Short and Long Essay on Obesity in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Obesity for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Obese people are more likely to develop diseases such as diabetes, sleeplessness, bronchial asthma and osteoarthritis. Obesity is usually caused by excessive food intake and lack of regular physical exercise. Obesity is also suspected to be a genetic problem. Obesity increases the chances of increasing various health problems that need attention as soon as possible. We have provided a few different essays here to help you with your exams.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Obesity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The problem of obesity usually occurs when a person consumes more than the required amount of food on a regular basis and is not involved in any kind of physical activity to burn the excess fat (fat) present in the body. This problem can also be genetic and can also be caused by side effects of certain medications or psychological factors like sadness, depression, nervousness etc. This problem can be prevented by following some of the suggestions below:

  •     Follow a healthy diet full of various nutrients. Before eating, make sure the amount of food you want to eat.
  •     Instead of eating huge amounts of food thrice a day, eat small amounts of four to five times.
  •     Allow at least half an hour to exercise each day.
  •     Along with your body weight, measure your waist thickness as well.

Obesity is not a problem in itself. It can lead to many serious health problems like heart diseases, brain stroke, infertility, sleep apnea and diabetes. If you have not stopped this problem in time, then you will have to undergo extensive treatment to cure it. When doctors prescribe medicines, try to change the diet of the patient and prepare an exercise system to cure this problem. In some cases patients may also have to undergo surgery.


300 Words – Essay on Obesity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Obesity is mostly a result of a combination of two things – excessive eating and little to no physical activity. This is not necessarily due to regular intake of excessive amounts of food or is a genetic problem. It can also occur as an adverse effect of some medicines. Here is a detailed look at the causes of this condition and a detailed description of ways to prevent and treat it:

Due to obesity

 Excess food intake and lack of exercise

One of the main causes of obesity is lack of physical activity and regular consumption of excessive amounts of food.

 Psychological factors

It has been observed that when some people go through difficult times in life, they eat more than necessary. This eventually leads to weight and obesity problems.


Obesity is also inherited from parents in some cases.


Regular intake of certain medicines such as birth control pills and antidepressants can lead to weight gain which ultimately leads to obesity.

Ways to prevent obesity

Here’s how to avoid obesity:

  Eat right and exercise right

It is very important to prioritize a healthy diet in food, which includes fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and grains. Avoid oil and sweet foods.

   Food intake

When you choose healthy food, also keep in mind how much you have eaten and how many times you have eaten.

Work out

Make it a habit to practice 30–45 minutes each day.

 Keep an eye on your weight

Periodically measure your body weight and waist thickness.

The conclusion

Obesity can be reduced by following the above tips. If you become a victim of this condition then it would be better to consult a doctor immediately to correct it as it is not only a problem in itself but also many other health problems like heart problem, gallstones, sleep apnea and Also gives birth to infertility.


400 Words – Essay on Obesity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The problem of obesity usually occurs when a person eats more food than necessary and does not do enough physical activity. Apart from this, the problem of obesity can also be inherited and may be due to some other reasons. Here is a detailed look at the causes of obesity, its impact on a person’s health and ways to avoid it.

Due to obesity

  Lack of excessive food and physical activity

As stated earlier, the main reason for the development of obesity is regular intake of more than the required amount of food along with lack of physical activity.

  Psychological issues

It has been observed that when people go through some difficult times, they eat more, due to which there is a possibility of increasing obesity.


Obesity can also be genetic. If any of the parents have this problem, it is possible to a large extent that the child also has to deal with this problem.


The birth control pill, other antidepressants can also cause weight gain, which can lead to obesity over a certain time period.

Effects of obesity

Obesity has negative effects on the body of a person in many ways. This can cause the following diseases:

  •     High cholesterol level
  •     diabetes
  •     Asthma
  •     Sleep apnea
  •     Infertility
  •     high blood pressure

Ways to prevent obesity

This problem can be prevented by taking some simple and healthy lifestyle before taking it seriously. Here’s a look at those options:

 Healthy food choices

Take care of how much food you eat in a day and try to eat a fiber-rich and nutritious diet which includes green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and grains etc.

Food quantity and size

Just choosing healthy food options is not enough, you also have to see how many times you eat in a day. Instead of eating huge amounts of food thrice a day, taking small amounts of food five to six times at regular intervals is more beneficial for health.

    Work out

Try to do 150-300 hours of moderate exercise per week. This can include jogging, swimming, cycling and dancing etc.

    Take care of weight

To ensure that things are under control, measure your body weight as well as your waist size periodically.

The conclusion

Obesity is a growing problem worldwide. This can be prevented by following a healthy diet plan and establishing a regular exercise regime. If a serious problem arises due to obesity in the body, then seek medical attention to treat it as soon as possible.


500 Words – Essay on Obesity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Obesity in the body is due to regular consumption of excessive food and lack of adequate physical activity to burn excess fat stored in the body. To elaborate the causes of obesity, how it affects our body, follow the methods to prevent and treat this problem.

