Short and Long Essay on Pollution in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Pollution for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Therefore it is very important for parents to know about the types of pollution, its causes and ways to prevent it so that they can explain it to their children as well and show them how to avoid it. Some such essays are given below which will be very helpful for you and your children in this subject. From these given essays, you can choose any essay according to your requirement.

(1) 100 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Pollution refers to the pollution of the natural environment around us. The natural resources around us make our lives easier, but this pollution acts to damage it and causes many physical illnesses and troubles. Along with this, it also spoils the natural order and balance.

Pollutants are the elements of pollution that are created by human activities and contaminate natural resources such as air, water and land. Due to their chemical nature, long-lasting ability and polluting tendency, these pollutants produce negative effects on our environment for years. These pollutants originate from toxic gases, fertilizers, fungi, noise, as well as chemical and radiative wastes.


120 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

As we all know that our environment has a very important contribution in our healthy living and a good environment can be prepared only by our precautions and good habits. Human beings, animals, all trees and plants are all connected to the environment in some way. Which is very important for our healthy life.

However, if there is any kind of negative change in the environment, it also causes many adverse effects on our general and health life. Our environment is our natural habitat for us and protects us from all kinds of natural disasters. But if we spoil the balance of nature, we will have to face many problems in return.


130 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Pollution refers to the mixing of many harmful and poisonous elements into natural resources. It affects the normal life of organisms living on this planet and spoils the natural life cycle.

Types of pollution

Pollution can be divided into several types such as noise pollution, air pollution, land pollution and water pollution etc. Air pollution on our planet is increasing day by day due to increasing number of vehicles, emission of toxic gases, smoke from factories and liquid aerosols etc. Due to this air pollution, due to the air in which we breathe, we get many types of lung diseases.

Similar land and water pollution arises due to water and soil getting many germs, bacteria and harmful chemicals etc. Due to many types of pesticides, traps, fossil elements and thorium etc. in drinking water, problems like water pollution arise.

The conclusion

The government needs to adopt a variety of measures to curb the problem of pollution. For this, water usage will have to be reduced along with reducing the use of vehicles and organic farming will have to be promoted.


150 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Environmental pollution is a condition under which the natural cycle and our environment deteriorate, which is quite harmful for us. Some harmful elements which are collected in the form of smoke, solid or liquid waste are very harmful to our environment. Apart from this, there are some bad chemical elements which damage our environment and also obstruct our natural functions, which also directly affects our health.

How to prevent environmental pollution

He is the only man who can curb the problem of environmental pollution by stopping his evil activities. Along with this, environmental pollution can be curbed by planting more trees. Similarly by reducing the use of vehicles, reuse and recycle of goods can also be very helpful in preventing pollution.

The conclusion

We and our environment are incomplete without each other. Unknowingly, through our actions, we are creating many problems for the environment and hence it becomes our responsibility to adopt natural methods to play our roles.


180 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

In today’s time, pollution has become a huge environmental problem, due to which many health problems are arising in humans and animals. Due to industrialization, the level of pollution has increased very fast in the last few years and due to this, pollution is also increasing very fast because the waste generated due to industrial activities is getting directly into the land, air and water. . Still people are not becoming aware of this problem of pollution and its effects. This is the time when we need to be serious about this issue, so that our future generations do not have to face such problems.

Types of pollution

Pollution is divided on the basis of natural resources they pollute such as air pollution, land pollution, water pollution, noise pollution etc. Apart from this, there are many other types of pollution too, which is harmful for our planet and its biodiversity.

Due to pollution

Constant cutting down of trees, increasing use of vehicles, rapid urbanization and industrialization and other large scale works have a very bad effect on our environment. These toxic and harmful waste causes irreversible changes in land, air and water, due to which many problems arise in our normal life. Human beings are increasing the burden of pollution on the environment day by day to fulfill their selfishness and desires.

The conclusion

To prevent this problem of pollution, we should organize public awareness programs so that this problem of pollution can be eliminated from the root. With this, it becomes the responsibility of every person that he should make his own significant contribution to prevent pollution, only then we will be able to give pollution free environment to our future generations.


200 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Environmental pollution has become a major problem in today’s time and there is no such creature living on earth, which is not affected by it. Due to contamination of the natural environment, it is becoming the cause of many diseases in humans and animals.

