Essay on Discipline in English

In this article you will find Essay, Paragraph, Article on Discipline for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, first class essay, second class essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 250, 450, 500, 600, 700 & 1100 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

100 Words – Essay on Discipline for Kids and Students in Very Easy Words

Discipline means following the rules and it keeps us under control. Discipline is the biggest key to success and it has special importance in every person’s life. Discipline teaches us to follow the agony of the elders, do every task on time and work with concentration. Human life is meaningless without discipline. Discipline has special importance in student life because at this time we are developing and we remember what we learn. We all should make our lives successful by adopting discipline in our lives.

150 Words – Essay on Discipline for Kids and Students in Very Easy Words

Discipline is essential in all walks of life. If a teacher does not have discipline in the class, the teacher cannot teach it. , The tie head of a family will not be able to run its family if its members do not maintain discipline. If the members of the assembly must follow discipline to do any good job then any office can function without discipline. Even players in a playground have to follow the rules of the game.

They have to play under discipline. Without discipline, there must be confusion, disorder and chaos. No work or progress is possible without discipline. It is discipline that enables a nation to move forward on the path of progress. It should be kept in mind that discipline cannot be enforced only by law. It is a training of the mind. It has to come from within.

250 Words – Essay on Discipline for Kids and Students in Very Easy Words

Discipline has great importance in every person’s life. Man’s life is like an animal without discipline. Discipline is made up of two words – Discipline and Governance. Discipline means to obey and rule means to follow rules i.e. discipline means to follow rules. Nature also does its work in discipline. The Sun comes at its own time and sets at its own time. The arrival of all the seasons is according to the time.

Discipline is of utmost importance in student life because whatever is taught to children at this time, they remember it throughout their life. Children should be taught to follow the rules from the beginning. From school, they get to follow time, follow rules and learn many good habits. Discipline is the key to success. A person who remains under discipline must one day achieve success. We should obey the elders and follow their obedience. There are also two types of discipline. The first is the person who is in himself and the second one who is born out of fear of someone. Self discipline is the highest discipline.

Everyone likes and respects the person who is under discipline. The person who always does every task on time gets a job easily and he becomes successful. Discipline helps to enhance our character. Discipline keeps us focused and in control so that we can focus on our work. It controls our lives and takes us on the path of success. We all should adopt discipline in our lives.

450 Words – Essay on Discipline for Kids and Students in Very Easy Words

Discipline means to follow the rule or rules. Man is a social animal. In society, he has to work with each other. For this, some rules are made in the society and by following those rules, peace remains. If people do not follow these rules, then there will be a state of the forest in the society.

The meaning of discipline is very wide. There are many things involved in this. Following school rules, obeying elders, going to school on time, doing every work in school according to rules, etc. are part of discipline. In fact, discipline is important in every sphere of life. If seen, discipline begins at the same time as the child is born. The mother gives milk to the child at a certain time, performs the task of defecating it at certain times. Sleeping on time teaches you to get up on time. Teaches to do daily tasks as per rules. It teaches us to keep things in the house from where they are picked.

In fact, discipline is a quality that cannot be learned as much as it is learned from the teachings of the Guru, from books or any other means. The child starts doing the same as his elders do. Therefore, to make the children disciplined, it is necessary that the husband and wife have their life disciplined at home. If there is no discipline in the house, then it will have a bad effect on the child. When he goes to school, he will not be able to adapt himself to school discipline. In fact the success of human life is in discipline. In business, in offices, in factories, working in discipline, success kisses feet.

It is a matter of great misfortune that today there is a great lack of discipline in every sphere of life. There is a great lack of discipline in schools and colleges. Students are blamed for this. But the reality is that today’s teachers, today’s parents, today’s officials do not discipline themselves. How can we expect this when the teacher does not come to class on time, standing out of the room and smiling, smokes, skipping the lane instead of going the proper way in the examination? Are that students learn to be in discipline. There is worse condition in offices. The office opening hours is 9 o’clock, then the officer walks from the house at 10 o’clock. Leads for lunch at 12 o’clock instead of 1 o’clock. When he comes back at 3 o’clock instead of 2 o’clock, then how can he expect that the people under him will come and work on time.

The question is how to establish discipline. In fact, it should start from the top. Teachers, headteachers, principals, officers in offices, teachers in schools, parents in their homes should set the ideal by staying in discipline, then there is no reason for lack of discipline.

