Short and Long Essay on Save Earth in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Save Earth for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 300, 400 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

The following essays on Save the Earth are classified into categories of short essays, big essays; Which will help the students to complete the given task. Essays on Save All the Earth are written in very simple sentences. Therefore, you can choose any of these essays according to your need and requirement:

(1) 100 Words – Essay on Save Earth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

As we all know, it is the only known planet with life in the entire universe. Therefore, we should respect and retain what we receive from the earth. We should protect Mother Earth, so that our future generations can live in a safe environment. We can protect the earth by protecting trees, natural vegetation, water, natural resources, electricity, etc. We must strictly follow the possible efforts to control environmental pollution and global warming.

To eliminate pollution and global warming, one must plant more and more trees in the surrounding areas. Demineralization, reintroduction, reuse of paper and other natural materials, natural resources (minerals, coal, stone, oil etc.), electricity, water and environment must be saved, promoted and supported.


150 Words – Essay on Save Earth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

We do not know such a planet where life is possible in the entire universe except Earth. It is the only known planet, where a combination of all the most essential natural resources, oxygen, water and gravity is found, creating the possibility of making life a success here. We do not need to think much about it and seriously protect the earth through many effective methods to give healthy earth to future generations. People should plant more and more trees to get sufficient oxygen and reduce the effects of air pollution and global warming.

To save our lives, environments and homes of various species, we must stop cutting forests. People should limit the use of electricity and reduce the use of fossil fuels to protect the environment from global warming. We should promote the use of solar energy and wind energy to save the earth from destruction. The following 3R rules (readies, reuse, recycling) can prove to be very effective in saving our precious earth.


200 Words – Essay on Save Earth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Earth is the most precious thing in the universe, which holds the essentials of life, oxygen and water. Natural resources found on the earth are deteriorating day by day due to human misdeeds. It has endangered life on earth. Many wild animals have become completely extinct due to lack of favorable environment. Rates of many types of pollution, global warming and other environmental issues are increasing day by day. To minimize its negative effects, it is very important to stop all the wrong practices. Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22 April to spread awareness among people all over the world. It is celebrated annually to maintain the natural environment of the earth as well as to encourage people.

Our Earth never takes anything in return from us, however, it must demand to maintain it to maintain the continuity of healthy life on Earth. We are not alone on Earth: there are many unknown species living on Earth. Therefore, we should not be selfish and we should think about all the species that live on earth. We must protect our earth and atmosphere by reducing the amount of wastes, plastics, paper, wood etc. We should inculcate the habit of reuse of objects (clothes, toys, furniture, books, paper etc.) to reduce waste and waste. We must stop the wrong activities involved in increasing the level of pollution and global warming.


300 Words – Essay on Save Earth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Due to toxic environment, air pollution, water pollution, global warming, eradication of forests and many other environmental issues, the present conditions are very challenging for the survival of healthy life on earth. We can save our planet by adopting many easy methods. However, it depends on the passion and rate of people adopting good habits. For this environment friendly technologies should be promoted, so that they do not harm the planet. People should adopt the habit of reuse of goods to generate less quantity of waste as well as the habit of using harmful things.

Generally, many people use chemicals to keep their homes clean and disinfected. They never see the presence of chemical substances in the material, which can be very destructive to water, soil and air. We should have clear knowledge about the substances we use in our daily lives and should always use environmentally friendly cleaning products. Pollution and global warming are usually spread on a large scale by commercial industries. They should follow the rules and laws made by the government to control pollution. They should be involved in the production of environmentally friendly products by limiting commercial products that pollute the environment.

This topic should be included in their study in the context of promoting awareness related to save the earth among the youth. They should participate in tree plantation, group discussion, essay writing, debates, banner making, slogans, theater performances based on prescribed topics etc. in schools or colleges to bring awareness about the environment. Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22 April to create awareness among the people regarding saving the Earth.


