Short and Long Essay on Balanced Diet in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Diet Balanced for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

The need for a healthy diet is often neglected due to our busy schedules everyday. Often we skip a meal or have a much-needed snack to meet a deadline. Do we not feel that by continuing habits such acts of carelessness towards the nutritional needs of our body can be harmful. Not only do we need to eat regularly on time, we also need to eat nutritious and healthy food. Any essay on Balanced Diet can be chosen according to your need and interest: given below.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Diet Balanced for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

A diet that contains all kinds of nutrients for a person’s nutrition to get the proper energy to work and survive is called a balanced diet. A balanced diet should be eaten for good health. A healthy balanced diet makes the body strong and increases its immunity to fight against diseases. Also, a balanced diet makes the mind sharp and healthy, which makes us mentally strong as well.

By having a healthy balanced diet, we are able to work better both at home and at office. Lack of healthy food can lead to fatigue and many other diseases. Some basics of a balanced diet include foods from all food groups.

Food contributes not only to the body but also to beautiful skin, hair, eyes and teeth. A balanced healthy diet is essential at any age, especially for a growing child. The diet of any child should be healthy and balanced so that the child does not become obese and does not have to deal with other health problems related to obesity.

If we want a healthy and disease-free life, we need to eat different types of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, meat, fish, legumes and milk. A healthy balanced diet is necessary to maintain an ideal weight. If food is balanced then life will also be balanced.


300 Words – Essay on Diet Balanced for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Many nutrients are present in the food we eat regularly. Even the color of fruits and vegetables is due to the nutrients present in them. These balanced foods with many nutrients keep us healthy and protect our body from diabetes, cancer, obesity and heart diseases etc.

What is a balanced diet

A meal with a combination of all important nutrients including fiber, water and antioxidants is called a balanced diet.

Components of a balance diet and their benefits

  • Fat: Fat is very important for the body. Fat is not produced inside the body due to which a person has to take it through food. To have a balanced diet, fat-rich foods like milk, cheese, butter, cream, ghee, vegetable oil and fish liver oil should be included in the diet.
  • Protein: Protein is considered essential for a person’s overall health. Our body uses proteins to synthesize cells, synthesize enzymes and hormones. It is a major component of our muscles, cartilage, skin, blood, nails and hair. Protein-rich foods include meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, beans, and peas.
  • Carbohydrate: Carbohydrate provides energy to the body. Carbohydrates are found in whole grains, legumes, low-fat milk products, and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Wheat, jowar, millet, potato and banana etc. are rich in carbohydrates. They should be included in our diet.
  • Vitamins: Vitamins are a group of chemicals that help in keeping the body healthy. Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K are essential for the body. All types of pulses, milk, eggs and meat are rich sources of vitamins.
  • Minerals: The combined form of metals, non-metals and their salts is called minerals. Some minerals like iron, iodine, calcium, sodium and potassium are very important for the body. The thyroid gland requires iodine to function properly, while sodium is needed to reduce nerve impulses and fluids.

The conclusion

Apart from these, our body also needs water and rougha for digestion and good health of our intestines. A balanced diet is a diet that gives our body energy to function properly. To get proper nutrition from our diet, we should consume our daily calorie intake.


400 Words – Essay on Diet Balanced for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Food is a basic requirement of our life. Our physical and mental health is maintained only by food. If we want to be healthy, we must eat a balanced diet. A food or diet that contains a balanced amount of all nutrients is known as a balanced diet. Nutrients are those elements that are found in foods, that is, our health is good only by consuming them.

What nutrients are found in a balanced diet?

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water are found in our diet. We should eat food in such a way that there is a balanced amount of all these elements in our diet. A balanced diet will be one that has more carbohydrates, moderate protein and little lipids.

  • Sources of carbohydrates: bread, rice, grains, sugar, etc.
  • Sources of protein: eggs, cheese, milk, fish, meat, etc.
  • Sources of lipids: milk, ghee, sweet foods etc.

Apart from all this, we should also take milk in plenty, because milk contains all the nutrients and it is called a complete meal.

How to maintain a balanced diet in daily life?

Food should always be eaten in limited quantity, do not consume excessively. Excessive eating can cause many problems, such as indigestion, constipation, obesity etc. Remember that food is nutritious only when it is consumed in limited quantity as per the requirement.

  • Food should be eaten at the right time, that is, the golden rule is to eat only when you are hungry, because our digestive system works well if we eat on time.
  • Try to eat fresh hot food, it is more beneficial.
  • Always eat fruits during the day, do not eat at night.
  • Eating untimely also causes many diseases in the body.
  • Do not take food only to fill your stomach, eat it to keep your body pure.
  • Try to eat only homemade food by avoiding junk food or outside foods.
  • Chew food properly and eat slowly, it keeps the digestive system healthy.
  • Do not eat while watching TV; Because it is not known what amount of food we are consuming.
  • If you are very angry, do not eat, sit in peace and eat with a steady mind.
  • Do not drink water frequently in between meals, drink water half an hour before meals and only after half an hour after meals, it helps to digest food properly.
  • Do not stand and eat, sit in one place and have food.
  • Whatever you eat, eat with a happy heart.