500 Words – Essay on Discipline for Kids and Students in Very Easy Words

Discipline is a quality that is absolutely necessary at every step of life. Therefore, it should start on human life from the time when it attracts the hearts of its kinsmen in sweet tootle language. Only by this can a human’s character be built. Indiscipline It encourages him to become a cosmologist. It is often seen that parents do not want to educate a child in his childhood because he will go to school and learn by himself. In his view, the school is the best center of discipline. In fact, they forget that such children become defiant, lazy and disobedient.

Discipline appears to them like a poisonous arrow. They not only violate the orders of teachers and parents at school but also use abusive words. Although the school is the highest place for discipline education, they must get discipline education there. They should never violate the orders of the gurus. Disciplinary children fully understand education; Because they do not make noise in the classroom, do not struggle with anyone, they carefully study the lesson taught by the teacher sitting like an ideal student. By living such a life, enjoyment and respect become our companions, by which we can make our lives great and prosperous.

The real purpose of education in other nations is to make life disciplinary. The teachers there take special care of this in schools. They spend most of their time in discipline, but we are far behind them. The name of our country India is very high in foreign countries, despite this, we do not get spiritual peace.

The education sector has changed a lot in the last years. Psychology has completely dominated it, but we remain the stereotypes of the old line. Until our educational institutions manage education and discipline on a psychological basis, future students of India cannot climb to the pinnacle of progress, because discipline is the invaluable fund of student life. In this store, there are visions of determination, duty and perseverance. It opens the way to life. For personal and mental progress, the first step is to climb the discipline. One who is unable to climb this ladder, never attains success in life. Can do.

Lokanayak Tulsi has also presented a vivid quotation in the Parasurama-Lakshmana-Samvad in Ramcharitmanas.

मिलै न कतहुँ सुभट रण गाढ़े।

विज देवता घरहिं के बाढे ।।

These words were derived from the mouth of Lakshmana for Parashurama. When Shri Ram saw that Lakshmana was breaching the limits of discipline, he stopped the brother from speaking inappropriate words only with the hint of nayan. Therefore, every child should be as disciplined as Laxman. Often many parents treat their children harshly to make them disciplined. It is unfair to do so; Because this makes the child understand discipline His boisterous attitude scorns him forever.

The lesson of discipline is actually a text of love, not of harshness. Therefore, it should be taught with love. The disciplined child can become the leader of the nation when he is young and the one who runs away from him soon falls into the pit of collapse. Therefore, a person desirous of every kind of advancement should be disciplined.


600 Words – Essay on Discipline for Kids and Students in Very Easy Words

Discipline is the key to success in every field of activity, be it human or divine. Discipline means developing a habit of self-control and obedience to certain rules and regulations. Many people have the wrong idea of ​​discipline. They believe that discipline means a check on their freedom but it is in reality, just the opposite. A man without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. Just as a ship without a ship has the mercy of waves, the life of an undisciplined person is also directionless. All natural forces also follow some discipline. Stars and planets follow their own fixed movements. If these heavenly bodies do not follow discipline, then the total destruction of the universe will be destroyed.

Discipline is necessary for the progress of a nation along with a person. It is important for the students to protect the borders of the country for the Armed Forces, the country we dream of life without discipline on the path of failure to take office goers and laborers. Can not even see. Discipline ensures a peaceful and sustainable life, so discipline is essential for us as oxygen.

According to the dictionary, discipline means following a person’s mind and character to self-control obedience habits for superiors, superiors or established officials. Man is born free, then why, do they do it themselves and what don’t they do? Is discipline necessary at all? What if we refuse to discipline ourselves? To get answers to these questions we have to look at the natural plans around us.

The entire universe, all heavenly bodies and all natural objects, acting under a discipline of its own, moving or existing seeming plants and crops grow in a disciplined manner; Different parts of our body cooperate with each other; The food that we serve should be taken in a disciplined manner. The life of animals is also a model of disciplined lifestyle. These ants move in a straight line with single-minded attention; The bees work as a team; Jungle animals have their own organized way, therefore, discipline is a basic requirement of life. If there is no discipline in it then proper development of life is impossible.