Pollution effects

Pollution affects us in every way, be it social, physical or mental. This increasing effect of pollution is quite fatal not only to humans but also to every living organism on earth. Rising pollution levels on Earth have given rise to environmental problems such as global warming and climate change.

Causes to pollution

Pollution is increasing due to smoke coming out of vehicles, industrial waste and smoke, garbage disposal in a haphazard manner and the use of plastic and polythene in large quantities. Along with this, ground water is also getting polluted due to excessive use of chemical and pesticides.

pollution prevention

If we want to fight the problem of pollution, we have to reduce the use of vehicles, control the smoke from the industry, save water, also reduce the use of coal and petroleum products. Along with this, the use of chemicals and pesticides will also have to be reduced to protect the land from pollution and to maintain its fertility.

The conclusion

Environmental pollution is not just the problem of one country but it is the problem of the whole world, so to stop it, we all have to come together and if it is not stopped then it will become a threat to the whole planet in the future. Along with this, it is also affecting the whole earth in a very bad way, making it a crisis for human life as well.


230 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

When external substances and toxins are mixed in the environment, they cause problems like pollution. The balance of the ecosystem has also deteriorated due to pollution of natural resources. Pollution has become a cause of concern for every country in the world today.


Industrialization, deforestation, urbanization etc. are the main causes of pollution. This problem is also increasing due to the effluents from many of our daily activities. Pollutants that pollute our environment are mostly gaseous (NO, SO2, CO2, CO, NO2) halogen (iodine, chlorine, bromine), ingredients (dust, mist), agricultural chemicals (pesticides) etc.

Noise liquor, photochemical oxidants (photochemical smog, peroxotil nitrate, ozone, nitrogen, oxide) from industrial areas (acetic acid, benzene, ether) and radioactive elements (radium, thorium), etc. are some of the solid wastes, which we must carefully dispose of need to.


Air, water and land pollution is the most dangerous way of pollution which directly affects the health of human beings. In today’s time neither we have pure drinking water nor clean air to breathe and pollution free land for growing crops, industrial revolution and green house effect has caused adverse effects on our ecosystem. Due to misuse of human selfishness and independence, we have exploited natural resources.

The conclusion

We need to control these rapidly spreading pollution to maintain healthy life in future on our planet. If we want a good environment for our future generations, then we need to take strict steps to prevent pollution so that the earth can be made a better place.


250 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Earth is considered an astral planet because it is a planet on which life is possible. Apart from this, due to natural resources being polluted by harmful elements, many diseases arise and it affects our entire natural environment. Air pollution levels have increased considerably due to the increasing number of vehicles on the roads and toxic gases emanating from rapid industrialization.

How does air pollution affect us and our environment

Pollution affects us and our environment in the following ways-

Acid rain

Harmful chemicals, poisonous gases and dust particles reappear on the earth in the form of acid rain and this causes great harm to life and crops. The effects of acid rain are quite harmful for farmers and some other species.

Agricultural contamination

The problem of water pollution has increased considerably due to the disposal of industrial liquid into seas, rivers and ponds and because this water is used by farmers for farming, the water released from it produces many negative effects on our health. Does.

Global warming and climate change

Due to the increasing pollution, the level of global warming has also increased significantly, due to which many problems have arisen. Due to this, problems like climate change have also arisen, due to which many species of earth have also become extinct.

The conclusion

Due to pollution, our Earth’s natural ecosystem and biodiversity are being affected in a very bad way. If this pollution continues to increase in this way, then our health and environment will have serious negative effects in the coming future.


280 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Pollution has become a challenge in today’s times because due to this people are facing many dangers in their lives. Our natural resources like air, water and land are becoming more and more polluted day by day due to the waste generated by industrial works and many other means. After mixing it in water, air and land, it directly affects the health of human and other animals. Due to which many negative effects are produced on our health.

Pollution in cities

Pollution levels in cities are much higher than in rural areas due to vehicles and traffic modes. The quality of clean air in the cities has deteriorated due to the smoke emanating from industries and factories and this air is no longer breathable for us. In addition, when sewage, domestic waste and waste from industries and factories are found in rivers, springs and sea water, it makes the water poisonous and acidic.

