Short and Long Essay on Global Warming in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Global Warming for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 & 700 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Through this essay, we make our children aware of every aspect related to the environment, along with its reason, we will also understand how to control it. Easy words have been used for students to understand quickly.

(1) 100 Words – Essay on Global Warming for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Global warming is a major atmospheric issue throughout the world. Our earth is getting warmer day by day by constantly receiving sunlight due to which the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing. Due to its ever-increasing side effects, there are major problems for humans. For which social awareness is needed on a large scale. To deal with this problem, people should know its meaning, cause and effect so that its solution can be reached at the earliest. To combat this, all of us should come forward together and solve it to save life on earth.


150 Words – Essay on Global Warming for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Today, global warming is a major topic of the atmosphere on the Earth, due to which the surface temperature of the Earth is constantly increasing. It has been estimated that in the next 50 or 100 years, the temperature of the earth will increase so much that many difficulties will arise on this earth for life. The main and known reason for the increase in temperature on the earth is the level of increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The main reason for the increase of this destructive gas on the earth is the excessive use of fossil fuels like coal and oil and the cutting of forests. Due to the decreasing number of trees on the earth, the level of carbon dioxide increases, trees are the main source for using this harmful gases and it is released by humans in many forms (through breathing etc.). Due to the rising temperature, the risk of rising sea level, floods, storms, lack of food items, all kinds of diseases etc. increases.


200 Words – Essay on Global Warming for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Earth’s continuously rising temperature level is called global warming. The surface of our earth is getting hotter day by day due to wrong care habits of humans all over the world. This is the most worrying aspect for the Earth’s environment because it will continuously reduce the chances of life on Earth. Before reaching its solution, we must think about its cause and its effect on the environment so that we can be assured that we are moving in the right direction to get relief from it. Continuous heating of the Earth means increasing CO2 gas in the environment. Whereas, due to rising levels of CO2 there are many reasons such as cutting of trees, use of coal, use of fossil fuels, use of gasoline for transportation, non-essential use of electricity, etc., increases the temperature of the earth. This will lead to erosion in the ozone layer, rise in sea water level, change in the nature of weather, floods, storms, epidemics, food shortages, deaths etc. which will reduce the chances of life on earth.

No one can be blamed for the increasing threat of global warming, but the entire human race is responsible for it, whose solution will be possible only through global awareness and generous efforts of each one.


250 Words – Essay on Global Warming for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Global warming is a constant rise in the temperature of the earth. Presently it is emerging as a big problem for the whole world. It is believed that the main reason for the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere is the increase in the level of greenhouse gases. If this is ignored and no immediate steps are taken by the countries of the world to get rid of it, then the day is not far when the earth will come to its end.

Its dangerous effects are increasing day by day and threatens the whole world. Due to this sea level rise, floods, storms, cyclones, changes in weather patterns, infectious diseases, food shortages, deaths etc. will be seen in the coming time. The only way to get rid of it is public awareness on a personal level. People should have an understanding of its meaning, cause, and effect so that it can be eradicated from the root and the possibilities of life on earth are possible forever.

People should stop CO2 from spreading their bad habits such as excessive use of oil, coal and gas, stopping tree felling (as they are the main source of carbon dioxide soak), using less electricity, etc. With a slight change in the people of the whole world, one day we can reduce its effects and prevent the negative changes in the environment.


300 Words – Essay on Global Warming for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Global warming is a constant increase in the Earth’s surface temperature due to rising levels of carbon dioxide in the environment. It is becoming a big and serious issue for the world community. It is necessary that all the countries of the world society take positive steps to solve this. Regular rising earth temperatures will create many dangers that will make life on this planet difficult. This will increase regular and permanent changes in the climate of the earth and this will cause the balance of nature to deteriorate.

Increasing CO2 on Earth will have a major impact on human life. It will cause continuous hot winds, sudden storms, unexpected cyclones, ozone layer erosion, floods, heavy rains, droughts, food shortages, pandemics, and deaths etc. Will increase Such research has found that the reason for high CO2 emissions is the use of fossil fuels, composting, cutting of trees, gas from the fridge and AC, excessive electricity usage. It is worth noting that if this is not stopped, by 2020 global warming could have a bad effect on the earth as CO2 emissions are constantly increasing.

The reason for increasing effect of greenhouse gases on the earth is to increase the level of CO2, all the greenhouse gases (water vapor, CO2, methane, etc.) absorb the rays of hot rays followed by re-distortion in all directions and return to the earth. Temperature increases what we see as global warming.

To prevent the life-related side effects of global warming, we must permanently discard all the factors that increase the effects of CO2 and greenhouse gases so that the temperature of our Earth is not heated. We should not cut trees, use electricity properly, do not burn wood, etc.


400 Words – Essay on Global Warming for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Today we are facing a big challenge in the form of global warming, which we need to find a permanent solution. Basically, global warming is a constant and permanent increase in the Earth’s surface temperature. To end its impact, the whole world needs to be widely discussed. This has affected the climate and biodiversity of the earth for decades.

