Long & Short Essay on A Picnic With Family in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on A Picnic With Family – for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

We are so busy with our own works and responsibilities that we do not have enough time for the most important thing in life – the family. We live and work for the family, yet we grossly neglect our family members. A picnic with all family members can be the next best thing to happen to you.


600 Words – Essay on A Picnic With Family for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

A picnic with the family is always a relaxing and enjoyable experience. This gives you a time with other family members where you can do many things and activities with them.

Importance of picnic

The family is the most important group of close relatives of an individual. This includes fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, grandparents, etc.

Every small and big member of the urban family is busy with their work, college, school, etc. throughout the day; While elders yearn for attention and love. Working sons / daughters do not have time for their ill parents and are also involved in their own work. His day starts with just one thought and that is it. Reaching office on time ‘. Ironically, this is the primary goal of his day. You can laugh it off, but this is the truth with almost every urban family.

Householders find their grandparents very old-fashioned and often avoid their company. In this situation, it becomes necessary to take a step towards saving broken relationships and bringing them back to life, whatever resources you have. A picnic is sometimes very important for a busy family, it is the only weapon to erase their broken relationships and hearts, of course!

When to plan?

But, what can a earning family member do, which is responsible for the well-being of the family and its expenses. You have to work 24/7 a week to meet the needs of your family and also your own. You will not be disappointed because you still have weekends at your disposal and you can use it at your leisure.

In addition, you can choose any public, religious or other holiday that your employer offers you. It is not necessary that you need a long vacation for a family picnic; Instead, it can only be planned in a day’s time. The key is to get up and go.

Time to rebuild relationships

A picnic gives family members enough time to rejuvenate their relationships. Even if you rarely spoke in the week you went to your parents or grandparents; While on a family picnic, this is the right time for you to do so.

A picnic is the perfect time to spread a smile and interact with each member of the family on issues close to your heart. You can interact with them about their health and preferences, just to make them feel important and taken care of.

This may prove to be the best time to clear up any misunderstandings or sour feelings among the members. The picnic allows time to negotiate and understand real intentions, helping to clear up misunderstandings.

Some necessary precautions

As you have known by now the importance of a family picnic, when to plan it and how to help heal relationships; It is time to go to the most important aspect of the picnic, that is the safety of the family members.

It is highly appropriate that you get a full idea of ​​the place where you intend to travel with your family. Search the Internet for reviews of the place. Ask any of your friends or co-workers who were already there. Make sure the place is safe enough and all basic facilities and emergency services are available, just in case.

The conclusion

A family picnic is like a family away from home and other everyday chores. It is a time to relax and enjoy the company of your loved ones. You may feel a bit lethargic over an idea of ​​a picnic and would love to relax in the comfort of your home, but believe me, once you return from a family picnic; You will not regret it at all.


400 Words – Essay on A Picnic With Family for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

A picnic with the family is not only an event to go out and enjoy but also to understand each other and find out what is in the heart. It is a time to jump into the pool of joy, enjoyment and being together, forgetting the everyday routine.

Where to go

When you are part of a nuclear family, some live in two-bedroom apartments in residential premises; Your concern for going on a picnic with the family is genuine. When you are surrounded by signs of human settlements, it is difficult to find picnic spots these days. But, do not be disappointed because there are still many good and ancient places left in this world. Hunt for a location that is at a convenient distance from your home to end the day’s picnic.

Many cities have zoological parks, commonly known as zoos. See if your city has one. A zoo has several small clearing and parks where you can sit with your family, through animal enclosures during the tour. It will be a nice and comfortable experience.

Even if there are no zoos in your city, look for a place outside the city limits, which is often used by locals as a picnic spot. Get advice from your friends, neighbors; They should know about such a place. Take care to avoid isolated and uninhabited places as it may not be safe from a security point of view.

Time to relax and enjoy

The moment you go on your picnic expedition, start enjoying each moment. Do not wait to enjoy the destination, rather, even enjoy the journey. Sometimes travel carries more rewards than destination.

Every moment and the first thing to do when starting the journey is to leave the worries of your office and home locked behind the door. When going on a picnic with your family, you need to keep your headlight without any unnecessary worries and responsibilities. Wait for your office concerns until you return from the picnic. Until then just relax and walk outside, spreading love and smile.

The conclusion

Picnic with family is the best that can happen amidst the chaos and business of city life. It is like a shot of energy and happiness in both life and relationships.


250 Words – Essay on A Picnic With Family for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

A picnic with the family is more than literally having a picnic; This is a family that offers many opportunities to talk to your family members, which you will not be able to do due to a busy schedule everyday. It is a time to enjoy and create moments that will be converted into memories.

Benefits of a family picnic

A family picnic is beneficial from a psychological point of view, physically and also from a relationship point of view.

An urban family did not find much time at its disposal to spend together with family members. Even the nearest members only meet at the dining table. Therefore, a family picnic planned on vacation is like a new lease of life for relationships and emotional connection. It also gives you an opportunity to talk to your family members about future plans, ideas and all. This is the time to ease your soul and relax your mind.

Also, picnic is a kind of physical exercise, without which you realize that you are doing one. You walk long distances, play and dance and do many physical activities as part of the picnic plan. So many physical activities improve your stamina and tone the vital organs of your body, making them ready for the coming days.

The conclusion

A family picnic is the best way to rule the love between family members and improve your mental and physical health. It is advisable to organize an outing at least once a week or once a fortnight, so that the light of love and trust remains in the family, which is otherwise busy with everyday chores.

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