Short and Long Essay on Soil Pollution in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Soil Pollution for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 & 400 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

To bring awareness among children on this subject, Essay on Soil Pollution has become the most important topic in essay competition. Therefore, students, you are in the right place to proceed. Such essays available on Soil Pollution pollution will help you win the essay competition because all these essays on Soil Pollution are written in very simple and simple words.

(1) 100 Words – Essay on Soil Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Soil is an important natural resource on the earth, which directly helps the flora and earth and mankind and animals indirectly. It is a very complex element available everywhere on earth. Fertile soil is the soil that helps crops to grow. As humans, we need to keep our land safe and away from all impurities. However, this is not possible due to excessive technological advancement.

Soil is being polluted through toxic substances released by the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, industrial waste, etc. which is also affecting the fertility of the land badly. Soil pollution is weakening soil nutrients due to the availability of heavy density of undesirable external elements in the soil through chemicals.


150 Words – Essay on Soil Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Soil of low quality through various functions of humans and natural processes is polluted soil which makes the soil unfit for crop production. Increasing human population and advancement in human life is the reason for large scale soil pollution. Excessive soil erosion, burning of forests, use of chemical fertilizers to improve crop production, insecticides (pesticides and herbicides), biocides to control over keto (malathion, DDT, dildrin, ndrin, aldrin, Linden), urban and industrial waste, leaching, deforestation, drought, untreated industrial water irrigation, water logging, excessive irrigation, etc. are the main causes of soil pollution. It is growing very fast in urban and rural areas of the country.

According to the data, it is worth noting that to increase crop production by 18.07 million tonnes from 1999 to 2000 and 5.5 million tonnes of chemical fertilizers were consumed by farmers from 1980 to 81. Such toxic chemicals enter the human body through food and cause damage to the newly born child due to physical disturbances, neural tube deficiency.


200 Words – Essay on Soil Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Soil pollution due to the presence of toxic chemicals (also called pollutants or pollutants) in highly dense soil in fertile soil is called soil pollution. Some contaminants occur naturally, although most originate from industrialization and human actions. Soil pollution usually comes in two ways – biological and abiotic whether natural or abandoned by humans. The main causes of soil pollution are accidental leakages, spills, in construction processes, degradation etc. Toxic chemicals released by humans are increasing the total soil toxicity level.

All soil pollutants are mixed with fertile soil and directly and indirectly cause many types of diseases like respiratory disease, bronchitin, asthma, cancer etc. More children than adults are exposed to pollutant soil because they play in the same soil, which causes them to suffer from many diseases, especially respiratory disorders. The growing population needs more grains, so to meet this need, people are using very dense manure to improve crop production, which is ultimately causing damage to the body through food. Soil pollution is a slow process of poisoning the soil. We need to take appropriate steps to maintain soil fertility and to preserve it, so that the coming generations and various animals can survive.


250 Words – Essay on Soil Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Soil pollution is soil pollution of fertile land which is gradually increasing day by day due to the use of fertilizer and industrialization. In modern times, soil pollution has become a major challenge for the entire human fraternity. Soil is the most important natural resource for maintaining a healthy life. While it is home to many small animals, it is also the life of plants. Soil is also used by humans to produce various crops to maintain life cycle. However, increasing human population increases the need for production of crops and other technical resources to live life comfortably. There are many highly effective fertilizers available in the market that proclaim themselves to be the best to improve crop production but as soon as spraying it over the crop, the entire fertilizer causes pollution by eroding the soil.

Other pesticide varieties (such as fungicides etc.) are also being used by farmers to protect their crops from insects and fungi. Such pesticides are also very toxic and pollute the land and air and spread their side effects in the environment. Other methods of soil pollution include acidification, agrochemical pollution, selenization, and pollution spread by metal waste. Acidification is a common natural cause associated with long-term leaching and microbial respiration that slowly decomposes soil organic matter (such as humic and fulvic acid) that stimulates re-leaching. The use of inorganic fertilizers on fertile soil has increased soil pollution levels and reduced soil fertility.


