Essay on Reading as a Hobby in English for Students

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay, Paragraph, Article on Reading as a Hobby in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.


Hobby means a useful work which one does during leisure time for the main purpose of relaxation. Hobby is essential for a change from the regular work. It is that part of the work in which one takes interest and derives pleasure without any motive of profit or monetary benefit. It is true that life is dull without a hobby. The main aim of a hobby is to lighten the boredom of our life and utilise our free time in the best way by keeping ourselves busy and happy. It lies in a man’s instinct and needs to betleveloped.

Every person has a hobby. The most common hobbies are gardening, stamp-collecting and coin collecting while others are pen-friend making, petting of animals, painting, photography, fishing etc. which one adopts according to one’s taste and means of support. These hobbies are indeed very interesting and exciting but not very useful. I enjoy reading and I am fond of my hobby as it is entirely different from those adopted commonly.

On books Francis Bacon has said “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.” Books provide a variety in reading and I relish every aspect of this variety in my leisure time. My hobby contributes a lot to increase my knowledge. Ever since my childhood I have developed my reading habit and now it has become an essential part of my life.

I am aware that I have developed an expensive hobby, much beyond my budgeted pocket money, but it has a great educative value. Apart from my academic books I purchase magazines, fiction work and literature writings from time to time. I read the daily newspaper as a matter of habit. I am proud of my hobby as it has proved beneficial to my studies. I possess books on almost all the subjects. Everyone calls me a book maniac but when they enter the room where I have converted my collection into a mini library they are busy finding books of their own interest. This amuses me and I feel pleased. I take care of all the books so that they are not spoiled in any way. As I cannot possibly buy each and every book I have taken the membership of two of the best libraries in the city.

I have plenty of comics for light reading. In fiction, mystery stories absorb my attention. But I find nothing better than literature. I find literature most interesting. I have read all the works of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy. Even though I find Shakespearean works difficult to understand, I have read his ‘Comedy of Errors’ and As you like it.’ Poetry has always fascinated me. I have read a few of the poems by William Wordsworth, Keats and S T Coleridge. Literary works in Hindi like ‘Cora’ and `Gitanjale by R N Tagore and `Gaudan’.  by Munshi Prem Chand are my favourites. The only autobie. graphy I have read is that of Pandit Nehru. I have learnt a let by such writings and they have an instructive effect on me.

It is often said that an empty mind is a devil’s workshop, My hobby of reading gives me no time to be idle and think idle. It gives me pleasure and everytime I finish reading a book I feel exalted and mentally elated. It removes the monotony and melancholy of mind. After all, books can be one’s best friend too!


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