Essay on India of My Dreams in English

In this article you will find Essay, Paragraph, Article on Startup India Standup India  for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, first class essay, second class essay and more. Essay of 350, 400 & 1000 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

350 Words – Essay on Startup India Standup India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

There was a time when India was one of the major countries of the world. Scholars and merchants came from far and wide to acquire knowledge and trade from the Indian coast. The cities of Nalanda and Taxila were famous for their universities, during this period India made progress in mathematics, philosophy, medicine and art. Arya Bhatt, Charak, Sushruta, Chanakya etc. India was most liked after the country.

Then his great wealth of gold came from invaders from foreign lands attracted him to 10 India and with him came the destruction of all those Indian scholars and merchants who had been achieved for centuries. All that remained was systematically destroyed by British rule. His two hundred year reign destroyed the artistic and intellectual heritage of the country. Today there are many people in the country who can maintain their lost glory with India. I am one of them. I dream of the day when the world will once again recognize the true potential of my country. India has given a lot to the world. He has given them the important of scientific progress – decimal he has given to the world the secrets of nature in the form of Ayurveda. Mahatma Gandhi’s apostolic modem day of peace took birth in India like Buddha and Mahavira. India is the land where the great mantra ‘Ahimsa Paramo Dharma’ was first announced.

India today has the third largest trained scientific manpower in the world. In addition, many leading scientific and social institutions are working because of highly skilled Indian employees. Keeping all this in mind, I imagine that in the near future, India can once again be seen to guide other nations. I wish there were no more illiterate and poor people in my country. For this I want to expose people through various public platforms. I wish India could send more rockets to space and establish a dominant position position. I also wish that the scientific and industrial community can work together to bring India into the list of most industrialized countries. And like Gandhiji, I want every citizen of the country to have no tears.

400 Words – Essay on Startup India Standup India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

This was Tagore’s dream. The world is moving rapidly towards materialism, because it is lost; India of my dreams is a mixture of the virtues of the past and the realities of the present. I would not like Rani Chennamma, Rani Laxmibai, Shivaji and Maharana Pratap to overcome the nation with valor. They represent the aggressive spirit of the people who fought against the foreigners for centuries but the foreigners ruled the country for a long time. People became polite. He lost his honor. It is to be revived.

The people of India should be confident that they can stand on their own. They are not dependent on other countries for some. The heroes and heroines of the past glorified the country with their bravery. Misguided leadership has thrown the country into the hands of multinationals. It will enslave us in the field of industry and business. On the basis of others we should show our superiority in trade and industry. Content development is the cornerstone of success in this era. We should go a step beyond the computer age. India of my dreams is a country of great scientists.

The land of my dreams is not one; The country of the trade world as Japan, today India is a country of wealth and poverty. Ultra rich on a pole. On the other hand, there are people below the poverty line. I want to develop a middle-class society – a society dominated by small-scale producers and those running cottage industries. I dream of prosperity of a nation, but rich people do not dominate

Education is the soul of a nation India of my dreams is the land of hundred percent educated people. We participate with the pretense of calling those literate who can only write their names and those educated who have obtained a certificate through copying and other improper means. There are people in my country who are really educated that they can think about the welfare of the society and the strength of the nation. It is through education that we can maintain our culture, control our population, reject the bullies, and the false history written by foreign history can be maintained by selfish leaders.

There will be no scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and backward classes in my dream India. Everyone will be an honorable citizen, everyone will have the same social status, there will be no upper or lower caste. Male chauvinism will disappear and women will enjoy the same status as enjoyed by men.

1000 Words – Essay on Startup India Standup India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

All Indians want India to become a superpower in the world. India has a splendid past. It was because of its wealth that it was attacked countless times and its wealth was looted. The British rulers exploited the country. At the time of independence, the country was in turmoil, its economy was shattered and there was unrest all around, since independence, the country has made a lot of progress.

However, it still lags behind the developed countries of the world. India of my dreams is a peaceful, progressive, literate country free from the diseases of poverty, where every citizen feels safe and secure, where all are provided with health facilities and where the women of the country are treated with the utmost respect and respect It is known that India is proud of its rich past. It was because of its wealth that it was attacked ‘innumerable times and its wealth, loot’.