300 Words – Essay on Soil Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Soil pollution is fertile soil pollution which reduces soil productivity due to various toxic pollutants. Poisonous pollutants are very dangerous and adversely affect the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Pollutants such as pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals, radioactive waste, organic manure, waste food, clothing, plastics, paper, leather goods, bottles, tin cans, rotten carcasses, etc., are found in the soil and pollute which cause soil pollution. It is made. Pollutants emitted by a variety of chemicals such as iron, mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, aluminum, zinc, industrial waste, cyanide, acids, alkalis, etc. cause soil pollution. Acidic rain is also a natural cause which directly affects soil fertility.

Earlier the soil used to be very fertile without the use of any fertilizer but now together all the farmers have started using fertilizers rapidly to increase crop production due to excessive demand for food from the growing population. In order to protect crops from insects, insects, fungi, etc., improper, unnecessary and continuous use of various types of strong organic or inorganic pesticides (DDT, benzene, hexa chloride, aldrin) herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, etc., gradually increase the soil. Is deteriorating All types of such chemicals inhibit the growth of plants, reduce their production and also reduce the size of fruits which indirectly have very dangerous effects on human health. Such chemicals are gradually absorbed through the soil and then through the food chain, eventually reaching the bodies of animals and humans through plants.

Other radioactive waste from sources such as mining and nuclear processes reach the soil through water and affect soil and plants, animals (through grazing) and humans (food, milk, meat, etc.). Eating this type of food reduces growth and causes abnormal growth in animals and humans. The increase in industrialization in the modern world generates a massive pile of wastes on a daily basis which is directly or indirectly found in the soil and contaminates it.


400 Words – Essay on Soil Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Soil pollution is pollution of fresh and fertile soil which adversely affects the health of crops, plants, animals, humans and other organisms that grow in it. Different types of unwanted substances and toxic chemicals from many sources combine in different proportions to cause pollution of the entire soil. Once the contaminant is mixed with the soil, it remains in direct contact with the soil for a long time. Industrialization in fertile lands and increasing consumption of various effective fertilizers are constantly changing the soil structure and color of the earth which is very dangerous signal for the future of life on earth.

All the fertile land on earth is slowly being polluted through a mixture of toxins released by industries and domestic circles. The major sources of soil pollution are industrial waste, urban waste, chemical pollutants, metal pollution, biological agents, radioactive pollution, incorrect agricultural practices, etc. Industrial wastes released by industrial processes contain organic, inorganic and non-biodegradable materials that have the power to alter the physical and biological capacities of the soil. It completely changes the soil texture and the level of minerals, bacteria and fungal colonies.

Urban wastes are solid wastes that include commercial and domestic wastes that create heavy agglomeration on the soil and contribute to soil pollution. Chemical pollutants and metal pollutants are industrial wastes from the textile, soap, dyes, synthetic, detergent, metal and drugs industries that are continuously dumping their hazardous wastes into soil and water. It directly organizes the soil

Affects and reduces soil fertility levels. Biological agents (such as bacteria, algae, fungi, protozoa and microbes such as nematodes, millipads, insects, snails, etc.) affect the physico-chemical and biological environment of the soil and cause soil pollution.

Some radioactive pollutants from sources such as nuclear reactors, explosions, hospitals, scientific laboratories, etc. get into the soil and cause soil pollution by staying there for a long time. Incorrect farming practices (using large amounts of toxic fertilizers including pesticides) using advance agro-technology gradually lead to deterioration in the physical and biological properties of the soil. Other sources of soil pollution are municipal waste piles, food processing waste, mining practices, etc. Soil pollution is very dangerous for health because toxic chemicals enter the body through the food chain and disturb the entire internal body system. All effective control measures including environmental protection laws should be followed by the people especially industrialists to reduce and restrict soil pollution. Recycling and reuse of solid wastes and tree plantation should be encouraged as far as possible among the people.

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