The conclusion

A balanced diet is the key to a healthy life, that is, a balanced diet is very important for a healthy life. If we want to be healthy, then do not just eat food, take balanced amount.


500 Words – Essay on Diet Balanced for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Every person in the world wants to live a healthy life and remain disease free. A balanced diet is very important for a healthy life. Our body gets enough energy from a balanced diet. This diet increases immunity to fight diseases; A balanced diet contributes greatly to the development of our body and sharpens our mind.

Why is a balanced diet important for our body?

  • A balanced diet is important for the effective functioning of our organs and tissues. A balanced diet contains all kinds of essential elements such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, ascorbic acid and iron elements, etc., which can enhance our immunity and protect us from disease, infection, fatigue etc. A balanced diet helps. Development of children.
  • Healthy food gives us good health. It gives us energy where junk food is only an unhealthy food with poor nutritional value. Junk food contains too much fat and sugar. But healthy food is full of nutritional value. In addition, junk food contains preservatives, chemicals, artificial colors and flavors. But these foods are not included in healthy foods. Although both junk food and healthy food are delicious, but junk food is more tasty than healthy food. However, junk food has affected the health of the body and causes dangerous diseases like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and sometimes poisoning. On the other hand, healthy food protects the body from diseases.
  • Food is an essential part of every human’s life. Healthy foods that contain the right amount of nutrients should be eaten on a daily basis. A balanced diet is very important to grow in a healthy way. Fruits and vegetables contain many essential nutrients. We should eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
  • Drinking more water is as important as eating healthy food. Healthy food makes the brain and body healthy and strong. Healthy eating of fruits, vegetables makes us strong and active. It helps in maintaining good body weight and fighting diseases. Preserved or canned food and other such foods are completely unhealthy for the body. Over time, it causes severe illness. Children who eat junk food often lack concentration.

Also, we should play every day. Walking 3 to 4 km daily can keep us fit and healthy. We have to do free hand exercises after every two hours of reading. It refreshes our mind. Lack of money can be cured but not health. It is better than wealth and there is something else for everyone. We follow standard healthy food to keep us healthy. We should be careful about our health.

The conclusion

In today’s world, people eat more oily foods and junk food which is not good for health at all and causes many diseases. Food is our source of energy. Therefore choosing the right type of foods that contain the right amount of vitamins and minerals is very important. We should regularly give highly nutritious food to our children.


600 Words – Essay on Diet Balanced for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

School life is the most important time in the entire life span of children when they are undergoing physical and mental development and there are changes in metabolism i.e. during this time they need a perfectly balanced diet so that they get all kinds of food. Could. Nutritious elements can be found in sufficient quantity in their diet. They should be given special diet which can be easily digested and eaten by all the organs of the body.

Therefore, both students and their parents should be aware of the benefits of healthy and nutritious food. In fact, healthy and balanced diet provides the body with the necessary energy and helps in staying healthy.

How to apply balanced diet in daily routine

Adopt the right routine and make it a Habit

Adopting a right routine creates a sense of discipline and time in our lives. Eating three times a day and at the right time also provides a suitable time to break down our digestive system and digest food properly and the flow of energy in our body remains constant. Therefore, it is very important for school students to adopt a correct routine for the correct functioning of the physical system so that they can remain alert and active during studies, sports and other activities.

What should be the breakfast for students?

If we have a healthy breakfast before going to school in the morning, then in the first part of the day, it gives you the strength necessary to increase mental alertness and physical energy. Therefore, the student’s diet should include too much glucose so that they can maintain the correct level of energy.

Fruit or boiled egg and a glass of milk in the morning breakfast is a perfectly healthy diet. Also, a handful of dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, nuts, etc. should be included in your daily breakfast. Oats, yogurt, corn flakes can also be considered a healthy and nutritious meal for morning breakfast. A bowl of sprouted gram and fruit juice is the perfect snack for growing children.

What should be the lunch box of students?

Lunch is the second important meal of the day which gives us energy for the rest of the day. A healthy and nutritious diet taken in the afternoon increases our energy level by giving the necessary nutritional elements and keeping us healthy.

In lunch, children should be given green vegetables along with cheese, salad and fruits which are nutritious and give minimum calories. Lunch should be full of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Flavors, khichdi (porridge), pasta with Indian flavors, including green vegetables, etc .; Can make children’s lunch boxes more healthy, nutritious and tasty.

Students should keep away from unhealthy eating habits like junk food and carbonated cold-drinks as all these foods contain too much calories and sugar which increases body fat.

What to eat for dinner and how much?

Dinner should be eaten lightly. Eating heavy at night causes slowing down of the body and makes it difficult to digest food. Salads, fruits and a glass of milk are enough to give us energy and nutrition at night.

