Essay on Addiction of Gadgets – Long & Short Essay

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay, Paragraph & Article on Addiction of Gadgets in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams

1 – Essay on Addiction of Gadgets in English for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words – 200 Words

Mobile phones have brought a miraculous change all over the world. Years ago people could not even imagine that there would be such an invention that we would be able to talk to anyone in any corner of the world. Due to mobile phones, revolutionary changes have come in every field.

After the invention of mobile phones, people have benefited from it, so its results have also shown positive. In today’s mobile phones, you can easily communicate with your family and kith, send messages, watch videos, take any photo with the camera installed in it, as well as play internet where We can take information around the world.

But there are as many advantages as there are benefits from mobile phones, people have started using it everywhere, people spend most of their time playing with their mobile phones and get used to it. Due to this, their eyes become weak and at the same time due to being given mobile to children at a young age, they do not feel like writing and studying.

Due to mobile internet connectivity, children may receive misinformation or visit websites they do not want.

2 – Essay on Addiction of Gadgets in English for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words – 300 Words

Although many types of electrical and electronic gadgets have been in use by humans for a long time, mobile phones are still the most common that are used by youth and adults alike. Gadgets have made people’s lives easy and luxurious. Different types of gadgets provide many facilities in the diverse field of life and make life enjoyable. But excessive use of gadgets or total dependence on gadgets also causes problems in people’s health and life.

The first mobile phone was invented in 1973 by a company called Motorola, created by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper. The invention of mobile phones has changed the whole world. It has made human life very simple and easy. Earlier it would take many days for any message to be delivered but today it takes only few minutes. This invention of science has given new dimensions to human life.

This is such a discovery of science that no one had thought of before, that one day we will be able to talk to anyone living in any corner of the world immediately. The invention of mobile phones has brought revolutionary changes with the advent of electronic messages.

The importance of mobile phones is currently so high that today two-thirds of the world’s population is connected to mobile phones, this means that more than 271 million people in the world use mobile phones. Out of which more than 800 million consumers are people of India.

Currently, smartphone usage is at a high level, outpacing mobile, with annual growth in our country growing at a rate of 16%.

3 – Essay on Addiction of Gadgets in English for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words – 400 Words

Research from the Michael Cohen Group has shown that teenagers like to play with gadgets. The problem of obesity among them is increasing due to carrying gadgets throughout the day. But due to being busy, they are unable to sleep on time, due to which they have to face physical and mental health problems. Overuse of gadgets is causing anxiety, depression, autism and other problems in children and people.

According to a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, children under two years of age should be kept away from any kind of screen. Children between three and five years should not be allowed to use gadgets for more than an hour.

Health problems due to addiction to gadgets

Many types of health problems are seen among children and people who stick with gadgets for a long time. Some of them are described below:

  • Obesity– Various researches have revealed that excessive use of gadgets reduces people’s physical activity, which also leads to obesity.
  • Insomnia – with continued use of gadgets such as mobile; Diseases like insomnia begin to increase.
  • Dry Eyes – Whether it is to constantly monitor video games or to keep an eye on the screen of any electronic gadget on the mobile screen till late at night, our own eyes are most tense. This causes heavy damage to the eyes. The eyes become dry.
  • Hearing problems– Excessive use of earphones has a negative effect on the hearing ability of the ears.
  • Cancer– Radiation emitted from gadgets increases the chances of leukemia, skin, thyroid, chest and stomach cancer.
  • Back pain– The use of gadgets used to sit continuously for several hours invites many diseases, of which back pain is the main one.
  • Stress– Every gadget also brings stress along with it. Waiting for someone’s response on the phone or an interview call on Skype all adds to the tension.
  • Social isolation – The worst effect of a gadget is that you get cut off from things and people around you.
  • Harm during pregnancy– Excessive use of mobiles and other gadgets during pregnancy affects your brain as well as the brain of the unborn child.

The conclusion

Excessive use of gadgets can cause painful illnesses and make life miserable. Therefore one should understand the bad effects and try to avoid these devices as much as possible. They are for our comfort and comfort, do not become slaves to them and find other ways to enjoy a healthy life.

4 – Essay on Addiction of Gadgets in English for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words – 500 Words

Nowadays the addiction of using gadgets in children is increasing at a very fast pace, they see their parents, older siblings using them, due to which their inclination towards these gadgets is also deepened. Apparently this growing desire and interest in them has a direct and very profound effect on his brain.

