Essay on Problem of Corruption in English

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100 Words – Essay on Problem of Corruption for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Corruption is like a poison that spreads in the minds of the wrong people of the country, sect, and society. In it, waste and misuse of resources of common people is done only for little desire and unfair advantage. It is related to the use of one’s own power and position by someone irresponsible and wrong, whether it is government or non-governmental organization. It affects the development of the individual as well as the nation. This has become a major cause of inequality between society and communities. Also, it hinders the progress and development of the nation politically, economically and socially.

200 Words – Essay on Problem of Corruption for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

In today’s time, corruption has become a serious problem, if we do not try to stop it in time, it will make the country economically and socially hollow. This is why preventing corruption is very important for the good and clean development of the country.

Negative effects of corruption

Through corruption, a person misuses public property, power and power for the attainment of self-satisfaction and personal selfishness. In this, the government rules and laws are stripped and stripped for profit. The roots of corruption have deepened in the society and are spreading continuously. It is like a disease like cancer which will not end without treatment. A common form of this is seen as working with money and gifts. Some people misuse the money of others for their benefit. Those working in government and non-government offices indulge in corruption and also go to any extent to fulfill their small desires.

The conclusion

Corruption has many negative effects on society. Due to which economic inequality in the society is increasing. In fact, only a small part of the money that is sent by the government for the welfare and development works of the poor people of the country, reaches them.

300 Words – Essay on Problem of Corruption for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

In the present times, corruption has taken a frightening form, it is spreading rapidly like a contagious disease day by day. If this remains so then the day is not far when this monster of corruption will dominate the development of the country.

Cause of corruption

At present, corruption has become like a contagious disease which is visible everywhere in the society. There are many great leaders in India who have spent their entire lives in eradicating corruption and social evils, but it is a shame that even today, we ignore their paths and run away from our responsibilities. Gradually its penetration is increasing on the life of politics, business, government and common people. Due to people’s constant hunger for money, strength, position and luxurious lifestyle, the incidence of corruption is increasing day by day.

We have forgotten our real responsibility for the sake of money. We have to understand that money is not everything, it also does not last in one place. We cannot keep it together for life, it will only give us greed and corruption. We should give importance to a life based on values ​​and not money based in our lives. It is true that money is required to live a normal life, but to increase corruption just for selfishness and greed is not necessary.

The conclusion

To deal with corruption, we must first know why corruption is increasing so fast. To prevent corruption, we must first pay attention to its root causes and bring awareness among the people that if we are being supported by them in corruption, today or tomorrow we will make our own.

400 Words – Essay on Problem of Corruption for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

If we look at some things then we can say that corruption is a kind of curse for society. If we want rapid and complete development of our country and society, then it is not possible without curbing corruption.

Corruption a curse

As we all know that corruption is a very bad problem. This stops development and progress of the individual as well as the country. This is a type of social evil which is also affecting the social, economic and intellectual capacity of man. Due to the greed of position, money and power, it is constantly deepening its roots among people. Corruption is the misuse of power, authority, position, and public resources for our personal satisfaction. According to sources, India ranks 85th in the world in corruption cases.

Corruption is most spread in civil service, politics, business and other illegal areas. India is famous for its democratic system in the world, but due to corruption it is being damaged day by day. The most responsible for this is our politicians here, whom we vote for with our high hopes, during the elections, they also show us big dreams, but after the elections, they come to their true colors. We are sure that our country will become corruption free from the day these politicians give up their greed.

We should choose an honest and trustworthy leader like Patel and Shastri for our country, because only such leaders worked to eliminate corruption in India. The youth of our country should also come forward to fight corruption and at the same time some concrete steps are needed to curb the growing corruption.

The conclusion

In fact corruption is like a curse for human society, if we want to develop our society, then we have to pay attention to small things because our small mistake and silence can play a huge role in increasing corruption. With this, we should choose leaders of clean and honest image because only good administrators can eradicate corruption.

500 Words – Essay on Problem of Corruption for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

In today’s time, corruption is also one of the main reasons behind the social decline of the people. Because of this, people have forgotten the difference between good and bad. In fact, a wrong step of corruption causes a lot of damage to the country. One of the biggest contributors to corruption is also due to political reasons, many times corruption is also promoted by politicians and administrative officials for their own benefit.

