Essay on Good Manners in English for Students.

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Essay on Good Manners

Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse; whoever makes the fewest persons uneasy is the best bred man in company.

— Jonathan Swift

A man is judged not so much by the company he keeps as by the manners he has. Good manners are a valuable possession for social relations with others. They are not born with the man. Careful and good upbringing results in a good-mannered person who is civilized and cultured.

A polished and sober person is always admired and respected by others. The ill-mannered and uncultured persons bring a bad name not only to themselves but also to the other members of their family. Well behaved children are appreciated and loved by everyone. They must be made aware of the code of conduct right from childhood both at home and at school. They must be taught to respect their elders. The irresponsible students must be made to understand the importance of education. the learning process at school must stress on the all-round personality development of the students.

Appearances are often deceptive. Only good looks and dresses do not influence people. A person may dress up smartly but if he uses foul language, no one will like him. Police and balanced way of talking alone can help in impressing people and win true friends and admirers. It is true that manners make a complete man.

Courtesy, sympathy and modesty are the essence of good behavior. It demands that we should not hurt the felines of others. We should be good listeners and must not criticize others unnecessarily. Getting into an argument must always be avoided. Small habits like using handkerchief while sneezing or coughing, offering seats to the aged in crowded buses, helping the needy we come across on roads and streets etc. add to the personality charm.

The use of words like ‘Welcome’, ‘Thank You’, ‘Sorry’, ‘Please’ etc. at the right moment reflects a polite nature. The civic sense also lies within the scope of good manners. We should not shout or talk loudly in public places like hospitals and libraries and create disturbance. We should not cheat people or make fun of the. Cleanliness is also necessary. We must not throw the waste on roads and make use of dustbins. We should not harm the public property as it belongs to all of us. While standing in a queue, discipline should be maintained. We must give fair chance to others.

Such rules of conduct should not be lost when we are with friends, colleagues, relatives and even strangers or foreigners. A person who has acquired these good manners is respected and sought after. So, we must possess all such qualities as they bring us respect, happiness and success in life.

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