Short and Long Essay on International Nurses Day in English for Students, Article, Paragraph, Speech

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International Nurses Day 2023 theme Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health“.

Essay on International Nurses Day  1

Every year on May 12, International Nurses Day celebrations commemorate the contribution of nurses around the world providing quality health care to patients suffering from illness and injuries.

International Nurses Day is celebrated for all nurses who are available in the world for patients who are suffering from many diseases. Nurses are used to provide services and facilities for patients who are suffering from any disease, to take proper care of them. Nurses are used to collect every information about patients and they are used to treat the patient according to their physical conditions.

International Nurses Day is observed on May 12 in the world to honor and honor nurses for their incredible and honorable work. There are many nurses who work at night as well as during the day. Nurses quickly heal patients with all types of facilities and services offered to patients. Nurses are used to deliver patients to survive multiple diseases. Nurses survive patients better in the world.

Nurses are found worldwide to develop every activity for the wellbeing and treatment of the patient. The nurses are gathered together during the festival to come up with all important ideas and plans for the betterment of the people. On May 12, International Nurses Day is celebrated by people for the founding nurse for the birthday, known as the Nightingale of Florence.

When there is a Nurses Day ceremony, the International Nurses Day Kit is used to distribute and at the same time they get every knowledge of the Nurses Day Kit to produce educational as well as knowledgeable material for the public. The Nurse Day Kit is used every year to commemorate Nurses Day.

National Student Nurses Day is observed on 8 May and National Nurses Week from 6 May to 12 May 2003.

An IND kit was distributed for promotional material for 2014 as well as educational materials by providing a theme of “Nurse: Change due to the military – an important resource for health purpose”. Nurses are motivated to use this kit throughout the year by group and individual tasks. The Nightingale of the Florence was born on 12 May in the year 1820.

The nurses of the International Council are used to deliver a range of health services and facilities to the public. During the war of Cameron in the year 1850, Nurse became an important figure.

A number of educational as well as promotional activities are performed to commemorate International Nurses Day, which are used to convince people to impart knowledge.

Nurses are used to manage and deal with the problems of poverty, along with all the poor people in the world. International Nurses Day is used to celebrate in nations such as Canada, the United States and Australia. International Nurses Day is used to start a candle lamp facility in London, Westminster Abbey.

Celebration of International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day is used for patients to make people aware of nurses’ activities. International Nurses Day provides people with a variety of survival activities for patients suffering from a variety of diseases.

There are many types of diseases by which people are not used to walking or doing any kind of activities. For this type of patients, nurses are hired by people to provide all kinds of services and facilities to patients. Nurses are placed in hospitals as well as small clinics to give the patient every service to recover quickly.

Nurses are also used to exercise for those who suffer from a functional disorder. Nurses provide all kinds of nutritional foods to people so that they can be cured quickly.

Today nurses provide all kinds of facilities such as providing injections to people, cleaning rooms, bathing patients and many other activities. Nurses developed patients’ brains with lots of ideas and planned to focus on health issues.

National Nursing Week is used to celebrate from May 6 to May 12 in many countries such as Canada and the US. Nursing ceremonies are performed during a full week of festivities in the country of Australia.

National Nurses Week is used to celebrate the full week that is used to focus on health issues and services. The nurses give people to do the proper work to carry out every kind of activity to complete.

Nurses are women acting as a service provider for women. Nurses need to know the proper health of patients, to make them strong and healthy for the task that they have to manage and deal with. Nurses are used to gather every knowledge from their educational kit which gives them every knowledge of how to deal with and deal with every situation of the patient and wants to take care of every activity of the patients. Nurses make patients stronger and healthier to perform all activities better.

Nurses are used to provide every type of care to patients for their proper nutrition so that every safety and security can be found to focus on health care activities.

Nurses prepare people to better treat all possible treatments quickly, to better treat them. Nurses are used to manage and deal with activities that are very difficult to handle and have to be handled with proper care. The nurse must develop her knowledge to be able to focus on developmental activities to treat patients with appropriate care. Nurses have to behave appropriately to deal with every complex task in a smart way to pay attention to health related activities and to relieve patients better.

International Nurses Day Topics

International Nurses Day is used to provide all types of assistance to patients for proper treatment of any disease or disorder in the world. Nurses are used to provide patients with appropriate health activities to develop their activity.