Corruption as a form of moral decay

Corruption is a rapidly spreading disease in society which has got its roots in the minds of bad people. No one is corrupt by birth, but gradually, due to his wrong thinking and greed, he becomes addicted to it. If there is any problem, illness etc., we should face it with patience and confidence and should not do bad work even in adverse circumstances. Many lives are affected by someone’s wrong move. We are not a single existence, there are many more like us on this earth, so we should think about others and live life in peace and happiness with positive thoughts.

In the present day, as per the rules and regulations, the Government of India has provided many facilities for the poor to bring awareness among the common people as well as in the society. Whereas, government facilities are getting away from the reach of the poor because the authorities are making alliances inside and monetizing the facilities provided to the poor. They are cutting the stomach of the poor to fill their pockets.

Major causes of corruption

There are many reasons for corruption in the society, in these days, politicians make policies only for their own benefit and not in the national interest. They just want their own fame so that they continue to benefit from day to day, they do not care about public interest and needs. Today, the moral decline of humanity is taking place and social values ​​are falling. Because of this decline in trust and honesty, corruption is spreading its wings.

The ability to tolerate corruption has increased among the general public. There is no strong public forum in the society to counter this, illiteracy spread in rural areas, weak economic structure, etc. are also responsible for many reasons. The low pay scale of government employees makes them prone to corruption. The complex laws and procedures of government take people away from government help. It is at its peak during elections. Cunning leaders always get their votes by tricking the poor and illiterate into a real casserole, and then they become chaotic.

The conclusion

In today’s time, we need a strong platform to prevent corruption, which includes every section of the society. Along with this, we need to improve education, economic infrastructure and government machinery. If these measures are adopted by us, there will definitely be a significant reduction in corruption.

600 Words – Essay on Problem of Corruption for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

At present, corruption in India has taken a terrible form. This is not only hurting our country financially but also destroying our cultural and traditional values. In today’s time, people have become so mad after money that they have forgotten the difference between right and wrong. If we do not stop this problem of corruption in time, then it will crack our country like a fire.

Corruption in India

Corruption is spreading like a disease that is spreading not only in our country but in the whole world. This is the fastest emerging issue in Indian society. Generally, its start and propagation is started by opportunistic leaders who are hollowing out the country for their personal interests. They are selling the country’s wealth in the wrong hands, as well as tarnishing the image of India in foreign countries.

They are destroying the old civilization and culture of India for their personal benefits. At present, people who follow good principles consider the world to be stupid and those who do wrong as well as make false promises are good for the society. Whereas, the truth is that such people cheat straight, ordinary, and innocent people and always try to dominate them.

Corruption is increasing day by day because there is a nexus between the officers, criminals and leaders which is weakening the country. India got independence in 1947 and it was developing slowly that at the same time corruption spread disease and it stopped the growing India as soon as it started. In India, a practice has gone home in the minds of people that no work can be done in government and non-governmental organizations without giving bribe and due to this thinking the situation is going to fall further.

Prevalence of corruption

Corruption is prevalent everywhere, be it hospital, education, government office or anything, no one is untouched by it. Everything has been traded, almost everywhere, money is being earned in a wrong way. The educational institute is also wrapped in corruption, money is taken here to give seats to students, whether their marks are worth it or not. Very weak students also get admission in any college on the basis of money, due to this good students are left behind and they are forced to study in ordinary college.

These days non-government jobs are proving to be better than government jobs. Private companies give jobs to anyone on the basis of their ability, efficiency, technical knowledge and good marks, while government jobs have to be bribed many times for teachers, clerks, nurses, doctors etc. And the amount of bribe always keeps increasing based on the market value. Therefore, stay away from malpractices and stay with virtue, then corruption will end automatically.

The conclusion

The problem of corruption in India is becoming more and more frightening day by day. We have to keep in mind that corruption is not only damaging our present but also our future. In today’s time, inflation is increasing rapidly due to the bribes given for selection in jobs and jobs in government offices. Therefore, every section of the country will have to come together to stop this problem, only then the end of this monster of corruption is possible.

2000 Words – Essay on Problem of Corruption for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Today we will get corruption among people working in every area of ​​the country, these corruption people can be in any area, maybe these people are leaders, or someone from the field of education or a policeman, you People will be found in every region of the world for spreading corruption, they rob people, and only ask for bribe from others to earn some money.

Talk about the leaders, many leaders are corrupt, they are engaged in white money, and try to become rich, think that these people will take so much money, now they will not take so much money , Maybe some political people get used to it, and they always rob people, but in politics there are other people who do the best politics, and for the good of the country, people Do the task, Brsth people should learn from these great politicians, and think about their country, and must win the votes of your seat by purchasing votes on own money rather than people.

