Short & Long Essay on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Essays on climate change and impact on agriculture will prove useful and useful for school going children when they have set the task of writing on climate change. The language used to reach every reader is very simple and praiseworthy. You can feel confident in the subject in competitive exams as well as in discussion and debate.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Climate change affects agriculture through direct and indirect means such as impact on crops, soil, cattle, insect-mites etc. Reduction in rainfall duration during monsoon leads to a decline in productivity of rainfed areas. Cold and frost reduce the production of oilseeds and vegetables. Yield of various foods like mango, papaya, banana, brinjal, tomato, potato, maize, rice, etc. was highly affected as a result of the cold wave in the month of January in the year 2013.

In the year 2017, as a result of the rise in temperature in March, the wheat crop matured 10–20 days ahead of its scheduled time, reducing wheat production to over 4 million tonnes across India. Similarly, in 2018, due to erratic monsoon, there was a significant decline in rice production.

Climate change affects agriculture in various ways. Fertile soil, water, favorable environment, protection from pests and mites, etc., have an important contribution in increasing agricultural productivity. Each crop requires the proper temperature, the right type of soil, rainfall and humidity to grow and any of these standards are changed, affecting the crop yields. This is hampering the economic condition of the farmers as well as the country and the world.


300 Words – Essay on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Climate change will have a profound impact on agricultural yields. Climate change in India will increase the productivity rate of crops like sugarcane, maize, sorghum, millet and ragi; Whereas in contrast, the yield of major crops like wheat, paddy and barley will decline.

Increase in temperature will increase nitrogen fixation rate in pulses crops. Oilseed crops like yellow mustard, brown mustard, sunflower, sesame, black sesame, flaxseed will see a decline in yield, while soybean and groundnut production will increase. According to one estimate, if the current global rate of warming continues, the production of food grains in rainfed areas in India will decline by 12.5 million tonnes.

In a hot tropical country like India, climate change will increase the production of fruits such as mango, banana, papaya, chiku, pineapple, custard apple, pomegranate, vine, date berry, fig, plum, and watermelon; While apples, potatoes, grapes and pears will decline. There will also be an unprecedented decline in potato production. Climate change will also have an impact on crop patterns.

The inclusion of more energy in the atmosphere will also change the global wind pattern. Changes in wind patterns will cause uneven distribution of rainfall. In the future, there will be more rainfall in the deserts; Conversely, traditional agricultural areas will receive less rainfall. Such changes will promote huge human migration that will affect the social, economic and political life of human society.

As a result of climate change, grain production will decline as the frequency of natural disasters such as floods, droughts and storms increase. Reduction in local food production will lead to starvation and malnutrition, which will have long-term effects on health. There will be conflict in areas affected by food and water shortages. People will become victims of diseases and malnutrition.


400 Words – Essay on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The Indian economy is mainly based on agriculture. Agriculture is very important for India, as it provides food nutrition and livelihood security. More than 60 percent people in India depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Agriculture accounts for about 17% of the total GDP. A variety of industries depend on agriculture for the supply of raw materials.

Nowadays the world is struggling with the problem of climate change, due to which India is also not untouched. Due to climate change, many types of changes in the environment such as increase in temperature, more or less rainfall, changes in wind direction, etc. are taking place and leaving a bad impact on agriculture.

Cause of climate change

The main cause of climate change is global warming and the main cause of global warming is the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. Due to the rise in global temperature, the polar ice is melting, resulting in increasing water levels of oceans and rivers and increasing the number of floods and cyclones.

Impact of climate change on agriculture

Due to climate change, the agricultural sector can be affected in many other ways, such as:

  • Climate change affects soil-water processes and soil-water balance. Due to the lack of soil-water balance, dry soil will dry up, leading to increased water demand for irrigation.
  • The risk of flooding increases as a result of climate change affecting aquaculture, causing heavy damage to crops.
  • There has been a significant decline in the yield of food crops, which is due to the increase in temperature. High temperatures shorten the period of crop growth, speed up respiration and reduce rainfall.
  • The increase in the number of high temperatures, erratic rainfall, floods, famines, cyclones etc. is also creating a crisis for agricultural biodiversity.
  • Horticultural crops are more prone to climate change than other crops.
  • High temperature also affects the yield of vegetables.
  • Climate change also indirectly affects agriculture such as growing weeds.

The conclusion

There are some important powerful adaptation techniques to reduce the impact of climate change on agriculture. There is now a need to develop species of crops that are capable of withstanding the pressures of dryness and salinity and which have zero impact from floods and famines. New agricultural techniques such as resource conservation techniques, crop diversification, improvement in pest management, improvement in weather forecasting system etc. should be adopted.


500 Words – Essay on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Climate change refers to any change in climate, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity. Earth’s climate is changing day by day. The main reason for this change is due to the burning of fossil fuels and the interference of human activities in the form of agricultural activities. Industrial activities are also responsible for damaging the environment, resulting in erosion of rainfall patterns and loss of biodiversity on Earth.

