Essay on My Hobby in English

In this article you will find Essay, Paragraph & Article on My Hobby for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, first class essay, second class essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

250 Words – Essay on My Hobby in Very Easy Words for Kids & Students

Those who are busy with various kinds of work to earn their livelihood get some free time – more or less, some people spend this free time in gossip or playing cards; Others use this time in pursuing a hobby. The purpose of a hobby is not monetary gain – a hobby gives pleasure and relaxation. If a person continuously does his professional work, he will become like a machine.

He needs time to change. Different people have different hobbies. Choosing a hobby depends on the time available, is willing to spend money and has the merit of one. A hobby gives a person a sense of well-being and enthusiasm. Some people spend their free time reading books, magazines and newspapers. Collect some stamps, coins. Keeping pets in mind is another hobby. Photography as a hobby is quite popular but expensive. Swimming, fishing, trekking, travel, hobbies can also be done, hence also the collection of signatures of eminent persons.

Gardening is my hobby. Our house is on the ground floor and some land is on the front and back. The front has become a green patch-a lawn. Backyard I converted into a kitchen garden-square in shape. I planted some small fruit trees. The rest of the land is devoted to fast growing kitchen vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, coriander, green chillies, lady’s finger, Cabbage, brinjal, cauliflower, onion. Many times, when we share with neighbors the crop is ‘bumper’. The ‘harvesting’ patch is remodeled and watered for sowing. Sometimes flowers grow with a nice look and aroma. However seasonal vegetables are preferred and the food we eat in the kitchen often comes from the garden.

1000 Words – Essay on My Hobby in Very Easy Words for Kids & Students

A hobby is something that one likes to do in one’s free time. Hobbies play an important role in developing one’s personality. They keep a person active, busy and cheerful. There is hardly anyone who does not have a hobby. Educated and uneducated alike pursue some hobby or other. Some hobbies or songs, such as kites, gardening, reading books, swimming, painting and listening to music, etc. are quite popular. Today’s youth, who are busy dedicating time to hobbies, should choose career oriented hobbies.

Old and young alike, derive pleasure from hobbies. Hobby should have a creative and educative effect on a person. A hobby is something that one likes to do in one’s free time. The Oxford Dictionary defines hobby — a preferred-relaxation-time activity that a person performs for pleasure and not as their vocation. In short, a hobby is a chosen or favorite pastime. A hobby cannot be an innate inclination. It can be developed through a steady and systematic process. A hobby is not pursued to make a profit. The main purpose of doing is to get happiness out of it.

It gives us mental and physical relaxation. Pursuing a hobby makes the best use of one’s free time. While making a choice in many ways to spend our time, we must ensure that our chosen dishes are our lost energy. Restore and make us happy. There are a good number of hobbies that fit our interest, nature and our budget will be the best for us. A young person needs all-round development of his personality. Hobbies play an important role in developing someone’s personality. One can be like a machine, if one works every day. Monotony can creep in and someone may lose interest in work or feel bored.

Who says the famous, ‘All work and drama makes Jack a dull boy’? So we all should have a hobby to keep ourselves fresh and active, physically and mentally. Most people take some time off from their regular work and play sports or go for picnics or movies, or pursue other hobbies. A hobby keeps a person active, busy and happy, there is hardly anyone who does not have a hobby.

Not only educated but unskilled pursue some hobby or other. Common hobbies include playing cards, flying kites, gardening, ticket collecting, coin collecting, sewing, embroidery, weaving, cooking, photography, letters to newspaper editors Writing, writing poetry, reading books and magazines, swimming, listening to music, watching movies, surfing the internet, traveling etc. The choice of a hobby depends on the time one can dedicate it. It also depends on one’s taste and interests. This can sometimes depend on the money it can spend for him.

Today’s youth are busy giving time to hobbies. They are busy shaping their careers. However, it is very important to develop a hobby. This not only provides relief from Anne but can also open up new segments of knowledge, entertainment and career prospects. Painting, music, software development, graphic designing, etc. are some of the hobbies that can be adopted as full-time career options.

A creative product, sometimes, may not be of any commercial value but it gives great satisfaction to the artist. However, if someone is dedicated and works hard, they too will be able to make a product commercially viable. A creative person can also become a writer, an editor or an art director.

A graphic designer can start graphic designing as a hobby and later, it can adopt as a profession. Painting is a popular hobby. It is a skill acquired after years of practice to develop this hobby. A clean hand is required to do this. Many vocational schools of painting have been established to train children as well as youth.

Today many students seek a career in computer they can achieve perfection in it, if they start with software development as a hobby. Gardening instills a sense of environmental responsibility in our mind. It keeps us in touch with nature. One can plant trees, flowering plants, bonsai and even vegetables in one’s compound.

A garden full of flowers looks beautiful and fills the atmosphere with a sweet aroma. The flowers add beauty to the garden as well as the house. They delight the senses and provide relief from the stresses of life and pollution of the world. As a student, one can develop a hobby of reading newspapers and magazines regularly. Make such journals aware of current national and international programs. If one has to appear in competitive examinations, in the long run, it will benefit. In addition to reading magazines, one can also generate interest in reading novels or lifestyles.

Travel is another important passion. It is very exciting to travel to new places and meet people from different cultures. Travel management now also opens up a wide range of careers for the youth. Some people, especially in rural areas, spend their free time playing cards. Young and old alike enjoy flying kites, others love to play billiards, snooker, tennis, etc. Swimming and some other disturbances can be considered as a hobby along with sports. Hobbies provide pleasure. They ‘soothe’ as well as nourish the soul. The hobby should involve minimum effort and minimum expenditure. They should provide creative satisfaction and relaxation and be able to rejuvenate a person.

A nineteenth-century writer, R.L. Stevenson, in his essay, ‘An Apocalypse for Idlers’ condemned the overwork he made his readers go to a park and enjoy tea, money, enjoy a musical instrument, tan in the winter sun, do anything , Which is not called “work”, Bertrand Russell also condemned the foolish early and overworked work of modern times. He believed in entertainment and relaxation. Each one of us should choose a good hobby that gives us relaxation and happiness. The ideal human condition is when our hobby becomes our profitable occupation.

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