Long and Short Essay on Labour Day in English

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(1) 200 Words – Essay on Labour Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Labor Day is celebrated in various countries around the world. It is a day dedicated exclusively to the labor class. However, unlike many other days, as we celebrate it, this day has not been so easily originated.

It all started with the increase in industrialization. Industrialists exploited the labor class. They took a lot of work from the workers but gave them very little money in return. Workers were made to work for 10-15 hours a day under difficult conditions. Those who worked in chemical factories, mines and other similar places faced the most trouble. Many of these people fell ill and many others lost their lives while working long hours under such conditions.

Finally, he united and muscled up the courage to raise his voice against this atrocity. Forming trade unions around that time and going on strike was also considered illegal in many countries. However, as it was equivalent to jeopardizing their jobs, many workers came forward and demonstrated against this injustice. Trade unions were formed and workers went on strike. He also held rallies and protests. Eventually the government heard his petition and reduced the working hours to 8 hours. A special day was also established to commemorate the efforts of this class. The date of Labor Day varies from country to country.


300 Words – Essay on Labour Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Labor Day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the working class. It is celebrated at different dates in different countries. However, in most countries, the date for this day is fixed as May 1, the day on which International Workers’ Day is celebrated.

Origin of Labor Day

In the earlier days, the condition of laborers was very bad. They had to work hard and work for 15 hours a day. He suffered injuries and had other terrible problems at his workplace. Despite their hard work, they were paid low wages. The increasing number of health problems of these people due to long working hours and lack of good sources, labor unions raised their voice against this system to fix this problem.

Agitated trade unions were formed which for some time fought for their rights. After this the number of 8 hours of work was fixed for laborers and working class people. It is also known as the eight-hour movement. According to this, a person should work for only eight hours. He should get eight hours for entertainment and eight hours for rest. Labor Day originates in this movement.

Although the history and origin of Labor Day is different in different countries, but the main reason behind it is the same and it is unfair behavior of the labor class. It was quite unfortunate that the class of people who contributed so much towards the infrastructure development of the country were treated poorly. There were many movements against it in different parts of the world and this day came into existence.

The conclusion

The labor class is actually a class which needs to be involved in various laborious tasks. A special day is definitely necessary to appreciate his contribution to the society and to know his identity.


400 Words – Essay on Labour Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Labor Day is a special day dedicated to workers and working class people. It is a public holiday in most countries. It is celebrated in more than 80 countries on 1 May. Canada and the United States celebrate it on the first Monday of September. Many countries have their own different date to celebrate this date. However, the reason for celebrating the festival remains the same and that is to celebrate the hard work of the labor class.

Labor Day in India – History and Origin

Labor Day was first observed on 1 May 1923 in India. The festival was organized in Madras by the Indian Labor Farmers Party of Hindustan. On this day Comrade Singaravelier held two meetings at various places in the state. One of these was organized on Tralikalan Beach and the other was arranged on the beach near Madras High Court. He passed a resolution saying that the government should declare a national holiday on this day.

Labor Day in various Indian states

Labor Day in India is known as International Labor Day or Worker’s Day. Although various states of the country know it by different names. In Tamil it is known as Ujhappalar Dhinam, in Malayalam it is known as Thozhilali Dinam and in Kannada it is called Karmikara Dinacharen.

In the state of Maharashtra, May 1 is celebrated as Maharashtra Day and in Gujarat it is celebrated as Gujarat Day. The reason for this is that in 1960, Maharashtra and Gujarat attained statehood on this day.

Labor Day in India – Celebration

Like other countries of the world, Labor Day is also a celebration day for people belonging to the working class in India. On this day, protests are organized by the organizations against the observance of any unjust practice against the workers. Work is also done to demonstrate that the workers stand united and will not tolerate any unqualified demand from the capitalists. Speeches are made by prominent leaders to promote unity among the workers. Labor unions also conduct picnics and other recreational activities.

The conclusion

The origin of Labor Day shows that nothing is impossible if we stand together. Trade unions were formed and they became strong against the unjust behavior of the workers. However, exploitation of the labor class by the capitalists was always clear that no action was taken against it. The combined efforts of trade unions forced the government to enact legislation in favor of workers.


500 Words – Essay on Labour Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Labor Day is celebrated to honor the hard work done by the workers as well as those who fight for the rights of the workers. This day is celebrated on May 1 every year in many countries of India.

