Long and Short Essay on Organ Trafficking in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Organ Trafficking for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Here are essays of different lengths on organ trafficking to help you with the subject in your exam. You can choose any organ trafficking essay according to your requirement:

200 Words – Essay on Organ Trafficking for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

In relation to ‘organ trafficking’, the illegal activity chain of trafficking with the intention of exchanging, preserving, collecting, transporting, importing and exporting organs for commercialization of human organs for the purpose of transplantation. It refers to the trade in human organs, tissues, cells, and body parts.

Many people are involved in organ trafficking activities. Who seek organ donors, middlemen, transporter medical staff and doctors who perform surgeries for organ transplants. Organ trafficking victims either sell their organs due to poor economic conditions or they are illegally forced to undergo organ transplants or fraudulently get their organs removed. High demand and low supply of organs as well as increasing poverty are among the major reasons for giving rise to these crimes.

The problem is that people involved in trafficking do not see it as a crime. They feel that the poor are getting financial assistance and the person who is ill with it is also getting help, due to which both sides are benefiting. But they ignore the long-term effects on the donor and recipient.

Organ trafficking is an issue that needs serious attention. There is a need to implement the law to prevent crime as well as to make every detail of every organ transplant by medical organizations transparent.

300 Words – Essay on Organ Trafficking for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Trafficking human organs or other body parts for transplant is an illegal trade. In illegal transplants, organs are removed from the human body and human organs are then traded as animal flesh. However, in the last few decades, many works have been done by the media to spread awareness about this and many crimes like organ trafficking and human trafficking are being exposed.

Demand and supply

There is a great demand for healthy organs globally which promotes crimes like organ trafficking for commercial purpose. Combined organ trafficking of deceased donors and living donors has not been able to meet the total demand for supply organs, most of which are traded in organs such as liver and kidney. The victims of organ trafficking are mostly poor, uneducated and the most vulnerable group of the society. In some cases the victims are coerced or misled by the traffickers and in some, the victims are prepared to pay some amount for it.

The other most vulnerable victims are those who go for treatment for the disease and their organs are removed without being told by deception. Scientific advancement and advances in the medical world have also encouraged organ trafficking. Poverty and illiteracy are the main reasons for increasing this crime, in which the victims are paid little or no money at all for organ trafficking. Trafficking victims can be of any age group. Child trafficking and human trafficking victims have also been victims of organ trafficking. The victims of organ trafficking suffer from poor health conditions and immune system due to surgery.

The conclusion

Statutory regulations can play an important role in the prevention of organ trafficking. The government’s dependence on the black market for organ trafficking should be reduced by increasing the supply of organs. For this, strict action should be taken by law against doctors involved in organ trafficking.

400 Words – Essay on Organ Trafficking for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Organ trafficking refers to the trafficking of human organs, tissues, cells and other parts of the body for transplantation. High demand and low supply have mainly promoted the crime of organ trafficking.

Organ trafficking in India

India is a developing country and we all know that poverty and growing population are one of the major problems of India which gives rise to many criminal activities, one of which is also organ trafficking. In some areas people are deprived of basic health care facilities, while in other areas medical science has advanced so much that human organs are being traded for personal gain. Poor and vulnerable groups are exploited in many ways in our society.

High demand for organs and low supply and transplant tourism in India have contributed to the promotion of organ trafficking. Only a few percent of people are capable of transplant, and it becomes difficult for them to find a donor from the same group for transplant. By law only a few relatives of the family are allowed to donate organs which further reduces the number of potential donors. The difference between demand and supply aggravates this type of organ trafficking.

Before the creation of the Human Organs Act in 1994, there was legal trade in India. High demand and low costs boosted global trade, making India one of the world’s leading kidney transplant centers. There are many incidents of such crimes in India, in some cases victims donate their organs to pay their debts or to meet other financial needs, while in some other cases people are kidnapped and given organs Is forced to. Another shocking thing is that often young children are kidnapped and killed for organ trafficking.

Every year there are many cases where dead bodies are found along with missing organs. Human organ transplantation cannot take place without medical knowledge and this suggests that people like doctors are also involved in such abusive acts such as human organ trafficking. In many medical firms, doctors take out the organ without telling the donor or pay them very little for it or sell it to high-paying patients. Due to lack of evidence and facts it is quite difficult to verify the correct figures of organ trafficking, but about 42% of organ transplants have been estimated to be illegal.

The conclusion

Along with implementing legislation for the prevention of organ trafficking, issues such as poverty and lack of education also require serious attention to prevent such crimes.

500 Words – Essay on Organ Trafficking for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Transplantation relates to the trafficking of human organs, tissues, cells and other parts of the body. The global demand for healthy human organs for transplant is increasing while its supply has decreased, due to these reasons when the supply demand is not met, people start resorting to criminal and illegal means.

