Long & Short Essay on Female Foeticide in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Female Foeticide for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 & 400 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

In women empowerment too, we are talking about the same ability where women are free from all the shackles of family and society, the makers of their decisions. Generally students take this topic to discuss in their school or to write a few paragraphs or to write an essay. Here, we are providing some essays on this subject to help the students.

100 Words – Essay on Female Foeticide for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Female feticide was promoted in India in the 1990s with the advent of technological advancements such as parental sex determination in the medical field. However, before this, in many parts of the country, girls were killed immediately after birth. In Indian society, girls are considered as a social and economic burden, so they think it would be better to kill them before birth. Nobody understands its negative aspect in future. The female sex ratio has dropped significantly compared to males (1 female per 8 males). It will not be easy to compensate even if we stop female feticide completely in the next five years.

150 Words – Essay on Female Foeticide for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Just because the baby is born is a girl, removing a healthy female fetus from the mother’s womb after 18 weeks of pregnancy is female infanticide. Parents and society consider a girl a burden on them and understand that girls are consumers while boys are productive. There are many myths in Indian society about girls since ancient times that girls always take and boys always give. There have been many reasons for female feticide in the society over the years. However, it can be removed by taking some steps in a regular way:

  • There should be strong policy rules for hospitals.
  • Everyone should be in favor of removing the gender test and should stay away from traditional education against girls in the society.
  • Women should be empowered to deal with social evils like dowry.
  • There should be an instant complaint registration system for all women.
  • There should be an awareness program for female feticide to make the common people aware.
  • The condition of women (in relation to the death of women, sex ratio, illiteracy and participation in the economy, after a certain interval) should be evaluated.

200 Words – Essay on Female Foeticide for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Since ancient times, women are seen in Indian society as a curse for their family and society. For these reasons, the practice of female feticide has been going on for many years in India since the time of technological advancement. According to 2001 census data, the male and female ratio is 1000 to 927. A few years ago, almost all couples used sex determination tests to know the sex of the baby before birth. And abortion was sure to happen when the girl was a gender.

The center of sex determination testing in the early 1990s was the development of ultrasound technology. People of Indian society were accustomed to have children continuously until they got a boy by killing all the girls before the boy. To control population and prevent female feticide, the Indian government enacted various rules and regulations against the practice of abortion after female feticide and sex determination tests. Murder of girls by abortion is a crime across the country. If sex tests and abortions are found to be done by the doctors, especially the girls who are murdered, then they will be criminals and their license is canceled. Spreading awareness about the importance of girls in society is one of the main weapons for getting rid of female feticide.

250 Words – Essay on Female Foeticide for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The process of abortion is called female feticide to terminate a girl’s fetus from the mother’s womb before birth after a gender test, such as an ultrasound scan. Female fetus or any gender test is illegal in India. This is a shame for parents who want only baby babies as well as doctors especially help in getting abortions.

Causes of female feticide

Female feticide has been going on for centuries, especially in families that want only boys. Various religious, social, economic and emotional reasons are also behind this. Now the time has changed a lot though, various reasons and beliefs continue in some families even today.

Some of the main causes of female feticide are:

  • Usually parents avoid girl baby because they have to pay a big price as dowry in the girl’s wedding.
  • It is believed that girls are always consumers and boys are producers. Parents understand that the boy will earn a lifetime for them and pay attention to them, while the girl will get married and leave.
  • There is a myth that in the future the son will carry the family name forward while the girls carry the name of the husband’s household.
  • Parents and grandparents understand that there is respect in having a son while being a girl is a shame.
  • The new daughter-in-law of the family is under pressure to give birth to a boy and that is why they are pressurized for gender testing and forced abortion when they are a girl.
  • One of the main reasons for considering a girl as a burden is illiteracy, insecurity and poverty of the people.
  • Technological advancement and meaningfulness in science has made it easy for parents.

300 Words – Essay on Female Foeticide for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Female feticide is the termination of a female fetus in the womb before its time is over because it is only a girl. According to the data, it has been found that the male and female sex ratios are 100 female at 102.4 male in 1961, 100 female at 104.1 males in 1981, 100 female at 107.8 males in 2001 and 108.8 males at 2011. This shows that the ratio of male is increasing regularly every time.

Female feticide began in the early 1990s, with the introduction of affordable ultrasound technology in India.

Ultrasound technology progressed in India in 1979 although its spread was very slow. But in the year 2000, it started spreading widely. It has been estimated that since 1990, more than 10 million female fetuses have been aborted due to being a girl. We can see that female feticide is being done by history and cultural background. In the past, people believe that a baby boy is better because he will provide manual labor in addition to furthering the family lineage in future. The son is seen as the property of the family while the daughter is considered as a responsibility.

In Indian society since ancient times, girls are given less respect and importance than boys. They do not have access to education, health, nutrition, sports etc. like boys. To fight gender selective abortions, there is a need for greater awareness among people. ‘Satyamev Jayate’, a famous program run by Aamir Khan on TV, has done wonders to raise awareness among the common people through its very first part of “Daughters Are Priceless”. Cultural intervention on this issue is needed to be communicated through awareness program. In the context of the rights of girls, recent awareness programs such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao or Girl Safety Campaign etc. have been made.

400 Words – Essay on Female Foeticide for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Female feticide is the removal of a girl child from the womb after a gender test. To fulfill the wishes of the elderly members in the family to get only the first boy, the girl child is killed in the womb before birth. All these processes are done by family pressure especially by the husband and in-laws. The common reason behind abortion is unplanned pregnancy while female feticide is done by the family. The practice of killing unwanted girls in Indian society has been in place for centuries.

People believe that boys continue the family lineage, whereas they do not understand the simple fact that girls in the world can give birth to children, not boys.

The reason for female feticide

Due to some cultural and socio-economic policies, female feticide is being done since time immemorial. Following are the reasons for female feticide in Indian society:

  • The main reason for female feticide is the preference of the girl child over the girl child because the son is the main source of income while the girls are only consumers. There is a misconception in society that boys serve their parents while girls are alien.
  • The old practice of dowry system is a major challenge facing parents in India, which is the main reason to avoid girls being born.
  • The status of women in the male-dominated Indian society is low.
  • Parents believe that sons will carry their name in the society whereas girls are only there to take care of the house.
  • Legal recognition of abortion is the second major reason in India for illegal sex determination and termination of a girl child.
  • Technological advancement has also promoted female feticide.

Effective measures for control:

As we all know that female feticide is a crime and social disaster for the future of women. We should pay attention to the causes of female feticide in Indian society and solve them all one by one on a regular basis. Female feticide is mainly due to gender discrimination. There should be legal gripes to control it. The rules related to this should be strictly followed by all citizens of India. And if anyone is found wrong for this brutal crime, one must surely be punished. In the event of the doctors joining it, their license should be permanently canceled. The marketing of medical devices, especially for illegal sex determination and abortion, should be stopped. Those parents who want to kill their girl should be punished. Regular campaigns and seminars should be organized to make young couples aware. Women should be empowered so that they can become more conscious of their rights.

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