Short and Long Essay on Recycling in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Recycling for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

By reusing and not throwing away your old products, you are actually recycling. Recycling refers to an age-old practice with many modern applications that is important to humans as well as to the natural environment. It refers to the revival and reuse of resources from used products. Recycling has a major share in environmental policy. This is mainly due to the increasing costs of solid and hazardous waste disposal, lack of natural resources and growing concern over polluted land, water and air. We have provided essays on recycling of various lengths to help you with this topic in your exam. You can choose any recycling essay according to your requirement:

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Recycling for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Looking at the history of recycling, the process began in 1900 when people melted and recycled utensils, pans and other metals, but as more plastic products were made, the definition of the word recycling increased in complexity and to remove it Codes were prepared for. Thus recycling codes are important so that you know what recycling is. Today recycling is more important than ever. Incentive programs are helping people to become more aware and helping the environment. Recycling is done all over the world. In many countries some programs pay you for recycling products. Recycling is the third ‘su’ of reedus, reuse and recycle. Keep the following things in mind when you make your contribution towards recycling and cleaning the environment:

  •     Don’t buy anything when you don’t need it. By doing this you are saving him from being wasted.
  •     If you need to buy something, buy something that has a small amount of packing. That product can be reused. Buy products that are environmentally friendly.
  •     Try to buy products made from recycled materials. Paper and plastic are some examples of recycled products.

Think of a way to reuse that thing before throwing anything. Plastic containers can be used to store items in the fridge. Old items may be given to charitable organizations where they can be used. Cans and containers can be used as flower pots in gardens.


300 Words – Essay on Recycling for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Recycling helps in defending the environment besides providing much more useful products to the society without the need for additional resources. Its importance can be seen in many ways. It is necessary to educate the public about its importance so that they contribute wholeheartedly towards it.

Why is Recycling Important?

Recycling can be helpful in the following reasons:

  •     Recycling Saves Earth – Recycling a product can help protect the environment. Recycling paper for example can result in paper production without cutting more trees.
  •     Recycling saves energy – Recycling the same product costs less energy than creating a new product from the material. It takes a lot of energy to make a new aluminum product, for example. Thus by re-recycling an old aluminum we can reuse the metal and avoid having to spend huge energy which helps in protecting the environment.
  •     Recycling helps reduce global warming and reduce pollution – one of the main benefits of recycling is energy savings. Energy savings result in reduced emissions of carbon or greenhouse gases, which are very harmful to the atmosphere if they are emitted, which is a by-product formed by energy production.
  •     Recycling in landfills reduces waste product – waste that cannot be recycled is usually dumped into landfills. The waste here is left to decay, rot or decompose and it can take years to completely decompose. More and more wastes are being sent to landfills and if not recycled instead of being sent to landfills in future, landfills may be right behind our homes.
  •     Recycling helps save money – recycled items usually cost less. The recycled product can be sold at a very small amount using old materials and very little energy. Also, selling waste for recycling is a profitable deal.

The conclusion

Recycling can also be done at home and it should be taught to children as a good habit when nurturing. Biodegradable waste can be used as compost for plants.


400 Words – Essay on Recycling for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Recycling is essential for the environment. The government should invest in setting up the system to promote this practice. Humans should also try to recycle waste material. The importance of recycling has been emphasized many times though many people still want to avoid it.

Reasons why people do not recycle?

    Recycling is inconvenient

According to the survey conducted for non-recycling, the primary reason was that people did not find this practice convenient or easy to calculate. They felt they would have to take additional steps to discard their household waste at a scrap dealer or recycling center. Many apartments or societies do not have enough recycling bins. One who is not interested thinks that there is no program of recycling but this is not true. You will have to put a little effort into recycling until you find a scrap dealing center.

    People do not understand recycling

Another reason for not recycling is that people are not able to differentiate between recyclable and non-recyclable products. According to him, recycling is not an understandable process.

    Run out of space

People usually have small houses and lack of space is an issue for many people. They don’t want to see garbage around their house where the place is a problem.

    I will only recycle when i get money

This is also a bad excuse people make when they are asked about recycling. According to him, scrap disposal does not give them a good amount of money or they do not see any incentive involved in it. Many people do not find it necessary to recycle unless there is no monetary gain.

    Recycling does not matter

A major misconception is that recycling does not matter. They do not really have knowledge about the quantity of recycled items and its related things. People also believe that there are a lot of natural resources on the earth.

    Don’t want to see greenery

Today there are also people who do not care about global warming and pollution. These things are not important in their priority list. They therefore appear to have no desire to contribute to the recycling initiative for the green-friendly environment.

The conclusion

We humans have done a lot of damage to the environment over the years. Global warming is the result of our mistakes. Waste of natural resources can be prevented by recycling. It can prevent pollution, save the environment and help in making more useful items. Therefore, we have a responsibility towards the environment and if we want to save our planet, then we should also inspire others to recycle.


500 Words – Essay on Recycling for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Recycling involves the process of collecting waste materials into which they are broken up into blocks, resulting in new products. There are mainly five types of waste materials. This includes paper, steel, glass, aluminum and plastic. All of these have been recycled using various methods.

