Long and Short Essay on Beti Bachao Yojana in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Beti Bachao for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 200, 300, 400, 450 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Through these essays we have discussed various topics of Beti Bachao Yojana such as what is Beti Bachao Yojana? Why Beti Bachao Yojana is necessary? What is the importance of Beti Bachao Yojana? Beti Bachao Yojana and female literacy etc. have been highlighted.

100 Words – Essay on Beti Bachao Yojana for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

To maintain social balance, girls in society are as important as boys. A few years ago, there was a steep decline in the number of women compared to men. This was due to increase in crimes against women such as: female feticide, dowry murder, rape, poverty, illiteracy, gender discrimination etc.

To equalize the number of women in the society, there is a need to make people aware about Beti Bachao Yojana on a large scale. The Government of India has taken some positive steps in the context of protecting girls such as: Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, Ban on Female Feticide, Immoral Trafficking (Prevention) Act, Fair Education, Gender Equality etc.

200 Words – Essay on Beti Bachao Yojana for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

To improve the overall social and economic status of women, the subject of Beti Bachao is to focus everyone’s attention throughout India. Under this, all kinds of efforts are being made to stop female feticide.

Save Girl Scheme

  • The Central or State Government has initiated some of the following initiatives in the context of Beti Bachao Yojana.
  • To prevent female feticide, the Ladli scheme was launched in 2008 by the Delhi and Haryana governments. The plan was aimed at preventing female feticide as well as improving the condition of girls through education and same-sex rights.
  • The Sabla Yojana was launched in 2011 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development with the aim of empowering girls through education.
  • A scheme called Dhanalakshmi was launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development with the aim of providing cash transfer to the girl’s family after birth, registration, and vaccination.
  • The Kishori Shakti Yojana was also launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development with an aim to improve the nutritional and health status of adolescent girls.
  • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana was launched to ensure equal share of a girl in the family.
  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (meaning saving girls and teaching girls) was started in 2015 for the welfare of women.

The conclusion

The Beti Bachao Yojana, run by the government, has been successful in many parts of the country. For this, we should follow the actions given by the government, so that it can be successful throughout the country and this campaign can become a complete success.

300 Words – Essay on Beti Bachao Yojana for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Presently, Beti Bachao is an important awareness scheme across the country. Under this scheme, the government has taken several special steps to save the lives of girls at the gender discrimination level. To make this work successful, many famous personalities have also been associated with this scheme by the government.

Women Literacy and Beti Bachao Yojana

Nowadays Beti Bachao Yojana is an important topic of discussion in the context of saving girls all over the country. Many effective measures have been adopted to save girls, in which success has been achieved to a great extent. There is widespread prevalence of poverty in the society, which is a major cause of illiteracy and gender inequality in Indian society. Along with this, we have to try to remove gender inequality by making people aware. According to the data, it has been found that female literacy is constantly falling in Orissa where girls do not have equal access to education and other activities.

Education is intimately linked to employment. Less education means less employment which leads to poverty and gender inequality in the society. Education is a very effective step to improve the condition of women as it makes them financially self-reliant. To ensure equal rights and opportunities for women in the society, the government has taken steps to save girls. The Bollywood actress (Parineeti Chaupra) has been officially named the brand ambassador of the Prime Minister’s recent plan Beti Bachao (Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao).

The conclusion

Beti Bachao Yojana cannot be made successful without female literacy. Along with this, we need to make people more aware in this subject so that people can be explained about things like gender inequality, education of girls, family planning, because when people become aware and sensible, then such schemes will be successful. .

400 Words – Essay on Beti Bachao Yojana for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Girls have been suffering from various crimes and discrimination in India over the years. The most horrific crime among them is female feticide in which girls are killed in the mother’s womb after ultrasound through a gender test. Beti Bachao Abhiyan has been launched by the government to end gender-selective abortions of female fetuses as well as other crimes against girls.

Female Fetal Ratio to Female Infant Ratio – Effect on Shortage

Female feticide is a terrible act done through abortion after selective sex testing in hospitals. It has developed in India due to the desire of people more than girls. It has seen a decrease in the female infant sex ratio in India to a large extent. This has become possible due to ultrasound technology in the country. It has taken the form of a big monster due to gender discrimination and inequality for girls in the society.

A drastic reduction in the female sex ratio was observed after the 1991 national census. After this, after the 2001 national census, it was discussed as a big social event. However, the decrease in the female population continued till 2011. Later, this practice was strictly banned by the government to control the ratio of female infants. In Madhya Pradesh in 2001, this ratio was 932 girls / 1000 girls although in 2011 it was reduced to 912/1000. This means, it is still ongoing and by 2021 it can be reduced to 900/1000.