If we look at the goodness and evils of using a gadget, the consequences of its negative effects can seem a bit overwhelming, yet if we understand both sides then children who use gadgets are mentally sharp. Goes, understands things easily and does not depend too much on others.

Gadget of addiction is a threat

But if we try to understand the negative aspects of the gadget, then we will understand how it is a threat to our younger generation, which we call the future of our country. Experts say that children who use gadgets very much, their brain is not fully developed. They understand very slowly, their eyes get deteriorated and hearing ability is also reduced. They are not able to sleep properly, you must have noticed that children who use phones or laptops day and night do not get enough sleep, and they focus on using these gadgets for maximum time. They do not treat other children, and socially lag behind them.

Science and technology came as a boon for us but when it became a curse, I could not understand. Using gadgets in a controlled way can prove to be very good, but when your children use them in an uncontrolled way, you can also see their deadly form.

What is the solution?

Now the question arises how to keep your children away from gadgets until they reach the right age and how to get rid of them if they are addicted to gadgets. Child experts say that when a child insists on gadgets, instead of making them happy, think about his well-being. Give him useful games like Scrabble, Chess, Sudoku, not only give him all this but play these games with him.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, keep children completely away from gadgets while eating food, while doing homework, while sleeping. Parents should also try that when the child is busy on TV, computer, you should be with him / her what he / she is watching on screen.

The conclusion

In earlier times, parents allowed their children to use gadgets only when they were adults, but today the situation is completely different. Today, at an early age, children start using mobile phones and laptops, which have an effect on their mind and brain. Today’s parents are working; They spend most of their time using mobiles and laptops. Children watch them and learn from them and reluctantly become addicted.

5 – Essay on Addiction of Gadgets in English for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words – 600 Words

The modern era is defined by scientists and the gadgets invented by them have made life easy and luxurious. Gadgets cover every aspect of our lives and as a result they are reliable. Consider smart phones, which have revolutionized the way people interact and have entered every aspect of our lives, especially children’s lives.

Children, today, are not among social traditions. Children are included in the social networking side. They do not go out to play as they interact with everyone from the comfort of their homes and play games through smart phones at home. Children nowadays use smart phones in such a way that if the hiccups of the battery are reduced by 15% or less, then there is a feeling of anxiety, frustration and frustration in the children. This behavior cannot simply be classified as dependence, but to be classified as an addiction.

Addiction to electronic gadgets

The main reason for this type of addiction is that these gadgets are a very big part of our life in the existence of modern life. These gadgets are easy to use and are available without any restrictions. Everything from education to entertainment is available at Finger Tips. The app is attractive and everyone is engrossed in its glamor. So nowadays everyone is stuck with it.

Symptoms of electronic gadgets addiction

This can easily be seen in children where they feel unwell when someone tells them to stop using their gadgets, they get upset. It can cause asana issues and eye problems. Insomnia can be irritating in these cases.

Electronic gadgets addiction treatment

It should be understood that the most important thing is to check things in a very friendly way and being a disciplinarian can lead to undesirable results. Children will not have to stop using smart phones immediately as this can have a profound effect on the brain of children. Children can be given phones with basic functionality so that it can be used for the purposes for which it was intended for communication. And they should only be allowed to use it for a specific period of time.

Prevention to avoid addiction to electronic gadgets

How does one stop the addiction to something that is included and present in our lives? It is more than a dependence on the point that begins to affect one’s life. But in the case of children, it all depends on the parents. Mobile phones should be used only when they need their studs and to schedule outdoor activities. Spending free time with children and teaching them good lessons can make a difference.

Symptoms of electronic gadgets addiction

Withdrawal refers to a very specific reactive process when the stimulus is used ‘is removed from the equation. These symptoms can then be listed as follows: e.g.

  • Irritability or short temper
  • Thirst or avarice
  • Depression or isolation
  • Discomfort or discomfort
  • Anxiety or worry

The conclusion

It should be clearly understood that gadgets are an essential part of our lives and it is advisable to stop them completely but it is recommended that they should be used appropriately. Technology revolutionizes the entire human life, so being completely cut off from electronic gadgets would not be a wise decision. People just need to take care of time that they spend on such devices to reduce its harmful effects in life.

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