Acupuncture and Medicine Day in English for Students

Essay, Paragraph, Article Acupuncture and Medicine Day in English for Students: Life is about a balance. What do you feel when you are always imbalanced. Exercise and exercise, work and sports, sugar and protein and blood chemistry must be balanced in a certain way. When you are stressed, upset, ill or injured, some of your body’s systems go out of balance. This condition is called disease. Everyone is different and one or the other way is needed to cure different types of disease. Healing Arts is practicing Healing Touch around the world today. The absence of pain and effectiveness of ancient medicine has helped acupuncture and oriental medicine become part of healthcare.

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  • Essay on Acupuncture and Medicine Day
  • Speech on Acupuncture and Medicine day
  • Paragraph on Acupuncture and Medicine Day
  • Short note on Acupuncture and Medicine Day

What is Acupuncture ?

Acupuncture is a form of many treatments in the ancient medical system of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is the art and science of balancing and manipulating your energy levels to bring you back into balance. This energy (Q) in Chinese is pronounced “C H E E” and is the ‘life force’ of the body. Optimal health is achieved through optimal balance of acupuncture of the body system that acts directly on your body at energy levels and brings them into balance. Acupuncture is a treatment that involves stimulation of points with the insertion of disposable needles on the body. The patient feels pricking or tingling in areas where body pain is experienced.

What is Oriental medicine ?

Oriental medicine encompasses various styles of traditional Chinese treatment including diagnostic procedures and Chinese Herbology (Qi), massage and bodywork (Tui-na). The practice of Chinese herpetology uses single as well as many herbal formulas. When combined there is a synergistic effect and results in effective treatment.

What makes it popular?

This treatment is so different and unique. These techniques evaluate a patient’s personal condition. Each person is evaluated and diagnosed to determine imbalances in his or her body. Once a person is properly diagnosed, a treatment protocol can be outlined with different ethics using acupuncture and herbal prescriptions as indicated.

how it works:

The human body is surrounded by energy fields. These are measured with many devices such as EKG (to test the heart), EEG (to test the brain), EMG (to test muscle and nerve) and many other instruments. It is known to science that any functional change in these fields causes changes in the energy fields of the body and can be directly manipulated. Acupuncture works directly on the energy field of the affected body and thus alters the function of the associated malfunction. It is a fundamental law of physics that when a current flows along a conductor it creates an energy field.

Where it works:

It includes pain management, osteoarthritis, post operative chemotherapy-related nausea, stroke rehabilitation, infertility, asthma, anxiety, panic disorder, insomnia, digestive and urinary disorders, premenstrual, fibrillation, semifinal pain syndrome, migraine, obesity and even That is effective even in the common cold.

Acupuncture and other traditional oriental medicine therapies are rapidly gaining momentum and popularity, but it is important not to go to a physician without proper research.

Acupuncture as an Alternative Medicine in Western Culture

Alternative medicine is a very common term whose definition can be very controversial. Basically, it is a number of holistic techniques to prevent and treat diseases. Acupuncture, and many other treatments, have long been a part of Asian cultures and have recently been integrated into Western culture. Since acupuncture is such an important tradition in China, it has received a lot of respect from other cultures.

Acupuncture is a strong component in China, and their health care system can be traced back at least 2,500 years. This process involves inserting thin steel surgical needles into the hair at specific points in the body, which are supposed to make you feel better, and be healthy. However this is only the technical aspect. To understand the “art” of this process, you must have a background in Chinese medicine. How it works: Health is achieved though the balance of opposing forces between “yin” (soul), and “yang” (blood). The attraction between them creates an energy known as “qi” (pronounced chi). This energy flows through the channel to all parts of the body known as the “meridian” (paths that run along the body’s surface and branch into the body’s interior). An imbalance in these forces is what is thought to be the cause of illness and disease. When the needles are placed at acupuncture points along the meridians, balance, and therefore, health, is restored. There are many styles of acupuncture, differences in how acupuncture points are stimulated (by hand pressure, electrical impulse, ultrasound or wavelength of light).

