Short and Long Essay on My Father My Hero in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on My Father My Hero for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

He is fortunate to have his father who inspires him and that is why he sees him as a hero. To help you on this subject in your exam, we have provided essays on ‘My father my hero’ of different lengths. According to your requirement you can choose any essay on my father my hero:

(1) 200 Words – Essay on My Father My Hero for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

My father is a wonderful person and a great father. I see him as my hero. They are a support base for our family. My grandmother often tells us how obedient they were when they were young children. My father always obeyed his parents and constantly strived to achieve his academic goals. He was also very good at sports. Apart from this, he was also always ready to help his fellow students. He always helped my grandmother with her household chores in her spare time. His dedication to his work and his supportive nature inspire us to become better human beings.

Even today his nature has not changed at all. He is always appreciated for his hard working nature and has helped in achieving many milestones for his department. His officers and other colleagues have always praised him for his dedication towards work. They also give equal importance to domestic tasks. They also help my mother with her household chores. They also help us with our homework and other assignments. Whenever time is available they play with us and take us out regularly for our entertainment. Also whenever our neighbors and relatives need help, they are always ready to help us.

Another virtue of my father is that he is a believer of overall living faith. He teaches us how to take utmost care of our physical health by eating the right foods, taking proper rest and exercising. After all, a healthy body produces a healthy mind.


300 Words – Essay on My Father My Hero for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

My father is my mentor, my hero and my best friend. He has stood by me at every stage of his life and has supported me in all my decisions. He has taught me a lot and has always kept his grace on me with his words of wisdom.

My father’s faith is to keep life simple

My father believes in living a simple life. Though his earnings are good and he can comfortably buy a luxury car and a big bungalow, yet he is still living in a small flat. Their needs are few and they have taught us the same values. They believe in spending a good part of their salary to do social work. My father is also part of a non-profit organization dedicated to providing food and education to underprivileged children. Every Saturday they meet these children and distribute fruits and other food items among them. He also provides free mathematics classes to these students at the charity school run by the organization. Sometimes they also take us with them. They have taught us how to share and take care of things. My sister and I have inherited these values ​​from her. We also do a lot to bring a smile to the faces of these children. This is true happiness for us. No amount, travel to roam and eat in a restaurant can be felt.

Like my father, I also believe in keeping life simple. I know that “needs can be met but not greed”. Now I am not eager to buy new bags, clothes and accessories every time. I only buy what I really need. I love visiting my donating places with my father and as a grown-up I want to join a similar non-profit organization.

The conclusion

I am proud of my father. He is the best man who is always dedicated to helping others. His teachings and values ​​have inspired me to become a better person.


400 Words – Essay on My Father My Hero for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

My father is someone whom I highly respect. He is a highly qualified person and is extremely devoted to his work. His dedication to the family is as much as his own work and that is one of his qualities that I admire the most.

My father gives the best advice

Whenever I need an advice I know who to take it from. For this I have to go to my father. Children are more attached to their mothers and mostly share all their secrets with them. However, in my case this fact is different. I share all my secrets with my father and walk up to him whenever I feel confused about something in life. He has a clear vision of life and knows how to calm his chaotic thoughts. Whether I have a fight with my friends or I am unable to focus on studies or I am unable to choose which co-curricular activities – I know who to ask for a solution. They know me very well and they are very intelligent even worldly. In this way my father advises keeping in mind my experience and my nature.

My father – the backbone of our family

My father knows his responsibilities well and never tries to avoid them. They are constantly ready to fulfill every responsibility of their family for us. He is like the backbone of our family. From taking care of emotional turmoil to meeting our financial needs – they have always stood firmly with us. I have learned a lot from this point of view of him. They have taught us how we all should take our responsibilities seriously and fulfill them happily. Taking inspiration from him, my brother and I completed every small task very responsibly. If every member of the family takes their responsibility seriously then everything will be well coordinated. There will be less tension and the relationship will remain sweet. They are not like those who have to remind themselves of their responsibilities and yet they do not fulfill them. Children suffer the most in such families. There are constant conflicts between family members that create a tense atmosphere. I am lucky that I was born into a family where people are mature enough to understand their responsibilities and we have been taught the same.

The conclusion

My father is really my hero. They have given us good education and motivates us to do our best. He is not only my father but also my best friend and my hero.