The traditional way of farming is affected to a large extent due to changes in climate. Persistent natural disasters have left their impact on agriculture and have affected the production of food crops in many parts of the world. Despite several negative effects, there are some beneficial aspects of the enhanced greenhouse gas effect such as atmospheric concentration of high CO2 can increase rice, wheat and soybean crop production.

Impact of climate change on agriculture

The major land use around the world is agriculture. Since crop growth, solar radiation is affected by temperature and rainfall, which makes agricultural production highly dependent on climate. Agriculture is also sensitive to climate change and extreme weather such as droughts, floods, and severe storms. Climate change is anticipated to have an impact on local agriculture and net results can be harmful such as persistent drought, salinization of arable land or prolonged growing seasons.

Physical effects on plants

Due to the increasing temperature, the rate of evaporation of plants in hot environments, the rate of water absorption is higher than that due to the lack of water in plant tissues, the aggregation of salts and metabolic activities will also be affected.

Effect on genetics

If the annual average rise of current temperature persists from 0.3% to 0.6% of current warming due to the increasing effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and its concentrations, it may lead to future biodiversity and genetic degradation. . Plant species will not be able to organize themselves in temperature rise.

Factors related to future agricultural production: Several factors are directly related to climate change and agricultural productivity:

  • Rise in average temperature
  • Rising temperature
  • Rain, water potential and irrigation
  • Changes in climate variability and extreme events
  • Rises to sea level
  • Pests and diseases

Adaptation measures

A number of adaptation act options are available to deal with the climate impacts introduced on agriculture. some of them are:

  • Use of more heat / drought tolerant crop varieties.
  • Use of more disease and insect tolerant crop varieties.
  • Altered application of nutrients / fertilizers.
  • Altered application of pesticides / insecticides.
  • Adhering to diversification of crops
  • Introduction of high yield, early maturing crop varieties in cold regions.
  • Changes in timing of irrigation and other water management practices.
  • Develop an adaptive management strategy at the farm level.

The conclusion

Crop farming can be greatly affected by climate change. Climate change is a good indicator for a decrease in the production of cold regions and warm regions where agricultural production can be increased. The potential for the effects of climate change on agriculture varies from country to country due to its geographical locations.


600 Words – Essay on Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

There is a need to study the immediate and far-reaching effects of climate change on agriculture. The challenge of climate change has often become the subject of debate between developed and developing countries on international forums. But the truth is that this problem which adversely affects the farmers suffering from abnormal monsoon or water crisis. People must have been affected by the devastating storm or by severe conditions of drought and flooding.

Possible effects of climate change

  • By 2100, the productivity of crops will decrease by 10% -40%.
  • Rabi crops will suffer more.
  • The damage caused by frost will decrease, resulting in less damage to potatoes, peas and mustard.
  • There will be uncertainty in production of crops due to increase in drought and floods.
  • The area of ​​sowing of crops will also change.
  • There will be imbalance in food trade all over the world.
  • Fertility and availability of fish and aquatic animals will decrease due to increase in water temperature of seas and rivers.
  • Microorganisms and pests will be affected. If the number of pests increases, microorganisms will be destroyed.
  • Crops will suffer more damage in rainfed areas as availability of water for irrigation will also be reduced.

Impact on crops

The potential impacts of climate change which are seen in the agricultural sector can be of mainly two types – first farm based and second crop based. Wheat and paddy are the major food crops of our country. Climate change is affecting their production. Climate change will not only affect the production of crops, but will also negatively affect their quality. There will be deficiency of nutrients and protein in the grains, due to which the health of humans will be affected.

Problem of irrigation

Climate change will cause severe water supply problems for farmers and increase the frequency of floods and droughts. Not only this, the lack of availability of water for irrigation can also be felt due to low water flow, salinity, increased flooding and urban and industrial pollution at the mouth of big rivers.

The importance of ground water is the highest in our lives. Along with drinking, this water is also used for agriculture. With the increase in population, the demand for water has started increasing but this is natural but due to increasing water pollution and lack of proper water management, water has become a problem today. The traditional sources of water in the villages are almost exhausted.

Impact of climate change on soil

Soil like other components of agriculture is also affected by climate change. Now, an increase in temperature will affect soil moisture and efficiency. Salinity in the soil will increase and biodiversity will decrease. The fall in ground water level will also affect its fertility. Soil erosion will be more due to disasters like floods, while desertification will increase due to drought.

Climate change and increasing number of pests

Earth’s temperature is increasing due to climate change and this warm climate helps in increasing fertility and growth of various types of insects and insects. Many types of harmful bacteria and fungi damage plants and inhibit their growth. It inhibits the production of grains and vegetables and at the same time leaves its effect on fruits. These pests and pests not only harm the flora but also have their effect on animals. Many types of diseases and epidemics make many of them ill.

The conclusion

Necessary precautions will have to be taken in view of the ill effects of climate change and to warm people related to agriculture. Farmers have to grow crops that are capable of growing in hot temperatures and require less water. The government should take appropriate initiatives and encourage citizens to worry about this and efforts should be made to control pollution so that the environment remains pollution free. Scientists should develop seeds that can produce more grains in this changing climate.

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