Benefits of Vitamin B, Causes and Symptoms of its Deficiency

We will read in this article what Benefits of Vitamin B, Vitamin B Benefits, Vitamin B Benefits for Women’s health, Vitamin B Causes, Vitamin B Symptoms of its Deficiency, Vitamin B complex.

We need many types of nutrients to stay healthy. At the same time, different nutrients have different roles in our body. If any one nutrient is more or less, it can have a direct effect on our health. One of the same nutrients is vitamin B. Like other essential nutrients, the benefits of vitamin B are also many for health. Learn the benefits of vitamin B in this article of stylecrase. Apart from this, the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency and the disease caused by vitamin B deficiency are also mentioned in this article. For information related to Vitamin B, read the article till the end.

What is Vitamin B

Vitamins are the components of food that all organisms need in small amounts. These are organic compounds. That compound is called vitamin which cannot be produced by the body in sufficient quantity but it is necessary to take it in the form of food. Elements like Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, B-complex etc. are required. Let us know about which diseases can be caused due to deficiency of vitamins in the body and what should be included in the diet for its prevention. Read this post till the end.

Vitamin-B Vitamin B helps in the formation and repair of genes, DNA found in our cells. It has many complexes, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 and B12. It helps in building up some elements of intelligence, spinal cord and nerves. Red blood cells are also formed from this. Its deficiency can lead to many dangerous diseases like berry berry, skin diseases, anemia, retardation. It can also have a genetic cause. Surgery of the intestines and weight loss can also be responsible for this. Its deficiency is common in vegetarian people as this vitamin is found in most animals.

Types of Vitamin B

It is a type of vitamin and has 8 types. It contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (biotin), B12 and folic acid ie B9. All these vitamins work in the body to make the process of obtaining energy from food easier.

Apart from this, they also help in making red blood cells. Each vitamin in the vitamin B group can work to benefit the body in different ways (1). While adequate amounts of vitamin B have been considered essential for the body, lack of vitamin B can cause many problems. Information about this subject has been given in further detail.

Causes of Vitamin B Deficiency

There are different reasons for deficiency of each vitamin present in the Vitamin B group, which we are talking about below.

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): The main reason for vitamin B1 deficiency is insufficient intake of thiamine-rich diet. In addition, alcohol intake, AIDS, and the use of certain drugs can inhibit the absorption of vitamin B1 in the body and increase the rate of exit from the body. This can also result in vitamin B1 deficiency.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): The reasons for vitamin B2 deficiency include low intake of vitamin B2 rich foods as well as age, alcohol and birth control pills. Along with this, vitamin B2 deficiency can also occur due to many developmental abnormalities such as severed lips and palate, growth impediments and heart disease. At the same time, pregnant and lactating women and vegan people may also have an increased risk of vitamin B2 deficiency.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Lack of vitamin B3 due to insufficient intake of foods containing niacin and tryptophan, alcohol, heart failure disease (inadequate absorption of amino acids) and tuberculosis ie prolonged use of TB drugs. Might be possible .
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): The main reason for vitamin B5 deficiency is the low intake of vitamin B5-rich substances as well as neurodegenerative disorders associated with pantothenate kinases (harmful substances start accumulating in the brain). In addition, the body’s lack of absorption of vitamin B5 also causes its deficiency.
  • Vitamin B6: Kidney disease, antiepileptic (a drug used in the treatment of epileptic seizures) drugs, alcohol, autoimmune disorders in which the immune system begins to attack one’s own healthy tissues and malnutrition causes vitamin B6 deficiency Can.
  • Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Major causes of vitamin B7 deficiency are the use of anticonvulsants, long-term use of antibiotics, anti-seizure (drugs used in the treatment of epileptic seizures) drugs and lipoic acid. Includes the use of. In addition, excessive alcohol intake, raw egg intake and smoking may also cause vitamin B7 deficiency.
  • Vitamin B12: Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include inadequate absorption of vitamin B12 in the body, prolonged use of some medicines used in the treatment of anemia, intestinal surgery, type 2 diabetes. In addition, decreased absorption of congenital vitamin B12 can also cause vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Folic acid: Folate deficiency is usually due to nutrient deficiency. In addition, folate deficiency can also occur due to alcohol and megaloblastic anemia (a condition in which bone marrow produces abnormal red blood cells).

