Essay on A Ghost Story

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay, Paragraph, Article on A Ghost Story in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.

Essay on A Ghost Story in 400 words

I had gone to the village to visit my uncle. There I heard the story of the haunted cremation ground. No villager dared to go near the place after dark as everyday a ghostly woman was seen laughing and roaming there.

I was very curious to visit the place as I did not believe in ghosts. The next morning I went with my cousin and looked around the place where the ghost was seen. I decided then and there to visit the place at night.

After having our dinner, when everybody had gone to sleep, I along with my cousin quietly slipped out of bed and left for the cremation ground. We took a torch and a stick with us and hid behind one of the trees in the cremation ground.

At midnight, we saw a woman dressed in white with her hair hanging loose and a human skull in her hand laughing and uttering some words as she waled. We could not understand what she said but the whole scene frightened us. At first I wanted to run away but after gathering up my courage, I decided to face the ‘ghostly woman’. As she passed us, we pounced on her from the back. She tried to attack us but as we were two, we overpowered her. She tried to run away but could not escape. My cousin recognized her and was astonished, for she was none else but their neighbor kapoor.

We brought her back to the village. When the villagers beat her, she agreed to reveal the truth. She had done all this on the advice of a ‘tantrik’. She regularly visits the cremations ground at midnight with a human skull in her hand for a month. Not only this, the tantric had also taken a heavy sum of money from her to perform certain ‘rites’.

The villagers handed over the tantric to the police and were very grateful to us, for we had helped them get rid of ‘the ghost’.

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