Essay on If I were the Principal of My School in English for Students

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay, Paragraph, Article on If i were the Principal of My School in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.


A Principal is the responsible head of the school. As a learned person and an efficient administrator he is expected to create a healthy and inspiring atmosphere to ensure an all-round personality development of the students. With the cooperation of this staff he leads the school to the height of success.

What if I were made the principal of my School? There is so much I shall do!  I shall work in a systematic and practical manner to keep up a good educational standard as well as the physical and cultural development of the students. I shall try my best to set an example for others to follow.

I shall stress on discipline so that the teachers and students are punctual and regular in their classes. I shall recruit well qualified teachers who have the will and the desire to dedicate themselves to their noble profession. They shall be instructed to regularly check the assignments given to the students. Special attention shall be given to those weak in studies. In doing so, the result of the school will improve by itself.

I shall improve the school library by increasing the collection of books, old and new, for the ready reference and knowledge of students and teachers. The science labs shall be well equipped with modern equipments. I shall see to it that the maintenance and cleanliness in the school is everyone’s responsibility.

I shall introduce vocational courses as a special subject apart from their academic learning, students shall be given moral teaching to build up their good character. After all, the children of today are the citizens of tomorrow, and ideal citizens are a boon to their country.

Games which are essential for physical and mental development of the students shall be made compulsory. The physical training instructor shall train the students to be the winners in the inter school competitions.

Other co-curricular activities shall not be neglected. I shall encourage and support the students to form associations and societies to develop the social life of the school. A hygienic canteen shall be maintained to provide the students with a canteen shall be maintained to provide the students with a variety of eatables and drinks at subsidies rates.

There shall be no corporal punishment. Instead, the students shall be made to understand the difference between order and mischief; and right and wrong. I shall arrange for regular medical check-ups of the students in the school itself.

Thus, I shall make my school and ideal one.

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