Short and Long Essay on Happiness in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Happiness for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Some people believe that it can be found in money, some people are in love then feel happy and some feel happiness and satisfaction when they do good work in professional life. To help you on this subject in your exam, we have provided ‘Essays on Happiness’ of different lengths here. You can choose any essay on happiness according to your requirement:

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Happiness for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Happiness is a very simple word that is commonly used. Even a small child can tell the meaning of happiness, but how many of us really know the meaning of happiness and how it can be achieved? nothing more! Most people seek happiness outside. They believe that they can be happy if they have some things or with some people or reach a height in their profession. It is taught to them from childhood. All the remarkable things are necessary for a good life but not necessarily to bring happiness.

Happiness is what only you can bring for yourself. If you like to be happy and want to practice ideas accordingly then you will get happiness. However it is not as easy as it seems. You need to make an effort to make this work. Second, it is not a one-time activity. You have to practice some things daily to achieve this condition.

Now when you have to search for happiness within yourself then you need to get help from your family and friends. Many people nowadays suffer from depression because they want to deal with their problems on their own rather than involve others. this is wrong! It is important to look inside oneself to find true happiness, but it is equally important to be with positive people.


300 Words – Essay on Happiness for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Happiness is a state of bliss. If you train your brain to be in this position then it will learn to live in the same way. This is because whatever your mind says your mind believes the same. However it is not as easy as it seems. You may experience happiness from time to time but it may take months or even years to remain in this state.

Ways to attract happiness

According to some recent studies some habits attract happiness and maintain it forever:

   Be Satisfied

Instead of being over-excited or depressed in various situations, you should make changes in neutralizing these active emotions such as peace and contentment. It is also easy to keep these feelings healthy.

   live in the moment

You should stop thinking about your past mistakes. Mistakes happen the most. No one is fully skilled in everything. Stop blaming yourself or blaming yourself for all the bad decisions you have made in your life. Also stop worrying about your future. Live in the present moment Do not let the good times go by hand

    To be grateful

Remember all your past moments and decisions that make you happy and make you happy. Be thankful to God for getting such happy moments.

    Bring positive thinking

Your thoughts make your reality. Positive thoughts and positive minds attract positive things in life and negative thoughts make one feel negative experiences. So the only way to experience happiness is to think well of everyone around you.

    Be around positive thinking people

Stay away from people who say negative things or discourage you. Stay with positive thinking people instead.

The conclusion

It is easy to keep negative thoughts in mind and stay in a state of anxiety and stress due to many things in life. You should always remind yourself of the good times and all the good things. This is a good way to shift your mood from negative to positive state.


400 Words – Essay on Happiness for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Happiness is actually a state of being happy and satisfied. Many philosophers have given different views on this subject although the most influential fact is that happiness can be felt from within and should not be discovered in the outside world.

Money can’t buy happiness

It is sad that people seek happiness outside. Many people collect happiness with money. If this was the case then rich people would never feel depressed but on the contrary we see that it is rich people who are more anxious, fearful, stressful and often experience relationship problems and suffer from depression. Famous people like film stars, singers and ministers have a lot of money but still the divorce rate among these people is much higher than the general public. These people are constantly in fear and therefore need protection at all times. They also worry more about the safety of their children. These people are afraid of robbery and robbery for 24 hours. They have so much money that they constantly worry about where to invest or where to hide this money. On the other hand people from poor sections are often worry-free and happy.

It is not that being rich is a bad thing. Having wealth means you have lots of things. You can go on holidays, plan social celebrations, buy nice clothes, buy property, live in a good area and more than that which is an important step to be happy. Although it is not necessary that you will be happy if you have so much. Materialistic things can make you happy for a moment but cannot help in finding true happiness.

Happiness comes from inside

Someone has rightly said that “You will find true happiness in life only when you know that the purpose of happiness is only to make you happy”. True happiness is within oneself. It does not come from others. At this point many times emphasis Given but most people consider it irrelevant. We need to understand that happiness is basically a state of mind. It cannot be achieved by the things we see outside. Our power The power of the state with the help of positive emotions, which may be obtained from good ideas.

The conclusion

It is basically our thoughts that make up our feelings. Therefore we need to work on building positive thoughts and positive attitude towards life and in the end this will lead to happiness.


500 Words – Essay on Happiness for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Happiness is something that every human longs for, but very few people are able to get it. The simpler it is to define, the more difficult it is to achieve it. This is because people often associate it with people and things. Happiness is something that starts with you and ends with you. Only those who feel this are able to achieve true happiness.