Apart from this, every person comes out from the field of education, every person starts from the field of education, but now even the field of education is not untouched by corruption, corrupt people are also in the field of education, Those poor poor and smart students do not enroll in college, they only enroll the person putting money in their pocket in the college, how long will it last, will it happen in our country? Only somewhere honesty will be saved, I wish honesty can be saved in the country, if such corrupt people continue to work in the country, what will happen to our young generation, what will happen to their future, will only students with money be able to get a good job? , Will not a good job of the poor start without paying bribe, if corruption in our country fails in this way, then one day it will come that no honest will survive and our Country ever will not be promoted.

Apart from this, talk to the policemen, some of today’s policemen salute only the money, the poor, if they make a small mistake, kill them because they do not have the money to give them, but if the rich have a big crime Even the policemen try to hide it because rich man feeds them bribe, friends, it is very important to end corruption, because this will make us Ra country is becoming completely hollow, corruption is a very big disease of the country, and in spite of this, the future of our country will not be special, because in this way people in our country will only listen to the rich because they have bribe to give. No one will listen to the poor poor, the people of the media, what will happen to the poor people, because of these corrupt people, their life has not been lost or hurt Corruption is very important to stop.

Causes of corruption and measures to prevent

Useless thinking of people

Friends, the biggest reason for corruption is, due to the useless thinking of people, some people nowadays do the job or whatever, they take bribe in it, it is a very useless thought, they should think that only a little money is left. They are not going to get rich by taking taxes or money from anyone, and even if they are rich, they will never be able to live happily by earning such money, people should change their thinking, and never earn up or down. What should not think of them think that the country so we will work out how it will be no world of good, but the loss of our country, and Mtlv our loss of our country Mitigation.

People need to get a good education, if they want to become rich by earning more money then they become rich by doing some moral work or legal work, in that you will also love to become rich and people will give you respect, you will have to change your useless thinking. Because think if you think like this then what will be the thinking of your children.

Just thinking about yourself-

Nowadays there are many people who think only about themselves, if people think about others or their country, corruption will end with their country, we all should think about our country that this corrupt work By not doing so, we can improve the situation of the country, and our country can walk on the path of development, you become a good man, and think that you are a very important creation of God, you are a human and in San should also think about but other people in just about themselves.

You have to think that if a person does wrong things in the family, then it affects the whole family, similarly our country is like a family, if we do these wrong things then it will be seen in our whole country and our The country will not be able to progress anything.

Lack of stringent laws

Friends, if we have to end corruption in our country, then it is necessary to have strict laws, then only corruption can be stopped, because only then people will be afraid to take bribe or demand, today we are seeing all the other politicians in the country Has provided many services to end corruption, but the middle people are not working properly in them, in the same way, because of the harassment with a girl. Polis takes action or becomes immediately available in the same way, in the same way that the police should know that there is corruption in the office, then the police should be available immediately, and some servant should be found himself. So corruption in our country May be over.

Do not complain-

Friends, if you ask for a bribe, it is necessary that you file a complaint against him in the police, you are not afraid that my work will not be completed, if you are scared or stubborn, then every citizen of our country is suffering from this corruption disease. Will struggle and our country will never grow further.
We have to understand that it starts from just one, what will happen to the people and people if you stumble back, what will they do, they will also come under the siege of this corruption era and our country will become bleak, so we should not be silent We have to complain against those who ask for bribe by staying, we should show a new and good way to our upcoming young generation, they should strongly oppose these things, then see how we State country really becomes golden bird country,

If corruption is eradicated then you will see how poverty in our country has gradually gone away because people do not collect tax to save a few money, and rob poor poor people to earn a little money, this money has opened up our country. Taxes and poverty comes in our country.
We need to keep a good mind, then we can expect a new India. We need to root out corruption ki samasya, because as long as there is corruption in our country, our country is in darkness, and It does not have a bright future, nowadays young people should remove this corruption with a good thought.

I have seen that some of the young people today are such that they think that if we do a good job, there will be a chance to earn upwards, if the youth of our country will think like this, then I will only tell you that our India is a country Our country is in a big crisis, if the youth too thinks like this then our country will not be able to grow further, so everyone should stay away from corruption and if anyone does corruption, then he should be hard Should try getting to that and take any steps right.

500 Words – Essay on Problem of Corruption for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

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