Long & Short Essay on Youth in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Youth for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

The future of any country depends on its own youth. Thus, there should be great emphasis on nurturing children properly so that they can become a responsible youth. Here we have provided different types of essays on youth under different word limits to help you with this topic in your exam. According to your requirement you can select any of the youth essays given below:

200 Words – Essay on Youth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The word youth is often associated with vibrancy, joy, enthusiasm and passion. The reason for this is that the younger generation is full of passion. They are eager to learn new things and are ready to explore new discoveries in the world. They are full of high energy and do not want to conform to the customs and traditions laid down by previous generations. They try to apply arguments to everything and question the radical thinking of elders. Although they usually get upset later.

The Government of India has initiated several programs to ensure education so that every child in the country can get education. Providing education is the first step to creating strong youth. Parents and teachers should also nurture their children in such a way that they become responsible youth.

The youth of India are talented who are giving the country an opportunity to feel glorious in various fields. Everyone is aware of the contribution of Indian youth in the field of information technology. The medals won by Indian youth in various sports shows how talented they are.

However we cannot deny the fact that there are more unemployed and uneducated youth in the country and we still have a long way to go.

300 Words – Essay on Youth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Youth are the hope of tomorrow. He is one of the most energetic part of the nation and therefore has high expectations from them. With the right mindset and capacity, youth can contribute to the development of the nation and take it forward.

Youth of today

Human civilization has evolved over the centuries. Every generation has its own thoughts and ideas which contribute towards the development of society. However, on the one hand, the human mind and intellect have developed greatly with the passage of time, the same people have become quite impatient. Today’s youth are talented and capable but it can also be called impulsive and unrestrained. Today’s youth are eager to learn and explore new things. Now that they can consult their elders, they do not want to be guided by them at every step.

The younger generation today is in a hurry to accomplish various things and in the end gets so much towards achieving the result that they do not even pay attention to what they chose for it. Although much progress has been made in science, technology, mathematics, architecture, engineering and other fields, we cannot deny the fact that the rate of crime has also increased considerably over time. Today, more violence is taking place in the world and youth are responsible for a major part of this violence.

Factors that promote crime among youth

There are many factors that provoke the younger generation to commit crimes. Here’s a look at some of these:

  •     lack of education
  •     Unemployment
  •     power play
  •     Resentment flourishing towards life
  •     increased competition

The conclusion

It is the duty of parents to nurture their children and help them to be good people. Teachers also play a major role in building the youth of the country. They should take their responsibility seriously. By nurturing honest and committed individuals, they are building a strong nation.

400 Words – Essay on Youth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Youth is an integral part of any nation. A nation that is full of energetic, inquisitive and hardworking youth and able to provide them ample opportunities for work makes a strong foundation for their development.

Youth of India

About 65% of the Indian population is young. There are many talented and hard working youth in our country who have made the country feel proud. The younger generations in India are excited and eager to learn new things. Be it the field of science, technology or sports – the youth of our country excel in every field.

Why empower the youth?

Here are some reasons why the youth of the country need to be empowered:

  • To assist them in acquiring knowledge and skills for their personal and professional development.
  • To help them find their interests.
  • To identify the potential hidden in them
  • To sensitize them about the problems of society and educate them on how they can contribute to the eradication of these problems.
  • To enable exchanges between youth from different countries as well as from different parts of the country.

Empowerment of youth in India

The Indian government also aims at youth-led development. Instead of sitting idle, youth should play an active role in the development and progress of the country. To encourage and empower the young minds, the country’s government has launched a National Youth Policy. It aims to potentially direct the youth in the right direction which will help to strengthen the nation as a whole.

Many education programs have also been started to ensure that every child gets education in the country. The Government of India does not do gender discrimination. With the intention of empowering girls in the country, the government has launched Beti Bachao Beti Padhao program.

The Department of Youth Affairs is also actively involved in youth empowerment. It has done several initiatives to enhance the leadership qualities and other skills of the youth in the country.

When the youth of the country fully utilize their skills and potential, the country will definitely develop and progress and it will get a new identity around the world.

The conclusion

A nation that focuses on its youth and empowers them through various initiatives and programs is moving in the right direction. India is working to build strong and intelligent youth. However we still have a long way to go.

500 Words – Essay on Youth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Older generations often do not take youth seriously due to their impulsive and angry nature. They do not understand that their nature is primarily the result of how they have been raised. Thus each generation has a duty to educate their next generation so that they can give them and the nation a chance to be proud.

How to prepare responsible youth?