Symptoms of Vitamin B Deficiency :

  •       Skin rash
  •       Tingling or burning sensation in hands and feet
  •       Cracked lips or mouth ulcers
  •       Weight loss
  •       Weakness
  •       To be tired
  •       Mood changes

Vitamin B Benefits

Vitamin B can be beneficial for our health in many ways. Below we are talking about the benefits of vitamin B for health:

1. For a healthy heart

Vitamin B intake can also be beneficial to keep the heart healthy. According to research, hyperhomocysteinemia, ie an overdose of homocysteine ​​(a type of amino acid), has been considered a risk factor for cardiovascular problems. In addition, research has also confirmed that B-vitamins, especially folic acid, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems by lowering homocysteine ​​levels. It can also help reduce the risk of diseases and mortality associated with stroke, coronary heart disease and peripheral artery disease (a type of arterial disease in which the arteries shrink). If you have any question related to vitamin B you ask to Woodman Urgent Care.

2. Strengthen the brain

Vitamin B can be an important contributor to keeping the body healthy as well as the brain. According to a research published on the NCBI website, vitamin B can help in keeping the brain healthy as well as mood. At the same time, the use of vitamin B supplements has been considered beneficial in psychiatric conditions such as depression and stress.

Research further suggests that depletion of vitamin B12 and folate can lead to depression, which can be controlled by supplementation with vitamin B12 and folate. On this basis, we can consider vitamin B to be beneficial for the brain.

3. Keep bones healthy

Vitamin B intake can be helpful in keeping bones healthy as well as reducing the problems associated with them. A research has found that vitamin B deficiency can lead to bone loss, decreased bone strength and increased risk of fracture. At the same time, according to a research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), many vitamins included in vitamin B complex can be beneficial in keeping bones healthy. Which includes Vitamin B2, B6, Folate and Vitamin B12.

These vitamins can be beneficial in improving bone structure, quality and bone mass ie mineral levels in bones as well as reducing the risk of fractures.

4. Improve digestion

The benefits of vitamin B have been seen for health as well as good digestion. Indeed, a research conducted on patients with 37 irritable bowel syndrome (intestinal problem), along with other nutrients, gave vitamins B1, B2 and B6, after which IBS symptoms such as abdominal pain, flatulence, and bowel movements. Process improvements were seen. At the same time, another research finds that vitamin B2 is considered essential for correct digestion.

5. To increase energy

Vitamin B has also been considered beneficial for increasing the energy of the body. Actually, vitamin B is considered to be helpful in the process of making energy from food in the body. In such a situation, we can say that vitamin B is an essential nutrient to increase energy.

6. For eye health

The use of vitamin B can not only be helpful in keeping the brain healthy, but the benefits of vitamin B for the eyes have also been seen. According to a research, homocysteine ​​(a type of amino acid) can be a risk factor for AMD i.e. age related macular degeneration (eye disease). Explain that AMD can cause blindness.

At the same time, research has confirmed that vitamin B complex folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 have homocysteine ​​lowering effect. Due to this, the problem of vision loss can be avoided by reducing the risk of AMD. They can also be beneficial in eye care as well.

7. To increase appetite

Vitamin B3 i.e. niacin, which is included in the vitamin B complex, can also be beneficial to increase appetite. One research reported that niacin deficiency may cause people to lose their ability to recognize their taste and smell, which potentially leads to poor appetite. At the same time, research has also confirmed that niacin is considered as an appetite stimulant, which can be helpful in increasing appetite.

Does Vitamin B give energy?

Yes, Vitamin B is helpful in building energy in the body.

Is vitamin B good for the skin

Yes, vitamin B12 foods or supplements can be helpful in getting rid of the problem of hyperpigmentation caused by vitamin B12 deficiency and make the skin glowing.

