Essay on Human Relation with Animals in English

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We are cover in this articleRelation with Animals, Essay about Relation with Animals, Relationship between Humans and Animals, Human – Animals Relation, Ecological Relationship

Short Essay on Human Relation with Animals in English

Humans have a long history of association with domestic animals, and nowadays pets often act through connection as a “social option”. There is some evidence that the presence of pets at home can breed well in people and develop social skills in children. The purpose of animal adjuvant therapy is to develop these skills in patients based on human animal interactions. Experimental data obtained on animal models suggest that this is indeed a promising line. However, there is a lack of clear scientific data that will help define what may be the most appropriate processes or species. Improvements have been seen, but again sound scientific data are mostly missing. Attention should be given to the welfare of animals.

Long Essay on Human Relation with Animals in English

Since time immemorial humans and animals have cohabited together and with each other. The relationship between these two different types of beings can be viewed from a different point of view, both positively or negatively, although often characterized by skepticism. This paper is an attempt to examine theoretical arguments that inform the care of pets and animals in our modern societies. In most cases, the care and protection of animals is based on both causal and ethical arguments that many scholars have prepared. These arguments regarding keeping and domestication of pets will be examined in detail.

Animal Rights Theory.

A main argument for the protection and care of animals is strongly based around the concept of animal rights. It is based on philosophical thinking that gives a lot of insight into animal rights movements in modern societies and its main proponent is a man by the name of Tom Regan. Regan argued that animals also have what they call inherent values ​​that mankind must respect, although they may not possess self-identity and moral awareness (Regan 23). This concept argues that animals should not be considered as property of man that can be used for purposes of research, as objects of entertainment, for food or clothing. Rather, animals should be treated as members of the moral community and treated as non-human individuals. Most animal rights advocates believe that animals have at least the right to life and the right to freedom from physical interference.

By this and by and large, animal movements emphasize the equal recognition of animals with mankind that should be allowed to enjoy life and freedom in our societies. Most animal activism and expeditions are based on this concept. Due to the increasing scholarly debate and socio-political campaigns, animal rights are now included in the main legal legislation (Reb 58). Abuse of an animal is now punishable by law. Somehow, these campaigns have been very effective to the point that they have influenced animal legislation in most countries, especially in the West. However, critics argue that animals should not have legal rights like humans, because they cannot enter into social contracts. Similarly, animals do not understand rights and wrongs and therefore cannot make moral decisions like humans.

Theory of welfare and utilitarianism

This approach, as the name suggests, assumes that animals are part of the welfare system and therefore intended to be used by mankind. This philosophy is fundamentally different from animal rights. The idea of ​​authority is that animals have moral rights to certain rights and freedoms, such as humans do. This does not mean that animals have the same rights as humans. The main proponent behind this approach is Karl Cohen and who is the main critic against the animal rights movement.

He argues in two ways. First, he agrees with some element of animal rights arguments that animals are created with sensory feelings that cause them to feel pain when they are tortured like humans (Cohen and Regan 135). But in another aspect, he disagrees with the view that animals should have freedom of expression and choice because they are not moral agents and do not have the capacity to bear any rights. This idea implies that animals are to be used there at the will of man. Therefore, it is the moral obligation of man to use animals for food, clothing and medical research purposes. However, it should be given responsibility to inflict pain on animals or subject them to inhuman torture and suffering (Cohen and Ryan 140).

Keeping animals as pets

Most of man’s relationship with animals matches these two ideas to a great extent. One area that combines all these ideas together is the practice of keeping animals as pets. Keeping animals as pests is an old phenomenon that can be traced back to ancient history where our ancestors practiced this practice. Spurlin emphasizes that the domination of plants and animals has largely influenced the history of both humans and human species. In our traditional societies, mankind used animals for hunting, farming, protection, protection, food, and event clothing (Spherlin 35).