Acupuncture was introduced to American doctors by Sir William Osler, often called the father of modern medicine. In a classic medical textbook written more than a century ago, he stated, “For lumbago, acupuncture is the most efficient treatment in acute cases.” Acupuncture actually got notice for the first time until 1972. James Reston, a New York Times correspondent, was assigned to cover President Nixon’s now historic visit to China. During his stay, Reston had to undergo an emergency appendectomy, and was treated with acupuncture for postoperative pain that he had to endure. The report of his experience with acupuncture caught the interest of many American doctors, who wanted to see how the Chinese use acupuncture as an anesthetic.


Long Essay on Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Eastern therapeutic technique that uses fine needles inserted into specific points on the body at a reasonable speed to achieve a specific therapeutic goal. Acupuncture originated in prehistoric China, and is based on principles of traditional Chinese medicine that treat the blockages of qi, yin-yang balance, the Five Elements principle, and pulse diagnosis. The functional system of channels and organs uses the concepts of yin-yang balance.

Nowadays, acupuncture is also commonly used in many Western countries. About 200 b. C. The Yellow Emperor’s textbook called Huang Di Nei Jing described an essential element of traditional Chinese medicine. Ancient Chinese doctors saw man as an integral part of nature and both the yin and yang things around him were related to him, and the yin and yang things must be in balance. The original meaning of Yin is the shadowy side of the hill, and Yang is the sunny side of the hill. Opponents complement each other in a dynamic process. Thus, yin and yang cannot exist without each other, and the two forces always combine to form the whole. This polar system of yin and yang has an important role in medicine and in the description of life processes in the human body and in their pathological disturbances. “(Gabriel Stux, Brian Burman and Bruce Planza, 2003, p88) Qi is the vital energy or life force, and is ubiquitous in nature and evident in all life in the form of change and movement. The action and movement of Qi is every life process. And expresses in every organic function. ”In the body, qi accumulates in organs and flows into channels or meridians called jing and luo in Chinese. (Gabriel Stux, Brian Burman and Bruce Planza, 2003, p. 88) The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are qi. The flow of Qi throughout the body is essential for optimal health. The blockage of this energy is believed to cause disease. Treatment in Chinese acupuncture aims to reconcile the flow of Qi by dissolving the blockages and stagnation in organs and channels. If the qi of an organ becomes weak, the function of this organ will be incomplete or defective, but if the qi of an organ is present in the xcess, then the function of this organ will be excessive. Acupuncture can balance conditions of excess or deficiency in the organs, and thus achieve an undeniable function. The system of “five elements”, like the yin-yang balance, is a philosophy concept and a way of identifying and analyzing things. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. This system is used to explain the reasons for the interrelations between all things in nature through the interrelationships between the five elements.

These basic elements are intermixed. Each element is controlled by the other, while itself simultaneously controls the third stage. According to Chinese medicine, qi flows through the meridian, and the 11 limbs interact with channels. The 11 organs are described as functional systems and are divided into six yang organs and five yin organs. The large intestine, small intestine, stomach, bladder, gallbladder and “Sanjiao” are the six yang organs, and the lungs, heart, spleen, kidney, and liver are the five yin organs. The pericardium (a double-walled sac containing the roots of the heart and great vessels) is not considered a yin organ, but as a part of the heart, a channel. “(Gabriel Stux, Brian Burman and Bruce Planza, 2003, p122) The 12 main channels form a system of three courses of channels on the surface of the body. Each course of the channel consists of two pair of yin-yang channels. A pair of hands. It runs in parallel, and the other with the foot. These three courses flow in the same way. A yin and a yang organ form a functional unit, consisting of a particular tissue and Includes related channels.

