On 26 June 2020, the Central Government notified new norms to allow online registration of new enterprises on the basis of self-declaration. As of 1 July 2020, there is no need to upload documents and certificates for enterprise registration. People can now register new enterprise online at www.udyamregistration.gov.in with Aadhaar number and self declaration. Union Government. The system of income tax and GST have integrated the enterprise registration process. The filled enterprise details can be easily verified based on PAN number or GSTIN details.
An enterprise can be registered on the basis of Aadhaar number only. Other details can be given on a self-declaration basis without the need to upload or submit any paper. Thus, it is a paperless practice in the true sense. The notification also mentions that after 1 July, an MSME will be known as “Udyogam” as the term is more closely related to the enterprise. Accordingly, the registration process will be known as Enterprise Registration.
Udyogam (Enterprise) Registration Online Portal
On 1 June 2020, the Ministry of MSME notified new criteria for classification of MSME on the basis of investment and turnover. Now on 26 June 2020, the Ministry of MSME issued a detailed notification giving the MSMEs classification criteria. The notification also clarified the registration process and the arrangements made by the ministry to facilitate this process. The official website http://www.udyamregistration.gov.in/ will start from 1 July 2020.
How to register new / existing enterprises with Aadhaar number and self declaration
The process of online registration of Udyam (Enterprise) for all new or existing enterprises can be done online through the portal, which will be known to the public before 1 July 2020. Is going to be effective. All existing enterprises registered under EM-Part-II or UAM will re-register on the Udyam Registration Portal on or after 1 July 2020. However, existing enterprises registered before 30 June 2020 will only be valid for the period up to 31 March. 2021. In addition, an enterprise will be allowed only one industry registration, which may involve any kind of activities in the said registration.
MSME Ministry Facilitation Mechanism for Entrepreneurs
The Ministry of MSME has also established a robust facilitation mechanism for MSMEs at the district level and regional level in the form of single window systems. This single window system will help the entrepreneurs who are not able to register the enterprise registration for any reason. At the district level, the District Industries Center (DIC) has been made responsible for the convenience of entrepreneurs. Similarly, the Ministry of MSME has made the recent initiative of Champions Control Room across the country legally responsible for facilitating entrepreneurs in registration and beyond.
Those who do not have a valid Aadhaar number can approach the Single Window System for convenience. Such people will have to carry their Aadhaar enrollment request or identity, bank photo passbook, voter ID card, passport or driving license with them. Accordingly, the single window system will facilitate them to register as an enterprise after obtaining the Adher number.
An enterprise having an industry registration number (URN) will update its information online in the Udyam registration portal. This may include details of ITR and GST returns for the previous financial year and other additional information required on a self-declared basis. This is according to the notification regarding the update of information and transition period.
New Definition of Small, Medium, Small Enterprises (MSMEs)
The MSME Minister rescinded its notification of 26 June 2020, notifying certain criteria for classifying micro, small and medium enterprises. Subsequently, the notification also specified the form and procedure for filing a memorandum for both new and existing enterprises from 1 July 2020. The new definition of MSMEs will be as follows: –
Micro Enterprise – The enterprise where investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed Rs. 1 crore and turnover does not exceed Rs. 5 crores will be considered as micro enterprise.
Small Enterprise – The enterprise where investment in plant and machinery or equipment is Rs. Do not exceed 10 crores and the turnover does not exceed Rs. 50 crores will be considered as small enterprise.
Medium Enterprise – The enterprise where investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed Rs. 50 crores and the turnover does not exceed Rs. 250 crore will be considered as medium enterprise.
Investment calculation
The calculation of investment in plant and machinery or equipment will be based on the previous year’s Income Tax Return (ITR) filed under the Income Tax (IT) Act, 1961. Apart from this it has also been clarified that the plant and machinery will include all tangible land and property other than buildings and furniture and fittings.
All units with Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN), which are listed against the same Permanent Account Number (PAN), will be collectively treated as an enterprise. These units will be used to calculate turnover and investment to determine the category as micro, small or medium enterprises.
Discrepancy / Grievance Redress Mechanism
In case of any discrepancy or grievance, the General Manager of the District Industries Center of the concerned district will conduct an inquiry to verify the details of the enterprise registration submitted by the enterprise. Later, the officer will forward the case with the necessary remarks to the Director or Commissioner or the Secretary of Industry related to the State Government. These officers will then issue a notice to the enterprise and after giving an opportunity to present their case and on the basis of the findings, may modify the details or recommend to the Ministry of MSME to cancel the certificate of enterprise registration.
The new system of classification, registration and facilitation of MSMEs will be an extremely simple and yet fast-track, intuitive and worldwide benchmark process and a revolutionary step towards ease of doing business.