In 2010, the National Crime Records Bureau recorded a total of 135,599 suicides in the country of which 15,963 were cases of farmer suicides. There were a total of 135,585 suicide cases in the country in 2011 of which 14,207 were farmers. In the year 2012, 11.2% of the total suicide cases were farmers, of which a quarter were from the state of Maharashtra. In 2014, 5,650 farmer suicides were reported. The states of Maharashtra, Pondicherry and Kerala have the highest farmer suicide rates.

Farmer Suicide – Global Statistics

Cases of farmer suicides have not only been seen in India but this problem has taken global form. Farmers from various countries including England, Canada, Australia, Sri Lanka and USA are also facing similar problems. Countries like America and Britain also have higher rates of farmer suicides than people from other occupations.

Factors responsible for farmer suicides

Here is a look at some of the major causes of farmer suicides in India:


Inadequate rainfall is one of the main reasons for crop failure. In areas where there is frequent drought, there is a big decline in crop yield. There have been more cases of farmer suicides in such areas.


The more damage the farmers suffer from drought, the more badly they are affected by floods. Due to heavy rains, the water in the fields gets high and the crop is damaged.

    High debt

Farmers generally find it difficult to raise money to cultivate land and often borrow heavily for this purpose. Inability to pay these debts is another major cause of farmer suicides.

    Government policies

Changes in the macro-economic policy of the Government of India, known in favor of liberalization, privatization and globalization, are also considered to be the cause of farmer suicides. However, this is currently debatable.

    Genetically modified crops

It has been claimed that genetically modified crops such as Bt cotton are also the cause of farmer suicides. The reason for this is that the price of Bt cotton seeds is almost double the price of common seeds. Farmers are forced to take high loans from private capitalists to grow these crops and later they are forced to sell cotton at a much lower price than the market price, thereby increasing debt and economic among farmers Crisis increases.

    Family pressure

The inability to meet the family’s expenses and demands creates mental stress, forcing farmers suffering from this problem to commit suicide.

The conclusion

Although the government has taken many steps to help the farmers in crisis, the cases of farmer suicides in India are not ending. The government needs to focus on the income and productivity of the farmer to ensure their prosperity instead of focusing only on debt relief or rebate.

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