Short and Long Essay on Buddhism in English

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Buddhism began in northeastern India and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. The religion is 2,500 years old and is followed by 350 million Buddhists worldwide.

After going through these Buddhism essay you will get the roots of this religion and at the same time these essays will explain your concept about this religion. You will know who founded it, when it was founded, who was Gautama Buddha, what his teachings are and in which countries Buddhists live.


100 Words – Essay on Buddhism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Gautama Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. He said that there are four Arya truths to overcome suffering. He was enlightened under a peepal tree on the banks of the Niranjana River in Gaya. His birthday is celebrated as Buddha Purnima in Sri Lanka (where it is called Vaishakh), Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Tibet, China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Mongolia, Cambodia, Singapore and Indonesia.

Gautama Buddha has told the four Aryan truths related to grief. Grief is everywhere in this world, in sorrows, in births, in fulfillment of desires, in separation from anyone. Grief is the cause of sorrow. To get rid of worldly sufferings, Lord Gautama Buddha has told about the Ashtangik Marg (Octagonal Path).


150 Words – Essay on Buddhism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Buddha Purnima (Purnima in Sanskrit means “full moon”) is the biggest festival for the followers of Buddhism. It is also known as ‘Buddha Jayanti’. According to the Hindu calendar, the full moon of the month of Vaishakh is celebrated as Buddha Purnima. That’s why it is also called ‘Vaishakh Poornima’.

It is the birth anniversary of Gautama Buddha. Lord Buddha was born, attained enlightenment and Mahaparinirvana, all three on the same day i.e. Vaishakh Purnima.

Followers of Buddhism celebrate Buddha Purnima with great pomp all over the world. Buddha is the ninth incarnation of Vishnu for Hindu theologians. Therefore, this day is also considered sacred for Hindus.

Many ceremonies are organized on this day. On Buddha Purnima, lamps are lit in Buddhist houses and temples and the houses are decorated with flowers. The texts of Buddhism are recited continuously.

Many acts of charity are performed on the day of Buddha Purnima. On this day, distribution of sweet sattu, donating water, clothes and offering to ancestors is considered very virtuous.


200 Words – Essay on Buddhism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Buddhism is founded by Gautama Buddha. After attaining enlightenment, he preached in Pali, a very simple and spoken language at that time and due to this, the preaching of Buddha spread far and wide. Buddha said that man should stay away from all kinds of sufferings. He told four such truths of life which he advised to always remember. Those four truths are –

  • Birth, death, sickness, desire and separation all cause sorrow.
  • Any kind of desire is the cause of all suffering.
  • Desires should be controlled so that we can avoid sorrow.
  • There are eight ways to overcome worldly sufferings. They are called the octagonal route or the middle path. By adopting the middle path, man is able to attain nirvana.

These octagonal passages suggested by Gautama Buddha are:

  • Right sight
  • Correct resolution
  • Right voice
  • Due action
  • Due life
  • Proper exercise
  • Perfect memory
  • Samyak Samadhi

The Buddha established many Buddhist associations. He was called Vihara. People of all castes were allowed entry into the Union. He led a very simple life. During his ascetic life, he met his needs by begging. Hence he was called a monk in the real sense.


250 Words – Essay on Buddhism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Mahatma Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. He was born to King Shuddhodana in Lumbini. At the time of his birth, astrologers told that this child would become a monk who would illuminate the whole world with his supernatural knowledge.

Once when he climbed the chariot for a walk in childhood, he saw a shabby body, a patient, a corpse and an ascetic in his old age. He had an indelible influence on his life. He started thinking of ways to get rid of sorrows and sorrows.

One night, he sneaks out of the house to solve the questions that remain in his mind. He reached Bodhgaya after receiving his first Sankhya darshan from Alarkalam. He sat under a peepal tree for meditation where he attained enlightenment after rigorous practice. Because of this his name became Buddha which means awake, conscious, knowledgeable etc.

In fact, Gautama Buddha has especially emphasized the quality of non-violence and peace, mercy and compassion, forgiveness and truth in his teachings. The treatise in which his sermons are compiled is known as Dhammapada.

Buddhist temples in many countries have Buddha statues. A place called Sarnath near Varanasi is a famous pilgrimage place for Buddhists.

Followers of Buddhism are known as monks and live in monasteries. Many contemporary kings adopted Buddhism. Emperor Ashoka adopted Buddhism and contributed rapidly to the spread of this religion. He sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka to spread Buddhism. The favorite slogan of Buddhism is “Buddhaam Sharanam Gachchami, Sangam Saran Gachchami, Dhamma Saran Gachhami.”


