Long and Short Essay on Human Rights in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Human Rights for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

This essay is simple as well as quite informative. Through these essays we have discussed various aspects of human rights such as what is human right, why is human right necessary? What is the importance of human rights? and more things to know…

200 Words – Essay on Human Rights for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Human rights is a group of all rights granted to every person irrespective of his gender, caste, creed, religion, nation, place or economic status. They are also called moral principles that clarify certain standards of human behavior. These rights protected by law apply everywhere and at all times.

Basic human rights include right to life, right to fair hearing, competent tribunal, right to freedom and personal protection, right to property, right to education, right to peaceful assembly and union, right to marriage and family, nationality and freedom to change it, Freedom of speech, freedom from discrimination, freedom from slavery, freedom of ideology, conscience and religion, Freedom of movement, right to opinion and information, right to an adequate standard of living and freedom from interference with privacy, etc.

Although these rights are protected by law, yet many of these rights are violated by people for various reasons. Some of these rights are also violated by the government. To ensure that every person gets the right to these basic rights, the United Nations committees have been formed. Governments of various countries and many non-governmental organizations have also been formed to monitor and protect these rights.

300 Words – Essay on Human Rights for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Human rights are standards that articulate standards of human behavior. As a human being, these are the fundamental rights which everyone is naturally entitled to. These rights are protected by law.

Fundamental human right

Some basic human rights have been specially protected here. Which should be achieved by every person of the country, some such basic human rights are discussed below.

    Right to life

Everyone has the birthright to live their own free life. Every human has the right not to be killed by any other person.

    Right to fair trial

Everyone has the right to a fair trial by an impartial court. This includes the right to hear, public hearing and the management of lawyers, etc. within a reasonable time.

    Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Everyone has freedom of thought and conscience. He is also free to choose his religion and is free to change it at any time.

    Freedom from slavery

There is a legal ban on slavery and slavery. However, it is still being followed illegally in some parts of the world.

    Freedom from tyranny

Torture is prohibited under international law. Every person is free from suffering.

Other universal human rights include freedom and personal protection, freedom of speech, competent tribunal, freedom from discrimination, right to nationality and freedom to change it, rights of marriage and family, freedom of movement, property rights, education rights, peaceful Legislative and Union rights, privacy, freedom of interference from family, home and correspondence, in government and Independent from the right to participate in elections, the right of opinion and information, right to adequate standard of living, social security rights and the right to social order which covers etc. represents the document.

However, many of these rights protected by law are violated by the people, even by the governments. However many organizations have been created to monitor human rights violations. These organizations take steps to protect these rights.

The conclusion

It is often seen that people who have the responsibility of protecting human rights, they abuse their power and start violating human rights of people. Therefore, it should be ensured that all the people of the country get their human rights.

400 Words – Essay on Human Rights for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Human rights are the rights that every person on this earth has acquired only because of being a human being. These rights are university and protected by global laws. The idea of ​​human rights and freedom has existed for centuries. However, these have changed with the change of time.

Universal human right

Human rights include the basic rights which are given to every human being irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, sex or nationality. The detailed description of universal human rights is as follows:

  •     Right to life, freedom and personal security
  •     Right to equality
  •     Right to defend by competent tribunal
  •     Right to recognition as a person before law
  •     Freedom from discrimination
  •     Freedom from slavery
  •     Freedom from tyranny
  •     Freedom from arbitrary arrest and deportation
  •     Right to be considered innocent until proven guilty
  •     Right to a fair public hearing
  •     Freedom of movement
  •     Freedom from interference in privacy, family, home and correspondence
  •     Asylum rights in other countries
  •     Right to freedom to change nationality
  •     Marriage and Family Rights
  •     Right to Education
  •     Right to own property
  •     The right to form a peaceful gathering and association
  •     Right to participate in government and in free elections
  •     Freedom of faith and religion
  •     Right to live
  •     Right to participate in the cultural life of the community
  •     Social security right
  •     Desirable work and right to join trade unions
  •     Right to leisure and rest
  •     Freedom from state or personal interference in the above rights

Human rights violations

Although human rights are protected by various laws, they are still violated by people, groups and sometimes by the government. For example, freedom of torture is often violated by police during interrogations. Similarly freedom from slavery is called basic human right but slavery and slavery is still illegal. Several institutions have been created to monitor human rights abuses. Governments and some non-governmental organizations also investigate these.