Discipline is necessary in every area of ​​life. It is necessary in schools and colleges. Students should have respect for their teachers. Teachers must show proper respect for the principal. It certainly helps in the progress of a school or college. Discipline makes life harmonious and useful. Discipline is essential for social and national life. It includes mutual aid and cooperation. We should not hate discipline that it imposes some restrictions on freedom. It is a wrong idea that every citizen should learn to control themselves.

Discipline is important in both sports and studies. We need discipline in class rooms and playgrounds. The player must follow the rules of the game in the playground. They should follow the referee. Discipline should be imposed on ourselves. It should come from within. Self-discipline is necessary for health and progress in life. By seeing discipline, we can make our life brighter.

Discipline should be followed even in the small things of life. Restriction is a form of discipline. Good behavior is also a mark of discipline. The habit of discipline always makes it happy, it strengthens the nation. Nothing spans discipline, but pays rich dividends. A team or an army that is strongly disciplined is sure to win. In short, discipline is an all-around and end-all life. It is a success in all areas of life. It gives all power to individuals, groups and nations, its value should never be estimated.

700 Words – Essay on Importance of Discipline in Student Life for Kids and Students in Very Easy Words

We all know that discipline is very important for our life, but if we talk about student life, then discipline is even more important because a human being starts from student life in the beginning if he is disciplined in life. He is sure to succeed. Dear students are dear to everyone, they are indeed a matter of pride for everyone.

Importance of discipline in student life-

Discipline has an important contribution in student life. It is only through discipline that students become in the eyes of everyone, that they become worthy of everyone’s praise. Education is always moving forward in dear student life. If explained about the importance of, then he will not have to face troubles in life.

If the student is undisciplined, he will not be liked by anyone and he will continue to ruin his life by getting stuck in diseases like jealousy, non-violence, untruth, respecting elders, not honoring the guru, lying, lying in wrong company. Because these bad qualities of human beings do not allow man to remain human, these qualities make him like an animal in life and his life is destroyed.

Those students who love discipline and whose teachers and parents give them the knowledge to adopt discipline in their life, do not let them deviate from the path of discipline, in fact, those students are dependent on big positions in the future, they are doctors, engineers, lawyers, Collectors and runners of the country become successful politicians and everyone supports them.

Discipline Dear students, by maintaining their discipline adopted throughout childhood, they win the trust of their family members, their parents, their spouses, their siblings and deserve their praise, hence discipline in our lives It is a very important contribution of the students. Students should especially adopt discipline and should always obey their guru in life.

Development of the country through discipline

We all know that students are the future of our country and if there is discipline in the students, then they actually work for the country, whoever is given the position, they take full advantage of it and the society and the country Let’s serve. Students never do any work that can harm the country, they themselves never walk on the path of corruption nor do they let anyone walk.

He always does his work with honesty and pays the country timely, he raises his voice against atrocities and always helps others and leads the country to the height of development by walking on the path of truth. Purses the country in life.

Imagine student life without discipline-

In fact, without discipline, there is no imagining of student life. The student who is undisciplined constantly drops his level and the people of the society also do not like him. The student who is undisciplined can never reach a good level in life. Could not work because neither people liked him nor could he do anything in life that could develop him.

There are many wrong feelings inside the undisciplined, he wakes up late and just spends his precious time in life. Without discipline, the student is neither able to study properly nor does he have many friends because no one trusts him. Teachers also never listen to him because he is undisciplined nor does he pay much attention to him, but disciplined students definitely get success in life.


Teachers should try to make students disciplined. Even parents should try to make them disciplined if their child is undisciplined, because when students have discipline, only then can they live the life of a successful person in life. If a student breaks discipline or tries any such way, it is not at all right for their life because Without discipline, a student’s entire life can also be ruined. In fact, discipline plays the most important role in student life.

1100 Words – Essay on Discipline for Kids and Students in Very Easy Words

There is a process to train oneself in discipline, obedience, self-control, skills etc. A controlled, ordered behavior results from such training. Discipline is the basis of the entire universe for example the solar system, governed by certain laws to maintain specific harmony and beauty. Without this order, absolute disturbances would happen ‘Discipline is the basic requirement of a civilized society. Citizens of a disciplined nation work with a sense of cooperation and unity.

Aristotle has rightly said, “Discipline is obedient to all rules made by society.” Discipline must be ‘born from a very young age. Only talent and talent are not enough to achieve success. Discipline has an equally important role to play. It uses a mental faculties to effect coordination that gives optimal results. Pratibha Flower ‘Freedom in a disciplined person is a highly cherished and valuable privilege in our society. But complete independence is not practical for any system.