Acupuncture points are located on those channels. By the application of needles, heat, or massage to acupuncture points, acupuncturists can better function certain damaged organs. A channel consists of a yin and a yang channel. “The yang channels run laterally or on the dorsal side of the body, while the yin channels run on the medial or ventral side. “(Gabriel Stux, Brian Burman and Bruce Planza, 2003, p 125) There are 12 main channels, like the months of the Chinese zodiac, each representing a major organ system of the body. In addition, the names Ren Mai and Do Mai There are two exceptional channels.

Ren Mai is a conceptual vessel, which counts as a yin channel, while Du Mai is a governing vessel, which counts as a yang channel. These two extraordinary channels and 12 main channels combine to form a system of 14 channels, on which 361 classic acupuncture points are located. The 12 main channels form a system of three courses or cycles of channels on the surface of the body. Each course of the channel consists of four main channels, two yin and two yang channels. “A yin-yang pair runs in parallel with the arm, and the other with the leg.

An internal branch of the channel runs to the yin or yang organ corresponding to the main channel. (Gabriel Stux, Brian Burman and Bruce Planza, 2003, p125) The first course is located on the ventral side of the body. It is made up of lungs, large intestine, stomach and spleen channels. The lung channel begins at the chest wall and runs along the lateral side of the arm to the corner of the thumbnail, and is related to yin polarity. The large intestine begins at the channel index finger and runs toward the face on the dorsal side of the arm, and is related to yang polarity.

The abdominal channel starts from the face and runs from the body to the second toe, and is related to yang polarity.

The spleen channel runs from inside the leg to the chest wall behind the foot, and as such it is related to yin polarity. The second course is located on the dorsal side of the body. It is made up of channels of the heart, small intestine, bladder and kidneys. The third course lies on the lateral side of the body. It is made up of the pericardium, cyania, gall bladder and liver channels. These courses are similar to the first course.

A yin or yang channel axis is composed of two adjacent yin channels or two adjacent yin channels in the same course of channels. The yang channel ax passes downwards from hand to foot through the head and body. The axes of the Yin channel extend upwards through the body from the feet to the arms. Channel axes are important for diagnosis as well as healing. Acupuncture is very useful in the treatment of some disorders, such as respiratory disorders, mental disturbances and illness, neurological disorders, skin disorders and disorders of the sense organs, etc. Many respiratory disorders are successfully treated by acupuncture.

Especially in chronic conditions, such as chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, or bronchial asthma, acupuncture is more effective than other forms of treatment. External climatic effects such as cold, wind, dryness and sometimes heat sometimes cause weak lung qi. Thus, acupuncture can dissolve the blockage and strengthen the qi. Acupuncture treatment is very effective in a large number of psychiatric disorders, such as agitation or tiredness, insomnia, depression, sexual disturbances, drug addiction, obesity, and headache. Acupuncture has a harmonious, sedative or toning effect. Due to multiple points of du mell, heart, pericardium, and gallbladder have strong psychological effects. “(Gabriel Stux, Brian Burman and Bruce Planza, 2003, p287) Furthermore, organs affected by mental disturbances can be treated by stimulating the points of the respective channels. Acupuncture is also good in migraines, chronic headaches, and trigeminal neuralgia. Shows the effect. According to traditional ideas, chronic headaches and migraines are associated with obstruction of qi in the yang channels of the head. It is held responsible.

Pain in chronic headaches is mostly due to internal disturbances of the organs. The location of pain is very important in planning for an acupuncture treatment. However, trigeminal neuralgia is attributed to blockage of qi due to wind, cold, or heat, with obvious internal disturbances of the liver or stomach. “In the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, a large number of faces need the side of the womb; They must be manually stimulated repeatedly to spread the stimulation. (Gabriel Stux, Brian Burman and Bruce Planza, 2003, p296) Acupuncture treatment is also effective in many skin disorders, such as neurodermatitis, acne, herpes zoster, psoriasis, and eczema. According to traditional ideas, the skin is related to the lungs and the large intestine, and therefore skin disorders are treated on the channels related to the lungs and the large intestine. One thing to note is that the points around the disordered skin area should not require particularly ulcerated areas.

