Short & Long Essay on Corruption Free India in English

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(1) 200 Words – Essay on Corruption Free India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

I dream of a corruption-free India. The place where everyone works hard and gets the fruits of their hard work. A place that gives everyone equal opportunities based on their knowledge and skills, bypassing their caste, color, creed or religion. A place where people do not use others nearby to fulfill their selfish motives.

But alas I imagine India is far from this ideal place. Everyone wants to earn so much money and develop their lifestyle that they are not afraid to use corrupt methods to fulfill their dreams and ambitions. It is a general belief that people who work honestly never fulfill their dreams. They do not get any promotion and get less salary. On the other hand people who take bribes and use unfair means to carry out their tasks climb the ladder of success and lead better lives.

It needs to be understood that even though using corrupt methods is an easy way to earn money in most of the cases but it cannot really make you happy. You can earn money by walking on such a bad path, but will your mind ever find peace? No! You may get happiness temporarily but you will remain dissatisfied and unhappy for a long time.

Each one of us should take a pledge to leave corrupt practices. In this way our life will be better and our country will become a better place.


300 Words – Essay on Corruption Free India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

India, a country that boasts of high values, morals and traditions, is facing the problem of corruption. This is one of the various bad practices that our country is struggling with. The entire system of the country is based on various levels of corruption.

Government of India should set an example

The government and political parties in India are known for their corrupt ways. Instead of indulging in corrupt practices, they should work to overcome the problem of corruption. They should set an example for citizens and motivate them to work with honesty and dedication to reach their goals rather than working in corrupt ways.

Selection of political parties and ministers

Anyone in India can stand for election and form their own political party. Eligibility criteria do not include an individual’s educational qualification. There are also ministers who have never been to school and their knowledge of the political system is completely zero. There are some leaders whose previous record is of criminal tendency. When the country will be controlled by such people, corruption is bound to happen. A minimum educational qualification criterion must be set. Only those candidates who meet the educational criteria and whose record is clean should be allowed to contest the election. Candidates who win elections should be trained to handle various duties and responsibilities assigned to them. Only a person who is well trained and educated can definitely run the country better.

There should be a set protocol for all and the activities of ministers should be monitored by higher officials whether it is being followed or not.

The conclusion

Though every one of us wants a corruption-free India, but no one is willing to contribute to this effort. Instead of reducing corruption, we are increasing it. To free our country from this evil practice, we should unite and be honest in our efforts.


400 Words – Essay on Corruption Free India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Many countries around the world face the problem of corruption. India is a country which is severely affected by this problem. Corruption is the root cause of many other serious problems in our country.

Ways to make corruption free India

If we unite and are determined to remove this evil then we can fight corruption. Here are some ways to rid the country of corruption:

    Spread education

Lack of education is one of the main reasons for the increasing corruption. Many people belonging to the illiterate class use illegal and corrupt methods to earn their livelihood. Spreading education can help reduce this problem to a great extent. The government should formulate policies to ensure that every child in the country goes to school and receives education.

    Severe punishment

Strict laws should be enacted for people who use corrupt practices such as taking and giving bribes, illegally expanding their businesses, collecting black money, etc. These people should be punished severely.

    Perform a sting operation

The media and government should conduct a sting operation to expose the corrupt people in various areas. Such sting operations will not only expose corrupt people but will also discourage others involved in such practices.

    Follow the right path

Each one of us should take it as our responsibility so that we follow the right methods instead of avoiding corruption promoting things or fines.

    Install camera and recorders

Technology can also help reduce corruption. CCTV cameras should be installed at government offices and road intersections and elsewhere where cases of bribe taking and giving are more common. Recorders can be installed in places where cameras are difficult to install. People can also take the initiative to record corrupt practices going on around them in their mobiles and share it in the police station near them.

    Build confidence

People in India are afraid of going to the police to file a complaint against anyone. They want to avoid going to the police station as they fear that they may be arrested in the case of police interrogation and this may create a bad reputation in the society. The procedures of the police station should be such that those who want to help the police do not have to face any inconvenience.

The conclusion

There are many ways to free India from corruption, only the desire to implement these methods is necessary.


500 Words – Essay on Corruption Free India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The corruption rate in India is quite high. Among other things, corruption has a negative effect on the development and progress of the country. Most of the developing countries are facing this problem. Governments and individuals in these countries are not able to understand that corruption methods can benefit them to some extent but in fact it hinders the development of the country as a whole and is ultimately bad for them.

