Long & Short Essay on My Pet Animal in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on My Pet Animal for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

We have provided some essays on ‘My Pet’ under different word limits to help you with this topic in your exams or class tests. You can choose any My Pet Essay according to your requirement:

200 Words – Essay on My Pet Animal for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

I have a very cute cat as a pet. I named it Isabella. It is very sweet and friendly. It has been living with us for the last two years and has become an important part of our family. Me and my sister love it so much we like to play with it all the time.

I have always been very fond of cats. I often kept a bowl of milk in my house backyard to attract cats coming into our house. Some cats and kittens came to our house every day. I also fed them bread and chapati. Often they slept under a chair placed in our backyard. I also used to visit animal shelters to feed on abandoned cats. Seeing my inclination towards these friendly creatures, my mother decided to bring a cat home.

On my 7th birthday my mother took me to an animal shelter early in the morning and surprised me by telling me that I could adopt any one cat. My heart melted at seeing a brown spotted cat and sleeping peacefully in a corner and then I brought her home. That day Isabella came into our life.

I not only play with Isabella but also take care of her cleanliness. We bathe it every 15 days. Isabella is fond of eating fish and we also feed her many times. His presence makes our life a lot better.

300 Words – Essay on My Pet Animal for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Most people keep cats, dogs, fish and birds as pets. These are all cute animals but none of them are more attracted to my pet. I have a monkey as a pet. Its name is Chimpu. Many people find this strange and even they are afraid to come to our house because of it but I find it completely lovely.

How I persuaded my family to keep pets

I always loved monkeys and wanted to raise them. I have often seen pets in movies but in real life I have never met anyone who has a monkey as a pet. When I expressed my desire to raise a monkey, my parents laughed at the idea and they rejected my demand, saying it was a foolish wish. However I soon won her trust and brought a baby monkey to my house. This monkey child was as cute as a human child and it soon made a place in my parents’ hearts.

Taking care of my pet monkey

Since no one knew we had a pet monkey and we did not even know how to raise a pet monkey, we called for a professional help. Initially, a monkey trainer used to come to our house to train the chimp according to our home environment. He instructed us how to take care of our pets. We soon understood how monkeys behaved. We learned things to keep them calm and to make them angry. He also told us how to ensure its cleanliness and how to feed it. This is how we started taking care of the chimp.

The conclusion

Chimpu is very warm and friendly. It has been living with us since the time it was an infant. In this way it has been associated with us long back. He also loves the guest at home. It is a lot of fun when we all gather at home together. It is very pleasing to have a chimp around.

400 Words – Essay on My Pet Animal for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

A rabbit is an animal that everyone loves. Preferred due to its different beauty and jumping habits. However, caring for these soft creatures is a bit difficult, so I decided to raise them because I like rabbits very much.

I searched the internet and consulted with the owner of the pet store when I came to know that the life of a rabbit is prolonged if they are supported by someone. So I decided to bring two beautiful bunnies home instead of just one rabbit. Both of my rabbits are pure white in color. I have named them Bunny and Betty. They are my lifeline. My mother was against bringing animals, especially rabbits, home, but she too soon fell in love with them. My mother helps me take care of both rabbits.

Cleaning and beauty

Bunny and Betty both have white fur. Fur often attracts dust, dirt, and microbes. We help to get rid of it by brushing them gently every 3-4 days. We have a special wide toothed comb. We have set a separate comb for both rabbits. Both Bunny and Betty find combing time very good. They enjoy this time sitting on my mother’s lap. My mother washes the comb well and dries it after washing.

We ensure that their hair is cut as short as one inch. Truncated furs are easier to handle. Long fur attracts more germs and is also difficult to brush. My mother also trims her nails to ensure hygiene.

Food habits and behavior

My pet rabbits love eating carrots, grass, basil and various green leafy vegetables. We mainly feed them with leafy greens and sometimes give them carrots as carrots have high sugar content. We bring fresh leafy vegetables and grasses to our rabbits every day and ensure that they are fed well.

We love Bunny and Betty like little children. They like to sit on my lap and when I rub them or gently raise their hands on their head. They love running around the house with me.

When I return home from school or tuition, they wrap around my feet to show their love.

The conclusion

Both Bunny and Betty are quite lovely, friendly and sociable. They not only love us but also warmly welcome all our guests. Young children often come to our neighborhood to play with Bunny and Betty. They like to play with children.

500 Words – Essay on My Pet Animal for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

I have a pet turtle. I named it Tortilla. Unlike other domesticated animals, turtles are quite easy to raise. But this is something that we read on the internet. We did not know anyone who raised a turtle as a pet and we did not even know how to turtle. My parents agreed to bring the tortoise home on a test basis. He had already stated that if we were able to raise it and if it was well behaved we would raise it. Otherwise we will return it after one month. Thankfully the tortilla quickly became environmentally friendly and became a part of our family.