Discipline imposes certain restrictions on us, which is necessary in the interest of society. Discipline is not only desirable but also unavoidable. Wherever discipline and regulation of human conduct is absent, moral and material deterioration sets in. Absence of discipline means destruction or decay. To prevent caries, discipline should be imposed in the common interest and for the common good. The importance of discipline is well recognized in educational institutions.

There should be a proper balance between the restrictions and freedom of the students. Educational institutions must ensure a peaceful and serene environment to enable students to acquire knowledge. But “dissatisfaction is increasing” among students, largely, due to this dissatisfaction, we have seen that the discipline in our schools and colleges has come down considerably. Students have not been insulted by their teachers. They misbehave in classrooms. The law, government as well as the educational authorities in their hands should take necessary steps to improve the environment in educational institutions.

Ensuring discipline in schools can prevent the tendency of violence and vandalism and help students to be better focused in their studies and discipline is important in future careers, even in the family. Parents should raise their children in a pleasant, disciplined environment. They should keep the right values ​​in mind and teach them the importance of keeping time and order. They should lead self-organized lives and be role-models that children can imitate. Children growing up in disciplined and happy homes become responsible adults.

But divorced parents and children from broken homes feel insecure and generally undisciplined. A nation’s strength lies in discipline. Discipline is considered as the backbone of national unity and national welfare. The citizens of disciplined countries are more organized, they can work easily and are full of the spirit of unity, brotherhood and cooperation. Discipline helps the nation to progress, fight external invasions and remain united. The government followed the law to maintain law and order in the country. Laws are enforced to discipline citizens so that peace and harmony prevails in the country. History has shown that dictators are such staunch disciplinarians as strongly opposed to the grant of basic rights and freedoms to the people. They want to be obedient, blind to their subjects.

Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy rode on the same belief that strict, inhuman discipline is the only way for a nation. Apparently, they were sacked for enforced discipline at the expense of massive violations of human rights and freedoms. Discipline can never mean a return to personal self-interest. It should provide guidelines for exercising our freedom in the right way. This is only possible when neither citizens follow the law of the land. Discipline is the lifeline of military organizations. The Armed Forces have followed a certain code of conduct that demands loyalty to the country and also possesses senior officers.

It calls for a sense of participation and readiness to deal with an emergency. It is the duty of a soldier to obey the orders of his commander, no army can maintain a brave front against the enemy, if he lacks discipline. Discipline is also required in sports and games. A player must follow the rules laid down for a particular game. He cannot play against the set of rules. Players in the team must act as a unit and follow their captain. Discipline is very important for the social and political welfare of a nation. In many government offices, one can see that this work is done in an irresponsible manner.

The situation will improve if employees perform duty with dedication and work in an organized manner. It will be only when they implement ‘self-discipline’ that there is discipline in every aspect of life that has made Japan and China economic giants that they are in the new world order. People can create chaos in public places with their undisciplined behavior. Lack of order and etiquette while accidents and disputes result in boarding buses and trains. Eve-teejan is another example of our youth’s lack of discipline or courtesy. Lack of discipline is the root cause of the rising crime graph in the country. Members of political parties must follow a certain code of ethics. They should always act in a disciplined manner.

In the past, leaders fought together for freedom from foreign rule and now our leaders paradoxically enjoyed the freedom to fight among themselves. The live telecast of the Parliamentary session on Doordarshan shows how embarrassing our respected MPs are inside Avast House. The common man begins to lose faith in the political system, which recycles gross indiscipline. Without discipline there can be no scientific advancement, no industrial or technological progress, no systematic system of law, no exploration and no development. Discipline is necessary for personal development as well as national prosperity. Its absence can be due to failure, defeat and backwardness.

All citizens should follow the rules and regulations prescribed by law. Discipline means, in fact, full realization of one’s responsibility. There should be a proper balance between freedom and discipline. The restraint of discipline should be designed for the social good, but it must be ensured that, at the same time, excessive prevention does not necessarily lead to the degradation of human freedoms. Those who divide the law on hostility to liberty and personal liberty, apparently fail to understand the true concept of freedom and discipline. The state only acts through laws to provide justice and equality of opportunity for all. Therefore, the fact of the matter is that discipline ensures fair play which in turn guarantees genuine independence.


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