Short and Long Essay on Save Trees in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Save Trees for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 & 700 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Usually this topic is given to the students for discussion in class or in school examination or other competition. Essays are provided here in various word limits and in very simple language. Students can use them as per their requirement.

(1) 100 Words – Essay on Save Trees for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The tree gives us direct and indirect life because it is a source of oxygen production, a source of CO2 consumption, and a source of rain. This is the most precious gift given to humanity from nature on earth, which we should be thankful for and should be preserved for the good of humanity along with honoring it.

We should understand the importance of trees in our lives and should do our best to save trees, to save lives, to save the environment on earth and to make the earth a green earth. Trees are as valuable as gold, which is why they are called “green gold” on the earth. Along with property, these are the real source of our health as it gives oxygen, cold air, fruits, spices, vegetables, medicine, water, girl, furniture, shade, fuel to burn, house, fodder for animals etc. is. The tree consumes all the CO2, refreshes the air from toxic gases and protects us from air pollution.


150 Words – Essay on Save Trees for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The tree gives us life and it is very important to live life. Many people depend on trees to live financially, for example paper industry, rubber industry, match industry etc. The main role of trees is to give us pure oxygen and air and consume CO2, while they also provide us with protection, shade, food, earning avenues, houses, medicines etc.

Trees are a source of rain on the earth because they attract clouds that eventually bring rain. They also prevent soil erosion and keep the environment fresh by protecting it from pollution. The tree is also home to wild animals and is the instrument of wild animals in the forests. Trees are very helpful and useful friends of humanity. They clean the soil by filtering sewage and chemicals, controlling noise pollution, air pollution, reducing accidental flooding, etc. Given the importance and value of trees in our lives, we should respect trees for saving life and environment.


200 Words – Essay on Save Trees for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The tree is a very precious gift in our life given by nature. It is like green gold on the earth and matters a lot in the life of everyone. Some of the importance of trees is mentioned here which will prove why saving trees means saving life:

  • Trees are a very important means of cleaning and refreshing the air (because they produce oxygen) by preventing and filtering airborne particles, chemicals, toxic gases, reducing heat, consuming CO2 and other pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. And soak up greenhouse gases).
  • The tree acts as a natural dustbin for hazardous gases in the environment.
  • The tree is a means of natural shade and cool air and is more comfortable and beneficial than artificial cooling techniques like fan, cooler, air condition etc.
  • It is effective in breaking the power of wind, due to this it is helpful in securing homes, vegetation and fields etc.
  • Keeps us healthy by reducing the level of dust and pollution levels, especially in urban areas.
  • The tree protects us from respiratory disturbances and problems by refreshing the air.
  • It helps in reducing noise pollution and is effective as a sound barrier as it acts in a very effective way to prevent noise. This protects us from the sounds of congested roads, railway stations, airports, etc.
  • The tree prevents soil from overflowing, is helpful in conserving rain water and prevents depression from accumulating during storms.


250 Words – Essay on Save Trees for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Save the tree, save life is not just a slogan, it is a responsibility which every human on earth should understand and obey. This is a big opportunity for all of us to save our healthy environment and green earth by saving trees. The tree symbolizes life on earth and is a natural home for many people and wild animals. It is very important to save trees in today’s modern world where urbanization, industrialization and global warming are increasing rapidly. In such a technological world, where people are only working and fighting for themselves, only trees live for others (humans and animals).

Fruits, vegetables, vegetation, flowers, spices, cold shade, medicine, root, tree bark, wood, seedling, etc., provide life in many ways on the earth. A fully grown tree serves humanity for many years without taking anything back. It also protects us from many diseases by purifying the air, maintaining ecological balance, providing medicines etc. Trees are an important asset for us, which prevents soil erosion, provides homes for animal species, provides nutrients from soil, etc. To save the tree and the environment, here we are mentioning the following methods:

  • We should make some effective efforts on our behalf by joining organizations working to save trees.
  • We should voluntarily save trees so that other people can also be inspired.
  • We should encourage our family, friends, neighbors, small children to save this important resource of the earth.
  • We should discuss or participate in tree conservation issues in the community or in the state.
  • We must teach our new generation and children to respect trees, nature and the environment by taking them for walks or camps.
  • We should plant new trees and plants around us.


