Long and Short Essay on Money in English

In this article you will find long and short Long and Short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Money for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, 450 & 700 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Through these essays you know more.. like -What is the importance of money? Why is money necessary? How to get money? Relation of happy life with money, need of money in life, what is black money? Like has tried to throw light on many subjects.

100 Words – Essay on Money for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Money is the most basic requirement of life, without which no one can fulfill the basic needs of their daily life. We can never compare the importance of wealth to the importance of love and care. When one needs money, it cannot be met with love and if one needs love, it cannot be fulfilled with money. Both are very much needed for a healthy life but both have different importance in life.

We urgently need both, so we cannot measure both on the same scale. We need money everywhere, such as to eat food, to drink water or milk, to watch TV, to buy newspapers, to wear clothes, to get admission in school, to get education. , Etc. for meeting other needs.

200 Words – Essay on Money for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

One of the most important things for subsistence is money. That is why we are in dire need of money, this is the time when life is made for wealth, not money for life. Money is the most basic requirement of discharging our lives, without which no one can fulfill the basic needs of our daily life. We can never compare the importance of wealth to the importance of love and care. When one needs money, it cannot be met with love and if one needs love, it cannot be fulfilled with money. Both are very important for a good life, but both have different importance in life.

Both are needed to live life properly, so we cannot measure both on the same scale. We need money everywhere, such as to eat food, to drink water or milk, to watch TV, to buy newspapers, to wear clothes, to get admission in school, to get education. , Etc. For the fulfillment of other needs, facilities like Adi cannot be completed without funds.

250 Words – Essay on Money for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Money is the basic necessity of life, without which no one can imagine healthy and peaceful life. We need money to fulfill our smallest need. In modern times, when civilization is developing rapidly and everyone is following western culture, at this time we need more money due to the increasing value of goods. In earlier times, there was a practice called exchange system, in which anyone would get another item in exchange for one thing. However, now in this modern world only money is needed to buy every thing or thing. it occurs.

The money

Nowadays you need money for every job, for clothes, for food, for a shelter and even in many places you have to pay for water. Although it can also be said that ‘Money cannot provide happiness’ but can you be happy without any money? Since money is a big part of our life, at least you need money to be happy.

The conclusion

The importance of money is increasing day by day, because our living has become very expensive. The importance of money has increased on a large scale in the fields of production, consumption, exchange, distribution, public revenue etc. It plays a very important role in determining income, employment, proceeds corporation, general price level etc. If we look at the present-day scenario, there is no doubt that he who has a lot of wealth is considered more civilized in the world. Therefore, we can say that money is very important in every aspect of life.

300 Words – Essay on Money for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

In a competitive society and world like this, none of us can survive without money. We need money to fulfill our basic needs, such as buying food, and other basic necessities of life, which are absolutely impossible to obtain without money. Those in the society who are rich and possess property are considered to be respected and respected persons in the society. However, a poor person is viewed with hatred without any good feeling.

Need money

Money enhances the dignity of a person in society and builds a good image of him. We all want to get rich by earning more and more money through business, good job, good business etc. so that, we can fulfill all the needs of the increasing of modern times. However, very few people get the opportunity to fulfill their dream of becoming a millionaire. Therefore, wealth is an important thing in whole life.

Wealth is required by all, whether it is poor or rich and urban or rural areas. People living in urban areas earn more money than people living in rural areas because people in urban areas have much easier access to technology and have more resources, which increases their earning potential. Due to this people of rural areas fall behind in the field of development and urban areas become more developed.

The conclusion

The importance of money has increased on a large scale in the fields of production, consumption, exchange, distribution, public revenue etc. It plays a very important role in determining income, employment, proceeds corporation, general price level etc. If we look at the present-day scenario, there is no doubt that he who has a lot of wealth is considered more civilized in the world. In earlier times, there was a practice called exchange system, in which anyone would get another item in exchange for one thing. However, now in this modern world only money is needed to buy every thing or thing. it occurs.

400 Words – Essay on Money for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Money is a very essential item in life. However, it cannot buy things like time, love and true care. It can fulfill only the external needs of a person and not the internal needs like love. Nowadays, everything has become expensive but buying them is very important to live a simple life. If we do not have money, no one can imagine the truth of how our situation will be.

Importance of money

  • In the absence of wealth, a person’s death is certain and if he survives, he has to face many troubles. Wealth enables us to buy all the necessary things and helps us throughout our life. If we understand the importance of money in life, then we will never spend money without any purpose or misuse. We cannot compare money and love, because in order to live a successful life we ​​need both money and love.
  • In this competitive world, to earn money by getting a good job, everyone wants to study well with higher education from a well-known college or university. To meet the needs of all the members of the family, a person needs to earn more money, especially for the person who is the only earner in the family.
  • A person needs money to meet the needs of all his family members to eat, wear, and live. The rich have a special identity and fame in the society. However, poor people spend their lives only getting two meals a day. All these changes and differences are due to wealth only.

Cause of discord

Wherever there is a scarcity of money in the house, there are fighting and fighting. There are conflicts between husband and wife. Neither does anyone respect each other in the event of earning money. Neighbors and relatives also look down upon the poor person. He starts clipping her, thinking that the person never asks for money from her. With this, no one wants to befriend a poor person in today’s time.