Vitamin B Food Sources

The B vitamins included in the vitamin B complex can be obtained from the following foods:

  • Thiamine: Whole Grains, Dried Beans, Oatmeal, Brown Rice, Potatoes and Liver.
  • Riboflavin: Dairy products, bananas, popcorn, green beans, asparagus and green leafy vegetables.
  • Niacin: Meat, Fish, Eggs, Mushrooms, Tree Nuts and Peas.
  • Pantothenic Acid: Cereals, salmon, beef, broccoli and avocado.
  • Vitamin B6: Meat, Liver, Tree Nut, Banana, Salmon, Tuna, Brown Rice and Potato.
  • Biotin: raw egg yolk, liver, peanuts and some vegetables.
  • Folic acid: Spinach, rice, grains, liver, avocado and lentils.
  • Vitamin B12: Meat, salmon, egg yolk, lentils and spinach.

Amount of daily intake of Vitamin B

Different amounts of different types of vitamins included in the vitamin B complex have been prescribed differently for men and women, which we are talking about through the table below.

Vitamin b complex Quantity daily
For Men
Quantity daily
For Women
Thiamine 1.2 mg 1.1 mg
Riboflavin 1.3 mg 1.1 mg
Niacin 16.0 mg 14.0 mg
Pantothenic acid  5.0 mg  5.0 mg
Vitamin B6 1.3 -1.7 mg 1.3 -1.7 mg
Biotin 30.0 μg 30.0 μg
Folate 400 μg 400 μg
Vitamin B12 2.4 μg 2.4 μg

Precautions to Take while taking Vitamin B

To avoid vitamin B disease, it is important to pay attention to some things before taking vitamin B, which we are talking about below:

  • Try to supply vitamin B only through food.
  • Vitamin B supplements should be used during pregnancy only on medical advice.
  • Breastfeeding women also consult a doctor before taking vitamin B.
  • Avoid overdose of vitamin B, the doctor should also be asked for the correct amount.
  • Before taking vitamin B1 as a supplement, please consult a doctor.
  • If you are taking vitamin B supplements, then alcohol and smoking should be avoided.

Vitamin B deficiency can lead to many serious problems, which can be avoided to include vitamin B foods in the daily diet mentioned in the article. However, vitamin B along with other nutrients are also needed to keep the body healthy. Also, keep in mind that if you want to take supplements to get the benefits of Vitamin B, then first of all take the advice of a doctor. To avoid vitamin B disease, avoid harmful substances like alcohol and smoking. Stay with StyleCrease to know such interesting facts related to health.

Diseases caused by Vitamin B12

If your body is deficient in Vitamin B12, you will have anemia, fatigue, memory loss, mood swings, irritability, tingling or stiffness in the extremities, vision defects, mouth ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, neurological diseases and infertility. As there may be problems. In such a situation, you should never ignore this thing and if you have this problem, then you should pay special attention to your diet.

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Vitamin B Deficiency

While we have mentioned the benefits of vitamin B, on the other hand, there can be some side effects due to its deficiency. Know that about vitamin B deficiency disease:

  • Thiamine: Fatigue, weakness, intestinal problems, heart disease, pain, swelling, shortness of breath, irregular heart rate, heart failure, irritability, confusion, sleep deprivation and amnesia.
  • Riboflavin: weakness, mouth pain, eye irritation or itching, skin inflammation, anemia problem, fatigue, personality changes and brain problems.
  • Vitamin B3: Dermatitis (skin inflammation), alopecia (hair loss disease), muscle weakness, diarrhea, depression, anxiety, vertigo, amnesia, mental damage and dementia.
  • Pantothenic acid: dermatitis, diarrhea, encephalopathy (neurological disease) or behavioral changes.
  • Vitamin B 6: Anemia, irritability, decreased alertness, depression, dementia, and fainting.
  • Biotin: seborrheic dermatitis (formation of scabies with skin rashes and itching), tingling or burning in the hands and feet, depression, lethargy, hallucinations and epilepsy.
  • Folate and Vitamin B12: Anemia, spinal cord lesions, metabolic problems, behavioral changes, psychosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

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