Short and Long Essay on National Unity in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on National Unity for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

National unity is a spirit that unites people of different sects, religions and culture. It makes the nation strong which can fight all kinds of natural and man-made threats.

After reading these National Integration Essay you will be in a position to answer all the questions. You will come to know why unity is important in our life and for a nation.

Here, essays of various lengths have been given on the National Unity, which will be useful in your examination or school work. You can choose any of these essays according to your requirement.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

National unity is a psychological process and a feeling that reflects the feeling of brotherhood or affection of a nation or people of a country towards the nation. National unity makes the nation strong and organized. It is the spirit that unites people from different religions, sects, castes, costumes, civilization and culture.

Our India is an example of national unity. The variations available in our country are rarely seen in any other country in the world. People of different castes and sects, whose living, eating and clothing are completely different, live together.

As long as the unity of a nation is strong, then that nation is strong. External powers are not able to influence their integrity and universality under these circumstances, but whenever national unity is fragmented, it faces many difficulties. If we turn the pages of history, we find that whenever our national unity is weakened, then external forces have taken advantage of it.

To maintain the unity, integrity and universality of any nation, it is necessary to have national unity. For a developing country like India, which has been a victim of slavery for years, it is necessary to strengthen the entire link of national unity so that it cannot be repeated in future.


300 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The philosophy of ‘unity in diversity’ is a unique feature of India. Since ancient times, there has been complete coordination in religion, nature, karma (work) etc. Democracy was established in our country after independence. All the countrymen were given the right to equality by not giving prominence to any caste or religion. And by integrating political ideological and economic freedom and equality, national unity was strengthened.

National Integration in India

Our India is an example of national unity, the diversity available in our country is hardly seen in any other country in the world. Here people from different castes and communities, whose living conditions, food habits and costumes are completely different, live together, all in the defeat of national unity.

Dangers of national unity in independent India

Currently in India national unity is declining due to many factors. The situation of isolation is increasing due to linguism and regionalism. Separatism and terrorism are flourishing in Kashmir and northeastern states. Naxalism, casteism and classism are also increasing in some areas. As a result, it has become difficult to maintain national unity in India today.

Communal riots are carried out at some places. Therefore, caste hatred is instigated somewhere. Some staunch religious mafia criminals are waging virtual wars with our government and the general public. Some anti-national organizations are creating an atmosphere of fear in the North-East and North-West.

Need for national unity

It has often been observed that when India was attacked by foreign or external enemies, the whole country was united. But the unity of the country is being damaged due to various reasons like internal discrimination, communalism and terrorism. Therefore, we need the importance of national unity for the protection of democracy and the all-round development of the people and the nation.

The conclusion

Today, the voice of national unity has started resonating in India. There is a strong need for national sentiment to protect it. Therefore, we should stay away from petty ideologies like caste, religion or regionalism and suppress disruptive elements.


400 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

“National unity” is the power at which a country, society, community grows and prospers. Many nations are built on the strength of unity. There is a great power in unity. And of Rashtra ‘(Rashtra) is the name of that subtle and pervasive spirit, which is capable of maintaining unity in diversity of the country and its inhabitants on a particular region. These two are actually called national unity.

Sense of unity is necessary

To maintain this national unity, the conscious, sensible, tolerant and generous heart of the people living in that country is necessary. Every class should never forget that the country will remain and the nation will exist. A sense of unity is the first and necessary condition for national unity.

unity in diversity

Many languages ​​and dialects are spoken and written in India. There is variety in food, living and clothing. People of almost all religions consider it their home and follow their religion openly. They all have the right to publicize and celebrate their festivals and celebrate them with brotherhood. We united and fought many wars against the enemies and pushed them back from our territory.

The need and importance of national unity

Large civilizations and cultures like Rome, Egypt have become the objects of history in the world. It is a history that whenever our country had lost its sense of nationalism for some reason, only then we had to face foreign invasions and many kinds of sufferings. But whenever the spirit of national unity was awakened, we kept our civilization, culture and national security safe even after facing all those invasions and sufferings. Indian civilization, as a nation, still stands before the whole world because it never let its inner energy and emotional unity die.

National Integration in present day

Today our nationality is indeed facing an existential crisis. Many powers and chaotic elements inside and outside want to divide our unity and also divide the nation. These people sometimes try to highlight narrow feelings in the name of religion, caste or class and sometimes regionalism. Whatever form it may be, if we go astray there is a danger of the same thing falling apart.

The conclusion

In such a situation, we need an atmosphere of discipline and mutual support. Honesty is our strength and our identity. Just the government and the public will have to try in unison. Our independence is based on national unity. Therefore, everyone should try to unite to build a strong nation.


500 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

When many people work together to fulfill a purpose, it is called an organization. Organization is the root of all power and unity is a great power, due to which many nations were formed.

India ranks second in the world in terms of population. Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Muslims, Parsis, Buddhists etc. live here. All people take pride in calling India a nation. India is not a country of any religion, caste, gotra or sect. In India, it is natural to have all the variations of morality, life, language and religion.

