Essay on My First Day at School in English for Students

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Essay on My First Day at School

The day when my sixth class result was announced, my father was officially transferred to Delhi. I had secured second rank in class with distinction in four of my subjects. So far, all through my school career, I had been among the toppers of my class. The teachers were fond of me and I respected their helpful attention towards me. They helped me to maintain my learning. Also, I enjoyed the company of good and studious friends. The very thought of leaving my school and friends had made the sad.

In Delhi, we came to stay with my grandparents. They told us about a reputed school nearby. My father made enquiries and after a few days, one morning, took me to the Principal. I felt nervous walking in the office premises of this multistoried school building. We had to wait for a few minutes before we were shown into the Principal’s room. We greeted him ‘Good Morning’. He replied in a serious tone and offered us the seats. The Principal appeared to be middle-aged stern man well poised behind the large table on which papers and other objects were neatly set. He had in front of him the application my father had submitted for seeking my admission.

The Principal asked me numerous questions pertaining to my previous school, friends, teachers and past academic record. At first I was hesitant but his friendly manner despite his serious appearance made me relax and I replied to every question he asked. The Principal was impressed my answers and soon showed his approval for my admission. lie signed the application form and wrote ‘Admitted’ on the corner. He then briefed me about a few rules and regulations of the school and said that if I continued to be a position holder of my class, he will sanction a scholarship for me. Saying this he smiled and wished me good luck. I had already begun to like this school where such a man was the Principal. I thanked him and he shook hands with my father. We were asked to wait outside as he told the peon to call my class teacher to his office.

My father paid the fee as i looked around wondering who my class teacher will be. Soon I saw a lady walk into the Principal’s office. I waited eagerly for her to come out. My curiosity for my class and classmates made me restless. Soon the lady walked towards us. She introduced herself as my class teacher and said that she was happy to add a good student to her class. My father thanked her and left.

She took me to my class and introduced me as the new student. The students reacted in such a manner that surprised me. It was as if they were expecting me but they all remained serious. The teacher asked the students to make room for me and said that I should sit there everyday. The students I sat next to didn’t even say ‘hello’ . I felt very alone and stupid. My fingers tightened on the only note book and pen I had with me that day. The teacher sensed my uneasiness and asked me to stand up and introduce my self. She in turn introduced the class to me.

After the introductions were over, she began to teach and in between even asked me if I understood. Next to the principal I liked my class teacher but I still wondered about making good friends.  All my doubts cleared when the bell rang. As soon as the teacher left the class the students surrounded me. What I felt was their aloofness and indifference was just discipline. The monitor of the class introduced me to all the other teachers who took our class. Very soon the monitor, who was also the best student in the class, became my good friend.

During the lunch break a few of the classmates shared their lunch with me. They can forward to help me with noting down the syllabus and a few notes from the lessons I had missed. I no longer felt alone and I realized that my first day at school was over only when the last bell rang. I liked my new school.

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