300 Words – Essay on Save Trees for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

We have indeed been given many valuable gifts from our mother earth to take care of our lives. One of them is the most important gift tree. It is an important means of food and roof for both humans and animals on earth. The tree is a natural home for many tribes living inside the forest as well as provides homes for all birds. It protects us from timber, pure air, soil erosion and floods to make furniture, provides cool and clean air in summer and is a great tool for glue, paper, rubber, medicine, rain, etc. We should understand the role and importance of the tree in our lives and with the pledge to keep it safe, people should be motivated to plant more and more trees.

How should the tree be saved

Following are some effective ways to save trees to save life and environment on the earth:

  • We should find out the reason for the removal of trees in certain areas and analyze whether the tree was required to be cut due to bending, deterioration or misplacing.
  • We should get proper information about the removal of trees from the roads by calling the Urban Department, Local Department of Urban Forestry or by writing a letter to the Urban Forest Officer to file an objection regarding the removal of trees.
  • We can contact our Urban Council representative in the context of removing trees.
  • We, along with our neighbors, should hold a public hearing in front of the authorities regarding saving trees.
  • To make this case more strong and effective, we should research all the benefits of trees.
  • We should approach the media and do it on our behalf, so that the issue of removal of trees should reach the people and public awareness should be increased.
  • If trees are removed, we should contact the local government and non-profit organizations to assure them of re-planting in the same area.

The conclusion

Life on earth is possible because of water, oxygen and trees, and we cannot ignore that trees are the main means for oxygen and water on earth. If we eliminate trees and forests, we will eliminate life and environment from green earth. Humans are known as the most intelligent beings on earth. That is why we should understand our responsibility towards nature and start saving trees, green gold of the earth.


400 Words – Essay on Save Trees for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The tree is the most valuable and important means of life on earth. It is of great use for the health and business communities on earth. All these creatures on earth benefit in some direct and indirect ways. Everything on earth is interconnected and moves by the balance of nature, if something goes wrong with it, the whole environment can get disrupted and life on earth can be harmed. The tree protects us from many natural disasters and nurtures our lives in many ways. This keeps our environment clean and the earth green, therefore, we should also be fully responsible towards them and try our best to save them. Tall and mature trees are more profitable than small trees because they absorb more carbon, filter greenhouse gases at a higher rate, capture stormwater, provide larger shade and resist urban heat, energy Reduces the use of etc. That is why we should not cut it even in emergency.

Benefits of tree

Here we are mentioning some real benefits of trees, which will help you to understand why trees should not be cut, however there is a great need to plant trees from time to time.

  • By purifying the air and absorbing greenhouse gases, mature trees help us to resist climate change because they are the main sources of climate change.
  • The tree helps to clean the air by refreshing the air as it absorbs all the odor and pollutant gases in the environment.
  • A mature tree on one acre can provide oxygen to 18 people per year.
  • The tree opposes the heat of summer season as well as low winter temperatures.
  • Trees are the best energy conservation and global warming management technology as it reduces the need for summer air adaptation by up to 50%.
  • It saves water by reducing the evaporation of water from the ground through shade.
  • Trees naturally filter water and play a big role in saving water pollution by allowing water to flow under the trees from the earth, so rain water prevents pollutants from the ocean.
  • The tree prevents soil erosion by taking large amounts of soil from one place.
  • The tree provides a strong shield to protect us from ultra violet rays and for this reason also protects against skin cancer and other skin problems.
  • Trees are a good means of food (such as fruits, vegetables etc.), roofing, medicine, economy etc.
  • Trees in the midst of patients have good therapeutic features. Any health related problems such as children suffering from ADHD should be directly exposed to trees and nature.
  • Trees are a good means of identifying the weather, they reduce violence and generate economic opportunities for the people.
  • Trees are the best teachers who never talk but teach everyone. They are the best play mates with children.
  • These are the best examples of unity in diversity.
  • Trees are a good means of reducing noise pollution, water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution.