Play Beti Bachao Beti Padhao awareness campaign role

Save Beti, Beti Padhao is a scheme which means save the girl child and educate them. This scheme was started by the Indian government on 22 January 2015 to create awareness for the girl child as well as to improve female welfare. These campaigns were started to make more people aware of the society by organizing some activities like: large rallies, wall writing, TV commercials, hoardings, short animations, video films, essay writing, debates, etc. . This campaign is supported by many government and non-government organizations in India. This scheme will play a very important role in spreading awareness in the context of Save the Girl Child in the country as well as improve the level of girls in Indian society.

The conclusion

All and every citizen of India should follow all rules and laws to save the girl child as well as to improve their level in society. Girls should be treated like boys by their parents and they should be given equal opportunities in all fields.

450 Words – Essay on Save Girl Scheme for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The status of girls in Indian society has been a matter of controversy for a long time. Generally since ancient times, girls have been recognized for their involvement in cooking and playing with dolls while girls are involved in education and other physical activities. Such old beliefs of people motivate them to commit violence against women by making them fake, which results in a continuous decrease in the number of girls in the society.

Effective steps taken in relation to save the girl child

Some of the following effective steps have been taken in the context of Beti Bachao Yojana:

  • Over the years, the condition of women in Indian society worsened due to parents’ desire to have a boy. This created gender inequality in society, which needs to be met by adopting gender equality.
  • The extreme poverty prevalent in the society has given rise to many social evils such as dowry system etc. against women. Which has made the situation of women worse than bad (very bad). Usually parents think that girls only spend money due to which they kill girls before or after birth in many ways (female feticide, dowry killing), to save girls or women, Such works need to be completely banned in the society.
  • Illiteracy is another issue that can be overcome through giving proper education to both sexes (boys and girls).
  • Empowerment of women is a very effective way to save the lives of girls.
  • In the context of Beti Bachao, people should be made aware through some effective campaigns.
  • A girl is insecure in the mother’s womb as well as in the outside world. She remains fearful in many ways through the men who have given birth to her throughout her life. Women have to accept the power of men given their own birth, which is quite comical and humiliating. Education is the biggest revolution to save the girls and build their respect.
  • A girl should be given equal access and opportunities in every field.
  • There should also be arrangements for defense and security for girls in all public places.
  • Family members of girls can prove to be very important in making Beti Bachao Abhiyan a success.

The conclusion

People should not take Beti Bachao Abhiyan as a subject, it is a social awareness issue that we need to take seriously. People should save and respect girls because they have the power to build the whole world. It is equally essential for the development and growth of any country.

500 Words – Essay on Save Girl Scheme for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Mankind’s existence on Earth is impossible without equal participation by both man and woman. Both are equally responsible for the existence of mankind on earth as well as for the development of any country. However, there is no doubt that women are more important than men because without these we cannot think of the continuity of mankind because it is through them that women are born. This is the reason why we need to stop serious crime like female feticide completely, along with this we should be given security, respect and equal opportunities to pursue girls.

Why Beti Bachao Abhiyan is necessary?

There have been many such incidents in this world, which have proved that women are not only equal to men in every field but also ahead of them in many fields. Out of these, we have discussed some things below –

  • Girls are not far behind in any field and they do their best in every field.
  • Female feticide is an unlawful crime since 1961 and has been banned to prevent abortion after sex tests. All men should follow these rules and make every effort to save the girls.
  • Girls have proved to be more obedient, less violent and conceited than boys.
  • She has proved more responsible for her family, job, society or country.
  • She is more caring about her parents and their actions.
  • A woman is mother, wife, daughter, sister etc. Therefore each one of us should understand our responsibilities towards girls.
  • A girl fulfills her domestic responsibilities as well as her professional responsibilities in a very good way that makes her more special than the boys.
  • Girls are the most important reason for the existence of mankind.
  • Steps taken by the government to save girls

Many steps have been taken by the government to save and educate girls. The most recent initiative in this regard is Beti Bachao Beti Padhao which is very actively supported by the government, NGOs, corporate groups, and human rights activists and NGOs. Various social organizations have helped in the campaign by building toilets in women schools.

Crime against girls and women is a major obstacle in the path of growth and development in India. Female feticide was one of the major issues, although the government has banned prohibiting ultrasound for sex determination, scan testing, urination, etc. in hospitals. The government has taken these steps to tell the people that girls are not a crime in the society, although God has a beautiful gift.

The conclusion

We need to act to bring change on things like hatred of daughters, trying to kill them in the womb. We should respect and love him for the good of society and country. He is an equal participant in the development of the country like boys.

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