There are mainly two types of people in this world – first those who act responsibly and follow the prescribed norms and second those who question the norms and act irresponsibly. Though there is nothing wrong in questioning the criteria on the basis of logic but acting irresponsibly is not acceptable. Today’s youth have many abilities and it is the duty of parents and teachers to direct their creativity and ability in the right direction. Here are some things that you can do to prepare responsible youth:

    Start early

Do not wait for your child to be more than 10 or 10 years of age to teach moral values ​​or work. Start it when they are children. Teach them how to behave in public, how to handle different tasks and other things from an early age. Of course, keep in mind their age while teaching them anything or checking any work done by them.

    Encourage moral values

It is important that you teach your children about what is right and what is wrong. Give them moral education from time to time based on their age. Also, let them know the consequences of bad behavior or actions.

    Allow them to help

Instead of pampering your children all the time, let them help you. Allow them to do small tasks such as arranging the dinner table or separating fruits and vegetables or placing toys in the right places. This instills a sense of responsibility in them and prepares them to take on greater responsibilities in life.


Appreciate your children’s good work. This will help encourage them to practice good behavior over and over again and that will eventually get into their behavior. Try not to reward them every time.

    Don’t be hard

As soon as you tell them what is right and what is wrong, give them moral education and assign the work, do not be too harsh towards them. You need to understand that there can be a time when they will not meet your expectations and there is nothing wrong in that.

Role of youth in society

If the mentality of the youth in the country is right and their budding talents are motivated then they will definitely work well for the society. With proper knowledge and the right attitude they can excel in various fields including technology, science, medicine, sports and others. This will not only develop them personally and professionally but will also contribute to the development and progress of the entire nation. On the other hand, if the youth of the country are not educated or unemployed, it will give rise to crime.

The conclusion

The youth have the power to create or to spoil a nation. Therefore, young minds should be nurtured very carefully so that responsible youth can be developed in them.

600 Words – Essay on Youth for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Youth refers to the generation who have not yet entered adulthood but have reached their childhood age. The modern youth or today’s youth are quite different from those of previous generations. There has been a big change in the ideologies and culture of the youth. It has both positive and negative effects on society.

Culture of modern youth

One reason for the change in mindset and culture is the influence of Western culture and the other is the increasing advancement in the field of technology.

Earlier people used to visit each other’s place and spend good time together. Whenever there was a need, neighbors also gathered to help each other. However, the youth of today do not even know who lives in the next house. This does not mean that they do not like meeting people. They only associate with people they feel comfortable with and are not necessarily someone’s relatives or neighbors. So basically the youth have started raising doubts on the set norms of the society today.

Modern youth do not follow the rules laid down by their elders. They want their parents and guardians to be together but do not want to guide them at every step. Today’s younger generation wants to learn new things and explore themselves in the world. Today’s youth are quite impatient and also eager. These people want to do everything immediately and if things do not go their way, then they get angry soon.

However not everything about modern youth is negative. The human mind has also evolved over time and the younger generation is quite talented. Today’s youth are eager and motivated. Today’s group of youth is very smart and knows how to achieve their goals. They do not bind themselves to traditions and superstitions. No obstacle can stop them from getting what they want.

Today’s youth and technology

With the advancement in technology, the advent of various gadgets has changed the lifestyle and overall attitude towards life and the part of the population that has been most affected by it is the youth.

These days, youth are so engrossed in their mobile phones and social media that they have forgotten that there is a life outside it too. Today’s youth are very concerned about themselves and want to show and tell everything that they have through social media. Instead of enjoying every moment, he wants to show how his life has been. It seems that no one is really happy but everyone wants to tell the other that his life is extremely good and fun compared to others.

Apart from mobile phones and social media platforms which are having a huge impact on the lives of modern youth, there are other gadgets and other technologically advanced devices which have brought a huge change in the lifestyle of people. Today’s youth prefer to workout in the gym instead of walking in the park in the morning. Similarly, where the people of the past used to walk for miles to reach their school and workplace, the youth of today likes to use cars even if they have to travel a short distance. Elevators are being used instead of stairs, food is being cooked in microwaves and air fryers instead of gas stoves, and malls are being preferred over parks. If we squeeze everything out, technology is taking the youth away from nature.

The conclusion

The youth of India, blinded by Western glare, do not realize that our Indian culture was always very good. Though it is not good to bind ourselves with superstitions but we should take good values ​​from our culture. Similarly, technology should be used for development in one’s life. We should not be slaves to technology.

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