500 Words – Essay on My Father My Hero for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

We all love our parents but I am lucky that I also take inspiration from them. I see my father as a source of inspiration. He is truly my hero. I admire his love for his family, his dedication to work and concern for the environment and the people around him.

Dedication to improve the environment

My father is a true nature lover. They love plants and that is why we have transformed our terrace into a garden. Previously we had only a few pots on the terrace which were kept at some distance from each other, but now we have many pots. Although his love for nature is not limited to gardening at home, he is also involved in improving the environment by planting more and more trees and plants in the surrounding areas. They are also part of a non-profit organization that works to make the environment clean and green. They help further their mission by joining the organization every weekend. He and his team select an area every week and do their best to clean dried leaves and other waste products from there. They hire a sweeper who helps them and they do whatever they can to make them. After the cleaning drive, they plant trees and plants at appropriate places in that area. Sometimes he takes us for help.

He was also invited to our school to sensitize the students to make the environment clean and green. He gave lectures on the subject to help students understand the importance of this issue. It was a proud moment for me.

Confidence in working like a team

My father believes in working as a team. He did not expect that my mother would complete all domestic tasks and handle all the children on her own. They help and support them at each stage. They do all the work together to make our house a better place. Our father works with us whenever we need to work on an assignment that we are not familiar with. Instead of just instructing us and looking at our skills from a distance, they help us by getting involved in that task and understand the work better. I have come to know from many of my friends that their parents instruct them to do some work and expect them to complete it properly. They do not help them in the process of completing the work and even scold them if the work is not done properly. They have also set the definition of those tasks which should be done only by women in the household and whose male members should take responsibility. I am lucky that my father does not have such mentality. We have learned the art of working as a team and this has helped us in different stages of life.

The conclusion

His thinking of working as a team to improve the environment and his concept of making the earth a better place are two of the best qualities. I have learned a lot from my father.


600 Words – Essay on My Father My Hero for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

My father is not just my hero but an inspiration to all. Apart from being a great father, he is also a good husband and obedient son. Apart from this, he is also a very great human being. They treat everyone equally and do not discriminate on the basis of caste, religion or social status with anyone. All our family members and the people in the neighborhood talk highly about them due to their very friendly and helpful nature. People come to them for advice as well as seek help from them because they know that they have solutions to every problem.

Always ready to help others

Like the heroes in Bollywood films, my father is always ready to help everyone. I still remember the incident when one of my father’s associates became seriously ill when my father helped the whole family. His colleague’s family was not financially strong. He was the only earning member in the family. His parents and wife not only depended on him financially but also did not know how to deal with hospital formalities and other arrangements. My father helped him in his time of need. He spent many hours in the hospital helping his colleague’s family deal with hospital formalities. He also arranged for money to treat his colleague. He did as much as he could to contribute and requested his office colleagues to contribute for it. He also served as an inspiration to others. Many of his colleagues came forward to contribute to the treatment. Soon the amount of money required was found and the treatment was completed. I still remember the day when his coworker and his family came to our house and thanked my father wholeheartedly for his help. This incident has left a deep impact on my heart. Whenever I think about it, I feel proud of my father.

My father has taught me how to be willing to help those around us and how the little help we can make can make a difference in other people’s lives?

Balance of work and life

Another quality of my father which I really admire is that he is a very hard working person. He is praised for his hard work and dedication towards work. He has won many awards during his school and college days and his same quality inspires me to work hard and gain appreciation. He has also received several annual employee awards, most hardworking team member awards and many other recognized awards in his office. I have noticed that whenever there is a demand for work from them, they work non-stop hours. Sometimes they work during holidays. However this does not mean that they ignore their family and prioritize their work. He knows how to maintain the balance of work life and I love his quality.

Many of my friends say that their father is very busy with his office functions. He comes home late from office and often has to go out with colleagues on weekends but I am lucky that my father values ​​his personal relationships as much as his work. He does not unduly disappoint his family. They make sure that they come home on time and spend time with us. He takes us out regularly. Apart from this, they also help my mother in her small tasks.

The conclusion

My father is very clear about the fact that the first is family. So even though they are ready to help others and are extremely devoted to their office work they do not ignore us in any way. They actually involve us in many of their works instead of waiting behind us. Thus, we are helped in two ways. Firstly we live close to them and secondly we learn a lot from their good deeds.

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