According to Spurlin “the shift from farming to hunting also led to a fundamental change in human relationships with animals” (Spurlin 45). In other words, modern developments characterized by scientific discoveries, revolution of industries and technological changes also affected the relationship with animals. Furthermore, animal rights are closely associated with welfare utilitarian theory from traditional societies. Spurlin (223) claims that “in a relatively strict utilitarian view of domestic animals, exceptions are rarely made”. Today, the practice of keeping animals as pets is widespread in almost every society in the world. For example, it is estimated that about half of households in the UK have a pet (Spherlin 198). Spurlin also defines the meaning of a pet as “a pet that is domesticated or domesticated and kept as a favorite or treated with indulgence and hobbies”, although he reiterates that the pet never -Even for practical and economic purposes (212).

Animal and Pet Care

Our modern societies have a keen interest in pet care and training, showing how important pets are to our modern societies. Animals and pets care for a common term used on everything to do with animal health care, training and treatment. There is so much information, products, and stuff related to pet care, husbandry and training. A dog is an example of a pet which is very common in every society. A dog has long been a man’s companion (Sperllin 129). It is an extremely important animal that is kept for various reasons and has potential benefits over our societies. Today, there are a lot of career opportunities that relate to dog care and training.

Although, dog training is a new concept in today’s professional world, dogs were our traditional society who trained their dogs to fulfill various objectives. Dog training is becoming a common practice contemporary society (Spherlin 1995). As part of the training, the dog is conditioned to obey orders of different levels. The dog has been trained to work within military and law enforcement agencies and in search and rescue missions in the event of a disaster. Some communities today, use dogs to protect their homes, properties and livestock. Dogs have also been used to help people with disabilities, in particular, guide dogs that provide guidance to blind people.

Timm says there are various research studies that strongly suggest that pets have played and still play a large role in the life of human kind. In most cases, keeping animals as pets still provides emotional support and companionship to mankind. Thus this emotional support only comes from the positive relationship with mankind that has resulted from the care, training, and nutrition that continues to provide man (30). Some of the benefits of keeping pets include relief from loneliness, anxiety reduction and great companionship for children. Other animals, especially dog ​​walking, help people exercise which helps reduce health costs. For example some pests such as cats help mankind reduce the presence of mice and rodents within our domestic areas which can be harmful to human health (Tim 20). Because of the importance of the image of pets, there are many organizations that have emerged with a view to protect animals from human harm and cruelty, provide for the welfare needs of animals in our societies, and there are many industries that constantly improve new products And accessories for animals.

The conclusion

Animals have always played an important role in the life of humanity. Humans have always kept animals as pets for many years, although in modern times animal care and conservation issues have taken center stage in the media. Increasing attention to animal keeping and pet care has been developed by philosophical arguments and campaigns by media, scholars and animal rights activists. There are two main major themes that form the philosophical foundation for the care and care of animals in modern societies.

The first one is known as the animal rights framework developed by Tom Regan, who argued that animals have the same rights as humans that are right for them. They should not be taken only for research work, food or clothing items; Rather, they are moral beings with the right to feelings and respect. Most animal rights activists use these arguments to campaign for animal rights, fight against injustice and cruelty committed by mankind. They are against animal slaughter, the use of animals to conduct research tests and also the use of animal products for manufactured clothing and other goods. The second philosophical argument is associated with welfare utilitarianism. This idea suggests that animals were created for human use and should be used for food, developing clothing, research projects, and other uses. But they have one thing in common that all animals have the same feelings and emotions as mankind, they should not be treated inhumanely.

Essay on Human Relation with Animals in English  1

Nature is the creation of nature as we are. We share the world with these creatures and they too deserve to live life uninterrupted and full. They do not cross their territory and attack only by provocation. As they are also an important part of the food chain of nature and ecosystem, we must bow our self a little for their protection and preservation. The animals are innocent. They yearn only for a natural environment free from interference and fear.

But since we humans are the best due to our intelligence, we are seen to dominate every other on earth. Living beings are dependent on each other for one reason or another. But we are exploiting them to some extent.

First of all animal labor should be abolished or controlled by laws. The amount of labor should be limited. Otherwise there is no flock of people who use animals as a burden for anything. Also, food and feed should also be given properly.

