Short and Long Essay on Save Environment in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Save Environment for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

People living in metros also get their food, fish, fuel and fodder etc. supplies from rural areas, which are made from natural areas. Therefore, our dependence on natural resources has made it very necessary that we take necessary measures to prevent the destruction and exploitation of the natural environment.

Here, essays of various lengths have been given on the Save Environment, which will be useful in your examination or school work. You can choose any of these essays according to your requirement.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Save Environment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

A geographical area or natural world under which air and water, animals, birds etc., which are being affected by human activities, is called environment. Due to the phenomenon of mankind’s urbanization and industrialization, there has been a rapid development in the medical, industry and social sectors, due to which natural places are being transformed into concrete buildings and roads. However, our food, drinking water and agriculture dependence on these natural resources still remains. Our dependence on nature is so much that if we do not start our efforts to protect its resources now, our existence will also be in danger.

These natural resources can be mainly divided into two categories, renewable and non-renewable. Renewable natural resources are resources that can be recovered naturally, such as water, forest, crops, etc. In contrast, non-renewable resources are resources that cannot be recovered naturally such as oil, minerals etc. Along with this, it has also become a crisis because currently they are also being used very fast.

The main reason for the rapid elimination of all these natural resources is the rapid population growth and increasing consumption of resources among special and elite classes. This has not only resulted in the loss of wildlife and trees, but has also caused a crisis on the entire environment. Therefore, this is the time when we need to use them in a devious way, by preventing indiscriminate misuse of our natural resources. So that we can save them for our future generations and create a better future.


300 Words – Essay on Save Environment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Our entire environment and the world including air, water and sunlight etc. Apart from this, living organisms like animals, birds, plants, humans etc. together contribute to the development and growth of the environment. .

Importance of environmental protection

Today’s industrial and urban area environment also includes paved roads, several-story concrete buildings and skyscrapers. Their main objective is to create facilities for the growing population and to make the life of the rich and elite class convenient and luxurious.

However, despite this industrial and urban movement, human dependence on natural resources remains the same as before. We use air for respiration, water is used for drinking and other daily activities, not only the food that we eat, but also many types of trees, plants, birds and vegetables, milk , Is obtained from eggs etc. Keeping these requirements in mind, security of these resources has become very important. These resources are classified as follows.

  •     Renewable resources: As its name suggests, it is a resource that can be reclaimed naturally, such as rain and regrowth of trees, etc. However, if they continue to be consumed rapidly before the nature’s re-supply, then in the coming time these things like rubber, wood, fresh water will be completely eliminated.
  •     Non-renewable resources: These resources have been built inside the land millions of years ago, so their recovery is not possible. They can only be used once. This includes fossil fuels such as coal and oil, which cannot be renewed.

The conclusion

The most important thing at this time is that we have to stop the misuse of these resources and use them in a very judicious manner, because such rapid use by the earth cannot be tolerated anymore. Achievement of this goal is possible only through sustainable development. Apart from this, liquid and solid by-products which are dumped as waste by industry units also need to be controlled, as they increase pollution. Due to which many diseases related to cancer and stomach and intestine arise. This is possible only if we leave the dependence on the government and personally take necessary steps to solve this problem.


400 Words – Essay on Save Environment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Since the beginning of time, the environment has helped us to establish relationships with our flora and fauna, which has ensured our life. Nature has given us many gifts such as water, sunlight, air, animals and fossil fuels etc. which have made our planet habitable.

How to ensure conservation and protection of the environment

Because this resource is available in plenty, due to the increasing population, they are being consumed in large quantities and very fast to fulfill the luxury desires of the rich and elite. Therefore, it has become very necessary to protect them in every way. Here are some ways by which excessive use of these natural resources can be controlled and they can be preserved.

  •     Mineral and Energy Resources: Various types of mineral elements from which energy is produced include coal, oil and various types of fossil fuels. Which are mainly used in power generation centers and vehicles, which make their main contribution in air pollution. Also, there is a need to promote renewable energy resources such as wind and tidal energy for prevention of air-borne diseases.
  •     Forest Resources: Forests play an important role in preventing soil erosion and reducing the effects of drought as well as stabilizing the water level. Along with this, by controlling the environmental conditions, the level of carbon dioxide for the animals is also controlled, which keeps the balance of life on earth. Therefore, it is very important that we pay attention to forest conservation and its expansion, which can be done by promoting the purchase of non-wood products and plantation and forest protection by the state governments.
  •     Water resources: Along with this, aquatic ecosystems are also used by people for daily tasks such as drinking, cooking, washing clothes etc. Although the balance of the water cycle is maintained through evaporation and rainfall, but fresh water is being used and wasted in great quantity by humans. Along with this, it is also becoming increasingly polluted. Therefore, some important decisions need to be taken in view of future water crisis. For this, we need to do small water reservoir construction, promote drip irrigation method, prevent leakage, recycle of urban waste and cleanliness in place of big projects.
  •     Food Resources: During the Green Revolution, the problem of hunger was overcome by increasing the production of crops by a number of technicians, but in fact it adversely affected the quality of the soil. Therefore, we need to adopt sustainable measures for food production. Under which, instead of using non-organic fertilizers and pesticides, there is a need to adopt other options and crops grown in low quality soil.

The conclusion

In this way we can say that only by our individual decisions taken as an individual, we can protect our precious environment by continuous development and proper management.


500 Words – Essay on Save Environment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

“No generation has a monopoly on this earth, we all live here – for what we have to pay” Margaret Thatcher’s statement reflects our temporary relationship with nature. In spite of all the gifts such as wind, sunlight, water, animals and minerals etc. provided by the Earth to make our life easier and make this planet habitable, for our selfishness we Harnessing the resources is not hurting.