Pollution in villages

Although the level of pollution in the villages is much lower than the cities, but due to rapid industrialization, the clean environment of the villages is also getting polluted. The quality of air and land in villages has been greatly affected due to increasing traffic resources and pesticides. Due to this, ground water has also become contaminated, which has become the cause of many diseases in today’s time.

Pollution prevention

Increasing pollution in cities and villages can be prevented only by bringing awareness among the people. For this we need to take several important steps such as reducing the use of vehicles, planting more trees, less use of chemicals and pesticides etc. There are measures by which pollution levels can be reduced. Apart from this, in view of this problem of pollution, the government also needs to ban the use of plastic and polyethylene.

The conclusion

These pollution problems have arisen due to advancement in man-made technology. Before this problem of pollution increases greatly and reaches the danger level. We need to take several important steps to prevent this. Together we can overcome this problem of pollution and we can tackle this danger of pollution.


300 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Environmental pollution has become a serious problem for the entire humanity in today’s time. We have been continuously and unknowingly increasing pollution in the environment through our actions. Our natural balance as a human is deteriorated due to environmental pollution. When we play with the natural cycle of the environment, it poses many big challenges for us and makes our healthy life very difficult. This pollution puts the existence of both man and nature at risk because both of them depend on each other for their needs.

Main causes of pollution

The main causes of pollution are explained below:

Cutting down trees

One of the biggest reasons behind environmental pollution is the frequent cutting of trees. The number of toxic gases in the environment is constantly increasing due to the decreasing number of trees day by day as trees absorb carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere and emit oxygen.

Industrialization and traffic

Rapid industrialization and traffic emit a variety of harmful gases, which eventually get into the air, in addition to not properly disposing of waste from industries, it gets into the waters of rivers and lakes. goes. Due to which the problem of water pollution arises and it has many harmful effects on aquatic organisms.


Farmers use a large amount of pesticides to increase the fertility of crops, due to which the amount of pollution in aquatic sources increases significantly. When this water is consumed, many diseases arise due to it.

The conclusion

For good health, we need fresh and clean air, clean food and clean water for drinking, but these things are becoming difficult for us due to increasing pollution. In addition to affecting us, pollution also causes many environmental problems for us such as global warming, climate change and extinction of species.


380 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Due to progress in the present age, the earth has emerged as the main problem which is affecting the earth’s atmosphere. There is no doubt that pollution is affecting our environment and normal living standards. Our natural environment is deteriorating day by day due to our foolish actions, due to which we ourselves are also being affected.

Types of pollution

Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution are some of the main pollution due to which the environment is getting affected day by day. Detailed information about these main pollutants is given below.

Water Pollution

Water pollution is a major problem that directly affects aquatic life because aquatic organisms depend entirely on water for their food and nutrition. Due to the frequent extinction of aquatic organisms, the employment of humans and the food chain have also come under threat. Harmful chemicals from the factories, sewage, waste from the farm are directly discharged into water bodies like rivers, lakes and the sea. Due to which this water gets contaminated and causes many diseases.

land pollution

Land pollution is caused by the use of large amounts of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Consuming the crops produced by their use produces many harmful effects on health.

Noise pollution

Heavy machinery, television, radio and speakers are the main sources of noise pollution. Due to which the problem of deafness can also occur, due to noise pollution, elderly people are affected the most and due to this, diseases like heart attacks and stress also arise.

The conclusion

Every type of pollution is very dangerous for us and we have to face its severe consequences. Also we need to take care of the environment so that we can maintain the natural ecosystem. We all need to make joint efforts to deal with this problem, so that we can maintain a clean and unpolluted environment on earth. By stopping this pollution, we will be able to save the environment by adapting them to many innocent creatures living on our planet.


400 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. Due to which many problems arise in the natural cycle. Environmental pollution is classified into several types of pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, land pollution etc. Pollution levels have seen a significant increase over the last few decades and this pollution level has deteriorated much earlier than before. So this is the time when we need to work together to tackle pollution.

Pollution effects

All types of natural gases present in the environment react with each other and maintain its balance. Some of these plants are taken as food by the plants, such as carbon dioxide, but think about what would happen if there were no trees on the earth? Due to the decreasing number of trees, the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment is increasing. Due to which serious problems like global warming have arisen.