The government has therefore provided several themes of International Nurses Day to make people aware of available nurses around the world to focus on the health care functions of the people. So the theme of International Nurses Day are as follows: –

  • ICN’s theme for International Nurses Day 2020 is Nursing the World to Health, focusing on the true value of nurses to the people of the world.
  • The theme for 2019 International Nurses Day 2019 is – “Nurses – A Voice to Lead – Health for All”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2018 is “Nurses A Voice to Lead – Health is a Human right”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2017 is “Nursing: leading voice – Better Goals achievement for Development”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2016 was “Nurse: Changing due to the Force: Developing Systems of the Health”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2015 was “Changing due to Force: Cost Effective as well as Care Effective”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2014 was “Nurses: Changing because of the Force – Important Resource for Health”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2013 was “Closing of the Gap: Development of Millennium Goals”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2012 was “Action from the Evidence: Closing of the Gap”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2011 was “Closing of the Gap: Equality and Access increment”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2010 was “Quality Deliverance, Communities Serving: Nurses resulting in the care of the Chronic”.
  • The theme of the International Nurses Day in the year 2009 was “Deliverance of the Quality, Serving for the Communities: Chronic Care for Nurses”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2008 was “Quality Deliver, Serving of the Communities: Nurses resulting for the Chronic care”.
  • International Nurses Day Theme in the year 2007 was “Quality care of the Patient: Workplaces of the Quality”.
  • International Nurses Day in the year 2006 was “Secure Staffing life saving”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2005 was “Nurses for the security of the Patients: Counterfeit Medicines and also Medicine Standards achievement”.
  • The theme for International Nurses Day in the year 2004 was “Nurses working for the poor people and also against the poverty”.
  • The theme for International Nurses Day in the year 2003 was “Nurses for fighting against the Stigma of AIDS and working for all of us”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2002 was “Caring for everyone’s Families: Nurses are there for the people”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2001 was “Togetherness against the Violence: Nurses there for everyone”.
  • The theme for the International Nurses Day in the year 2000 was “Nurses are always available for everyone in any Country”.

Essay on International Nurses Day  2

Nurses have the knowledge and many diverse skills they spend years perfecting and developing, all the while working in decidedly difficult environments where extreme stress is just a part of the job. Nurses are helped to bring new lives to the world, care tirelessly for the sick and injured, and sometimes see patients who did everything they can to save the pass despite their best efforts.

On many occasions, it was a vigilant nurse who noticed a mistake in a prescription to save someone’s life. On International Nurses Day, accept the hard work, long hours, and emotional durations that are part of every nurse’s life.

History of International Nurses Day

It all began in 1953, when Dorothy Sutherland, an officer in the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, called President Dwight D. Contacted Eisenhower, he proposed that they declare “Nurses Day”. However, he did not approve of her proposal at that time. The International Council of Nurses has celebrated from 1965 to May 12.

May 12 is an important date for all nurses, as it marks the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing. In January 1974, this day was officially made International Nurses Day. Every year since then, ICN prepares and distributes something called the International Nurses Day Kit, which contains educational and public information materials for use by nurses everywhere.

How is International Nurses Day celebrated?

Because this day is about celebrating the endless contribution of nurses to society, take this opportunity to show a nurse how much you care how much you appreciate her. With the most gestures of appreciation, whatever you need to do, it doesn’t have to be grand or spend a lot of money. The sad part is that many people neglect to thank their nurses, seeing them as robots who only know how to obey the doctor’s orders, so every little way to say a simple “thank you” is certain. Will make that nurse’s day.

If you are feeling particularly grateful that a certain nurse took care of you (fed you, brought a blanket, clean vomit for you, then monitored your vital signs, make sure you get the right pills. Changed your wounds. Helps you go to the bathroom, lets you cry over her shoulder, or whatever of the hundreds of other things nurses do), give that gratitude today Shit’s Day. So take a trip down to the hospital with a box of chocolates, a nice bottle of wine, or anything else that you think the special nurse likes.

Some people, after spending months in the hospital with a serious condition, decide to order pizza or cake for the entire medical team that was looking out for them, a gesture that the team guarantees to remember you forever , If you should decide this. However, as stated earlier, it is the idea that matters the most. The main goal of a nurse is to help you get through the treatment and get better, so just knowing whether he succeeded or not is a reward in itself.


Essay on International Nurses Day in 250 word

International Nurses Day is a global event celebrated on 12 May every year to celebrate the work of nurses in health. It is sponsored by the International Council of Nurses (ICN). The date was chosen because it is the birth date of Florence Nightingale, a British social reformer and founder of modern nursing.

How is International Nurses Day celebrated?

International Nurses Day is celebrated by hospitals and medical professionals all over the world. At the core of the ceremony is the intention to honor nurses for their dedicated and dedicated services to society.

Medical kits are handed over to the nurses and they are also given educational material on diseases, treatment of patients etc.

