Online Apply Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana 2020 free training and tool kit scheme

Check the complete process of filling the UP Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana 2020 online application form on the portal, how to register for free training and tool kit scheme and helpline number, complete eligibility information

विश्वकर्मा श्रम सम्मान योजना के तहत लोहार, बढ़ई, दर्जी, नाई, हलवाई, सोनार, राजमिस्त्री, कुम्हार, टोकरी बुनकर और मोची ट्रेडों से जुड़े कारीगरों को टूल किट दिया जाना है। इसके लिए उन्हें प्रशिक्षण दिया जाना है।

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. Yogi Adityanath has started online registration under Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana 2020 to promote the development and self-employment of all traditional artisans. Under this Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana 2020, traditional artisans and artisans will be given 6 days free training to improve their skills, the entire cost of which will be borne by the state government. Along with this, local artisans and traditional artisans will be provided financial assistance ranging from 10 thousand to 10 lakh rupees for setting up small industries.

Under this government scheme, the state government has responded to encourage and promote the art of traditional businessmen and handicrafts like carpenters, tailors, basket weavers, barbers, goldsmiths, blacksmiths, potters, halwai, cobblers of urban and rural areas of the state. It has been decided to start online application of State Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana.

इस सरकारी योजना के अंतर्गत राज्य के शहरी व ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के बढ़ई, दर्जी, टोकरी बुनने वाले, नाई, सुनार, लोहार, कुम्हार, हलवाई, मोची जैसे पारंपरिक कारोबारियों तथा हस्तशिल्प की कला को प्रोत्साहित करने और आगे बढ़ाने के लिए राज्य सरकार ने इस योजना को शुरू करने का निर्णय लिया है। यूपी विश्वकर्मा श्रम सम्मान योजना के तहत उद्योग लगाने के लिए आवेदन करने वाले कारीगरों का साक्षात्कार 20 नवंबर को होना है। विश्वकर्मा श्रम सम्मान योजना के तहत प्रति वर्ष 15 हजार लोगों को रोजगार मिलेगा। योगी सरकार का कहना है की वे इस योजना को सभी कारीगरों तक पहुंचाने के लिए पूरे प्रयास करेंगे। ताकि सभी पारंपरिक कारीगर इस योजना का भरपूर लाभ ले और स्वरोजगार को बढ़ावा मिले।

Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana online registration

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked for online applications for Vishwakarma Shram Rojgar Yojana 2020 to provide employment to the workers coming back in lockdown so all those who want to get employment during this epidemic can register online for Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana The process of which you can see below:

  •     Interested candidates will first have to visit the official portal of the Directorate of Industries and Promotion of Uttar Pradesh
  •     After clicking on the option of “Login” on the homepage, click on “Applicant Login
  • On clicking according to the step given above, a new page will open where the option of “New User Registration” is to be selected.
  • After clicking on the new registration, Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana Online Application Form 2020 will open, which will be something like this:
  •     After filling the information asked in this skilled artisan labor employment scheme online form 2020, the applicant has to click on the button of “Submit” below, after which the Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana online application process will be completed.

From Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana 2020, the state government wants to provide employment to skilled artisans at the earliest, so that they do not have to go through any kind of financial crisis. You can also see the necessary guidelines related to applying online for the scheme by clicking on the link given below.

UP Vishwakarma Shram Samman Scheme 2020 – Benefits & Features

Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana will benefit many people in the coming time, the complete information about how free training will be given in this scheme is given below:

  •     Under the UP Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana, training will be given to labor laborers by the Department of Small or Medium Enterprises at the Tehsil or District Headquarters.
  •     Under the Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana, all qualified artisans will be given free training for 6 days so that they can get employment easily.
  •     The entire expenditure of all types of training provided under the UP Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana will be borne by the state government.
  •     In this scheme, during training, the cost of living and eating of artisans will also be provided by the government.
  •     Under this scheme launched by the Yogi government, financial assistance will also be provided to the artisans at the same time as the semi-skilled wage rate at the time of training.
  •     On completion of the training to all the qualified artisans, an advanced type of tool kit will also be provided according to their skill and trade.
  •     Applications will be taken online for this scheme, which will be arranged by the Commissioner and the Director Industries and Enterprise Promotion.

Vishwakarma Labor Employment Scheme – Eligibility and Conditions

All the applicants are going to apply online for this skilled artisan labor scheme 2020. They can read the below given conditions and eligibility as prescribed by the state government:

  •     The applicant must be at least 18 years of age.
  •     Applicant must be resident of Uttar Pradesh.
  •     No educational qualification is mandatory for availing the scheme.
  •     In the last 2 years, the applicant has not received any benefit in relation to the toolkit from the Central Government or the State Government.
  •     As per the scheme, the applicant or any member of his family will be eligible to apply for the scheme only once. Family means husband and wife.
  •     An affidavit will have to be submitted to meet the eligibility criteria under the scheme.

For eligibility under the scheme, a person of any caste, religion can apply online, that is, it is not necessary to be related to a particular caste or religion to get benefits. To get benefits under the scheme, such persons will also be eligible who are different from the traditional working class. It will be mandatory for such applicants to submit the certificate issued by the village head, president of the Nagar Panchayat or Municipality / Municipal Corporation as proof of being connected with the traditional Karigari.

Important documents for Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana 2020

To avail benefits under the scheme and to appear in the interview, the applicants must have the following documents:

  • Aadhar Card
  • A certificate stating that it falls under the category of skilled artisan
  • Copy of bank passbook
  • Residence, Residential Certificate
  • Passport size photo

Vishwakarma Shram Rojgar Yojana Helpline Number

Address: Directorate of Industries, Grand Trunk Road Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana Support Number
+91 (512) 2218401, 2234956

Skilled Artisan Employment Scheme Email-Id,

Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana FAQs

Ques. What is Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana?

Ans. It is a free training and tool kit scheme along with the development of traditional artisans, skilled workers and promotion of self-employment.

Ques. Who launched the Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana?
Ans. This scheme was launched by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath because of creating employment opportunities for skilled artisans in the state.

Ques. How can one apply online for Chief Minister Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana?

Ans. Interested applicants can visit the official portal of the Directorate of Industries and Promotion for online registration of CM Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana 2020.

Ques. What are the benefits of this scheme?

Ans. Free training will be imparted under Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana and they will also be given free tool kit after completing the training.

Ques. What is the minimum age required to take advantage of the Uttar Pradesh Vishwakarma Shram Rojgar Yojana?

Ans. Applicants must be 18 years or older to avail the scheme.

Ques. Can artisans from any state take advantage of the scheme?

Ans. No, only the person who has a certificate of being a resident of Uttar Pradesh.

Ques. Can the scheme be availed more than once?

Ans. No, only one person in a family will get the benefit of the scheme, here the family means husband or wife.

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