300 Words – Essay on Buddhism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The name of Mahatma Buddha’s childhood was Siddhartha. He is also known as Gautama Buddha. Looking at Siddhartha’s birth chart, the king’s astrologer predicted that the child would become a great saint after penance. The father was worried to hear of becoming a saint. He made all arrangements for the child’s fun in the palace.

Life and nature

Siddhartha was kind and serious since childhood. His tendency did not change even when he was growing up. The father then married her to a beautiful girl named Yashodhara. Yashodhara gave birth to a son named Rahul. But Siddhartha was worried after seeing the sufferings of life. He wanted to get rid of all the sufferings and miseries of human life. So one night, while all the people were sleeping in the palace, Siddhartha woke up secretly and left the palace and went into the forest.

Pursuit of enlightenment

He started harsh penance in the forest. His body became weak due to austerity, but the mind did not get peace. He chose a middle path, leaving behind austerity. Finally, he reached a place called Gaya in Bihar and meditated under a peepal tree and attained enlightenment. He became ‘Buddha’ from Siddhartha. The tree is known as known Bodhi tree.

The Buddha went to Sarnath near Varanasi after attaining enlightenment. At Sarnath, he gave the first sermon to the disciples. This sequence of preaching continued till his lifetime. Gautama attained nirvana at the age of eighty.

Effect of his teachings

Buddha’s teachings had a profound impact on the people. Many kings and common citizens became followers of Buddha. Buddhism was sheltered by kings such as Ashoka, Kanishka and Harsha. These kings spread Buddhism to Sri Lanka, Burma, Sumatra, Java, China, Japan, Tibet etc.

The conclusion

The teachings of Mahatma Buddha were straightforward. He said that the world is full of sorrows. Desire is the cause of sorrow. By abandoning desires, a person is free from sorrows. The teachings of Lord Buddha are still very relevant today.


350 Words – Essay on Buddhism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha. Gautama Buddha was born in Lumbini Nepal in 563 BC. His childhood name was Siddharth. His father’s name was Shuddhodhan. A few days after the birth of Gautama Buddha, his mother Mayadevi died and was then raised by his stepmother Gautami. When Siddhartha was 16 years old, he was married to Yashodhara. He had a son named Rahul.

Beginning of spiritual life

Once, Siddhartha went to visit Kapilavastu with his charioteer, he saw four scenes: an old man, a sick man, a corpse and an ascetic. He asked his charioteer about them. Sarathi said that all these are true of life. He left his home at the age of 29 to answer such questions.

Becoming Gautama Buddha

After leaving the house, he received Sankhya darshan from Alarkalam and underwent hard penance under a peepal tree on the banks of the Niranjana River for 6 years. He attained enlightenment at the age of 35. After attaining enlightenment, he came to be known as Gautama Buddha. The place where he attained enlightenment came to be known as Bodh Gaya.

His first sermon

He gave his first sermon at Sarnath in Varanasi called Dharma Chakra Pranthan. He gave most of his teachings in Pali language at Srivasti. Bimbasara, Prasenjit and Udayan, the principal rulers, were his followers.

Mahaparinirvan / Death

In Kushinagar, Gautama Buddha died by feeding poisonous food by Chund, known as Mahaparinirvana. It is said that eight stupas have been built there by dividing the remains of his body into eight parts. Buddhism is atheistic and believes in rebirth.

Two parts of buddhism

Buddhism is divided into two parts, Hinayana and Mahayana. Those who renounced (left home and relationships) were sannyasins and those who followed Buddhism while at home are called worshipers.

Emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism

Emperor Ashoka adopted this religion. He was one of the great followers of Buddha. He was highly influenced by the humanist views of the Buddha. He had installed many pillars in the Buddha’s memory which are still known as Ashoka Stambha in Sri Lanka, Thailand, China and Lumbani. In fact, it is a religion that teaches humanity and makes us aware of the truth of life.


400 Words – Essay on Buddhism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Buddhism is a religion and great philosophy derived from the Shramana tradition of India. Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha in the sixth century BC, and Tripitaka is its scripture. The main sects in Buddhism are: Mahayana, Theravada, Vajrayana and Navayana, but Buddhism remains the same and all follow the principles of Gautama Buddha.