Labor Day Celebration – Then and Now

Workers were given their rights after much struggle. Those who worked hard for this day added more importance to it. This day had special significance for him. Thus in most countries, Labor Day celebrations initially served to honor the leaders of their union who achieved the status of this special day and inspired others to fight for their rights. Speeches are given by prominent leaders and workers on spending time together happily.

Trade unions organize special lunches and dinners or organized picnics and outings for the team of workers. Campaigns and parades are organized to celebrate the rights of activists. Firecrackers are also burnt.

While many organizations and groups organize lunches and picnics and expeditions and parades by trade unions on this day, many people see this day as an opportunity to just relax and rejuvenate. They spend time completing their pending domestic tasks or go out with their friends and family.

In countries such as Canada and the United States, where Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September, people enjoy long weekends. They usually plan to go out with family or go out with friends. This provides them with much needed relief from a tired daily life. People also see it as holiday time. Speeches are also given to promote unity among the workers

Labor Day Classic matches are held in countries like Canada to rejoice to this day. Many people go to watch these matches live while others like to sit in their house and watch live broadcasts.

Sales of retailers increase during this time in the United States. The sale of products becomes a profitable deal around this time. It is said that people buy a lot during this time. Sales at this time are equal to sales only during Christmas time. People are especially busy with back-to-school shopping at this time.

Countries that celebrate Labor Day

Many countries around the world celebrate Labor Day. Some of these include Australia, Bangladesh, the Bahamas, Canada, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Libya, Somalia, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda and Morocco.

The date of celebration varies in these countries. In Australia it is celebrated on different dates. Whereas in some parts of Australia it is celebrated in October, while in other parts it is celebrated in March while in many places it is celebrated in May. Bangladesh celebrates this day in April while the Bahamas celebrates it in June. However, most countries celebrate Labor Day on 1 May.

The conclusion

The history and origin of Labor Day varies from country to country. In various countries, workers and trade unions struggle a lot. Protests are held and rallies are held. It took the government a long time to enact laws against the unjust behavior done by the industrialists on the labor class. A special day was later recognized to commemorate the efforts made by the workers.


600 Words – Essay on Labour Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Labor Day is a special day dedicated to the labor class and their hard work and efforts are recognized. It is celebrated in various countries all over the world. In most countries, it is celebrated as International Workers’ Day on 1 May. The history and origins of Labor Day vary from country to country.

Labor Day – Origin of Ideas

With the increase of industrialization in Canada at the end of the 19th century, the work class became more burdened with labor. Their number of working hours increased drastically but their wages remained low. The working class was heavily exploited and this exploitation created a great crisis among them. Many of them became ill due to constant workload and many died due to this. Workers from different parts of the country shook hands to raise their voice against this injustice. He launched various movements against the tyranny of the capitalist class.

Labor Day in Canada

In Canada, Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September. After many struggles, the working class in the country got its rights. There were many movements in this direction by labor unions.

First was the Toronto Printer Union which in the early 1870s demanded reduced working hours. In March 1872 he went on strike to fulfill his demands. They also organized demonstrations for workers’ rights. The strike caused a huge loss to the printing industry in the country. Trade unions were formed in other industries and soon they all came together to raise their voice against the industrialists.

Around 24 leaders were arrested for inciting people to go on strike. Going on strike was a crime at that time. The law also did not allow the formation of trade unions. However the protests continued and he was soon released. A few months later a similar parade was held in Ottawa. This forced the government to revise the law against trade unions. The Labor Congress of Canada was eventually formed.

Labor Day in the United States

During the end of the 19th century the United States trade union suggested a special day to mark the contribution of the working class towards society.

The increasing exploitation on the labor class in the United States led to the union of the Union Labor Union and the Knights of Labor into the hands. Together they led the first parade that marked a significant movement against industrialists who were exploiting them by paying workers lower wages and forcing them to work longer. The parade was first held in New York City. Workers from various organizations participated to join the cause. Their demands were eventually heard.

In 1887, Labor Day was celebrated as the first public holiday in Oregon. By 1894, 30 states in the United States celebrated Labor Day. This day is celebrated to honor the American labor movement.

Alternatively it is said that it was Peter J. McGuire of the Peter Federation of Labor who had previously suggested that a special day should be dedicated to the workers. He made the offer in May 1882 after watching the annual Labor Festival in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

Like Canada, Labor Day is celebrated every year on the first Monday of September in the United States.

The conclusion

This is the time to reap and rejuvenate Labor Day. This is also the time to fight for the rights of workers and to respect those who bring reforms. It is only because of some people who came forward and encouraged others to do the same so that workers were given their legitimate rights.

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