Short and Long Essay on Cleanliness is a Good Habit

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250 Words – Essay on Cleanliness is a Good Habit for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Cleanliness is a habit that should naturally occur to individuals and society as well. A clean and healthy society is very essential and important for the environment and progress and development of the nation.

Government’s initiative for cleanliness

Given the poor perception of people towards cleanliness, the Government of India launched the Swachh Bharat Mission or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on 2 October 2014. The mission was intended to encourage people to personal hygiene as well as environmental hygiene.

There were several objectives listed under the scheme which were implemented on a national basis. Some of the main objectives of the campaign listed below were concerned with raising people’s personal hygiene levels as well as encouraging them to keep their environment clean.

Toilet construction

Crores of toilets were built across the country to discourage people from defecating in the open. Open defecation is a habit, which is harmful not only to human health but also to the environment.

Cleanliness campaign

Many sanitation campaigns were arranged from time to time by government agencies, people and communities. People clean their offices, neighborhoods and other public places, displaying collective responsibility towards cleanliness in groups.

School cleanliness

Schools were an essential part of the campaigns. Students were taught about the health benefits of maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness. Soaps were distributed to the students and proper water availability was ensured by the authorities.

The conclusion

Cleanliness is a habit and also a collective responsibility. It should be implemented through individual practice and collective efforts.


400 Words – Essay on Cleanliness is a Good Habit for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Cleanliness refers to maintaining good standards of personal hygiene levels in our everyday activities. In general terms, cleanliness is nothing but the level of cleanliness we maintain.

Hygiene can be broadly divided into two distinct parts – personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness.

Personal hygiene is the level of cleanliness in our own body as well as in our surroundings such as home, room, classroom, etc. Environmental cleanliness, on the other hand, refers to the levels of cleanliness that our environment maintains, including water bodies, forests, natural air, etc.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene refers to the habit of keeping our body and other belongings clean and hygienic. It deals with day-to-day activities from our home to the workplace and elsewhere where we go. This includes bathing, washing teeth, washing hands, cleaning nails, wearing clean clothes, etc., all of these are personal habits associated with personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene also depends on how we behave in our workplace and other places. Is your workplace where you spend a good time of your day messy? If so, I am sorry to say, but you need to take some lessons on cleanliness. Cleanliness should not be limited only to the levels of our physical existence, but it goes beyond it.

We should also be aware of the hygiene standards we maintain in our office and other places. Like the house, the office should have a dustbin and a sweeper. We should also ensure that the campus is clean of garbage and looks clean and tidy. Also, while visiting public places like parks, stations etc., we should avoid litter at any cost and ensure that whatever waste is not only dumped in the trash but on the ground.

Environmental cleanliness

Environmental cleanliness refers to the efforts being made to keep the environment clean. The environment in which we live is no less important than our own body which we aspire to clean. Just as we try to keep our body clean, we should also try to keep the environment clean. Environmental cleanliness arises from the habit of not clearing waste and ensuring that less waste is generated and disposed of properly.

The conclusion

Being personally responsible as well as being environmentally responsible is both essential. As long as we do not take care of our personal hygiene as well as environmental health, we will not be truly clean.


600 Words – Essay on Cleanliness is a Good Habit for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Hygiene is a habit of keeping the body, personal belongings and surrounding environment clean and free from germs, impurities and waste. The earlier the cleaning habit is, the better.

What does cleanliness mean?

Cleanliness refers to the habit of keeping everything clean in a broader perspective. This includes your personal grooming habits, the way you maintain your body and your clothes to clean your house and room. Cleanliness also means keeping your room and surrounding areas clean and well-organized. It is not only a personal feature, but is much more than this.

Benefits of cleanliness

Cleanliness has many benefits, not only on the person who practices it but also on the environment. A person who is always well dressed and wears clean clothes is praised by a lot of people. Such a person is always seen with respect and sets an example for others in the society.

Another benefit of cleanliness is good health. It helps us stay as far away from germs and diseases as possible. A clean person is free from germs and other impurities that can be harmful to health. Such a person lives longer and is happier. In addition, a clean neighborhood is the least likely to spread any disease.

Cleanliness is also good for the environment. A society with an approach to cleanliness contributes to the health of the environment in an effective way. Garbage pollution is the main cause of environmental degradation. A society where people are careless about garbage collection and disposal and do not wish to keep their society clean only contributes towards environmental degradation. On the other hand, a society with responsible and clean individuals is good for less pollution and overall environmental health.

Simple ways to maintain cleanliness

We can maintain cleanliness by adopting simple methods in our everyday life. Some simple but important steps to maintain cleanliness are listed below:

  • Keep a dustbin : Dustbin is used to dump any household waste so that it does not move around. The use of dustbin gives a place a clean look.
  • Bathing daily : This habit is related to maintaining high levels of personal hygiene. If you take bath everyday then your body will be free from germs and other impurities.
  • Wash your hands regularly : Washing our hands, rinsing thoroughly with soap is a good habit as it prevents the spread of germs and also prevents their accidental entry into our body. It is necessary to wash hands before eating.
  • Brush your teeth : We should brush our teeth regularly, at least twice a day, one after waking up in the morning and the other, before going to bed. It is a personal habit of cleanliness that is necessary for our own health.
  • Proper disposal of garbage : We must ensure that the garbage collected in our homes is disposed of properly and does not reach our roads, water bodies and other areas.
  • Do not litter : Avoiding garbage is another essential aspect of cleanliness. A person can be cleaned only when he maintains standards of personal hygiene, as well as environmental hygiene.
  • Avoid Plastic Bags : Plastic bags are a threat and the biggest threat to the environment. Our struggle for cleanliness will remain incomplete as long as we continue to use plastic bags. Due to their light weight and non-biodegradable nature, plastic bags have settled in the environment for centuries and degrade its quality.

The conclusion

Cleanliness is a habit and also a social responsibility. It should be brought solely by collective efforts.

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