Animals are reared from the beginning of civilization for food, animal products such as wool, milk, etc. But since they are living things, an idea must be given before torturing them to some extent. We can see at the meat shops that farm chicken is kept in cages in a very crowded place. Many die due to shortness of breath or asphyxia. They cannot go to us and tell us that they are in pain. It is we, the wise, who should understand.

They are treated like hell for entertainment purposes. In horse racing, poor horses have to run fast due to fear of horses. Poaching is another evil that humans do for a four-foot population. The destruction of their habitat makes them homeless in their place and this in turn brings them into proximity to human habitation. This trespass of man-made wildlife and wildlife by humans brings problems for both. Long ago in Mumbai, tigers were killing people from inside their homes. And apparently animals are killed mercilessly if they are seen. It is a different thing that they are given an injection that will give them a dose.

Zoo culture is another inhuman practice. The animals inside the cages are not happy for sure. And what we have done while pushing them is very wrong. They want a natural environment. The display of live animals inside the cages is so cruel. Many times a tiger is heard ripping off human organs when the person accidentally fell inside the captive area. Thus evident because fierce animals naturally rage inside the cage.

We humans do not feel that we do not need any excuse for our cruelty which we impose on nature. During some festivals, so many animals are killed just to show that we are pleasing God. Then the marketers of black marketing are selling the parts of animals as per their choice.

Therefore, considering all these factors, we should aim for their protection. Laws should also be made to protect them. And for this purpose organization like PETA (People for the moral treatment of humans) and PFA (People for animals) are doing their part. But this is not enough. At all places there is something extensive necessary to protect them. More concrete steps have to be taken.


Essay on Human Relation with Animals in English for Students 2

Animals can be considered in many different ways. While some consider animals as mindless machines programmed with instinct, others consider them as spiritual beings capable of coherent thought and emotion. I think the animals are somewhere in between. Although they rely too much on instinct, the ability to feel emotions suggests that their mental capacity is not far from human.

Because animals, especially dogs, share similar feelings as they make great companions. Animals show us how to love us better, because their emotions are more pure than human’s. Dogs give unconditional love to their masters, never questioning a human’s commands or subjects.
Although their brains are not as advanced as humans, animals are capable of thought. I also disagree with the statement that animals are machines, because as humans have different personalities, animals of the same species also have behavioral characteristics. For example, some cats are arrogant and rude, while others are kind and playful like people. Georgia, the chimpanzee, which spits water on visiting visitors, did not make it out of instinct. The instinct may have told him to swallow water. He may have already planned to spit water on people, which suggests that he had a thought process.

Humans and animals are very close in many respects. For one, they can form a love bond in a master and pet relationship. Although their brains may be more primitive, animals have a similar thought process to humans’. They have feelings and emotions just like humans. The difference is that the mindset of animals depends very much on instinct, while the thinking of human is more logical.

Humans And Animals Relationships Essay 3

Whether its social, business, or personal, animals play an extremely important role in the life of humans. Humans have been using animals to survive since 100 BCE. There have been animal protectors, companions, benefactors, coworkers and even best friends. Man needs animals in his life to be mentally and physically healthy. Animals are used in everyday physical therapy to increase movement in the disabled or elderly. Animals help in physical fitness which will boost their mood to a great extent. For example, elderly people who are in nursing homes are working with animals as a type of therapy to improve their function and enhance their quality of life.

It is a proven fact that animals lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and hold their heart. Dogs can detect a sudden drop in blood sugar levels and alert the owner to eat or take their medication. Pets can help not only the disabled and the elderly, but also children.

Children who grow up with pets have a lower risk of allergies and asthma; Many also learn responsibility, compassion and empathy by having pets.

Pets are natural mood enhancers. One of the reasons for these therapeutic effects is that most pets meet the basic human need to touch. Even hardened criminals in prison have shown long-term changes in their behavior after interacting with pets, many of them experiencing mutual affection for the first time. Some state prisons will bring dogs to train inmates, so they can learn to interact with others and give them a purpose. While a person is with an animal, their body actually undergoes physical changes that alter their mood. Stress-associated hormones are actually lower, while serotonin production is being increased to levels that were previously not around the animal. Occasionally, when working with a patient, a counselor may use a dog in therapy. In doing so, it will increase their serotonin levels and allow the patient to be more comfortable.