Causes of corruption in India

The level of corruption in our country is very high. There are many reasons for this. Here’s a brief look at these reasons:

    Lack of job opportunities

The number of job-eligible youths in the market is small compared to the number of young people these days who walk around without work, while others take jobs that are not up to their qualifications. Discontent among these people and greed for earning more prompts them to adopt corrupt methods.

    Loose Strict penalties 

People of our country follow corrupt practices such as giving and taking bribes, not paying income tax, resorting to corrupt means to run business, etc. There is no strict law to monitor the movements of people. Even if people are caught, they are not punished severely for this. This is the reason that corruption is very high in the country.

Education not Strong

A society full of educated people may face less corruption. If people are not educated then they will use unfair and corrupt methods to earn their livelihood. The lower class of our country weakens the importance of education and this increases corruption.

    Greed and increasing competition

Greed and increased competition in the market are also the reasons for increasing corruption. People have become very greedy these days. They want to earn more than their relatives and friends and in this mad rush they do not hesitate to adopt corrupt methods to fulfill their dreams.

    Lack of initiative

Everyone wants to make the country corruption free and criticizes the government for doing nothing in this direction. But are we trying to stop the issue at our level? No we are not We are all giving rise to corruption, knowingly or unknowingly. No one is ready to take initiative and work as a team to remove this evil from the country.

Building a corruption free India

Everyone knows about the causes of corruption. It is said that once the cause of the problem is identified, half the work is completed in the same way. Now it’s time to find a solution instead of discussing the problem.

The government should take the responsibility of freeing India from corruption because if this problem continues like this then our country cannot progress. Every problem leading to corruption must be removed, including its roots. For example, increasing rate of population leads to lack of good employment opportunities which leads to corruption. The government should take strict steps to control the population of the country. Similarly, every aspect should be worked out for the creation of corruption-free India.

The conclusion

Our country can get rid of the problem of corruption and get better. So all of us should do everything we can to resolve this big issue.


600 Words – Essay on Corruption Free India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Corruption is prevalent in every region and at every level of the country. Corrupt routes and improper methods are used by the government as well as the private sector to accomplish many big and small tasks. One reason for this is that people want to get big money without working hard, but where are we going to use such bad practices? Definitely towards destruction! Not every one of us should do any kind of corrupt behavior. This will be the first step towards building a corruption-free India.

Government’s role in establishing a corruption-free India

Although individual efforts can work towards freeing the country from corruption, government intervention is necessary if the problem is eradicated from its roots. The Government of India should enact strict laws to get rid of this problem. People involved in any kind of corrupt practices should be punished severely.

Government officials of the country are known for their immune attitude towards work. They take bribes without any hesitation to provide various government services to the people. There is no investigation on these non-practices. Bribery in government offices and working for those in power is a common trend. It is not necessary that every government official is corrupt. Some officers perform their duties honestly but the irony is that those who do things correctly earn small amounts of money and those who use corrupt methods earn good amounts of money and lead better lives Huh. Seeing the benefits of walking on this path, those who were not allowed to follow corrupt methods are also ready to follow this path.

The main reason for this is that there is no one to apprehend or punish those involved in these practices. These practices can end if the government closely monitors and punishes these employees. Bribing is as bad as taking bribe. We cannot deny the fact that we are seen giving bribes or bribing our parents or relatives at some point. It is common practice to offer money to the traffic police for crossing the red light at the intersections or to submit the form after the date has passed.

Although we know that it is morally wrong and we are promoting corruption but still we think that it will benefit us and it is for some time and hardly any major impact in future. However, if we come to know that it will cause us great harm and by doing so we may get in trouble, then we will not do it at all. If we come to know that by doing so we can be fined or our license can be confiscated or we can be put behind bars for indulging in any such thing then we will join Will not dare.

Therefore, the government plays a very big role in this. The government should take the responsibility of freeing the country from corruption.

Role of media in establishing corruption free India

The media of our country is very strong. It has full right to speak and express its opinion. This right should be fully utilized to expose corrupt officials. The media should conduct sting operations regularly and reveal the names of those who indulge in corrupt practices. This will not only teach the guilty a lesson but will also instill fear in the general public. They will think twice before using corrupt methods.

The conclusion

It is a joint effort of common people, media and government that can help in building a corruption-free India. They should take responsibility to work together to make the country a better place to live.

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