Tortilla Residence

We brought a big terrarium for the tortilla. We put some plants and stones in it. Tortilla likes to live in their comfortable accommodation. We have taken special care that the terrarium should be cleaned every week to ensure cleanliness. The fence is taken care of in such a way that air can come from it and it should be kept in such a way that a turtle likes it. There is enough room to walk around the tortilla. It loves walking around its residence. Sometimes the turtle goes to Sharma and finds a safe place to hide. Whenever guests arrive at the house, the tortilla hides behind the terrarium plants and sits inside it. Since turtles belong to places with hot and humid climate, it is necessary to maintain a similar environment inside the terrarium. Thus we have placed it in a place where it receives direct sunlight. We keep this place moist so that the tortilla can be comfortable inside. The Tortilla hides under plants whenever it wants a quiet environment.

Eating habits of tortilla

Tortilla loves eating different grasses. It is also fond of green leafy vegetables. We give it various green vegetables. Tortilla likes it whenever we serve different food, although it especially likes cabbage, spinach and cauliflower. We also ensure that it gets fresh water. We have placed a water bowl near it so that it can drink water easily. We change the water bowl everyday.

Tortilla Behavior and Activities

Tortilla loves the sun’s rays. It sits at the place where the sun’s rays are sharp. It remains quite active during day time. When we return from school we take it out of the terrarium. It likes to be around us. It likes to play with the ball. We throw the ball towards it and it runs after it. Tortilla has a lot to do with this entertaining action. At night it sleeps for most of the time.

The conclusion

It is quite easy to reconcile with the tortilla. It does not cause any disturbance while eating food. It is also very easy to maintain the cleanliness of its habitat. Something like Tortilla has nothing to do with home cleaning problems when you raise a dog or cat. It has been living with us for 3 years and now we are planning to bring the second tortoise home to accompany the tortilla. Both me and my brother are very excited about this and have already started preparing the list of names.

600 Words – Essay on My Pet Animal for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

I have a black boxer as a pet. We call it Bruno. It is 10 years old and is part of my family even before I was born. I have grown up with it and love it very much. Bruno loves being around me. It eagerly waits for my return whenever I go out somewhere.

Physical Features of Bruno

Bruno is a fully grown male boxer with a height of about 22 inches. Like the other boxer, he has a suppressed face, flattened ears and intoxicating eyes. It has a broad chest with a strong and wide back. It has short legs and arched fingers. It has short shiny black hair which is a slight fall. This is the only thing that my mother likes. It can be quite difficult to maintain the cleanliness of a dog with cute hair. Not only does one have to pay more attention to their cleanliness and hygiene but their loss also causes a lot of dirt around the house.

However Bruno is very energetic and loves walking around especially when I am not around.

Bruno protects our house

It is nice to see people coming and sitting in the balcony. It is not like a dog that will pounce on everyone who goes on the road. It is quiet most of the time but gets quite excited when a guest comes home. It rushes towards the door every time after hearing the doorbell. Although it does not do a lot of jumping, it takes full care of our home monitoring and security. Whenever a stranger enters the house, it smells the scent coming from that person. Bruno is a good-sized dog and it protects our house very well. We feel safe to be there by being around it.

Bruno loves going out with us

Bruno protects our house when we are not at home. It is alert at all times and we do not have to worry about safety when we are home. While it’s not really the only thing that Bruno loves, it’s often sad when we leave it behind. It also likes to hang out at the end of the week and take a walk with us. While walking, it behaves well and sits quietly in the car. It is loaded with energy and is also very fickle. It likes to indulge in various outdoor activities with us. Bruno also serves as a very good fielder when we play cricket. Whenever we play I always take it in my team. It also protects us from strangers when we play outside. This is particularly protective of my 3-year-old brother.

Boxer dogs require sufficient amount of exercise to maintain their body. We thus take Bruno to rotate every evening. When we get out with it we don’t always tie it to the chain so it can move around comfortably for a while.

Bruno’s eating habits

Initially my mother used to feed dog food to Bruno but soon it started demanding what we eat. We often started giving it bread and chapati from our plate. Gradually we noticed that it started digesting these things well, so we changed its diet. We no longer bring dog food at home. Bruno eats chapattis dipped in milk or yogurt. It is particularly fond of boiled eggs. We must feed it twice or thrice a week. Bruno finishes his meal early and demands food again. It also likes to eat biscuits, although dogs should not be given normal sugary biscuits, but I occasionally give them biscuits because it makes them happy.

The conclusion

Bruno is an important part of my life. I am as much attached to Bruno as I am to my brothers and parents. We all love Bruno very much and it loves us equally. The dog is a great choice as a pet, especially if it is of a boxer breed.

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