Acupuncture treatment is highly effective in disorders of the sense organs, deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, conjunctivitis and visual deficiency. According to traditional concepts, the ear is related to the functional system of the kidney and bladder, while the eye corresponds to the liver and gall bladder. In addition, the ear is closely connected to the Sanjiao channels, which revolve around the ears. Stimulation of points outside of Sanjiao is quite effective in ear disorders. The negative effects of acupuncture were rarely reported, however, they exist and special attention should be paid. The most frequent complication of acupuncture treatment is vasovagal episodes. More serious complications reported include rare pneumothoresis, lacration of the viscera, local hematomus, sepsis, transverse myelopathy, ascars and compression of nerve trucks due to scarring, endocarditis, and broken needles. “(Sensarios, Salvador and Geroge R. Brown, 1998) The first needles were sharp flames, and later metal needles replaced sharp flames. Different acupuncture needles have varying lengths and diameters. Typically, length 1. Varies from 5 to 15 cm, and diameter varies from 26 to 36 gauge (0. 2 to 0. 5 mm). Disposable needles are usually made of stainless steel, wrapped in copper wire. H आज Today, the most commonly used needles are filiform steel needles because the steel is flexible and unbreakable. Filiform needles have a tip, a body, and a handle. In most cases, acupuncture has a 0. 3 mm thick needle. Used. When inserting acupuncture needles, the acupuncturist must use three fingers, the thumb on one side of the needle and the index and medial on the other side. Finger.

Needles should be held perpendicular to the three fingers and not held 1-2 cm from the tip of the needles, especially with longer needles, which are more responsive to bending. There are two methods of insertion. One is fast method, and the other is low method. The fast method causes less pain, while the shorter method can be painful. Insertion can be vertical (90 °), oblique (30 ° –60 °), or sometimes tangent (10 °). The depth and direction of insertion are given along the specific acupuncture point, but they may vary depending on the patient’s constitution.

In the 1960s in China, electro-acupuncture (EA) was introduced into clinical practice, specifically for the treatment of chronic pain and neurological diseases. “The purpose of electro-acupuncture is to electrically stimulate the dots by connecting flexible wires (through small crocodile clips) to the needles. “(Gabriel Stux, Brian Burman and Bruce Planza, 2003, p315) uses a pair of electro-acupuncture needles, which instead of electrically stimulating the dots, through flexible wires (via small crocodile clips) Se acupuncture uses to rotate needles.

The pulse is applied to the needles to stimulate the electrical pulse nerves with a width ranging from 0. 1 to 1. 0 ms. A major advantage of electro-acupuncture is that it is more convenient than manual therapy, and requires less skill and precise needling. Acupuncture was first introduced in Europe in the 17th century. However, at that time, it was not widely accepted by Europeans. Most Western skeptics claimed that traditional Chinese theory of acupuncture was merely anecdote; Therefore cannot be reliable.

This situation has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. Many publications that saw the use of acupuncture in China, revealed reductionism, the causal mechanism for the many effects of acupuncture in several major Western journals. It is estimated that more than 300,000 physicians from over a million physicians outside of China use acupuncture treatments for chronic pain. About 90% of physicians who were found in a recent study of German pain clinics use acupuncture. In addition, more than 11,000 physicians in the United States were interested in acupuncture.

In Canada, over 2000 physicians have taken courses offered by the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada. In North America, in addition to physicians, veterinarians, chiropractors and naturopaths also use acupuncture. In conclusion, acupuncture based on the Chinese theory of yin-yang equilibrium, the five-element principle to dissolve any blockage in vital energy qi. Acupuncture treatments are very useful in variable areas of disorders; Despite this, there may be some adverse effects. Nowadays, acupuncture is more familiar to Westerners, and it is accepted by a growing number of people in the world.

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