How to stop pollution

Pollution has become an important problem in today’s time, which we need to control. We can adopt some necessary measures to control it in time, some of these measures are explained below.

Planting more trees

Afforestation and tree planting is the best way to fight pollution, the more trees we plant, the more carbon dioxide and other harmful gases will be absorbed and our environment and air will be cleaner.

Reduce the use of vehicles

The less we use vehicles, the less the emission of harmful gases will come out of them. Instead we should encourage the use of bicycles.

Suitable waste disposal

With appropriate waste disposal methods, we can prevent the toxic elements of industries from getting into the environment. This will prove to be very effective in preventing air and water pollution as well as saving aquatic organisms as these organisms can live their lives comfortably without pollution in the oceans and rivers.

Using a limited amount of pesticides

Farmers should reduce the use of chemical pesticides in farming and use organic manure to increase the quality of crops. By doing this, we can maintain the fertility of the land and also protect the ground water from getting polluted.

By reuse and recycle

Recycling items is also a good way to prevent pollution. It helps in preventing pollution from the waste going on and around and helps to keep the environment clean and tidy.

The conclusion

We still have time to save our environment, but for this we all need to make concerted efforts together. We need to make people globally aware to prevent environmental pollution. We need to understand our responsibilities and try to make our planet better for ourselves and other species.


1500 Words – Essay on Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Today, pollution has become a global problem. It has completely changed our earth and is damaging the environment day by day, which is making our life more difficult. Many types of organisms and species are slowly going extinct due to these harmful effects of pollution.

Pollution is divided into several classes based on its nature, different types of pollution are causing various harm to our planet. The types of these pollutants, their causes, effects and prevention are discussed below.

Types of pollution

This is the main type of pollution due to them and the effects they produce, which affect our environment and daily life in many ways.

1. Air pollution

Air pollution is considered the most dangerous pollution, the main reason for this pollution is the smoke emanating from industries and vehicles. Harmful smoke emanating from these sources also creates obstruction in breathing for people. Increasing industries and vehicles have increased air pollution day by day. Which has created many health problems related to bronchitis and lungs.

The effect of air pollution is not only limited to human health, but it also has a very adverse effect on the environment, causing catastrophic problems like global warming.

2. Water pollution

Waste from industries and homes is often found in rivers and other water sources, which pollutes them. Our rivers, once considered clean and holy, have become home to many diseases today because they have been found in large quantities of plastic materials, chemical waste and many other types of non-biodegradable waste. These pollutants combined in water also spoil our health. Along with this, this problem of water pollution has also become a serious problem for aquatic life, due to which many aquatic organisms die every day.

3. Land pollution

The industrial and domestic waste which is not disposed of in water, is spread on the ground. Although many efforts are made to recycle and reuse it, there is no significant success. Due to this type of land pollution, mosquitoes, butterflies and other insects thrive in it, which causes many diseases in humans and other organisms.

Along with this, the land gets toxic due to the huge amount of waste generated. Constant use of pesticides and other chemicals also increases land pollution. Such pollution is known as land pollution.

4. Sound pollution

Noise pollution arises from loud sound machines running in factories and other loud noises. Along with this, it also increases the noise pollution due to the vehicles moving on the road, the sound produced due to bursting of firecrackers, loud speakers. Noise pollution is the main cause of mental stress in humans, which, along with many side effects on the brain, reduces hearing power.

5.Light pollution

Light pollution is caused by excessive and excessive generation of light in an area. Light pollution is caused by excessive use of light objects in urban areas. Objects that produce too much light without any need increase the light pollution, which causes many problems.

6. Radioactive pollution

Radioactive pollution refers to pollution that is generated in the atmosphere by unwanted radioactive elements. Radioactive pollution arises from weapons explosion and testing, mining etc. Along with this, the components generated as waste in nuclear power stations also increase radioactive pollution. Radioactive elements cause great harm to the environment, these pollutants get mixed up in the water sources and pollute them, making them unusable for us.