Among these variations, the philosophy of unity in diversity is India’s most important feature. Because of this characteristic and sense of harmony; Indian culture has become immortal. It is the duty of all Indians to maintain the unity and integrity of the country.

Difference between a country and a nation

There is a difference between country and nation. A country belongs to borders because the country is surrounded by a certain border. It is a geographic region defined by a single word.

A nation is concerned with emotions because a nation is made up of the feelings of the people of the country. Unless the ideology of the people of a country is the same, it is not entitled to be called a nation.

Threat to unity

It was the policy of the British to divide India. In this way he sowed the seeds to break our unity and integrity. In the present day, communal riots are witnessed in India from time to time. People of one religion keep fighting with people of another religion. Class struggle is going on in many places in the country.

There are also squabbles of Swarna (upper caste) and Harijan (lower caste). There is a quarrel in many places on the basis of language too. Government property has been damaged in the south against Hindi. Opposition to English is strong in North India. Urdu protests were also held at some places. In this way, national unity has been in danger since last decades.

Factors that are affecting national unity in India

The rulers have not allowed this country to become a nation due to their selfishness. Today, political leaders have stalled in making the country a nation due to their party politics. To get votes, the entire country is divided into narrow streams of religions, castes, languages ​​and provinces.

The national sentiment has not awakened the country’s leaders, officials and public. The policy of appeasement of leaders is preventing the country from becoming a nation. Because of this, traitors are often encouraged.

At the present time, there is a lot of encouragement in the country for traitors by politicians. For this reason, there is a growing lack of national spirit in all, due to which the unity and integrity of the country is being endangered. Corruption, malfeasance, dishonesty, fraud are prevalent in the country.

The conclusion

In the present times, for emotional unity, the government should arrange for national education. Mobile, cinema, Doordarshan, newspapers, magazines and radio can also play a very important role in national unity. Collective sports, cultural events and religious and educational trips can also help in national and emotional unity.


600 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

People of many religions, castes and languages ​​live in India. Unity in diversity is the main feature of India. National unity means people of all religions, castes and languages ​​living together in the country.

In order to maintain the unity of the country, the Constitution of India has conferred the right that any citizen of the country can adopt any religion of his choice. Everyone is at liberty to follow religion with their faith.

Meaning of national unity

National unity means the economic, social, political and ideological unity of a country. There can be differences in deeds, rituals, worship, food and living and costumes. There may be many of them but there is unity in political and ideological view.

Unity is an emotional word meaning the feeling of being one. The real meaning of unity is that the country is united in social, cultural, geographical and literary terms.

Need for national unity

National unity is an absolute necessity from the standpoint of internal strength and order and external security of the nation. Whenever we are unorganized, we have to pay for it financially and politically. Therefore, the unity of the nation is absolutely necessary for the independence of the country and the progress of the nation.

Obstacles in the path of national unity

The feeling of national unity does not just mean that we belong to one nation. A sense of brotherhood towards each other is essential for national unity. But communalism, regionalism, ethnicity, ignorance and linguistic pluralism have saved the entire country.

The following are the reasons which distinguish national unity: –

  • Communalism: The biggest obstacle in the path of national unity is the feeling of communalism. Communalism is an evil that divides man and society.
  • Language dispute: India is a multilingual nation. Different provinces have different dialects and languages. Everyone considers his language superior and considers his literature great. If a person disrespects and disregards another language due to the attachment of his mother tongue, he attacks national unity.
  • Provincialism: The feeling of provincialism also obstructs the path of national unity. Sometimes residents of a particular region demand their separate existence. Making such a demand removes the idea of ​​national unity and integrity.
  • Casteism: Casteism badly affected Indian unity. Each caste considers itself superior to another caste. After independence, the policy of reservation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at all levels was strongly opposed by the economically weaker upper castes. On this dispute, people influenced national unity by spreading sabotage, arson, anarchy. Thus casteism is an obstacle in the path of national unity.
  • Corrupt politics: For some years, the environment of our country is becoming toxic due to corrupt politics. The national sentiment is being affected by feelings of selfishness, regionalism and linguism. Political leaders are involved in corrupt conduct for their own benefits.

Measures to strengthen unity

To strengthen national unity, all laws and rules that create discrimination have to be abolished. There should be only one law in the whole country. Interracial marriage should be encouraged. There should be transfer of government jobs in more and more provinces so that the whole country can be shared by all.

Work that encourages people and national unity must be respected. Artists and litterateurs should write unitary literature. Newspapers, Doordarshan, films can do many things in this sacred work.

The conclusion

The defense and progress of any country depends on the unity and integrity of the country. Communal harmony is also needed to make India strong. We must always remember that love forgets love and hate forgets hate. Our path should be of love and non-violence. Hatred and violence are the root of all evil. Saints, Mahatmas and religious gurus have also given the message that there should be no discrimination between big and small.

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