Therapists have recently started prescribing as a way to deal with pets and overcome depression and anxiety. The unconditional love that is given to a human from a pet, when petting or playing with it, actually elevates their mood to a situation where they are no longer depressed or anxious. Catching, grabbing, humming, or otherwise touching a loving animal can calm them fast and soothe humans when they are stressed. A pet’s companionship can also reduce loneliness, and some pets are a great stimulus for healthy exercise, which can greatly boost mood. The more people interact with animals, the less likely they are to isolate themselves; Pet lovers and pet owners can easily talk to each other about their pets without talking about an uncomfortable topic. Dogs help people who suffer from PTSD.

Dogs can provide a sense of safety, calming effects and physical exercise that can bring positive changes in the lives of people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Like all aid dogs, a psychotherapy service dog is personally trained to work or perform tasks that reduce the handler’s disability. The dog will be able to calm the owner and not scare him. When he cannot bond with his master with other humans, he will be able to bond with him.

People with PTSD are afraid of being alone in public and a dog company will mitigate that fear. Animals have been used to assist humans for as long as anyone can remember. They help psychologically with the world around them. They help with the physical condition that is going on with their body. A human can easily bond with an animal so that it can be more than another human being. Whether it is caused by a problem with which they were born or stumbled upon them, they can always rely on animals to ease their pain.


Humans And Animals Relationships Essay 4

Animals can be considered in many different ways. While some consider animals as mindless machines programmed with instinct, others consider them as spiritual beings capable of coherent thought and emotion. I think the animals are somewhere in between. Although they rely too much on instinct, the ability to feel emotions suggests that their mental capacity is not far from human.

Because animals, especially dogs, share similar feelings as they make great companions. Animals show us how to love us better, because their emotions are more pure than human’s. According to Mary Lou Randour, “What Animals Can Teach as About Spirituality”, animals are man’s spiritual companions. She tells the story of a boy who, after killing someone, receives a dog for medical care. The dog comforts her, and the teen learns to love the animal over time. The boy’s pet is to “heal his soul” by teaching him how to love. Dogs give unconditional love to their masters, never questioning a human’s commands or subjects. I felt that the story of the dog appeared in the writer’s backyard because he did not have a dead grandfather. Randour’s all examples of how animals affect our emotions behave differently from the vanishing ghost dog.

Although their brains are not as advanced as humans, animals are capable of thought. Francis de Waal, author of “The Whole Animal”, believes that humans and animals are closely related through anthropology. I agree with anthropomorphism, but not with anthropodenial. I also disagree with René Descartes’ statement that animals are machines, because just as humans have different personalities, similar animals also have different behavioral characteristics. For example, some cats are arrogant and rude, while others are kind and playful like people. Georgia, the chimpanzee, which spits water on visiting visitors, did not make it out of instinct. The instinct may have told him to swallow water. He may have already planned to spit water on people, which suggests that he had a thought process.

Humans and animals are very close in many respects. For one, they can form a love bond in a master and pet relationship. Although their brains may be more primitive, animals have a similar thought process to humans’. They have feelings and emotions just like humans. The difference is that the mindset of animals depends very much on instinct, while the thinking of human is more logical.
The author uses alliances to illustrate the subject of human and animal relations. They often describe when animals are for humans, such as guiding a blind person or being used for therapy. Animals can give you responsibility, to survive or at least try, and teach you to love. Richard Parker gives P a wish to survive, and allows him to love someone even after all the terrible things that have happened to him. Even though the animals will still be there for you, because they can understand when something terrible has happened, or you are sad, mad, or just happy. They don’t just run away from you because you’re crazy. They stay right by your side and try to comfort you. Just as every person takes time and trust in a relationship, once you have faith in the animals, you will form a strong relationship with them.

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