450 Words – Essay on Save Earth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Earth is the most known planet in this universe, where life is possible, because it has all the things necessary for life. We need to maintain the natural quality of our mother earth for the continuation of healthy life here. Save the earth, save the environment and save the earth, save life, both slogans are very famous among the people for bringing awareness in the context of the Save the Earth campaign. The condition of the earth is getting destroyed day by day due to pollution, green house effect etc. They cause harmful effects on the environment and thus, affect human health. It is man’s responsibility to keep the earth clean, clean and natural.

How to save your earth

Some effective ways to save the earth are as follows:

  •     We should not waste water and use only as per our requirement. We should only wash dirty clothes in cold water. In this way, we can save several gallons of water per day.
  •     People should share private cars and, generally, use public transport to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
  •     People should use bicycles to work in local areas.
  •     People should follow 3R methods namely Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.
  •     People should manufacture natural fertilizers, which are the best fertilizers for crops.
  •     We should use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in place of common bulbs because they are longer in duration and use very less one-third of the electricity, which will reduce the use of electricity and the emission of greenhouse gases.
  •     We should not use electric heaters and air conditioners unnecessarily.
  •     We should periodically repair our personal vehicles and run better to reduce pollution.
  •     We should turn off lights, wings and other electrical appliances to reduce the use of electricity.
  •     We should plant more trees in our surrounding areas to reduce the effects of pollution and greenhouse gas.

What is earth day

Earth Day is celebrated on 22 April every year since 1970 to save the Earth under the Environment Project. The objective of starting this project is to encourage people to live in a healthy environment.

The conclusion

Earth is our mother, who gives us all the things we need for our life. Therefore, we are also responsible for maintaining its natural quality and green environment. We should not waste and pollute its natural resources for small gains.


500 Words – Essay on Save Earth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Save the Earth, Save the Environment is both related to saving life on Earth. As human beings, we must be strictly involved in activities that reduce pollution and global warming.

Easy ways to save the earth

There are many easy ways, which can be helpful in saving the Earth. Earth is the only planet in the entire solar system on which life is possible. In ancient times, people were not involved in destructive tasks, therefore, they did not need to be concerned about pollution and environmental issues. After the population explosion, people started developing cities and industries for a modern lifestyle and an easier life for all. For industrialization, people have started misusing natural resources beyond a certain limit. People are involved in the eradication of forests, which has resulted in issues like extinction of wild animals, pollution and global warming. Holes in the ozone layer, sea level rise, melting of ice in Antarctica and Greenland etc. are negative effects due to global warming. Environmental change in this way is a sign of alarm for us. There are some ways to save the earth:

  •     We must increase forests through afforestation and reforestation. Thousands of species and birds have become extinct due to the destruction of their habitats. They are very necessary to balance the food chain in nature.
  •     Our environment is constantly declining as a result of deforestation, industrialization, urbanization, and pollution. It is a threat to life through global warming and pollution due to the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. We must protect the environment to balance the natural cycle of our environment.
  •     We need to bring more and more major changes in our unnatural life to save the Earth.
  •     Cities need to be environmentally friendly to maintain ecological balance in the environment.
  •     Governments of all countries need to work together to bring about global change.

Why the need to save the Earth campaign

The immediate imperative is to protect the Earth from ever-increasing global temperatures, melting of polar regions, rising dangers of tsunamis, floods and droughts, etc. The condition of our mother earth is falling day by day, which is reducing the chances of healthy life. The Earth is an important source for all the basic elements necessary for survival. Wrong human activities have led to many environmental issues: toxic smoke, chemical waste and excessive noise.

The conclusion

The government has taken many effective steps to sustain a healthy life on earth in the context of save the earth, save life and save the earth, save the environment. Without Earth, life is not possible anywhere in the entire universe. The activities that destroy the human natural resources are affecting the earth’s environment very badly. Therefore, it is our own responsibility to save the earth by adopting environmentally friendly activities.

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