In the next five centuries of Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana, Buddhism spread throughout the Indian subcontinent and also spread to the central, eastern and southeastern regions of Asia over the next two thousand years. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world.

Buddha’s teachings

After the Mahaparinirvana of Gautama Buddha, various sects of Buddhism have emerged, but all of them have many theories. Buddha has provided four Arya truths, octagonal paths, Panchsheel etc. to his followers.

Char ary truth

  • Grief: Gautama Buddha said that there is sorrow in this world. There is sorrow in birth, in old age, in sickness, in death, in falling away from loved ones.
  • Craving / Desire: The desire or desire is the cause of sorrow and by attaining strength, it remains in the world.
  • You can get relief from sorrow and sadness.
  • Path of Grief: Salvation from craving can be attained by living according to the ascending path.

Octagonal Path: According to Buddhism, the Arya Ashtanga Path of the Fourth Arya Truth is the way to stop suffering. Gautama Buddha used to say that this path should be followed to determine the truth of the four great truths:

  • Right view: Belief in the Four Noble Truths.
  • Right Resolution: To pledge mental and moral development.
  • Right speech: Do not speak harmful things and lie.
  • Samyak Karma: Do not do harmful deeds.
  • Right to livelihood: Do not do any direct or indirect harmful business.
  • Right Attempt: Trying to improve on your own.
  • Samyak Smriti: Trying to get mental ability to see with clear knowledge.
  • Samyak Samadhi: attaining nirvana and self-forgetfulness.

Bodhi: The knowledge gained from Gautama Buddha is called Bodhi. It is believed that the world can be rid of only after the Bodhi. Bodhi can only be attained by the completeness of all dimensions, the complete understanding of the four Aryan truths and the prevention of karma. At this time, greed, guilt, attachment, ignorance, longing, and belief in the soul all disappear.

The conclusion

Some consider the Arya Ashtanga Marg to be a path in which, to move forward, it is necessary to attain the previous level. And people feel that the levels of this passage are found all together.


500 Words – Essay on Buddhism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

When atrocities, incest, ignorance, blind faith and stereotypes are uprooted in the society, then a great man is born to remove these evil practices prevailing in the society.

Mahatma Gautama Buddha was also born at a time when many bad practices were showing their ill effects in society. He tried to remove these evils by giving the message of non-violence, love, sacrifice and peace in the society.


Mahatma Gautama Buddha was born in 563 BC. His father’s name was Shuddhodhan and mother’s name was Maya. He was born in a place called Lumbini. A few days after his birth his mother died. So she was raised by her stepmother Gautami. He was the only child of his father. Therefore his father loved him very much.


Mahatma Buddha was different from other children since childhood. Often children are naughty and playful. But Buddha was calm and serious since childhood.


As Mahatma Buddha began to grow up, his nature also began to change. He was not interested in worldly pleasures. King Shuddhodana was very worried on seeing this nature of the son. He took many measures to keep the son happy. He was given the means of bliss, but could not attract anything to the Mahatma Buddha. So the father married her to a very beautiful girl Yashodhara. After some time they had a son.

Change of mind

Gradually changes started in the mind of Mahatma Buddha. On his tour towards Kapilavastu, he saw an old man in the city. On seeing him, he asked the charioteer who is this? Why has this condition happened? Sarathi said that all men have this condition in old age.

On the way, Siddharth saw a patient. Seeing the patient, he asked the charioteer about him. Sarathi replies this time that he was a patient and is a human condition due to diseases. These incidents increased Siddhartha’s disinterest. His mind was swept away by worldly pleasures. He decided to leave the world to learn the secret of life.

House sacrifice

He woke up one day at night. He looked at his wife and son for a long time and left them in a deep sleep and went quietly home.

In search of solutions

Siddhartha started doing penance by wandering in the forests. This made his body weak. Finally they reached Gaya. He meditated there for several days, sitting under the Peepal tree. He got knowledge there. After this he came to Sarnath. There he preached to the five sages. He roamed all over the country and reached Kapilavastu. There he also preached his parents, son and wife. They also became Buddhists after listening to his teachings.


He called non-violence the ultimate religion. He preached kindness, sympathy, friendship etc. His teachings had a great impact. Even today, Buddhism continues to have influence in countries like China, Japan, Lanka Tibet, Nepal etc.

The conclusion

Mahatma Buddha continued to propagate religion throughout his life. Finally, he died in Kushinagar, at the age of eighty, preaching it. He became immortal even after he died. Even today, his millions of luminaries worship him like a god.

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