Eat healthy after every little break

At the same time, instead of having a full meal, make a habit of eating less at shorter intervals. This will put less pressure on our digestive system and this will give us sufficient amount of calories required for physical well-being.

The conclusion

If all the students follow a correct diet plan then it will make them physically and mentally healthy which will help them to perform well in all academic and non-academic activities.


Long Essay on Balanced Diet for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

What nutrients are found in food?

Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Vitamins, Minerals, Water. We should eat food in such a way that our diet contains balanced amounts of all these elements. A balanced diet will be one that contains more carbohydrates, moderate protein and a little lipid.

The reason for taking the diet in this way is that our body is made up of more protein and carbohydrates or some lipids; That is, food should be taken according to this distribution. Because 70% of our body is made up of protein, carbohydrates mainly provide energy and lipids maintain smoothness in our body.

  • Examples of carbohydrates: bread, rice, grains, sugar, etc.
  • Examples of proteins: eggs, cheese, milk, fish, meat, etc.
  • Examples of lipids: milk, ghee, sweet foods, etc.

Apart from all these, we should also take milk in plenty, because milk contains abundant amount of all nutrients. Vitamins also have their own importance, a nutrient that is found in almost all foods, but in small amounts; But even a slight lack of them can cause diseases in the body.

Some vitamins are found more in select foods, such as vitamin A in green vegetables, vitamin C in citrus fruits, vitamin D in milk or milk, vitamin B in vegetables and grains. Meaning if you are deficient in any vitamin, you can take related foods.

Every vitamin has its own special function in the body, like vitamin A is very beneficial for the health of the eyes, vitamin D keeps bones strong, vitamin E keeps skin and hair healthy, vitamin C keeps immunity strong is.

Mineral minerals are called. Minerals are also found in small quantities in food items, but their intake is also very important. Examples of minerals are calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, iron, etc.

The most important function of the mineral is in our body: to help in muscle stretch and relaxation. We are able to do all our physical activities only through stretching and relaxation of muscles. Minerals are found in plenty in all green leafy vegetables or in milk.

Water also comes in the list of nutrients, yes of course 60% of our whole body or 70% of the brain and 50% of the blood is made up of water. Water maintains moisture in the body, imparts temperature, so that all our organs function properly, the skin, nails, hair remain glowing, the internal functions of the body also go on smoothly.

It means that we should eat food in balance only then it will be called a balanced diet. You will take food in the right balance, then you will be able to remain healthy, both mentally and physically.

Keep some main things in mind while eating food

After all this, it is also necessary to state that just taking a balanced diet does not fulfill the point. Meaning the amount of food and the time of eating also matters a lot. Some special points –

  •     Food should always be eaten in limited quantity, do not consume excessively. Excessive eating can cause many problems, such as indigestion, constipation, obesity etc. Remember that food is nutritious only when it is consumed in limited quantities as per the requirement, because nothing is very good.
  •     Food should be eaten at the right time, that is, the most golden rule is to eat only when you are hungry, because our digestive system works well in hunger or Hajma is good.
  •     Try to eat fresh hot food, it is more beneficial.
  •     Do not consume things left out of the fridge, heat them first.
  •     Always eat fruits during the day, do not eat at night.
  •     When the right time to eat, eat at the same time, do not eat too late. Eating untimely food also causes many diseases in the body.
  •     Do not eat food just to fill your stomach, eat it to keep your body pure.
  •     Try to eat only homemade food, avoiding junk food or outside chaat, the better.
  •     Chew food and eat well, it keeps the digestive system healthy.
  •     Do not eat food while watching TV, it is not known how much quantity of food we are consuming.
  •     If you are very angry, do not eat food, sit calmly and eat with a steady mind.
  •     Do not drink water frequently in between meals, only drink water half an hour before and half an hour after eating, this helps to digest food properly.
  •     Do not eat while standing, sit in one place and eat.
  •     Whatever you eat, eat with a happy heart, not with water. Eat thanks to God, that there is so much food in our plate and give it to those who do not have it with this prayer.

Components of Balanced Diet

1. Carbohydrates

All the organs, cells of our body need glucose, which is in the form of carbohydrates in the body. This carbohydrate is found in high amounts in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. Candy, pastries, cookies and beverages also contain carbohydrates.

2. Vitamins

Vitamin helps chemical reactions in our body. Actually, our body needs 13 different types of vitamins for development. These vitamins cater to the needs of different organs of the body.

3. Fiber

Fiber means fibrous food. Fiber not only provides additional energy to our body, but also keeps the stomach clean. This continuously strengthens the body’s immunity.

4. Water

All of them know that water is very important for our body. But we are not able to drink the right amount of water in our running life, as much water should be drunk. Water hydrates our body and keeps the body functions fine. About 70% of the human body is water.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a balanced diet is the key to a healthy life, that is, a balanced diet is very important for a healthy life. If we want to remain healthy, then do not just eat the food, take it in balance.

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