The main cause of increasing global warming on Earth is greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane, which have direct effects on rising sea water levels, melting of glaciers, unpredictable atmospheric changes that reflect life chances on Earth. According to statistics, the temperature of the earth has been continuously increasing since the middle of the 20th century and the main reason is due to the change in the lifestyle of the people.

1983,1987,1988,1989 and 1991 were the hottest years of the last century. Due to its continuous increase, outbreaks like floods, droughts, cyclones, landslides, tsunamis, epidemics etc. are causing life-threatening life which shows imbalance of nature.

Evaporation of water takes place in the atmosphere due to global warming, due to which greenhouse gas is formed and due to which again global warming increases. Other activities like burning fossil fuels, use of fertilizers, increase in gases like CFCs, tropospheric ozone and nitrous oxide are also responsible for global warming. The fundamental reason for its growth is technological advancement, population explosion, industrialization, deforestation, and urbanization.

Due to excessive deforestation, we are disturbing the balance of nature, as well as technological advancements such as global carbon bicycles are making holes in the ozone layer and this is giving opportunity for ultraviolet rays to come easily on the Earth which causes the increase in global warming. Is being made Trees are the best option to remove carbon dioxide from the air, so deforestation will have to be stopped and people should be encouraged to plant trees to eliminate the risk of global warming, so that we can reduce its risk. We can get a lot of success. There is also a need to prevent population explosion across the world as it will reduce the use of destructive technologies on the earth.


700 Words – Essay on Global Warming for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

What is global warming?

Global warming is the process of regular warming of the entire environment including the ocean, the top of the ice, and the surface of the Earth. The last few years have seen an increase in atmospheric temperature globally. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the Earth’s average temperature has increased by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the last century. It is also estimated that by the next century, it may increase by 2 to 11.5 ° F.

Reasons for global warming:

There are many reasons for global warming, the main reason is the greenhouse gas which is produced by some humans due to some natural processes. The 20th century has seen greenhouse gases rising due to population explosion, economy and energy use. Industrial activities are the reason for the release of many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, because industrialization is needed in the modern world to meet almost every need.

Corbandai oxide (CO2) and sulfuride oxide (SO2) have increased by 10 times in the last few years. The release of corbandai oxide varies according to natural and industrial processes, including oxidation rotation and photosynthesis. Greenhouse gas, called methane, is also released into the atmosphere by decomposition of organic matter. Other greenhouse gases are nitrogen oxides, hello carbons, CFCs chlorine and bromine compound etc. They all combine together in the atmosphere and disturb the radioactive balance of the atmosphere. They have the ability to absorb hot deformation that causes the Earth’s surface to warm.

A decrease in the ozone layer in Antarctica is also a cause of global warming. The ozone layer is decreasing as CFCs gas increases. This is a human-caused cause of global warming. CFCc gas is used in many places as an aerosol propellant in industrial liquid cleaning and in fridges, whose regular rise reduces the ozone layer.

The function of the ozone layer is to protect the earth from harmful rays. Whereas, increasing global warming of the Earth’s surface is a sign that the ozone layer is eroding. Harmful ultra violet sun rays penetrate the biosphere and are absorbed by greenhouse gases, ultimately leading to global warming. If you look at the data, it has been estimated that the hole in Antarctica (25 million km) has twice the hole in the ozone layer. Ozone degradation is not particularly common in winter and summer.

The presence of aerosols in the atmosphere also increases the surface temperature of the earth. Atmospheric aerosols have the ability to spread and can absorb sun rays and excess rays. These can cause cloud signs and microphysical changes. Its quantity in the environment has increased due to humans. Agriculture produces pits, burning of biofuels produces organic tiny droplets and black particles, and the burning of many different substances in manufacturing processes produces aerosols through industrial processes. Different pollutants are also released through transport which react with chemicals in the atmosphere to form aerosols.

Impact of global warming:

In some years its effect has become quite clear due to the means of increasing global warming. According to the US Geological Surveys, there used to be 150 glaciers in the Montana Glacier National Park, but due to its impact there are now only 25 left. Hurricanes are becoming more dangerous and powerful due to major climate change. Natural storms are becoming more powerful by taking energy from the temperature difference. The year 2012 has been recorded as the warmest year since 1895 and 2013 with the year 2003 was recorded as the warmest year since 1880.

Global warming has resulted in a lot of climate changes like increase in summer season, decrease in cold weather, increase in temperature, changes in air circulation, jet stream, rainless weather, melting of snow peaks, ozone Layer erosion, severe storm, cyclone, flood, drought etc.

Solution to global warming:

A number of awareness campaigns and programs are being implemented and implemented by government agencies, business leadership, private sectors and NGOs etc. There are some disadvantages that are impossible to compensate by global warming (melting of ice peaks). We should not back down now and by reducing the human-caused factors of global warming, everyone should try their best to reduce its impact. We should minimize the emission of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and adopt the climate changes that have been happening for years. Instead of electric energy, one should try to use pure and clean energy or the energy generated from solar, wind and geothermal. The effects of global warming can be reduced by burning oil and reducing the level of use of coal, means of transport, and electrical goods.

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