Essay on India of My Dreams in English

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Essay on India of My Dreams for Students in Very Easy Words

All sensible citizens have a different attitude towards their country. He discusses and contemplates about his country.

What kind of system should be here, what should be the nature of society, to what extent should people respect their traditions and ancient beliefs, how to solve modern problems, the country, etc. Hundreds of things continue to evoke us.

In the same proportion as the people who love their country and who love them, the personal interests of the people become secondary and national interest becomes paramount. When the national interest is above personal interest, then dreams of building the nation, its future also begin to be created. I have also woven some dreams about my nation, planting some personal thoughts.

Although nation building is a complex process, there is nothing like the impossible. The prosperity of most European countries and the emergence of a small country like Japan powerful on the world economic horizon proves that if all the people of the country work devotedly towards a goal then both the present and future of that country can improve.

Everyone is problematic, but the approach to see and solve those problems is different from everyone. The biggest problem in India is the lack of people. We are proficient in preaching to others, but are acting contrary to ourselves.

The soul of India is still alive but people are half-dead. The India of my dreams should be prolific, indolent people should get less respect here. But we appreciate the fate of those who are breaking free bread without offering their hands and feet.

During the freedom movement, Gandhiji had repeatedly reiterated to the people that India could not be truly free without respecting labor. However, our habit of ‘preaching proficiently’ has not gone away.

In our country, saints and saints are highly respected, people are blind, but the businessmen and businessmen who are called the backbone of the economy are very neglected. Farmers and laborers who do not hesitate to make their blood sweat, have little respect. These people also cannot properly satisfy their hunger. In the dream that I have set for my country, the traders, farmers and laborers will be very happy.

India has full potential to become a great nation. For this, every citizen must accept his personal responsibility. It has to be linked with development by creating a bridge of human resources and natural resources. Since independence, till now only attention has been paid to the development of urban areas, but as long as the villages remain neglected, India’s welfare cannot be achieved.

It is most important to have irrigation facilities in the villages so that farmers can be free from the uncertainty of rainfall. All-weather roads connecting cities to villages, electricity and telephone services should be available everywhere. There should be such a network of schools and healthcare in the villages that people have some kind of assurance about the education and health of their children.

The villagers should not be compelled to go to the cities for every small work, it should be taken full care of. Agriculture experts should go from village to village and check the entire farming system, give proper advice to the farmers. This situation is ideal and not the farmers should go round the district and district offices for their minor problems.

Veterinarians should treat the diseases of animals by visiting the village, its arrangement is also necessary. These were all basic functions, but nothing could be done about this since independence. All these aspects of rural development are important in the India that I see in my dream.

If we look at our neighbor China, it is a feeling that this country, despite being a non-democratic country, has surpassed us. In the path of development in our country, there are two major blockers in the form of bureaucracy and red tape. Our political system has failed to remove these barriers due to lack of any longevity and foresight. The government system from top to bottom is not only involved in corruption but is also inefficient.

Even the smallest problems of the people are not solved because everyone is working with a sense of privacy. My perspective in this regard is quite clear that the spirit of public awakening and freedom movement needs to be revived. When a person’s standards are high, then he will surely have an intention to break the shackles of his surroundings. People should be honest towards themselves, this is the mantra for restoring the pride of India.

‘Saare Jahan Se Achch Hindostan Hamara’ This inspiring address becomes a reality, becomes a true thing, at the same time we will be able to feel more pride. India was once a Jagatguru, this is true, but what we are today, where we stand in the world, is more important. Our old pride can inspire us, but only goodwill is not enough to make India happy.

Overall, the India of my dreams is a happy, educated, diligent and self-reliant India. Where people follow their limits, they should have a sense of universal brotherhood, they should know to respect other religions equally, those who do not tolerate exploitation and oppression, people should have compassion and benevolence and love life. Goal be, I imagine such an India.

But there is also a doubt in one corner of the mind that this fantasy, this dream may never be attained to perfection, but in the second moment optimism is resolved to prove this doubt. We have to work with discipline on one hand and determination on the other.

“To strengthen the country, if we do not walk with discipline, we will give you tomorrow, then we have to wear chains like slavery to be simple, but to be free.”

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