Short and Long Essay on Jesus Christ in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Jesus Christ for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Jesus was born on 25 December in a small village called Bethlehem. The village is located near the famous city of Palestine, Jerusalem. The present AD is counted since the birth of Jesus Christ and is celebrated every year on 25 December as Christmas.

Through the following Jesus Christ essay, you will learn about the life, teachings, miracles and death of Jesus Christ. These essays will be equipped in such a way that it will reach all the readers according to their needs.

(1) 100 Words – Essay on Jesus Christ for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

All followers of Christianity consider Jesus Christ to be an incarnation of God. AD began after his rise. He was born into a Jewish family in Palestine. He was the founder of Christianity.

Jesus Christ was the ideal symbol of truth, non-violence and humanity. He always campaigned for the welfare of all. Jesus opposed the ritual and hypocrisy of the time.
So they accused him of treason.

Perhaps the king was distracted by his popularity and miracles. He ordered Jesus to be crucified in Jerusalem, accusing him of treason.

It is believed that he resurrected three days after the crucifixion. This is the reason that people began to consider him as God and Messiah as divine power.


150 Words – Essay on Jesus Christ for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Jesus Christ is considered the God of Christianity. Christianity started by Christ has become the largest religion in the world today. Christian scriptures describe the name of Christ in the Bible.

Jesus Christ was born in a stable home in the city of Bethlehem. His father was a carpenter. He was born to virgin mother Mary. There is an interesting story about his birth. It is said that the angel Gabriel informed his father that his fiancée Mary was pregnant and the spirit of God is present in her womb.

When Jesus was only 33 years old, he was crucified. False accusations of blasphemy and misleading people were made. A few days after this death sentence, Jesus Christ resurrected and rose from the tomb.

Christians celebrate this day as Easter. He struggled for the welfare of the entire human race and eventually made his sacrifice but did not leave the path of truth.


200 Words – Essay on Jesus Christ for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Jesus was the founder of Christianity. Christians consider him the son of God. He gave man’s first message of humanity. Christianity has the highest number of followers in the world. The main text of this religion is ‘The Bible’.

Around 4 BCE, a girl named Mary lived in the city of Nazareth in the state of Israel. He was married to a carpenter named Yusuf. It is said that God sent Gabriel to Mary.

When Mary saw the angel, she panicked. Then the angel told him don’t be afraid. Gabriel also told her that she would give birth to a son that would become very popular over time. The angels disappeared saying this. Subsequently, by the grace of God, Mary became pregnant.

After Gabriel states that Mary is pregnant with the Holy Spirit; Joseph marries Mary and brings her to his home.

At the age of 30, Jesus began preaching a new message of Judaism to the people of Israel. According to him, God, who is only one, is self-evident. God loves all people. Man should not take revenge in anger and also learn to forgive. He said that he is the son of God; He is the Messiah and is the way to heaven and salvation.


250 Words – Essay on Jesus Christ for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Jesus was the founder of Christianity and his followers are called Christians. He is called the son of God; And came to earth to end sins. He was born in Bethlehem. Her mother’s name was Maryam, a virgin and was known as Mother Mary.

Jesus asked people to behave as they would like to be treated. He has given the message of doing good with evil, loving the enemy and following the path of truth. He was a worshiper of non-violence and supported the truth.

After attaining enlightenment, Jesus Christ began to teach people. Many people started walking on their path. He told his followers that to reach God their hearts must be holy. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to purity of heart.

His truth and simple teachings had a great impact on the public. People started considering Jesus Christ as an incarnation of God. Seeing the high regard for Jesus Christ in the society, some people started to envy him. Gradually the number of his opponents started increasing.

Many high officials were also among those who opposed Jesus. They started telling the king false things about Jesus. Finally, the king also turned against him.

Jesus is considered an accused by the court and sentenced to death. He had nails on his arms and legs and was hanging on a cross. At that time they also prayed to God for their enemies on the cross and asked God to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing.


300 Words – Essay on Jesus Christ for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Jerusalem. He studied Hebrew scripture. During his lifetime, Palestine was in crisis. At that time, Jesus preached the message of religious reform and divine love. It is said that a huge star shone in the sky at the time of his birth. This meant that a great man was born.

Life and fame

Jesus was intelligent and inquisitive since childhood. He was interested in knowing the truth of religion. He was always engaged in knowing the truth of life. Gradually, his mind turned to God instead of leaning towards the world. Jesus became a disciple of a sage named John.

Because of his extraordinary power and effective teachings, his followers considered him the ‘Messiah’. But Roman and Jewish officials suspected him to be a political revolutionary. He was declared a freak and was crucified.

Jesus gave the message of peace, brotherhood and humanity. Today Christianity has the highest number of followers in the world. Jesus traveled to the neighboring country with 12 disciples, preaching a message of religious reform and divine love.

Jesus had some extraordinary divine power. He performed some miracles such as healing the sick and bringing back the dead. His extraordinary powers, effective teaching by parables and divine love increased the number of his followers.

Christians believe that he is the son of God. Jesus gave the message of peace, brotherhood and humanity. He was one of the greatest humans in the history of mankind. Jesus also forgave his enemies who were responsible for his cross.

The conclusion

Jesus Christ was indeed a great pioneer of mankind. He was a symbol of love and sacrifice. Of course, Jesus Christ is not among us, but his teachings are still immortal. He preached a world of love, peace, kindness and brotherhood. His teachings are stored in the Christian Bible.


350 Words – Essay on Jesus Christ for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Christianity was introduced to the world by Jesus Christ. He was born in Bethlehem in 4 BCE to Yusuf, a carpenter and a virgin mother Mary. Detailed information about Jesus is found in the Christian scripture Bible. Jesus did not have a surname, due to which people started calling him in the name of Jesus Christ.