The conclusion

By looking at all the benefits given here to trees, we can fully understand the values ​​of trees in our life. That is why we should not cut down trees and forests. We should motivate humans to plant more trees in crowded areas and encourage common people to save trees.


700 Words – Essay on Save Trees for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The tree plays a big role in purifying the air, soil and water, thus making the earth a better place to live. People who live near trees are generally healthy and happy. The tree helps us a lot through our unlimited service throughout life. As humans, do we ever understand our responsibilities towards trees or only we will continue to enjoy its benefits. Saving trees is not to show kindness to him, rather we show kindness to our life because life is not possible without trees on earth. Therefore, if we want to live in a healthy way, we have to save trees forever.

Importance of trees

Here we are telling some important and precious qualities of trees which will help us to know why trees on the earth are said to be green gold and very important for healthy life.

  • The tree adds a lot of usefulness to our lives as well as improves our living conditions by providing fresh air and nutritious food.
  • The tree meets our additional needs like roof, medicine and other needs of our modern way of life.
  • The tree plays a big role in providing a peaceful environment and an aesthetically pleasing environment in the society, community, road, park, playground and backyard. The tree helps in enhancing the quality of life by providing cool shade during our outdoor activities.
  • Old trees in the living area become historical sites and the pride of the city.
  • The tree helps in diverting sunlight and this is why it reduces heat and keeps the environment clean and cool.
  • The tree provides pure oxygen and reduces air pollution by filtration of hazardous gases.
  • It helps in conserving water by saving water evaporation.
  • It protects the soil from erosion and aids wildlife.
  • Trees are a useful means of controlling the climate by managing the effects of sun, rain and wind.
  • Trees are very important in balancing ecology in nature.
  • The tree is a good means of absorbing and collecting rain water, thus preventing damage after a storm.
  • Trees are a good source of food and shade for wild animals. Birds make their ghouls on the branches of trees.
  • Trees have their personal and spiritual qualities because they look colorful and beautiful. People have been worshiping some trees since ancient times.
  • Trees are a means of economy for a lot of people because they are used commercially in fuel, house construction, tools, making furniture, sports goods etc.

Why save trees

Below we have put some points which will explain why trees should be saved:

  • The tree always cleanses and refreshes the air by releasing oxygen and filtering small particulate matter, including dust, microscopic metal particles, pollutants, greenhouse gases, (ozone, ammonia, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide), etc.
  • The tree reduces mist and air pollution from the environment.
  • It improves water quality, prevents water pollution, its root system reduces storm water runoff, prevents flooding and soil erosion.
  • Trees are a good source of energy conservation because it reduces the system of cooling the fan, air condition etc. in the summer season.
  • Due to the positive economic impact on Bhoomi Bhawan, good landscape sites and Bhoomi Bhawan have good value, they speed up the sale of the house.
  • According to the Human Environmental Research Laboratory, the tree is very effective in reducing the level of violence in the neighborhood.
  • 4 trees can save up to 30% of the heat cooling costs near the house while 1 million trees can save about $ 10 million in energy costs per year.
  • 40 to 50 trees helps remove about 80 pounds of air pollutants per year.
  • Trees require very little water per year (400 trees require about 40,000 gallons of rainwater).
  • A tree provides $ 31,250 worth of oxygen for its entire life span of 50 years.
  • The tree around the house increases its market value by 6% to 7% and the property value by about 10% (according to the USDA Forest Service).

The conclusion

As we have seen the importance of trees, along with the value of trees in our life, also know why the tree should be saved; To make the common people aware, we should start a campaign of awareness to save trees in our surroundings. We should encourage people to participate more in these types of programs to know the issue related to reducing the number of trees on the earth. We should always be active and keep our eyes open regarding the existence of green gold on the earth. We should not be involved in cutting trees and should resist cutting of trees and forests. We should always be a partner in planting trees in people’s living spaces and polluted areas.

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