The award ceremonies are also held in small and big hospitals, where nurses are awarded for their services on a diligent basis. In all, it is an opportunity to encourage, respect, and enhance the knowledge of nurses.

Importance of International Nurses Day

Nurses are the most important link between a doctor and a patient. A doctor only prescribes and diagnoses medications, but in the end, it is the nurse on whom the actual responsibility for treatment depends. Without nursing staff, a medical facility may not work even for a day. Therefore, the observation of International Nurses Day becomes more important in view of these facts.

The conclusion

International Nurses Day should be celebrated every year and by all countries around the world to make the nursing profession more attractive and dignified.

Essay on International Nurses Day in 400 word

International Nurses Day is celebrated annually on 12 May on the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, a British nurse and founder of modern nursing. In addition to remembering Florence Nightingale, rearing also honors nurses around the world and their profession. These events are sponsored by the International Council of Nurses (ICN).

International Nurses Day – Remembering Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale (12 May 1–1320–13 August 1910) was a British social reformer and a nurse by profession. His role as manager of nurses and instructor during the Crimean War (1853–1856) was greatly appreciated. She reprimanded wounded soldiers who earned unprecedented respect as nurses. She was known as the ‘lady with the lamp’, who roamed at night to look after the wounded soldiers.

Florence Nightingale turned nursing into a profession primarily for women. She opened the first secular nursing school in the world. It was opened at St Thomas Hospital in London.

She was also an active social reformer and did commendable work on improving healthcare in all British colonies including India. He was instrumental in amending the Hunger Relief and Strict Prostitution Act on Women in India.

To appreciate Florence Nightingale’s efforts in the nursing profession, the world community celebrates ‘N International Nurses Day’ on her birthday on 12 May.

Why is International Nurses Day celebrated?

Nurses play an important role in providing first aid and basic healthcare. They are the backbone of any health system worldwide. Without them, the entire health system would become weak and fail to serve the needy. They are truly the hands and eyes of doctors and other professionals. Therefore, it is only clear that we understand the importance of nurses in the implementation of health services and appreciate their efforts from time to time, so that their morale remains high.

Every country that celebrates International Nurses Day organizes several commemorative events for nurses. Nurses are honored, appreciated and recognized for their contribution to society. This, in turn, keeps them away from their oaths and encourages them to serve society beyond their capacity. A society that recognizes nursing as a respectable profession is a healthy society.

The conclusion

International Nurses Day is an opportunity for the society to return the nurses’ favor to work in the field of healthcare in particular.

Essay on International Nurses Day in 600 word

Each year International Nurses Day is celebrated worldwide on May 12, to commemorate the contributions made by nurses to society. It also celebrates the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, a British social reformer and founder of modern nursing.

International Nurses Day – History

The International Council of Nurses (ICN), a federation that sponsors International Nurses Day, was established in 1899. It was the first of its kind, an organization of global health professionals. The organization has been celebrating International Nurses Day since 1965 as an annual event.

The proposal to see International Nurses Day as a global event was first made in 1953 by an officer in the US Department of Health, Department of Education and Welfare, Dorothy Sutherland. The proposal was by then President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower was built; However, the President turned down the proposal.

Nevertheless, the US observed National Nurses Week starting in 1954, from 11 to 16 October.

Following the efforts of the ICN, 37 President of the United States, Mr. Richard Nixon, announced the observation of National Nurses Week in 1974. The council chose a date of 12 May to celebrate the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. .

The 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, officially designated May 6 in 1990 as National Nurses Day. It celebrated the ground for International Nurses Day as a ceremony to commemorate nurses and the nursing profession globally. It is also celebrated to honor Florence Nightingale, who is remembered as the founder of modern nursing.

Observations around the globe

International Nurses Day is sponsored by the International Nurses Council (ICN). They distribute medical kits and informational materials to nurses worldwide. This day is celebrated differently in the whole world. Below we will go through the celebrations in some of the major countries of the world.

United Kingdom

Being the birthplace of Florence Nightingale, the United Kingdom offers some special services to celebrate nurses. Westminster Abbey is a church located in London, which holds an event of symbolic passing of a lamp from one lamp to another, indicating the passage of knowledge. A special service is also held at St. Margaret’s Church in Hampshire, where Florence Nightingale is buried.

United States of america

In the United States, a National Nursing Week is observed every year from May 6 to May 12. Similarly in Canada, a National Nursing Week was established in 1985.


Australia celebrates the day honoring its nursing staff. Numerous award ceremonies are held across the country, in which awards are given to selected nurses for distinguished services in the field of healthcare.


