Long and Short Essay on Cow in English ?

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The cow is the most domesticated animal in the whole world. It has tremendous economic importance. In Hindu majority countries, it is also considered sacred and sacred. Their governments have also banned cow slaughter under the law.


600 Words – Essay on Cow for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The cow is a domesticated animal of the family Bovidae, which includes other hollow horned animals such as sheep, goats, etc. A cow is by far the most useful pet. It is domesticated for meat, milk and hide etc.

Behavior and appearance

A cow is a hoof animal and has two separate claws in each of its legs. It is a large quadruped mammal that is a four-legged mammal such as zebra, horse, deer, sheep, goat, etc.

Most species of cow have horns, while some may not have them based on area and genetic lineage. There is a lot of change in the presence of cows worldwide. In some parts of the world, cows are relatively small, while in others they are large with long horns.

A cow is a very quiet vegetarian; It can be anything but aggressive. Most cows show little aggression, protecting their young. Due to its calm and non-invasive nature, cows are very easy to domesticate and are widely used as farm cattle around the world.

Use of cow

The cow is widely domesticated due to its utility. It is found as a pet in almost every human settlement around the world. Generally, they are domesticated in rural areas compared to urban settlements.

Domestic cows have an estimated global population of over 40 million. India, China and Brazil account for about 30% of the global cow population.

The cows are kept for various purposes listed below-

For dairy products

This is one of the most important reasons for cow dominance on such a large scale. Cows produce milk to feed their young. Milk is also a very useful product for humans. Many other products such as butter, cheese, yogurt, etc. are manufactured from milk and are widely consumed. The estimated volume of the dairy market is expected to reach 231 MT by 2021. Liquid milk occupies about 54% of the dairy market, while the rest is consumed by other dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, butter, etc.

For meat

About one lakh cows are slaughtered every day for meat. These are animals that have served in their productive years and are no longer useful. When cows stop producing milk due to old age or some other reason, they are taken to the slaughterhouse for meat. However, the trade of cows for meat is prohibited in countries such as India and Nepal with a majority Hindu population. Hindus worship cows as a mother and any harm to the animal is forbidden by religion. However, in the Western world, killing cows for meat, once they become fruitless, is quite common.

To hide

The leather industry today is a multi-million dollar industry and millions of cows are killed globally for their hiding. The meat industry generates a good share of its profits from the sale of skin. The United States is the largest producer of skin accounting for an annual supply of 1.1 million tons. Such animals live in poor environments in leather factories and are fed less, just enough to keep them alive for a few days. The skin is then used to produce leather, which in turn is used to make many consumer goods such as shoes, belts, jackets, purses, etc.

The conclusion

Cow is an extremely useful animal for humans. The cow, through milk and other by-products, maintains billions of families worldwide. In some places cows have become so integral to human settlement that it drives the economy. Many rural households in India, China and Africa depend on only milk and milk products for their daily needs.


400 Words – Essay on Cow for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

A cow is an extremely useful animal that is widely domesticated mainly for milk. They have been an integral part of human civilization for thousands of years and are almost revered for their importance and utility.

Cows in India

Cows in India are considered sacred by Hindus and have reverence for their usefulness and the resources provided by them. Hindus believe that cows are divine beings and, therefore, are given the status of a mother. Since a cow produces milk which is eaten all over India. Many families depend directly on milk and its by-products for their livelihood. The cow is also described as a sacred animal in several Hindu epics and scriptures. Any harm or insult to the cow is prohibited in Hinduism.

Currently, there are many non-profit, non-governmental organizations in India, who abandon sick cows or cows by their owners due to spending and other issues.

Cows are an integral part of Indian village economy. Many families in villages are completely dependent on milk and its products for their livelihood. In India, milk is widely consumed not only in villages, but also in urban settlements. Every Indian family has a daily minimum requirement of milk. They rely heavily on milk by-products such as yogurt, butter, cheese, etc. Many sweets are prepared using milk in India.

Believe it or not but cow dung cake forms an important fuel resource in India. Cow dung is not wasted in rural India, but it is made in a circular shape and left to dry in the sun. Once it dries completely, it is used as a fuel for cooking and other purposes.

Cows in Hindu Mythology

Cows are considered sacred by Hindus. While the rest of the world sees cows as just a productive animal, Hindus worship it and often worship it during religious events. The cow has a reference in the Vedas, which is the oldest Hindu epic. Cows have been an integral part of Hindu society and are closely associated with many Hindu deities. Cows are vegetarian and enjoy a sacred status in Hindu society, not only that cow dung is also used in many religious rituals.

The conclusion

In India, cows are considered sacred and revered for their resources. It is difficult to imagine Indian society without cows. They are an integral part of the socio-economic culture of India.


250 Words – Essay on Cow for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Someone who is a part of Indian society, realizes the importance of the cow. Milk and milk products are very common in Indian homes. Many Indian families sell milk and also keep a supply for their own consumption.

Breeds of Indian cow

Currently there are more than 30 cow breeds in India, of which five are well known for their milk production capability. Indian cow breeds are known for their distinct milk-making abilities – Sahiwal, Lal Sindhi, Gir, Rathi and Tharparkar.

Sahiwal originated in parts of central Punjab and is today exported to other parts of the world. Sahiwal cows are very strong and give birth to rough bulls. The beaver of the Sahiwal breed is also well developed.

The Red Sindhi variety originated in Sindh province of Pakistan and is today domesticated throughout India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. They are known for their distinct characteristics such as tick resistance, disease resistance and a specific ability to breed under harsh climatic conditions.

Gir cows are used to improve other local breeds such as Sahiwal and Lal Sindhi. Gir cows are exported to other parts of the world, due to their resistance to the disease and ability to survive in relative high temperatures.

Rathi is a native cattle of India, born in the western state of Rajasthan. It is as good for its milk as it is for its draft.

The conclusion

There are many other varieties of cows in India, and all of them are useful in their own way.

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