7. Thermal pollution

Thermal pollution refers to a sudden change in the temperature of water sources. This is not a minor change as it has the potential to disturb the balance of the entire environmental system. Water is used as a coolant in many industries, which is the main cause of thermal pollution. This water, used as a coolant, is released back into the water sources abruptly, then it reduces the amount of oxygen present in the water because gases are less soluble in hot water. This causes aquatic organisms to face problems such as temperature changes and lack of oxygen in water.

8. Visual pollution

Things made by humans that affect our vision are subject to visual pollution such as bill boards, antennas, garbage cans, electric poles, towers, wires, vehicles, multi-storeyed buildings etc. Constant exposure to visual pollution causes health problems such as eye fatigue, stress, depression. Due to this unplanned and irregular construction, visual pollution is constantly increasing.

World’s most polluted cities

On the one hand, while many cities of the world have succeeded in reducing the level of pollution, in some cities this level is increasing very fast. Cities like Kanpur, Delhi, Varanasi, Patna, Peshawar, Karachi, Sijizhuang, Heje, Chernobyl, Bamenda, Beijing and Moscow are included in the list of world’s most polluted cities.

The quality of air quality in these cities is quite poor and along with this the problem of water and land pollution is also increasing day by day, due to which the standard of living in these cities has become quite pathetic. This is the time when people need to control the pollution level along with developing cities.

Ways to reduce pollution

Now that we have come to know the causes and effects and types of pollution, now we have to make efforts to stop it. By following some of these measures, we can control the problem of pollution.

1. Car Pooling

Smoke generated by vehicles is the main cause of air pollution. Pollution levels are also increasing rapidly due to increasing vehicles on the roads day by day. Car pooling can play an important role in reducing this problem. Car pooling refers to sharing the space available in a car while traveling or going to work. Similarly, using public transport can also make an important contribution in reducing the problem of air pollution.

2. Say no to firecrackers

Firecrackers burnt on festivals like Diwali, New Year and Dussehra also cause significant amount of air and noise pollution. Especially it is very painful for elderly persons, young children and animals. We should introduce ourselves to be a responsible person and not use firecrackers.

3. Recycle / Reuse

Waste plastics and other non-biodegradable materials increase land and water pollution, causing many diseases. Therefore, we should not throw such items immediately and take new things, but instead we should reuse them as often as possible. Along with this, we should also focus on the recycle of goods.

4. Keeping your surroundings clean

We should keep the places around us clean and throw the garbage in the dustbin itself. By doing this, we can bring a big change and can contribute significantly in keeping our environment clean.

5.Using limited use of pesticides and fertilizers

It is very important that we always use pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals in limited quantities as these items increase the problem of land pollution. Instead we should use natural measures to keep insect-mites away from crops.

6. Save Trees

The plant absorbs harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and emits oxygen. Therefore, they are very helpful in preventing air pollution. This is the reason why we should plant more and more trees to get pure air.

7. Use Compost

Extra foods, leaves and plants can be easily decomposed by decomposing. This is the best and easiest way to use useless items.

8. Not using light excessively and excessively

We need to reduce excessive and excessive use of light. For this we should take great care and the government should also take necessary steps to prevent this issue so that people do not install excessive amount of light. Also we should not use strong light in public places.

9. By making stricter rules regarding the use of radioactive substances

Radioactive substances should be used as little as possible, and if it is to be used, considerable care should be taken. Similarly, governments should not use radioactive materials for destructive activities such as nuclear weapons and non-nuclear weapons.

10. By making stringent industrial regulations

Industries using natural resources should be held responsible for damage to the environment. Any industry that uses water as a coolant must cool the water according to the natural temperature before releasing the water back into the water bodies. This will significantly reduce thermal pollution and will help in keeping our natural resources and environment clean.

11. By planned construction

In today’s time construction is done much faster than before, apart from this it is unplanned and unregulated. Visual pollution is the result of such irregular and unplanned constructions. If you are a resident of a city, you will be well aware that even when standing on the roof, you will be able to see a few meters up or a little distance directly. Cities should be planned in such a way that success in reducing visual pollution can be achieved.

The conclusion

Pollution is destroying our environment day by day. To prevent this, we need to take necessary steps so that the beauty of this earth can remain intact. If we continue to ignore this problem instead of solving it, then in future we will have to face its fatal consequences.

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