Recycling process

Here’s how different things are reused:

Paper – Paper waste includes paper sheets, newspapers, cardboard and other papers used in offices and educational institutions. Paper has 2 components – wood and water. So firstly the paper is divided into two parts through recycling so that it can be rectified. Pollution such as ink and dirt is filtered. The paper is compiled and poured into hot water. This bath quickly breaks the paper into small strands of cellulose fiber leading to a spicy substance called ‘pulp’ – basically wet lid paper. Although the paper is still dirty. It is then put on a screen where the remaining dirt is removed like gum or plastic particles. It is then de-inked where it is washed which contains chemical substances such as air bubbles and soaps, mainly ‘surfactants’ which separate the paper from the ink. Air bubbles carry the ink to the surface and the pulp which goes to the bottom. That pulp is now clean and new paper products can be made from it.

Steel – Steel can be recycled again without losing any of its properties. The high air-pressure system with the help of a liquid floating system separates the steel from the other metal and is then lowered after heavy pressures by hydraulic machinery. Sometimes gas and plasma make are also used when the steel is melted and converted into new items such as cans, utensils, car parts, paper clips, etc.

Glass – Glass is shattered and breaks into small pieces called ‘culets’ whose width is not more than 5 cm. The glass pieces are colored in color, clear, brown and green. Different color is important because it is permanent. Glass is made of silica that melts and casts into new shapes and products.

Aluminum – Similar to steel once separated it does not have much to do with aluminum to make it reusable. It is cut, washed and turned into chips which are melted in a large furnace and then poured into the mold. They are then shipped to manufacturers where they are re-melted and turned into thin sheets that are cut, changed and shaped into new products.

Plastics – Plastics are composed of 6 different types of chemicals – polyethylene terephthalate, high density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, low density polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene. Each plastic has a different molecular structure that determines the physical properties of the plastic, which means that some plastics are easier to recycle than others. Plastic is made from a large carbon chain. So some forms of plastic can be melted and some can be reformed while others can be mixed with new plastics and others can only be molded into other shapes for different uses.

The conclusion

Almost anything can be recycled and waste can be resized for reuse but there are still some things and materials like computers, batteries, light bulbs, etc. that are complicated to recycle because they contain a lot of toxins. Are included. So we have to deal with them responsibly.


600 Words – Essay on Recycling for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

We humans have done a lot of damage to the environment over the years. Global warming is the result of our mistakes. Waste of natural resources can be prevented by recycling. This can prevent pollution, save the environment and help create more useful items. Recycling is an important factor in the conservation of natural resources and is also very important for improving the environment.

Household recycling

If you have the knowledge of recycling then you will know that recycling in and around the house is quite simple. Thinking strictly about the food products you buy from the market and the way to recycle them is the beginning towards economic recycling.

  •     Recycling various household materials – Many materials such as paper, plastic, metal and glass are recycled. Alternative things like furniture, appliances, artifacts and vehicles can also be recycled although many of us try not to do so.
  •     Buy a product that can be recycled – While buying goods at grocery stores, buy products that can be recycled such as glass jars and tin cans.
  •     Buy items made from the recycling process – you can see if a product is environmentally friendly by looking at the label on the packaging.
  •     Avoid purchasing unsafe material – It is difficult to recycle unsafe waste product. Try and identify safe alternatives to clean the house and use non-toxic products if possible.
  •     Recycle Bins – Make sure you have bins in your house for recycling. Keep it in a clean place so that you don’t forget to use it. Your native council should be able to give you recycling bins that can be used for materials such as glass, paper, aluminum and plastic.

Recycle in the garden

By recycling garden products and plants you can help improve the environment in your garden.

  •     Composting – Composting is a method where waste is converted into compost that can be used in your garden to aid plant growth. Gardening is a great way of recycling waste in the form of plants and leftovers at home.
  •     Grass Cycling – Grass cycling is a great approach to recycling garden grasses after recycling them. Cut them down instead of throwing them down. They will develop into nutrients and act as fertilizer within the soil.
  •     Sowing seeds – Do not throw fruit and vegetable seeds in the garbage can. Instead plant them in your garden. Growing plants and trees will enhance the surroundings by reducing global warming and providing homes for many birds and creatures.

Recycling in society

  •     Local recycling facilities – Recycling facilities are provided for community use. Verify how to use them wherever your local recycling facilities are.
  •     Schools and businesses – These can play an important role in recycling. Follow the recycling schemes available at your faculties or workplace and think of ways to improve them.
  •     Community Projects – By donating cash or providing and implementing new concepts, local community projects regarding recycling have also become involved.
  •     Cash for Cans – This project gives cash money to people who recycle their aluminum cans. In the United Kingdom, more than 500 money is received for recycling coaches. We have scrap dealers in India where we can exchange these cans for cash money. This is a very good initiative, so we should join it and earn extra money through this method.

The conclusion

Following these simple points we can contribute a little to the environment which will certainly be fruitful in the long run. This will not only benefit the environment but will also benefit man. So before you throw something, first think if it can be reused.


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