Operation Greens Scheme Market Intelligence & Early Warning System (MIEWS) Portal at miews.nafed-india.com

Operation Greens MIEWS Portal to Monitor Tomato Onion Potato (TOP) Scheme Crop Prices

The central government has launched the Operation Greens Market Intelligence and Early Warning System (MIEWS) portal at miews.nafed-india.com. This early warning system is meant to monitor the prices of tomato, onion and potato (TOP) crops. The portal will forecast wholesale prices of 3 major vegetables and alerts from the government for 3 months. Timely action in case of price cash due to glut. Government. One can then intervene in the market under Operation Greens by providing subsidies to farmers. This subsidy is for the transport of production from the surplus markets to the consuming market.

The alert on the Operation Greens MIEWS portal will be triggered when the prices of the 3 perishable top commodities fall to a 3-year low. This decline can be observed at the time of harvest or when the price drop is more than 50% from the year before or when the rate drop is lower than the benchmark fixed by the Central / State Government for a specified period. Cooperative NAFED has developed MIEWS portal for integrated development of value chain of tomato, onion, potato.

MIEWS Portal Overview

Name of the portal MIEWS (Market Intelligence and Early Warning System) Portal
Launched by Union Minister Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal
Launched on 26th February, 2020
Type Of Initiative Central Government
Launched for Monitoring prices of Top Crops
Name of the Ministry Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Top crops Potato, tomato and onion
Official web address http://miews.nafed-india.com

The Operation Greens scheme MIEWS portal will show the wholesale prices of these 3 commodities from 128 markets monitored by private firm AgriWatch and data from 1,200 mandis tracked by Agmark.

Operation Greens Scheme MIEWS portal for top crops

To curb the price rise of some agricultural produce and reduce their demand-supply gaps, the Central Government launched Operation Greens Scheme MIEWS portal. The portal can be accessed directly through the link given below: –


The central government has come up with the portal to monitor prices, areas under cultivation, yields, production, imports and exports. This MIEWS portal contains other relevant information such as crop calendar, crop agriculture in an easy to use visual format for agro processors, traders and policy makers.

Operation Greens MIEWS portal for monitoring of tomato onion

Market Intelligence and Early Warning System (MIEWS) is going to monitor the prices of tomatoes, onions and potatoes which are the main ingredients of an Indian kitchen. This Operation Greens plan will generate alerts for government intervention. The data of the Agriculture Marketing Information Network (AGMARK) covers 1200 mandis and another 128 mandis will be used under AgriWatch. Government. MIEWS seeks to strike a balance between the interests of agricultural producers and consumers through monitoring systems.

Operation Greens MIEWS portal will create a nationwide database of agricultural commodities to monitor the value of TOP crops. The portal will provide an early warning to the state governments in situations of glutes as well as to avoid cyclical production to the farmers. The MIEWS portal will also help food processors with ketchup, flak to the chip makers, to know the seasonal trend, expected prices in the coming months and the states where the crop is available.

The terms of the Operation Greens plan also include that during glute conditions, the extraction of surplus production from producing areas to consumption centers will be carried out. For the central government. The MIEWS system will help in monitoring the supply situation for timely market intervention and will aid in faster response to glute times. This should be done to shift production from glut fields to deficit / consumption areas and to provide input for export and import decisions.

The new Market Intelligence and Early Warning System will give lower price and higher price alerts with lower forecast for 3 months ahead. The prices and arrivals of tomato, onion and potato crops will be forecast across the country, including interactive charts and comparisons with previous charts. Sections such as prices and arrivals, area, yield and production, crop agriculture and trade profile will be accessible to the public. In addition, regular and specialized market intelligence reports and price forecasts will only be accessible to policy makers.

Benefits of MIEWS portal

  • This portal will help farmers by giving early warning in situations of glutes.
  • This portal will help decision makers in monitoring the supply situation
  • MIEWS portal will also help in decision making related to export and import of crops.
  • This portal will provide advice to farmers to avoid cyclical production

Key features of MIEWS portal

  • It will monitor the price of TOP crops
  • This will generate a price warning
  • This website has a dashboard with low and high price indicators as well as a 3-month price forecast.
  • It also reveals the value and arrival of TOP crops across the country.
  • Comparison and interactive chart with the price of the previous season
  • Business profile of area, yield and production, crop agriculture and top crops
  • Regular report of market condition of TOP crop

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