Essay on Cinema in English

In this article you will find Essay, Paragraph & Article on Cinema for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, first class essay, second class essay and more. Essay of 300 & 400 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

300 Words – Essay on Cinema in Very Easy Words for Students & Kids

Cinema is an important means of entertainment in today’s era. Everyone is well aware of its name from child to old. Some people are not relieved until they see the cinema. Earlier silent pictures were shown whose words could not be heard. Today’s pictures are seen moving, laughing, fighting and fighting. For some time, ordinary humans forget that these were pictures. Human beings forget their sorrows for hours.

In India, the first film called ‘Alam-Ara’ was made by the Imperial Company. When electric light is thrown by the machine on a smooth and transparent reel made of Gataparacha, all the pictures of the reel are painted on the post hanging in the cinema hall. The sound of their speech is also heard. When the film begins, the hall is darkened recently. It is a good profitable tool in terms of trade. They earn millions of rupees from actors and film makers. The government also earns a lot from tax through cinema.

Business people give salads in cinema for the fame of things. Which increases their business and people do not have to face any difficulty to get various goods. When people are tired after working all day, they feel the need for entertainment. Cinema is a cheap way to relieve the fatigue of the laborers and other people and at the same time there are beautiful views of different places. It has a magic effect. Cinema, the mother, father, reformer, preacher, despite all the diligence, cannot draw the impression of what is on the heart.

If educative films are put up, then there is a possibility of great benefit. Today’s pictures embrace luxury in the hope of profit. Which does not leave even after trying diligently. Movies have also made love a market thing. This has a bad effect on the character of children. The government has set up a Board of Film Controls to control the world of cinema. There is a possibility of improvement from cinema under his leadership. If the films really improve then the future of India is bright.

400 Words – Essay on Cinema in Very Easy Words for Students & Kids

Since its invention a hundred years ago, cinema has played an important role in shaping society. It has not only influenced successive generations of young people, but has also served as a mirror of society. Cinema has also undergone many changes with the changing times. These changes can be classified into two parts – technological change and moral change. However, more significant changes than technology, which brought about the perceived values ​​of content, format and cinema.

In the days when cinema projected good values ​​in society and told about bad people. Cinema of those times encouraged morality, sensitivity, values ​​and respect for the elderly. Today cinema is full of unconscious violence, nudity, corruption and criminality. Young people have always been susceptible to the allure of cinema. Their young and influential minds quickly absorb the wrong values ​​shown on the silver screen. Under whose influence they do not hesitate to commit acts of crime. These days newspapers are full of murder, revenge, robbery, rape and kidnapping.

The statements of many such young people, who have been caught for these acts, clearly state that they got the idea to do the act from films. Cinema creates dissatisfaction among the youth of society, who easily see a poor hero prosper, often the heroic acts of heroes are glorified in films, prompting the youth to commit to them. However, not all is spoiled with cinema. Many social reformers have used this medium to develop knowledge of religion, literature and art among people. A variety of documentaries, biographies and daring greens have been filmed in the most beautiful manner. They have provided a visual behavior for information for eyes and intelligence.

Cinema has been effective in bringing about the desired changes in the feudal social system. Cinema has been used by many ruling governments as a tool for propaganda and its achievements. Socially responsible filmmakers enter the world of filmmaking, it will not be long before we see the return of good, healthy and entertaining cinema.

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