The British ruled India for nearly two centuries and exploited the country economically. At the time of independence (August 15, 1947) the country’s economy had deteriorated and there was social unrest. However, it was time to write his destiny for India and he has come a long time since. Much progress has been made on many fronts.

There are drawbacks to our plan as well as its implementation. However, we have fared much better than other countries that achieved independence at the same time. Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy. It provides employment to 60 percent of the country’s workforce and accounts for about a quarter of India’s GDP. It contributes greatly to export trade. However, the agricultural landscape is dismal in the rest of the country, except in some areas of development ‘.

The agricultural community is generally under debt. A large number of farmers have committed suicide in recent years due to increasing liabilities and other economic difficulties. Industrial development plays an important role in the development process of an underdeveloped country. This helps to raise income levels and absorb rural surplus labor. Before the nineteenth century, India was flourishing in the manufacturing sector. However, the industry was in a poor state at the time of independence.

Industrial development in independent India began with the Second Five-Year Plan. It has passed through various stages. Several obstacles and red tapeum 6 came in the way of rapid development of the industry. Some areas of concern have been addressed in the post-Liberation era. The new industrial policy of July 1991, which is market-friendly and aims to encourage private enterprise, has brought a considerable change in the economic scenario. The development of the industry requires investment from both domestic and foreign markets.

Foreign direct investment has been encouraged since July 1991 with economic liberalization and has been allowed in many areas. India has made its mark in the service sector. It has emerged as an important business process outsourcing (13P0) destination. India, fortunately, has a large well-qualified English-speaking population, which is a pre-requisite in the region. According to the 1951 census, India’s population was 36 crores. In sixty years, according to Census 2011, the country’s population has exceeded 1.21 billion. Such rapid growth of population places a heavy burden on our limited resources and limited land area.

According to the 1951 census, India’s literacy rate was less than 20 percent. In sixty years, as per Census 2011, the literacy rate has increased to 74.04 percent. However, even today a large part of the population in our country is still illiterate. It is indeed a sad reflection of the state of literacy in our country. India has made rapid progress in many areas.

The country’s economic situation or the country’s per capita income is better than at the time of independence. We have made a lot of progress in science and technology. Our infrastructure is as good as it was. A large number of universities, colleges and schools have been established. Industrialization has taken place. Better healthcare is now available, especially in urban areas. Average life span has increased. Infant mortality has come down, there are better employment opportunities available for the youth of the country. The means of transport and communication have undergone sea change. Print and electronic media have played an important role in creating awareness and bringing people closer.

Improvement in the provision of sports facilities is also noticeable, India is the third largest English producer in the country after the United States and Britain. Indo-English literature is now well developed and internationally recognized. The Booker Prize has been able to garner many international awards like Pulitzer Prize, Adi Arundhati Roy, Jhumpa Lahiri, Anita Desai, Arvin Adiga, Amitav Ghosh, Chetan Bhagat, Dr. Siddharth Mukherjee, Amish Tripathi etc.

The name in this field is commendable in spite of all this progress, a lot will have to be done for the improvement of living conditions of agricultural and industrial labor and people working in the unorganized sector. Steps should be taken to prevent crime and violence. Misguided youth from some troubled states should be brought into the mainstream. Communism, regionalism and fundamentalism should be stopped with a strong hand. In ancient India, women were held in high esteem.

But today, they are not well treated. Domestic violence, dowry related deaths, rape and female devotion are very common in our society. The condition of women needs to be drastically improved. Women’s empowerment is the hallmark of a civilized society. Girls should be given equal opportunities for their education and career development so that they can lead a meaningful life. In the India of my dreams, women would be held in high esteem and enjoy equal status with men in every foot of life.

They will not be a puppet in the hands of men, they will be second to none. Illiteracy and poverty will be contained. Self-sufficiency will be achieved in all areas. Dependence on other countries will be a thing of the past. India of my dreams will be an innocent society where all will be equal. People will have equal opportunities economically, socially, politically and culturally. India of my dreams would be a truly democratic country without discrimination, exploitation, corruption, nepotism, casteism, communalism or terrorism. India of my dreams is a country which all Indians are really proud of.

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