Why is obesity?

As mentioned above, obesity occurs due to excessive consumption of food and lack of adequate physical activity. A detailed description of other causes of obesity is as follows:


If one of one’s parents suffers from this problem then the person may have to face this problem.

Psychological factors

Emotions like nervousness, anger and stress also affect some people’s eating habits. Due to these negative effects people increase their food intake.

   The medicines

Some antidepressants and birth control pills can also cause weight gain and this eventually leads to obesity.

    Health problems

Health problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome and hypothyroidism can also lead to obesity.

How to stop obesity?

   healthy eating habits

This problem can be reduced to a great extent by healthy eating habits.

    Food size

Instead of eating huge amounts of food 3 times a day, eat 4-5 times in a while.

 Physical activity

It is necessary to be active during the day. Get involved in physical activities. Try to do physical activities for at least half an hour every day. These include swimming, jogging, dancing and cycling etc.

    Watch your weight

Keep track of your body weight and waist size and make necessary changes in your diet. If you feel that weight is increasing then increase your exercise time.

What are the consequences of obesity?

An obese person is at risk of suffering from the following health problems:

  •     heart disease
  •     High cholesterol level
  •     high blood pressure
  •     diabetes
  •     Asthma
  •     Cancer
  •     Sleep apnea
  •     Infertility
  •     the strokes

How to treat obesity?
The treatment of obesity problem is as follows:

Dietary modification

An immediate change in the diet plan is necessary to overcome this problem. It is very important to consult a doctor to change your diet.

   Work out

Physical exercise is very important to control this problem. This helps in burning extra calories.

    Poor diet pills

These pills are effective in reducing weight but they may also have some negative effects.

    Prescribed medicines

To overcome this problem it is best to consult a doctor and take medicines.


This option is especially for those whose body mass index is more than 40 or 30 or the person is suffering from a disease that is directly linked to obesity.

The conclusion

Obesity is a serious health problem. Obesity can be cured by following a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to follow a healthy diet plan and exercise regime to prevent this problem from developing.


600 Words – Essay on Obesity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Obesity is a health-related condition in which a person’s weight increases rapidly due to more regular consumption than the required amount of food and lack of physical activity. The condition may develop due to genetic, psychological factors or as an adverse effect of some medicines. Below is a detailed look at its causes, effects of obesity, and ways to prevent this problem.

Due to obesity

The various causes of obesity are:

  •     Excessive eating: Regular consumption of more than the required amount of food, especially fat (fat), is the main cause of weight gain. Frequent food intake also affects the activities of the body organs.
  •     Genetic: If a person’s parents are suffering from obesity, then the symptoms of this problem can also be seen in that person. This is because genes affect the hormones involved in fat regulation.
  •     Lack of physical exercise: People who do not exercise are able to burn fewer calories which actively promote obesity. Taking excessive food without doing physical activities often causes obesity.
  •     Medications: Some medicines like contraceptive medicine, anti-depressant, diabetes medicine etc. also increase weight which ultimately causes obesity.
  •     Health Conditions: Health conditions such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance can also be the cause of obesity.
  •     Psychological factors: Emotions such as boredom, stress, and sadness affect some people’s eating habits. As a response to these feelings they increase their food intake leading to obesity.

Effects of obesity

Obesity increases the risk of developing various health problems:

  •     heart disease
  •     High cholesterol level
  •     high blood pressure
  •     diabetes
  •     Asthma
  •     Cancer
  •     Sleep apnea
  •     Infertility
  •     the strokes

Obesity can also have a negative impact on a person’s social and economic life. People suffering from obesity often suffer from discrimination and they also suffer from depression.

Ways to prevent obesity

Here are some ways to prevent obesity:

  •     Adhere to healthy eating habits
  •     Ensuring proper food intake
  •     Being involved in physical activities
  •     Keeping track of your weight and waist size

Ways to treat obesity

It is better to stop the problem before it escalates than to search for ways of treatment. People who have obesity for some reason should get it treated as soon as possible so that no serious health problems arise in the body due to obesity. These are the ways in which this problem can be treated:

  •     Dietary changes: Changing your diet is the first step towards controlling obesity. If you are suffering from obesity, there is a need to consult a doctor for necessary dietary changes.
  •     Poor diet pills: Poor diet pills contain weight loss ingredients. However, these pills also have side effects such as increased heartbeat.
  •     Exercise: It is necessary to devote 45-60 minutes to exercise each day. Try to engage in intense exercises to burn excess body fat.
  •     Prescribed medicines: Instead of eating meager diet pills, take medicines that have been recommended by your doctor.
  •     Surgery: This option is especially for those whose body mass index is more than 40 or 30 or the person is suffering from a disease that is directly linked to obesity.

The conclusion

Obesity is a serious health problem that gives rise to many other major health problems including heart disease, sleep apnea, asthma, gallstones and infertility mainly due to excessive body fat accumulation. Obesity can be prevented by keeping healthy eating habits, regular exercise and keeping an eye on body weight.

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