Nurses in China celebrate International Nurses Day by organizing candle marches, oath ceremonies and other events. Thousands of nurses gather at a suitable place and hold events.


International Nurses Day is widely celebrated in private and government hospitals all over India. However there is no rule of thumb for celebration and every hospital or organization celebrates it in its own way. Commemorative programs for nursing staff are held in medical colleges and hospitals, with the participation of doctors, lecturers and other individuals related to the medical profession.

The conclusion

Nursing is an important profession and nurses play an important role in patient care and implement health services at the grassroots level. The efficiency of government health policies and services depends to a large extent on nursing staff; Therefore, there is a need to regularly raise their morale through events such as International Nurses Day.

10 Lines on International Nurses Day

Set 1

1) International Nurses Day is celebrated every year on 12 May in recognition of the remarkable contribution of nurses in our society.

2) The objective of the program Utsav is to highlight the importance of nurses towards the treatment of patients in the healthcare unit.

3) The day is also celebrated to mark the extraordinary achievements of nurses in health care units such as hospitals and clinics.

4) This celebration emphasizes the importance of nurses for improving the welfare, safety, and health of patients in health units.

5) The idea of ​​celebrating International Nurses Day was first proposed by Dorothy Sutherland in the year 1953.

6) International Council of Nurses (ICN) reminds International Nurses Day every year from 1965 to May 12.

7) Every year International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world with a theme to promote the contribution of nurses in the society.

8) The theme of International Nurses Day 2019 is urs N Nurses: One Voice to Lead – Health for All ”.

9) The 2019 theme refers to universal coverage of nursing and healthcare facilities, leaving no one behind in quality care.

10) Many global events like conferences, panel discussions, seminars, awareness programs are organized on International Nurses Day.

Set 2

1) On International Nurses Day, governments undertake various campaigns to highlight the role of nurses in universal coverage of health care benefits.

2) Local Nurses Administration, Nurses Association celebrates International Nurses Day by organizing programs like community events, workshops etc.

3) Various NGOs conduct vocational skills training programs for nurses around the world.

4) One of the objectives of celebrating International Nurses Day is to address the concern of increasing scarcity of skilled nurses worldwide.

5) The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a global cooperative organization of over 130 nurse associations with a representation of around 20 million nurses.

6) International Nurses Day emphasizes the importance of nurses in society to provide significant support to many patients globally and improve their treatment outcomes.

7) It plays an important role in improving the quality of treatment being provided to patients through a global media campaign.

8) Nurses are honored by distributing gifts, flowers, and organizing dinner for their family and friends.

9) Many health organizations and renowned hospitals have designed quality courses equipped with the latest technologies to provide employment to millions of women.

10) Government, civil communities, NGOs should collaborate to organize activities for the welfare of nurses around the world.

Set 3

1) International Nurses Day is celebrated worldwide on 12 May every year on the birthday of ‘Florence Nightingale’.

2) In this year, International Nurses Day is being celebrated on 12 May 2019 and its theme is “Health for all”.

3) International Nurses Day is celebrated across the world to raise awareness about nursing as a profession.

4) On this day, the Ministry of Family and Welfare, Government of India launched the National Florence Nightingale Award for Meritorious Work and Courage of Nurses.

5) Florence Nightingale was a British nurse, statistician and social reformer and founding philosopher of modern nursing.

6) During the Crimean War, she was given the charge of nursing British and allied troops in Turkey.

7) She spent many hours in the wards and throughout the night she cared for the patients.

8) He walks around the patients at night with a lamp in his hand, so she was famous as her name with Lady with a lamp.

9) The first scientifically based nursing school, the Nightingale School of Nursing, was opened in 1860 at St. Thomas Hospital in London.

10) Florence Nightingale was the first woman to be awarded the Order of Merit in 1907.

Set 4

1) The proposal to celebrate ‘Nurses Day’ was first proposed by ‘Dorothy Sutherland’, an officer in the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

2) Finally, US President D.D. Eisenhower provided recognition to celebrate it.

3) This day was first celebrated in the year 1953.

4) International Nurses Council celebrated this day for the first time in 1965.

5) It was decided to celebrate the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale as International Nursing Day on 12 May in 19–4 as a nursing nurse.

6) Nursing is considered to be the largest health profession in the world.

7) Nurses should be well trained, educated and experienced to take care of the patient through all aspects such as physical, mental and social levels.

8) Nurses have access and availability to care for patients around the clock when professional physicians are busy seeing other patients.

9) Nurses are expected to be friendly, supportive and affectionate to increase patients’ morale and control their illness.

10) International Nurses Day is celebrated to honor the contribution of nurses in health services.

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