The need to save the environment to save the earth

In order to meet the current requirements of our growing population level, we are indiscriminately consuming our natural resources without thinking. We are not worrying for our future generations either. Thus, the biggest concern in today’s time is that we need to take strong steps to protect our renewable and non-renewable resources and to protect our earth.

Effects of pollution on the environment

  •     Air pollution: Due to the construction of traffic system and the use of petrol and diesel on a large scale, the level of pollution has increased very rapidly, which has also increased the amount of harmful particles present in many types of unwanted and gas air. With this increased amount of carbon mono-oxide, chloro-fluoro carbon, sulfur oxide, hydrocarbons and lead, our ozone layer protecting us from the sun’s ultraviolet rays is starting to run out. Due to which a considerable increase in temperature has been recorded, which is commonly known as global warming.
  •     Water pollution: Waste of humans and animals, water soluble non-biochemical chemicals from industries such as mercury and lead and the flow of organic chemicals into water such as detergents and oils that are found in freshwater ponds and rivers by contaminating water. We give this water and our water is no longer drinkable. Due to these reasons, aquatic life has also been affected in a very bad way, with the reduction in crop yields and drinking water no longer safe for humans and animals.
  •     Land Pollution: The use of water with high salt content to increase the yield of fertilizers and pesticides such as DDT spraying and increasing crop yields, such measures make the land useless. This type of pollution is known as land pollution and due to this, soil erosion has also increased for which reasons like construction and deforestation etc. are mainly responsible.
  •     Noise Pollution: The noise emanating from vehicles, factories and firecrackers during the Diwali in India is mainly responsible for noise pollution. This severely harms animals because they are unable to adapt themselves accordingly, impairing their hearing.

The conclusion

Environmental protection is not only the work of the government, for this our own contribution as a person is also very important. Knowingly or unknowingly, we contribute to pollution every day. Therefore, it is our duty as a consumer to use the offerings made by nature to promote water conservation and participate in the reuse and recycle of goods, wastage of resources like electricity and water, etc. Through all these small measures, we can bring about a very effective change in the condition of our planet.


600 Words – Essay on Save Environment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The natural environment is a boon for mankind and other creatures. These natural resources include air, fresh water, sunlight, fossil fuels etc. It is so important for life that life cannot be imagined without them. But due to the increasing greed of the growing population, these resources have been misused in great quantity. This economic development has proved to be very serious for human health, which are discussed below.

Reasons to save the environment to save life on Earth

Here to discuss the misuse and loss of natural resources and the following effects on the earth’s organisms by pollution are discussed. Therefore, to save life on Earth, it is very important that we save the environment.

  •     Air pollution: Increased use of petrol and diesel for traffic and increased combustion of fossil fuels for energy production by industries has led to the greatest increase in air pollution. Due to which the levels of sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons, chloro-fluoro carbon and carbon monoxide etc. have also increased. These harmful gases significantly affect human health, causing chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, and many other respiratory-related diseases. By this, the ozone layer is also being eroded, due to which man is no longer protected from the ultraviolet rays earlier. Along with this, there has been an increase in air pollution and global warming, due to which human immune system is weakened.
  •     Water pollution: The problem of water pollution arises due to the dissolution of water-soluble organic chemicals from industries and the mixing of human and animal wastes in fresh water and fertilizers and pesticides during irrigation. This not only spoils the quality of drinking water, but also gives rise to cancer and many stomach and intestinal diseases. Apart from this, it also has a negative effect on aquatic life, water pollution does not allow fish to eat.
  •     Land pollution: The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides kills not only bad pests present in the soil but also good pests. Due to which we get less nutritious crops. Apart from this, problems of mutations, cancer, etc. arise due to the use of chemical-infected crops by land pollution. Flood frequency has also increased due to rapid deforestation and construction. As a result, human life is being destroyed on a large scale.
  •     Noise pollution: Due to excessive noise generated by factories and vehicles, human hearing capacity is being affected, resulting in temporary or permanent hearing loss. Noise pollution has a negative effect on mental, emotional and mental health on humans, causing problems like stress, anxiety and irritability etc., which adversely affect our performance.

Ways to save the environment

On turning the pages of history, it is known that our ancestors were very much concerned about the environment protection. For this, we can see the example of Sunderlal Bahuguna, who started the Chipko movement for the protection of forest resources. Similarly, Medha Patekar made effective efforts to protect the environment for the tribal people, who were negatively affected by the dam being built on the river Narmada. In today’s time, it is our responsibility as a youth to make similar efforts for environmental protection. We can give our help in saving nature by taking some small measures:

  •     We should promote the notion of 3R, which includes functions like reuse, recycle reuse. In which we can take measures like reducing the excessive use of sources of non-renewable energy, such as using iron waste to make iron.
  •     Using products like energy saving tube lights and bulbs etc.
  •     Less use of paper and wood. Use e-book and e-paper as much as possible.
  •     Minimizing the use of fossil fuels, using measures such as walking, car pools, or public transit.
  •     Use of jute or cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
  •     Using reusable batteries and solar panels.
  •     Reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and setting up compost bin to make manure from cow dung.

The conclusion

As such, the government has established many laws and schemes for the protection of nature and wildlife. But still it is our duty as an individual to contribute to the protection of the environment and to secure the future of our future generations, as it is currently being used most by us. This can be understood very easily in the words of Lester Brown, “We have not received this earth from our ancestors, but have snatched it from our future generations”.

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