The conclusion

Everyone has the right to enjoy basic human rights. Some of these rights are sometimes misused by the government. The government is taking measures to monitor human rights abuses with the help of some non-governmental organizations.

500 Words – Essay on Human Rights for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Human rights are called universal rights which every person is entitled to regardless of their gender, caste, creed, religion, culture, social / economic status or place. These are standards that describe certain standards of human behavior and are protected by law.

Types of Human Rights

Human rights are divided into two broad categories. These are civil and political rights. They also have social rights which include economic and cultural rights. Here is detailed information on basic human rights given to every person:

    Right to life

Every human living on earth has the right to survive. Everyone has the right not to be killed by anyone and this right is protected by law. However, this does not include issues like capital punishment, self-defense, abortion, euthanasia and war.

    Freedom to speak

Every human being has the right to speak freely and to voice their opinions in public although this right also has some limitations such as obscenity, disturbances and inciting riots.

    Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Every country gives its citizens the right to think independently and build honest beliefs. Every person has the right to follow any religion of his choice and is free to change it at any time from time to time according to his free will.

    Right to fair trial

Under this right, every person has the right to fair hearing by a fair court, hearing within a reasonable time, the right to counsel, the right to public hearing and the right to interpretation.

    Freedom from tyranny

According to international law, every person has the right to freedom from tyranny. It has been banned since the mid-20th century.

    Freedom of movement

This means that every person has the right to travel, live, work or study in any part of their country.

 Freedom from slavery

According to this right, slavery and slavery traders are prohibited in all respects. Unfortunately, however, these abuses still go on illegally.

Human rights violation

While every human is entitled to human rights, these rights are still often violated. These rights are violated when the actions taken by the state are neglected, denied or abused.

A United Nations committee has been set up to investigate human rights abuses. Many national institutions, non-governmental organizations and the government also monitor them to ensure that the basic rights of a person are not violated.

These organizations work towards spreading awareness about human rights so that people can get a good idea about their rights. He has also protested against inhuman practices. Due to these protests, action has been witnessed several times, which has improved the situation.

The conclusion

Human rights are the basic rights given to every person. These rights are protected by law in order to be universal however, which are sometimes violated by states, individuals or groups. It is inhumane to deprive a person of these basic rights. That is why many organizations have been set up to protect these rights.

600 Words – Essay on Human Rights for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Human rights are indisputable rights because every person on earth is entitled to it as a human being. These rights are free from the shackles of every person by their gender, culture, religion, nation, place, caste, creed or economic status. The idea of ​​human rights has been taking place since human history itself, although this concept varied greatly in earlier times. Here’s a detailed look at this concept:

Human Rights Classification

Internationally human rights are broadly classified: civil and political rights and social rights including economic and cultural rights. It is very important for the simple and normal life of every person that in all circumstances he must get the necessary human rights. Different human rights have been classified on the basis of these.

Civil and political rights

This right limits the power of government in relation to actions affecting the autonomy of the individual. It gives people an opportunity to contribute to the government’s participation and determination of laws.

Social rights

These rights direct the government to act in a positive and interventionist manner so that the essential needs for human life and development are met. The government of each country hopes to ensure the well-being of all its citizens. Everyone has the right to social security.

Importance of human rights

In today’s time, human rights are such a facility, without which our lives will become quite frightening and pathetic because without human rights we can be subjected to all kinds of oppression and we can be exploited without any fear. In fact, human rights have been very important not only in today’s time but also in the history of the entire human civilization. In India too, citizens of many republican states had many special human rights in ancient times. Today, human rights ranging from prisoners to prisoners of war have been decided at the international level. These rights are overseen and regulated by many major international institutions and organizations.

If human rights are not there, then our life will be worse than animals, a direct example of this is seen today in many dictatorial and religiously operated countries. Where a person is sentenced to a harsh sentence like capital punishment only for expressing his views or making a small mistake because there is no human rights rule nor any kind of law, along with such countries Even after being punished, animals are also treated badly with prisoners.

On the other hand, in democratic countries, human rights are given a lot of importance and every person, whether it is a criminal or a prisoner of war, is given full opportunity to present his side, along with it, he is given basic facilities even when punished. She goes. From this, we can guess how much human rights matter in our lives.

The conclusion

Human rights are basic rights given to individuals, which are almost the same everywhere. Each country provides these rights by ignoring the caste, creed, color, gender, culture and economic or social status of an individual. However they are sometimes violated by individuals, groups or the state itself. Therefore, people need to raise their voice against any violation of human rights.

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