The conclusion

Money can neither buy nor stop time and together it cannot buy true love and care. But still it is required by all, so that life can be taken on the right path. Even though money cannot give time and love, but then it definitely gives us happiness, confidence, satisfaction, physical and mental peace. Due to which we are able to live life easily and every difficult problem can be solved.

450 Words – Essay on Money for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Money is a very important thing for a human being to live his life satisfactorily. Just as trees and animals are found in all places, similarly we also need money everywhere. To live in society, we need money to maintain our position and position in society. We need a lot of money to eat or drink water, to dress, to get admission in school, to take medicine or to get treatment in hospital or for other activities. Now, the question arises as to how this necessary money can be obtained. For this we have to do high level studies and hard work, so that we can get a good job or we can open our own business, which requires more skills and confidence.

Benefit from money

  •     You can live a respectful life:

A person is respected only when he is financially prosperous. Otherwise, in today’s society, the moneyless person has no respect.

  •     Pure and nutritious food can be eaten:

Those who have wealth can enjoy a variety of tasty and nutritious meals. And can protect themselves from diseases.

  •     Your protection can be done:

In today’s society, theft, robbery has increased a lot and rich people can provide security for themselves due to money.

  •     The loan is repayable:

Debt taken from a person rich person can repay the loan very easily.

  •     The enjoyment of material pleasures can be attained:

All material comforts can be enjoyed if there is sufficient amount of money like taking good house, good clothes, cars and other things.

The rich pressured the poor

Previously, the situation of the poor was very pathetic due to the high pressure from the rich people. They did not help the poor people and used them only as their servants at very low salaries. However, now the implementation of new government rules and laws has brought some improvement in the condition of the poor as before, as the government has implemented the right to equality to improve the condition of the poor. Now everyone gets equal opportunity to get higher education and get a good job. Many people think that wealth gives rise to evil in the minds of people. However, I do not think so, because thinking is an action of the human body and not money.

The conclusion

I understand and believe that money is a very important key to happiness, which has been gifted to us by God. It depends on the human mind, how he takes it. Some people use it only to fulfill their material needs and they never take it to heart. However, some people accept money as their everything and they would be willing to do anything to get wealth. Huh. To achieve this, they can commit any criminal act like murder, theft, robbery, corruption, taking bribe etc.

700 Words – Essay on Money for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

There is no doubt that money is very important for our good life. Money is almost everything to us. To maintain a high position in society, it is very necessary. It is only money that can fulfill all the initial needs, comforts and needs of our life. If someone has wealth, he / she can fulfill all his / her desires in his / her life, which can lead to the development of his / her personality, improvement in confidence, credibility, enhancement in ability, increase in ability and courage to a great extent. helps to.

Without money, we feel helpless and lonely in this world, where no one is there to give us help and help and suggestions. In this present material world, money is a very important and powerful thing, without which no one can survive.

Means of convenience

Every person can get all kinds of happiness when there is wealth. Such as good food, good clothes, mobile phone, TV, fridge, oven, bungalow, motor car etc. Whereas poor people are struggling with various problems due to lack of money. He is forced to strike in the general compartment of buses and trains. They are forced to live in slums where they have to face many diseases. On the contrary, a rich person can travel comfortably by taking a high class ticket.

Impact of incorrectly earned money

Nowadays, to earn money wrongly, bad people, corruption, bribery, illegal acts, kidnapping, killing of rich people of society, etc. resort to evil actions, which degrade all moral values ​​and ideals of humanity. Lazy people use the wrong methods of obtaining money because they think that these are the easiest and simplest ways to earn money. However, this is not true. With these methods one can get money in less time and efforts, but not for much longer. Surely he will be caught one day in the coming time because he was walking on a wrong and weak path. Those people who earn money by following all the rules of humanity, they earn less money but, that money is used for a long time and they become highly respected persons of the society.

Black money

Corruption people hide their wealth, in other countries, as black money to hide from the general public and they use this money to do bad deeds or to increase their material comfort. However, the common people of the society respect the people earning money in the wrong ways because they are afraid of them. Along with this, they also have a little greed that if they flatter those people, they too will get some money. Such people are usually called Bhai, Bhau, Dada or Don. Money can neither buy nor stop time, nor buy true love and care, yet it is demanded by all, to lead life on the right path. It cannot give time and love, however, it does provide happiness, confidence, satisfaction, physical and mental peace. Due to which it is easy to live life and every difficult problem can be solved.

The problem of black money has given rise to many other issues in India. Due to black money, misinformation is spreading in major issues, in which the economy of the country is the main one. The government is completely dependent on tax revenue and the evasion of tax to deposit black money has adversely affected the country’s treasury system. Apart from these effects, it also affects the general public because it is the basis of social and economic inequality in the country.

The conclusion

In today’s time, everybody wants to get more and more money. Some people collect money in a corrupt way which is wrong. Even though money is very important in life, but collecting money illegally is not the right thing to do and it causes the downfall of a person. This is the reason that people should earn money honestly and instead of misusing it, it should be used in good works.

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