Organ trafficking – a serious global crisis

Some organs such as kidney, lung, heart, pancreas etc. are donated by the donor or the criminals are forced to donate organs on the victims. Not all organs are valued equally because the price of the organs depends on how easily it can be implanted with success. The value of organs also depends on the demand and supply factor, for example the supply of kidneys is high because humans know that they can easily live their lives on a kidney. That is why they are ready to sell their kidneys.

People meet their demand through the black market (also referred to as the red market due to the business transactions of human body parts by Scott Carney) and are prepared to pay high amounts for illegal transplants. . Organ sellers and smugglers benefit manifold from wealthy buyers in foreign countries such as the US and Japan, but still pay only 5% to 10% to victims of the organ smuggling market, while in some other cases. Victims of human trafficking are forced to give up organs and are not paid any kind of payment.

Transplant tourism

The term transplant tourism refers to the trade of transplant organs abroad. In which the patient can travel abroad for transplant and to buy organs. The term ‘transplant tourism’ refers to professionalism which deals with the illegal trade of organs, although not all medical tourism is illegal. Transplant tourism is a major issue, with the transfer of organs in the same direction from which the organs are supplied.

Organ smuggling is supplied from the south to the north or from the developing to the developed countries. In developed countries, the demand for organs is growing faster than the supply of organs available at the national level. In order to maximize the supply of organs and to meet this type of demand for criminal groups, it is purchased at a high price from the trade markets of developing countries. Some people also travel to other countries for organ transplantation, while in some cases only the victims have to go abroad for organ transplantation.

The conclusion

Organ trafficking is a global issue which needs strict regulations to be followed to prevent it. The scholarly wide-ranging debate on the issue of organ trafficking has resulted in a number of solutions focusing on the demand for organs and organ trafficking issues, leading to an increase in government regulations and laws, as well as restrictions against organ trafficking.

600 Words – Essay on Organ Trafficking for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Trafficking of human organs, tissues and other body parts is done as an illegal business for transplantation and for the benefit of it.

The main reasons that promote organ trafficking –

1. High demand and short supply

These days due to increase in health disorders, the demand of organs is increasing more and more. People are not willing to voluntarily donate their organs even after living or after death. Due to which the supply of organs is decreasing. This is the reason that when demand and supply are not met, people resort to crimes like organ trafficking.

2. Poverty

Poverty is the main cause of most criminal activity. When people are financially lacking and have nothing to sell, they bid their body parts to meet their debt or basic needs, even if they paid less than the actual amount for it. Why are you not being given

3. Shortage of education

Due to lack of education, people are not aware of the long-term health hazards of organ trafficking and the vulnerable victims are ready to smuggle their organs in small amounts unaware of the means and assistance of the government and illegal means of the deal. Or they are helpless and forced to donate organs.

4. War

War can cause mass displacement of people and children. War victims are considered easy targets for organ trafficking and a large number of people and children are forced to commit organ trafficking under such circumstances.

5. Developing Area

People are considered the main sources of organ trafficking in developing regions. Smugglers focus their attention primarily on the most vulnerable people in our society because it becomes easier to persuade and persuade these people to pay less money for smuggling.

6. Medical institutions

It is not possible to transplant organs without medical help and no transplant can take place without its prior knowledge. Criminal activities such as organ transplants are done illegally in firms without data tracking. Exploited victims face health problems due to lack of proper medical care post surgery.

7. Shortcomings in legal proceedings

The law has still not been fully successful in curbing illegal activities and smuggling of organs. Further, the law has not been adequately enforced to take action against all those involved in the crime of organ transplantation, which proves it to be not fully effective.

8. Human trafficking

Human trafficking victims are exploited in many ways. As a result, the more trafficked cam smugglers are always ready to sell the victims’ organs for their personal benefits and sometimes the sole purpose of human trafficking is to sell the organs of the victims and take advantage of them.

Effects of organ trafficking

Organ trafficking has many negative effects in our society. The most vulnerable and poor sections of society are exploited for organ trafficking. Due to this, serious criminal activities like kidnapping of children and human trafficking are encouraged for the purpose of trafficking of organs in the society. In some cases, the victims have to face many health problems and in some they are even killed. Organ trafficking poses a number of health risks to both recipient and donor. The high demand for healthy organs also gives rise to serious crimes and medical institutions involved in such crimes are a threat to the people.

The conclusion

The root causes of crimes can be eliminated only by proper implementation of the rule of law. There are some other examples through which these crimes can be prevented. As such, the goal of supplying organs from deceased donors should be met and greater awareness should be raised about it and people should be encouraged to register to donate organs after death. For example, if a person wants to donate his eye after death, then that person should register for this. After which, after his death, the organs can be legitimately donated to a needy person.

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