Aristotle’s argument about happiness

Aristotle was a philosopher who wrote a lot about happiness. He believed that happiness depends on our own selves. According to him happiness is the main purpose of human life. He said that happiness is a goal in itself and it depends on virtue. However, Aristotle’s moral qualities are generally more personal than social qualities.

According to Aristotle, a truly happy life needs to fulfill many conditions like being physically and mentally fit. He has presented the theory of happiness in his most influential work Nicomacian Ethics. This Aristotle theory also has relevance in today’s scenario. According to him, fulfilling all the needs is the end of happiness. He said that almost everything, good relationships, money, success or power, we want because we believe that it will make us happy. It would be fair to say that everything else is just a means to achieve happiness and happiness is an end in itself.

Happiness in relationships

Many people associate happiness with money and many people associate it with relationships. They do not understand that they will not feel happy in their relationships until they are happy themselves. Relationship problems are increasing rapidly and the main reason behind this is that we expect too much from the other person. We hope that they make us feel happy. We lie in our minds like, ‘If our partner buys us a dress we will be happy’ or ‘If our partner is planning a surprise for us, we will be happy’. This problem is not only with the couple but it is with each relationship whether it is a parental relationship or siblings or friendship.

Here are some facts below that can help you be happy:

    Take care of yourself

Take care of yourself. Don’t prioritize the other person over yourself and don’t let him do it either. If you give too much priority to someone and you get nothing in return, then you are preparing a recipe for your disappointment.

    Get started

If you want to go somewhere, plan it yourself. Do not wait for your partner, parent or child to take you there. Let them know that they will like you if they come together. However there is no need to be disappointed if they refuse. Keep your plan going.

    Give personal time

You need to give time to your partner and give your personal time to maintain a healthy relationship.

The conclusion

We set unrealistic expectations from other people in our lives and believe that if they truly love us, they will express it in the same way. This is almost certainly false. It only hurts relationships rather than doing any good. We need to understand that the only person who can make you feel really happy is yourself.


600 Words – Essay on Happiness for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Happiness is a way of life and it is not something that can be acquired and kept. People spend their whole life behind happiness but they get full of dissatisfaction. They have assumed that they would be happy if they got admission in a good college or if they managed to get a good job or if they got a sensible life partner. While all this helps in creating a good life which is necessary to find happiness, but these alone cannot bring happiness. Happiness is something that can be felt from within, not from outside.

Happiness according to Buddhism

According to Buddhism, “happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are.” It only depends on what you think.

The Buddha believed that happiness begins with understanding the main causes of suffering. The Buddha has described a way related to the eight sutras that help control the mind and ultimately help one attain happiness. However this is not a one-time task. It needs to be followed in a daily manner. This idea teaches you not to worry about the past or the future and live in the present. The present is the only place where you can experience peace and happiness.

The Buddha is described as “always smiling”. His portrayals mostly depict him with a smile. This smile comes from the depths inside them. Buddhism states that true happiness can be attained by knowledge and practice by developing mental peace and can be achieved by stripping it of one’s own needs, desires and passions.

Happiness according to Hinduism

According to Hinduism, happiness comes from one’s own actions, past deeds and God’s grace. Three types of happiness are mentioned in Hindu texts. These are as follows:

  • Physical pleasure: It is also known as physical pleasure. This can be achieved with a comfortable life, physical pleasure and sensual pleasure.
  • Mental Happiness: It is also known as Mental Anandam. This can be achieved with a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction. It is a state in which a person is free from all kinds of worries and sorrows.
  • Spiritual Bliss: It is also called Spiritual Atmananda. This type of happiness can be achieved when a person comes out of the cycle of birth and death and reconciles with oneself.

According to Hinduism the ultimate purpose of living is to experience supreme bliss in heaven as an independent soul. Humans can experience temporary happiness by fulfilling their duties, but according to Hinduism, permanent happiness can only be achieved in heaven by attaining liberation.

Happiness – Essential to a Good Life

Whether you are a student, working professional, a housewife or a retired person – happiness is essential for each one of you to live a good life. It is essential for a person’s emotional well-being. If a person is not emotionally healthy, his overall health may soon decline.

Even though happiness is extremely important, unfortunately people do not pay much attention to the ways by which they can keep themselves happy. They are so engrossed in their professional life and other tasks of life that they forget to enjoy the good moments in life. It is no wonder that cases of stress, anxiety and depression are increasing day by day.

The conclusion

The definition of happiness and efforts to attain can vary according to different conditions although its sole purpose is to be happy. If you work hard for your livelihood, if you work hard to achieve happiness for yourself, then the meaning of your life will change.

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