In many sources, the birth of Jesus is believed to be on 25 December, due to the belief that this day is celebrated every year as Christmas Day. The Jewish people celebrate this day as the festival of Hanukkah.

Life and preaching

It is said that Jesus dedicated himself to the work of public service even at the age of 30. He fasted for 40 days and preached his religion for 40 months.

During his lifetime, Jesus performed a total of 34 miracles. In these miracles, he raised 3 dead people alive. The most miraculous change was his event of going to heaven, in which he disappeared into the sky with his apostles.

At the age of 30, he attained enlightenment. He delivered his first sermon from Mount Hill. From this year, he started preaching the religion. He began preaching his religion with the people of Israel. Jesus believed that God is the one who loves all humans. He told that instead of taking revenge on someone in anger, forgiveness should be a virtue.

Opposition and life sentence

The Jewish fundamentalists considered Jesus as their enemy. They considered him only hypocritical and opponents felt the worst by calling themselves the messengers of God. These fanatics together complained to Jesus to the Roman governor Pilate. To please these people, Pilate sentenced Jesus to death on the cross.

He was treated inhumanely. He was beaten with a whip. A crown of sharp thorns was put on his head, people also spit on him. Finally, he is hanged on the cross.

The conclusion

It was a Friday; Therefore this day is remembered in Christianity as Good Friday. Dying with such inhuman pain, Jesus took the sins of them all and requested God to forgive his killers.


400 Words – Essay on Jesus Christ for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Christmas is the largest festival in the Christian community and perhaps the only festival of all, which is celebrated with full fervor and gaiety on the same day in every corner of the world.

On 25 December, Jesus was born to benefit all mankind on earth. With the birth of Jesus, a new era began around the world. That is why, even after thousands of years, the same enthusiasm, the same reverence of the Lord Jesus remains. The importance of the message of peace, love and brotherhood given by Jesus Christ is reflected on this day.

Miracles at the time of his birth

Jesus was born from the womb of Mary, the wife of Joseph, a poor Jew, in a stable under the mid-night sky in a small village called Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Israel. The good news of his birth was first reported to the shepherds who were spending their nights in that area with a flock of sheep.

Then suddenly supernatural light spread around and an angel, Gabriel, appeared. The shepherds suddenly become frightened and begin to run away, but then the angel said that you people do not need to be frightened and told them that the Son of God is revealed to give them relief from all their sins and sorrows.

Enlightenment and popularity

He attained enlightenment at the age of 30 and started teaching people. Impressed by his teachings, the number of his disciples began to increase day by day and praise for his kindness and philanthropy spread everywhere.

Trial in court

Once Jesus was praying, the Jewish priests and religious leaders, who considered him his enemy, took him to the king’s court. When he was produced in court, the judge sentenced Jesus Christ to death under pressure from the king and religious leaders.

Torture and death

The Jews crowned Jesus with thorns and rags and drove them throughout the city. They then hang Jesus on the cross with nails in their hands and feet, but it was the greatness of Jesus that even after suffering so much torture, they only apologized to God for those people.

The conclusion

Jesus Christ was born about two thousand years ago. His biography is full of miracles. He did many things for the good of humanity. He overcome the sorrows of many sorrows. Love and hope flowed in his life. According to Christianity, he was the only son of God. He told the public the right way to live.


500 Words – Essay on Jesus Christ for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Parsi and Christianity have a special place in this world. Christianity has a third place in Indian society and followers of this religion are spread in every corner of the world. The founding father of this religion was Jesus Christ. This religion is world-famous due to its humanistic ideals.

Birth and miracle in life

Jesus was born in Bethlehem during the reign of King Herod. Bethlehem was a place in Palestine. This region was once under Rome. In those days, it was necessary to reach the state for the purpose of conducting a census. Just then, his parents arrived in Bethlehem to conduct a census. There was a lack of place to live. Therefore, the couple had to remain in a stable position.

Childhood and meeting with john

The same night they were born a baby who grew up and came to be known as Jesus Christ. Jesus was interested in religion since childhood. It was not even possible for scholars to answer the questions of Baal Jesus. He was a master of extraordinary talent. At the age of thirty, he left home and was initiated by a sage named John. John was a true and progressive man. He was a critic of hypocritical religious gurus and luxury rich people.


After taking initiation from John, Jesus lived in a forest for forty days. During this period, he fasted and meditated. It was at this place that he attained enlightenment.

First sermon

Jesus gave the first sermon on a mountain. He emphasized on being humble, establishing peace, loving the enemy, doing good to the evil-doer, making secret donations, and assimilating the virtues of tolerance.

Their teachings

While on one hand Jesus Christ preached one person to love another person, on the other hand he also requested to worship God. He said that treat others as they want for themselves. He considered love and forgiveness as an essential part of religion.

Jesus believed non-violence but the Jews wanted to be free from Roman slavery. In this task, they sought the help of Jesus Christ. He requested that Jesus should provide leadership in the attainment of freedom. Jesus was against any form of violence or contempt. He was giving a message of peace to the whole world.

Jesus said that instead of gaining external power or kingdom, we should have authority over the kingdom of God which is in our hearts. A section of people did not like this vision of Jesus Christ. They turned against him and started conspiring.

Conspiracy and judgment

Judas, the supreme disciple of Jesus Christ, is also said to have joined the conspirators. False accusations were made on Jesus Christ by the rulers. Jesus is finally arrested. They killed him by throwing nails into his hands and feet and hanging him on the cross. He was a prophet in the real sense because he had even forgiven those who hung him on the cross.

The conclusion

The disciples of Jesus Christ spread his message of love, brotherhood, forgiveness, non-violence and tolerance to every corner of the world and created many programs to serve and uplift mankind.

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